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Wolf Benjamin Kratzert, Pierre N. Tawfik, and Aman Mahajan

Over the past 60 years, echocardiography has undergone substantial remain sparse.13–15 One small study showed that using TEE to diagnose
developments to become one of the most common modalities in the nonventricular pathologies as the etiology of hypotension was associ-
field of cardiovascular imaging. Starting in the 1980s, technologic ad- ated with improved ICU survival.16 In a study of 220 ICU patients,
vancements and the recognition of its potential moved echocardio- Kanji and colleagues showed that therapy in subacute shock guided
graphic imaging quickly into the operating room, emergency room, by limited TTE was associated with an improved 28-day survival and
and intensive care unit (ICU). Today, it is fully integrated into medical reduced the incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) requiring renal
subspecialties, such as anesthesiology, emergency medicine, critical replacement therapy (RRT).17 Critical care echocardiography is in-
care, and others.1–3 creasingly accepted as a valuable tool for expedited diagnosis of emer-
Several aspects differentiate critical care echocardiography from the gent pathologies (i.e., cardiac tamponade, pneumothorax), serves as a
comprehensive cardiology echocardiographic examination. Critical noninvasive adjunct to workups of critical illness (i.e., shock etiology,
care echocardiography is focused on the immediate integration of di- fluid responsiveness), and may be informative when implementing
agnostic information into clinical management. In ICU patients, the mechanical ventilation (i.e., positive end-expiratory pressure [PEEP]
interaction of heart and lung function and the presence of multiple titration).1
medical interventions can make the interpretation of findings more
complex. The ability to obtain adequate images can be limited. The
hemodynamic profiles of patients tend to change continuously. There-
fore 24-hour access to echocardiography is important. Although guidelines for training and accreditation for comprehensive
echocardiography by cardiologists are well defined, similar guidelines
are still evolving concerning the use of focused echocardiography by
INDICATIONS, CONTRAINDICATIONS, AND SAFETY noncardiologists. Since about 2005, professional societies all over the
Indications for echocardiography, including the critical care and peri- world have been developing specific pathways and recommendations
operative settings, are well established in the literature.4–7 Although for training and accreditation requirements for focused critical care
applications for echocardiography in the ICU continue to expand, the ultrasound. The first document on training and accreditation of echo-
main indication remains the evaluation of hemodynamic instability cardiography in intensive care developed by an international group of
and guidance of its clinical management (Table 31.1). Transthoracic experts was published by the World Interactive Network Focused on
echocardiography (TTE) represents the standard modality in the ICU, Critical Ultrasound (WINFOCUS) in 2008.18 In 2009 a working group
as it is noninvasive, readily available, and easy to use. Although TTE formed by the American College of Chest Physicians and La Société de
presents minimal risk to patients, acquiring satisfactory images is often Réanimation de Langue Française published a consensus statement
problematic. In particular, surgical dressings, obesity, chronic obstruc- about competency for performing critical care ultrasonography.19 Sub-
tive pulmonary disease (COPD), and the requirement for mechanical sequently, an international expert group led by the European Society
ventilation can make imaging difficult. Problems associated with ob- of Intensive Care Medicine proposed training guidelines and standard-
taining satisfactory images using TTE are the most common indica- ization of competency assessment for critical care ultrasonography,
tion for transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in the critical care including echocardiography.20 The same group published a consensus
setting, especially when patients are already intubated and sedated. statement on the standards for advanced echocardiography in the ICU
Other less frequent indications are the need to diagnose cardiac valvu- in 2014 and, recognizing heterogeneity in the existing literature, has
lar pathologies, endocarditis, or intracardiac thrombi or shunts. TEE recently emphasized the need for standardization in study design and
requires advanced expertise and is an invasive procedure. As it carries reporting of research investigations.21,22
increased risks of complications, absolute and relative contraindica-
tions are defined (Table 31.2), and risks and benefits must be consid- Billing
ered before performing TEE. With the growing use of point-of-care (POC) echocardiography in the
ICU, the question of reimbursement has been a topic of ongoing dis-
cussion. Several components of the focused critical care echocardio-
IMPACT OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY IN THE ICU graphic examination differ from the classic comprehensive echocardio-
Echocardiography is a valuable tool to identify the etiology of hemo- graphic examination. Physicians not fully accredited in echocardiography
dynamic instability and to guide clinical management in a critical care often perform the focused echocardiographic examination in critically
setting.8,9 Although some results support the view that echocardiogra- ill patients, and the liability of interpretation only extends to the specific
phy can affect the management of ICU patients,10–12 definitive data focus of the assessment. Images commonly are not stored for further
regarding the impact of echocardiography on patient outcomes clinical use. In the United States, Medicare uses the Current Procedural

Descargado para Juan José Ylla Vasquez ( en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de por Elsevier en julio 14, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
172 PART II  Common Approaches for Organ Support, Diagnosis, and Monitoring

TABLE 31.1  Indications for the classic comprehensive training, and the increasing evidence of the
benefits of POC echocardiography, a specific billing code for the fo-
Echocardiography in the ICU
cused examination is warranted.24–26
• Circulatory failure (hypotension, shock)
• Sepsis
• Low cardiac output state
• Cardiac arrest Equipment
• ACS Typically, echocardiography equipment used in echocardiography
• Pulmonary embolism laboratories and cardiac operating rooms features the newest and most
• Suspected cardiac etiology of respiratory failure advanced technologies. The most advanced equipment is not needed
• Aortic dissection for use in a critical care setting. Several companies now offer machines
• Cardiac trauma with specific features geared toward use in emergency departments,
• Endocarditis trauma bays, or ICUs. These machines are used for the broad spectrum
• Suspected cardiac etiology of systemic embolism of critical care applications, including lung, vascular, and abdominal
• Cardiac evaluation for potential organ donation ultrasonography. The machines can be equipped with multiple soft-
• Guidance and assessment of circulatory assist devices (TVPM, IABP, ware programs, including those useful for TTE and TEE. The ideal
ECMO, VAD) ICU ultrasound system is compact, portable, and durable. It requires
ACS, Acute coronary syndrome; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane minimal start-up time and has an easy-to-use operator interface. For
oxygenator; IABP, intraaortic balloon pump; TVPM, transvenous pace- routine daily use, it should have an extended battery life and internal
maker; VAD, ventricular assist device. storage capacity.
The transducers used for TTE and TEE examinations are typically
phased-array transducers. They provide a frequency ranging from 1 to
10 MHz, which offers the optimal balance of penetration and resolu-
TABLE 31.2  Indications and tion required to image the heart.
Contraindications for TEE in the ICU
Indications Contraindications Knobology
Echocardiography machines have a collection of knobs and buttons to
• Poor image quality in acute Absolute:
adjust image quality, use different modalities, and store images. As
hemodynamic instability • Perforated viscus
each manufacturer has a set arrangement of knobs, sliders, and but-
• Poor image quality second to • Esophageal pathology (stricture, tu-
tons, it is essential for each operator to become familiar with the layout
severe obesity, emphysema, mor, trauma, diverticulum, varices)
of the machine that he or she will use on a regular basis. The most
surgical drains/dressing • Recent esophageal or gastric sur-
important controls and their function are as follows:
• Comprehensive assessment of gery, status post esophagectomy or
GAIN: Adjusts overall image brightness
aortic dissection, endocarditis, esophagogastrostomy
TIME-GAIN-COMPENSATION (TGC): Selectively adjusts sector
valvular pathologies, prosthetic • Active upper GIB
image brightness
valves, intracardiac thrombus • Cervical spine injury
DEPTH: Adjusts depth of view
• Assessment of circulatory
Relative: ZOOM: Selects specific image sector
assist devices
• Recent upper GIB FOCUS: Adjusts focal zone
• Assessment of intracardiac
• PUD DYNAMIC RANGE: Adjusts gray-scale to filter out background noise
• Coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia
• Hiatal hernia Ultrasound Modalities
GIB, Gastrointestinal bleed; PUD, peptic ulcer disease. More so than during the examination of anatomic structures other
TEE is mandatory for the comprehensive assessment of certain than the heart, the use of multiple ultrasound modalities is essential
cardiac pathologies. In hemodynamic instability, when TTE imaging for echocardiography. The most commonly used modalities in the ICU
results in insufficient image quality, the intensivist has to weigh risk are two-dimensional (2D) imaging, motion mode (M-mode), color
and benefits of performing an invasive TEE examination. flow Doppler (CFD), pulsed wave Doppler (PWD), and continuous
wave Doppler (CWD). 2D remains the initial and most commonly
used mode of anatomic imaging and qualitative assessment of gross
Terminology (CPT) code for the reimbursement of medical, surgical, pathologies in the ICU. A modality less frequently used is M-mode.
and diagnostic services. Currently, the CPT coding does not incorpo- M-Mode represents a one-dimensional image against time and has the
rate an individual code for focused critical care ultrasound examina- advantage of excellent temporal resolution, which is useful for the
tions, and its components do not fulfill the requirements of the standard imaging of fast-moving structures like valvular leaflets.
diagnostic TTE examinations or the limited/follow-up examination, as When assessing hemodynamic profiles, the use of Doppler echo-
described in their coding system. TEE requires specific competence and cardiography, in addition to classic 2D imaging, provides the infor-
is performed by physicians with advanced training. When performed in mation needed for quantitative measurements. CFD displays blood
the ICU, these examinations are commonly accepted using existing CPT flow velocity and direction of flow by color mapping. It combines
codes for TEE examinations.23 qualitative 2D imaging with semiquantitative information about
POC echocardiography has the potential to reduce overall ICU blood flow. CFD is useful for diagnosing intracardiac shunts or valvu-
costs considerably. By adding a noninvasive, less expensive diagnostic lar pathologies and for seeking evidence of obstructions to blood flow.
and monitoring technology, it can expedite and focus clinical manage- When a quantitative assessment is needed for the calculation of stroke
ment and decrease the risk to patients significantly. With standardiza- volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), and pulmonary artery pressures
tion of critical care echocardiography training, its differentiation from (PAP), PWD and CWD are the modalities of choice. Both modes

Descargado para Juan José Ylla Vasquez ( en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de por Elsevier en julio 14, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 31  Echocardiography 173

provide information about blood flow direction and numeric esti- STANDARD VIEWS AND ANATOMY
mates of blood flow velocity at the interrogated anatomic site.
Whereas PWD measures blood flow velocity at the specific site of the When performing echocardiographic examinations, the position of
sample volume and is limited by a certain velocity threshold called the the transducer in relationship to the body is called the acoustic win-
Nyquist limit, CWD displays the maximum velocity along the whole dow, and the image plane is defined as the view. Image planes are in
interrogation beam without a velocity threshold. Both modalities re- reference to the point of focus, which most commonly is the left
quire alignment of the interrogation beam with the direction of blood ventricle (LV).
flow to minimize the underestimation of velocity caused by a subop-
timal incidence angle. As with 2D imaging, several interventions can Image Acquisition and Optimization
be applied to enhance Doppler quality and prevent artifacts as a result Following a consistent order of image acquisition minimizes the risk
of the Nyquist limit. Most importantly, adjustment of the transducer of missing images and pathologies and facilitates learning. Clockwise
location and frequency, sample volume depth, and movement of the positioning and rotation of the transducer provides a simple and logi-
baseline can maximize peak velocities with PWD.27,28 cal approach to the focused examination (Fig. 31.1).






Fig. 31.1  TTE transducer position and imaging windows. Starting with the PS LAX and the probe marker
toward 11 o’clock, the clockwise movement and rotation of the transducer will provide a systematic approach
to obtaining acoustic windows and imaging views. Rotation of the transducer from the PS LAX view by 90
degrees clockwise will show the PS SAX view. In the PS SAX view, tilting the transducer cephalad or caudad
will visualize the short axis of the AV, LV midpapillary, and LV apical. Further rotation of the transducer from
1 o’clock to 3 o’clock and movement to the apical position visualizes the A4CH view. Flattening of the trans-
ducer will show the LVOT and A5CH views. Counterclockwise rotation in the apical view will show the A2CH
and A3CH views. Maintaining the probe marker in the 3 o’clock position visualizes the SC4CH view in the SC
position. The slight rightward angle of the transducer provides the LAX of the IVC. A2CH, Apical two chamber;
A3CH, apical three chamber; A4CH, apical four chamber; A5CH, apical five chamber; AV, aortic valve; IVC,
inferior vena cava; LAX, long axis; LV, left ventricle; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; PS LAX, parasternal
long axis; PS SAX, parasternal short axis.

Descargado para Juan José Ylla Vasquez ( en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de por Elsevier en julio 14, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
174 PART II  Common Approaches for Organ Support, Diagnosis, and Monitoring

Whether with TTE or TEE, standardized views are based on ana- PS LAX is obtained by positioning the transducer in the left third
tomic landmarks, which can be obtained at defined acoustic windows or fourth intercostal space (ICS), along the anterior midclavicular
with specific transducer positions and angles. To avoid inadequate line, with the transducer marker directed toward the right shoulder
imaging and the risk of misinterpretation, knowledge of the specific (see Fig. 31.1). This view is primarily used to evaluate LV and right
anatomic landmarks defining each view is pertinent. In addition, the ventricle (RV) size and systolic function and to obtain quantitative
following techniques should always be used to optimize imaging. measurements of ventricular size and wall thickness by the M-mode.
Body position: Extension of the left arm opens up the parasternal The mitral valve (MV) and aortic valve (AV), including the left-ven-
windows, and a slight left-side tilt can bring the cardiac apex closer to tricular outflow tract (LVOT) and aortic root, can be assessed with 2D
the chest wall. Flexing the legs at the hip facilitates the acquisition of and CFD for regurgitation, stenosis, or dynamic outflow obstruction.
subcostal windows. Image acquisition: Small changes in transducer Additionally, this view can be used for the visualization of pericardial
position and angle, a change in the intercostal space above or below, pathologies.
and the use of TEE can provide improved imaging. Machine setting: PARASTERNAL SHORT-AXIS VIEWS are obtained in the same
Aside from adjusting gain, TGC, and dynamic range, precisely adjust- transducer position as the parasternal long-axis view, with the trans-
ing the focus and depth to the region of interest (ROI) is critical. In ducer rotated 90 degrees clockwise and the marker directed toward the
addition, using the zoom feature can be helpful. Especially in Doppler left shoulder (see Fig. 31.1). Within this view, multiple planes of the
modes, these adjustments can improve measurements and avoid Dop- heart can be imaged depending on the tilt of the transducer. When
pler aliasing. Another option for improving image quality is con- tilting the probe from superiorly to inferiorly, visualization starting
trasted echocardiography.29 Even though not commonly used by in- with the short axis of the AV over the basal and mid-SAX of the LV
tensivists when performing focused ICU examinations, injection of down to the apical segment of the LV is possible. This view is best used
contrast media can significantly enhance opacification of the right for the evaluation of LV size and systolic function. It is optimal for
and left ventricular chambers and enhance the definition of the endo- describing regional wall motion abnormalities, as all territories of
cardial border.30 coronary perfusion can be visualized simultaneously. In addition, the
basal AV SAX view can provide information about the tricuspid valve
Transthoracic Echocardiography (TV), including measurements of right ventricular systolic pressure
In TTE, three standard acoustic windows are used: the parasternal, (RVSP) by CWD.
apical, and subcostal positions (see Fig. 31.1). A fourth position called APICAL VIEWS provide images of all four chambers (see Fig. 31.1).
suprasternal is additionally used during comprehensive examinations Most commonly used in the ICU are the A4CH and A5CH views. With
and in the pediatric population. the transducer positioned at the apex of the heart, commonly in the
sixth or seventh ICS along the anterior axillary line, the probe marker
Standard Transthoracic Views is directed toward the left axilla. With tilting of the probe superiorly,
The focused echocardiographic examination in the ICU commonly the 4CH and 5CH views are obtained.
includes five major views: (1) the parasternal long-axis (PS LAX), (2) The 4CH view is used for the assessment of atrial and ventricular
the parasternal short-axis (PS SAX), (3) the apical four-chamber chamber sizes, biventricular systolic function, and regional wall motion
(A4CH), (4) apical five-chamber (A5CH), and (5) the subcostal long- abnormalities. Because of the optimal incidence angle and visualization
axis (SC LAX) (Table 31.3).18,21 of the TV, MV, and AV in the 4CH and 5CH views, quantitative

TABLE 31.3  Standard TTE Views, Anatomic Structures Seen, and Their Common Use
Standard TTE Views Structures Common Assessment
PS LAX LA, LV, RV, MV, AV, LVOT, Desc Ao LV and RV size, LV and RV systolic function, RWMA, AV and MV pathologies, LVOT obstruc-
tions (SAM), pericardial effusion/clot/tamponade, pleural effusion, LVOT diameter for SV
calculation, aortic dissection and aneurysm
PS SAX AV LA, RA, RV, PA, AV, TV, PV AV pathologies, RV size and systolic function, TV pathologies, RVSP, intracardiac shunts, cathe-
ters/PM leads/cannulas
*PS SAX MID-PAP LV, RV LV size and systolic function, RWMA, pericardial effusion/clot/tamponade
*A4CH LA, RA, LV, RV, MV, TV LV and RV size, LV and RV systolic function, RWMA, LA and RA size, MV and TV pathologies,
A5CH LA, RA, LV, RV, LVOT, AV, MV LVOT obstructions (SAM), VTI LVOT and AV, AV pathologies
A2CH LA, LV, MV RWMA, MV pathologies
*SC SAX RA, LA, RV, LV, diaphragm Pericardial effusion/clot/tamponade, RV size and systolic function, RA size, catheters/PM
*SC IVC LAX IVC Volume status, pericardial effusion/clot/tamponade
SC IVC SAX IVC, Desc Ao Volume status, pericardial effusion/clot/tamponade, aortic dissection and aneurysm, IABP
2CH, Two chamber; 4CH, four chamber; 5CH, five chamber; A, apical; AV, aortic valve; Desc Ao, descending aorta; IABP, intraaortic balloon pump;
IVC, inferior vena cava; LA, left atrium; LAX, long axis; LV, left ventricle; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; MV, mitral valve; PM, pacemaker; PS,
parasternal; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle; RWMA, regional wall motion abnormalities; SAM, systolic anterior mitral valve leaflet motion;
SAX, short axis; SC, subcostal; TV, tricuspid valve; VTI, velocity-time interval.
As seen, the PS SAX, A4CH, and SC SAX in combination provide most information needed in the acute situation. Additional views for hemody-
namic assessment are added to show the most common views used in the ICU.

Descargado para Juan José Ylla Vasquez ( en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de por Elsevier en julio 14, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 31  Echocardiography 175

measures by M-mode, CFD, CWD, and PWD are best obtained from examination in critically ill patients, emergency room patients, or
the apical position. These views are mostly used by intensivists for acute intraoperative emergencies.38,39 The goal of the focused exami-
quantitative evaluation of RV function and RVSP, LV cardiac output, nation remains the same as with TTE, and unless prohibited by the
and diastolic function, in addition to the evaluation of valvular patholo- severity of the situation, acquisition of standardized views should be
gies by spectral-Doppler echocardiography. obtained.
From the 4CH position, a counterclockwise rotation of the trans- Although a comprehensive TEE examination uses views at four
ducer by 90 and 110 degrees will visualize the apical two-chamber levels of the esophagogastric tract, the two main depths used during
(A2CH) and three-chamber views (A3CH), which completes the the focused examination are the midesophageal and transgastric
visualization of all LV wall segments when combined with the planes. The midesophageal level provides optimal views for specific
4CH view. anatomic evaluation of cardiac structures, as the transducer is near the
SUBCOSTAL VIEWS are obtained by positioning the transducer in heart. Transgastric views are mainly used for quick evaluations of LV
the subxiphoid or subcostal position while maintaining the marker size, systolic function, and wall motion abnormalities. In addition,
directed toward the left lateral side of the patient. Aiming the probe spectral-Doppler of the AV is performed in the deep transgastric view,
toward the left shoulder and maintaining it flat on the abdomen, the as the incidence alignment angle is best in this location. The transgas-
heart is cut in a horizontal plane, showing all four chambers and par- tric view can also show loculated or dependent pericardial effusions,
ticularly the RV free wall (see Fig. 31.1). A 90-degree rotation of the which may be difficult to see in the midesophageal views.
transducer counterclockwise while slightly aiming the probe toward
the right shoulder will visualize the inferior vena cava (IVC) and its
junction into the RA. These views can provide information about
pericardial pathologies, such as pericardial effusion and tamponade. Echocardiography represents a method for the immediate diagnosis,
When angled slightly toward the right and caudad, global volume sta- management, and monitoring of hemodynamic profiles in critically ill
tus can be assessed by measuring IVC diameter and dynamic collapse patients. With an examination that rarely takes more than a few min-
with respiratory variation (see Fig. 31.1). utes to complete, echocardiography can provide the intensivist with
anatomic information about the critically ill patient’s intravascular
Transesophageal Echocardiography volume status, the presence or absence of various forms of cardiac
In the past, the use of TEE in a critical care setting was restricted by pathologies (e.g., pericardial effusion and tamponade; regional wall
availability, technical issues, and the need for operator expertise. With motion abnormalities), myocardial contractility, and ventricular di-
improvements in equipment and growing expertise among intensiv- mensions. For the subsequent interpretation and use of this informa-
ists, the use of this modality is increasing. Superior image quality and tion, it is pertinent to incorporate the influence of concurrent patholo-
the ability to evaluate for certain pathologies remain the advantages of gies and medical treatments on echocardiography findings. Especially
TEE over TTE.31 common factors, such as arrhythmias, vasopressor or inotropic sup-
port, and mechanical ventilation, need to be considered during the
Safety of Transesophageal Echocardiography qualitative and quantitative hemodynamic assessment.40
TEE in ambulatory and nonoperative settings has an incidence of ad-
verse events of between 0.2% and 0.5% and a mortality rate of Cardiac Preload and Fluid Responsiveness
,0.01%.32 TEE in the ICU has slightly higher morbidity and mortality. As the management of the critically ill patient has evolved, the question
Multiple studies show that the incidence of adverse events ranges from of volume (i.e., preload) responsiveness has taken priority over static
1.6% to 5%.16,33–35 In a review of 20 studies, Hüttemann and colleagues parameters like central venous pressure (CVP) and pulmonary artery
reported that the incidence of TEE-related complications in the ICU occlusion pressure (PAOP).9 Many experts are skeptical about the clini-
was 2.6%; there were no TEE-related deaths.36 The main complications cal utility of static pressures for guiding the hemodynamic management
associated with TEE are arrhythmias, hypotension, airway compro- of critically ill patients. Neither CVP nor PAOP is a good predictor of
mise, and bleeding. These complications are more likely to occur in preload responsiveness (i.e., an increase in CO or SV after bolus admin-
critically ill patients as compared with relatively healthier subjects be- istration of intravenous crystalloid or colloid solutions). With the vali-
cause ICU patients often are hemodynamically unstable or already dation of echocardiography, bedside examination is increasingly re-
prone to hemorrhage. Nevertheless, if the operator is cognizant of the placing invasive monitoring in the contemporary evaluation of cardiac
potential complications and takes pains to weigh the risks versus the preload and prediction of volume responsiveness.9,41 While visualizing
benefits carefully, TEE can be performed safely in the ICU. Preparation with echocardiography, a passive leg-raise maneuver (rapidly changing
of the patient before TEE is important. First, the indications for and patient position for head of the bed from 30–45 degrees to 0 degrees
specific questions to be answered by the examination have to be de- while elevating the lower limbs to 30–45 degrees, thus moving 250–350 mL
fined. Second, potential contraindications to TEE, such as recent of blood from the leg to the heart) has proven to be a reliable technique
esophageal or gastric surgery or active upper gastrointestinal bleeding, to assess fluid responsiveness.42,43 One meta-analysis of 23 studies and
must be ruled out. Third, coagulation status must be assessed and ab- 1013 patients calculated a pooled sensitivity of 86%, specificity of 92%,
normalities corrected, if possible. Fourth, nil per os (NPO) status must and a summary Area under the curve receiver operating characteristics
be assured. Fifth, the mode of sedation, the need for administration of (AUROC) of 0.95 for the passive leg raise.44 Cardiac output changes can be
paralytic agents, and airway protection have to be addressed. When assessed after 1–2 minutes after the maneuver.45 Assessment of IVC diam-
performing the examination, insertion and manipulation of the probe eter and the collapsibility, cardiac chamber size, and ventricular outflow
should be tailored to the patient’s condition and coexisting risk factors. tract stroke volume (LVOT SV) measurements are among the most com-
mon methods used for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of these
Standard Transesophageal Views parameters.46 Vignon and colleagues performed a multicenter prospective
The TEE examination in the perioperative setting includes 20 standard trial using passive leg raise and various echocardiographic indices to assess
views.37 TEE in the ICU rarely requires a comprehensive examination. fluid responsiveness. Respiratory variation of the maximal Doppler veloc-
Several different protocols have been proposed for the focused TEE ity in the LVOT was the most sensitive indicator, and respiratory variation

Descargado para Juan José Ylla Vasquez ( en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de por Elsevier en julio 14, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
176 PART II  Common Approaches for Organ Support, Diagnosis, and Monitoring

of the superior vena cava diameter was the most specific in predicting fluid of the IVC diameter are made using the M-mode in the short-axis view.
responsiveness.47 However, both require the semi-invasive TEE. When interpreting information derived from IVC diameter measure-
Assessment of IVC size and its dynamic variation during changes in ments, it is important to incorporate the effects of atrial arrhythmias,
intrathoracic pressure with mechanical ventilation is the least labori- significant tricuspid regurgitation, atrial shunting, or increased intraab-
ous and the most common way for using echocardiography to evaluate dominal pressure on the appearance of the IVC.
cardiac preload and volume responsiveness in ICU patients. The aver- Imaging of cardiac chamber size is routinely used in conjunction
age diameter of the IVC is 17 mm. The absolute IVC diameter by itself, with other measurements to assess qualitatively intravascular volume
unless ,10 mm or .20 mm, does not correlate well with right atrial status. The most common measurements are LV end-diastolic diameter
pressure (RAP) or preload responsiveness.48 However, dynamic (LVEDD) and the left ventricular end-diastolic area (LVEDA) using the
changes in the IVC diameter because of respiration can provide infor- SAX view of the LV (Fig. 31.2). Attention should be paid to poor image
mation about preload responsiveness.46,48,49 Barbier and colleagues quality and foreshortening of the chamber, as these worsen endocardial
showed that dynamic changes in IVC diameter of .18% predict fluid border definition and lead to false calculations. Although the measure-
responsiveness with a sensitivity and specificity of 90%–93%.50 Feissel ment of LVEDA provides a reliable estimation of left-ventricular
and colleagues confirmed these findings with a slightly different index volume in most patients,51 low LVEDA does not necessarily indicate
of IVC collapsibility, showing a sensitivity and specificity of 90%–92%, systemic hypovolemia; other causes of low LV preload must be consid-
respectively.48 At the subcostal acoustic window, optimal measurements ered. Other potential causes of impaired LV diastolic filling include loss

A = 6.0cm
FS = [(EDD – ESD) / EDD] x 100
B = 4.5cm

FAC = [(EDA – ESA) / EDA] x 100

FSLV = [(6.0 – 4.5) / 6.0] x 100
= 25 %
FAC LV = [(18.5 – 7.3) / 18.5] x 100
= 60 %

Fig. 31.2  Chamber size and semiquantitative calculation of left ventricular function. Fractional shorten-
ing methods used LV end-diastolic and end-systolic diameter from PS LAX or PS SAX midpapillary to calculate
percentage value. Normal FS values are 25%–45%, correlating to normal ejection fraction. Fractional-area-
change values correlate directly with ejection fraction. Measurements of area are taken from PS SAX mid-
papillary view. EDA, End-diastolic area; EDD, end-diastolic diameter; ESA, end-systolic area; ESD, end-sys-
tolic diameter; FAC, fractional area change; FS, fractional shortening; PS LAX, parasternal long axis; PS SAX,
parasternal short axis.

Descargado para Juan José Ylla Vasquez ( en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de por Elsevier en julio 14, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 31  Echocardiography 177

of atrial contraction caused by arrhythmias, right ventricular dysfunc- Based on this concept, several small studies have shown an ade-
tion, and MV dysfunction. Apart from situations of severe hypovole- quate correlation using transvalvular gradients at the TV and MV to
mia,52,53 quantitative measurements of left or right ventricular chamber calculate pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance. Clinically cum-
size have not been shown to correlate reliably with cardiac preload and bersome and without broad validation in the literature, these methods
volume responsiveness.54 Dynamic changes in LVEDA, however, corre- are not used on a routine basis in the ICU. In clinical practice, qualita-
late with volume responsiveness.55 tive aspects seen on echocardiography are used to assess SVR. Best seen
in the LV SAX view, a hyperdynamic ventricle in the setting of normo-
Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output volemia suggests a low SVR. From this view, measurement of LVEDD
Left-ventricular stroke volume (LV SV) and CO can be calculated us- and visual estimation of LV contractility can be used for fast and easy
ing echocardiography.56,57 Whereas CO measured by thermodilution is qualitative SVR estimation.60
a reflection of right-sided CO, measurements with echocardiography For the assessment of PVR at the bedside, indirect calculation of
use left-sided inflow and outflow at the level of the , LVOT, and AV. In PAP by tricuspid regurgitation (TR) jet, when present, is commonly
addition, newer noninvasive modalities are based on PWD of aortic achieved using the modified Bernoulli equation (Fig. 31.4). Measure-
blood flow to assess cardiac output.36 Although all of these anatomic ment of peak TRvel, when added to RAP, provides an estimate of RVSP
locations have been validated in the literature, calculations using LVOT that correlates well with systolic pulmonary artery pressure (SPAP) in
and AV are the most accurate when compared with the thermodilution the absence of tricuspid or pulmonary valve pathology.
method.56,58 The continuity equation is used to calculate LV stroke
volume by measuring LVOT diameter and LVOT velocity-time interval Left Ventricular Systolic Function
(VTI). Moreover, measurements by TTE are best obtained in the PS- Assessment of LV systolic function is one of the key elements of the ICU
LAX and A5CH views. Once LV SV is calculated, multiplication by the echocardiographic examination. Not only can an assessment of LV
heart rate (HR) provides CO (Fig. 31.3). As LV SV is dependent on the systolic function provide information about the etiology of circulatory
LV preload, limitations affecting LV filling, as mentioned earlier, have or respiratory failure, but it also can be used to guide and monitor ensu-
to be considered when calculating SV and CO.59 ing medical management. Multiple methods are available for the echo-
cardiographic evaluation of LV function (Table 31.4). In an acute set-
Right and Left Ventricular Afterload ting, the fastest and easiest assessment of myocardial function and
With the ability to determine pressure gradients and flow in the heart ejection fraction uses qualitative or semiquantitative methods. For the
by echocardiography, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and sys- qualitative assessment, thickening of the myocardium and endocardial
temic vascular resistance (SVR) can be indirectly calculated using the inward motion in the LV SAX view are used to estimate systolic func-
following equation: tion. Caution must be taken when the LV is small or there is significant
LV hypertrophy (LVH), as LV function appears different depending on
Resistance 5 P/CO the intracavitary size. A simplified classification scheme for LV function

ALVOT = DLVOT 2 x 0.785


CO = SV x HR

A LVOT = (1.9 cm)2 x 0.785
= 2.8 cm 2
SVLVOT = 2.8 cm 2 x 25 cm
= 70 cm 3
CO = 70 mL x 80 bpm
= 5600 mL/min

Fig. 31.3  LV SV and CO calculation. When LVOT diameter is measured in the PS LAX view, the LVOT area
can be calculated. LVOT VTI is measured using PWD in the A5CH view. As seen in this example, the LV SV
is 70 mL. When multiplying with an HR of 80 bpm, a CO of 5.6 L/min is estimated. ALVOT, LVOT area; CO,
cardiac output; DLVOT, LVOT diameter; HR, heart rate; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; SV, stroke volume;
VTI, velocity-time interval.

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178 PART II  Common Approaches for Organ Support, Diagnosis, and Monitoring


Fig. 31.4  RVSP measurement using the TR jet. After optimal alignment of the Doppler beam with the TR
jet in the A4CH view, RVSP can be calculated by adding the square of the TR peak velocity in m/s to the RAP.
When estimating an RAP of 10 mm Hg, RVSP in this example would be 23 mm Hg. RAP, Right atrial pressure;
RVSP, right ventricular systolic pressure; TR, tricuspid regurgitation; TRPEAK, peak velocity of TR jet.

TABLE 31.4  Methods for Assessment of TABLE 31.5  Echocardiographic Signs

the LV and RV Suggestive of Pericardial Tamponade
• Effusion/clot on echo
Assessment of LV Size Male Female
• Dynamic collapse of RA ± RV
*LV size (midpapillary diameter) EDD: 40–60 mm EDD: 35–55 mm
• IVC plethora
ESD: 25–40 mm ESD: 20–35 mm
• Exaggerated transvalvular flow patterns of tricuspid and mitral valve
Assessment of LV Systolic Function .25% with respiration
Qualitative • Increase in interventricular dependence with respiration
IVC, Inferior vena cava; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.
*FS 25%–45% Respiratory-induced pulsus paradoxus with exaggerated changes in
*FAC 35%–65% flow .25% is seen in mitral or tricuspid valve Doppler flow.
2D volumetric EF .55%
(i.e., hyperdynamic, normal, moderately depressed, or severely de-
3D volumetric EF .55% pressed) is usually sufficient in a critical care setting, and several au-
*LV wall thickness ,10 mm thors have shown that little training is required to make this assessment
dP/dt .1200 mm Hg/sec reliably.61,62 When performed by an experienced echocardiographer,
Assessment of MR estimates of LVEF correlate well with quantitative measurements.63,64
*Extent/quality of MR Semiquantitative measurements can be obtained using the LV SAX
view by calculating fractional shortening (FS) or fractional area change
(FAC) (see Fig. 31.2). Because this view only visualizes one plane of the
Assessment of RV size myocardium, additional qualitative assessments of the complete LV
*RV size (RV basal EDD) ,4.2 cm should be performed to avoid errors resulting from coexisting regional
*RV to LV ratio ,0.8 wall motion abnormalities (RWMAs).
A more accurate (but more time-consuming) assessment of LV
Assessment of RV Systolic Function
*Qualitative systolic function can be made by volumetric measurements. Both the
area-length formula and Simpson’s method reliably estimate LVEF.65
*FAC 35%–65%
*TAPSE .20 mm Right Ventricular Systolic Function
*RV wall thickness ,5 mm Compared with the assessment of LV function, assessment of RV
RV MPI ,0.40 function is more complex, as ventricular compliance, wall thickness,
RV S9 .10 cm/s systolic function, and TV function are more closely linked.66,67
dP/dt Significant RV systolic dysfunction often presents with RV dilation
3D RV EF and TV regurgitation. Simultaneously, normal RV function can be
observed with RV dilation and significant TV regurgitation when the
Assessment of TR
RV has time to adjust to chronically increased afterload by wall hyper-
*Extent of TR trophy. Additionally, the RV has a complex geometric structure,
*RVSP making volumetric measurements and imaging difficult. For these
EDD, End-diastolic diameter; EF, ejection fraction; ESD, end-systolic di- reasons, an assessment of RV function is currently done using a com-
ameter; FAC, fractional area change; LV, left ventricle; MPI, myocardial bination of qualitative and semiquantitative measures (Table 31.5).
performance index; MR, mitral regurgitation; S9, velocity of RV free Image acquisition is best using the PS LAX and A4CH views. Semi-
wall or TV annulus by PWD; TAPSE, tricuspid annular plane excursion. quantitative measures only assess certain regions of the ventricle,
*Most commonly used methods in the ICU. and caution must be taken not to extrapolate these findings. FAC is

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 31  Echocardiography 179

RVSP, as described earlier, can reflect the ability of the RV to generate

pressure and indirectly provides information about RV function. It is
TAPSE = A-B important to correlate measurements with factors that affect RV pre-
load, PVR, and valvular function before making clinical judgments.
Conditions that are commonly encountered in the ICU, such as acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute pulmonary edema, vol-
ume overload, and arrhythmias, influence measured RVSP and often
render it otherwise uninterpretable.69,70

Systematic Approach to Circulatory Failure
Circulatory failure is one of the most common indications for echocar-
diography in the ICU.5,71 Several algorithms for hemodynamic assess-
ment and management of circulatory failure by echocardiography
Fig. 31.5  Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE). The have been described.72–74 The algorithm should include the following
distance of the tricuspid annulus from the apex is measured in the A4CH steps: (1) seek to identify gross pathologies, such as cardiac tampon-
view. Subtraction of systolic from diastolic distance results in the TAPSE ade, abnormal myocardial function, or marked hypovolemia or hyper-
value. Normal values are greater than 20 mm. volemia; (2) determine volume responsiveness and signs of low SVR;
and (3) look for more subtle etiologies for hemodynamic instability
like valvular pathologies (Fig. 31.6). Even though the clinical context
currently recommended for semiquantitative calculation of RVEF, as will initially prompt evaluation for specific pathologies, it is important
traditional 2D methods assume symmetry of the ventricular struc- to perform a systematic assessment to avoid overlooking coexisting or
ture,68,69 and 3D methods are still being validated. Tricuspid annular complicating pathologies that need to be addressed or managed. When
plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) is easily obtained by TTE and is patients are being treated with inotropic agents or vasopressors, the
commonly used in combination with other methods (Fig. 31.5). echocardiographic findings must be interpreted in this context. The


? LV ESV ? I





Fig. 31.6  Algorithm for the echocardiographic assessment of hemodynamic instability. After initial 2D
assessment for hemodynamic-compromising pericardial effusion, evaluation of LV and RV size in systole and
diastole and LV and RV systolic function is performed. Differentiation in cardiogenic, distributive, hypovolemic,
or obstructive etiology of shock is often possible by following this algorithm. CM, Cardiomyopathy; EDV, end-
diastolic volume; ESV, end-systolic volume; FX, systolic function; IVC, inferior vena cava; LV, left ventricle;
MI, myocardial ischemia; nl, normal; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle; h, increased/hyperdynamic; g,

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180 PART II  Common Approaches for Organ Support, Diagnosis, and Monitoring

concurrent presence of different types of shock can complicate the systemic hypovolemia and suggest volume responsiveness.48,50 If the
hemodynamic assessment and the interpretation of echocardiographic EDD is ,25 mm with hyperdynamic LV systolic function and “kiss-
findings. As myocardial function and SVR are pharmacologically al- ing” papillary muscles are seen during systole, then significant LV hy-
tered, the underlying etiology for hemodynamic dysfunction may be povolemia is present (Video 31.1).52 Variations in LV SV reflected by
obscured. Apparently normal ventricular function in the setting of changes in LVOT velocity predict the volume responsiveness. A change
sepsis can be observed with concomitant myocardial depression. in LVOT VMAX of .12% and a change in VTILVOT of .20% is seen in
Moreover, hyperdynamic ventricular function can be seen in both fluid responders.75
sepsis and hypovolemia. Therefore it is essential to correlate echocar-
diographic findings with the overall clinical picture. Table 31.6 shows Cardiogenic Shock
the integration of echocardiographic findings and invasively measured Left heart failure resulting from systolic dysfunction is usually as-
values in different states of shock. sociated with low LVEF, low CO, systemic volume overload, and
When monitoring clinical management, serial imaging must be signs of pulmonary and hepatic congestion. Echocardiography can
performed and findings compared with previous ones. Additionally, evaluate pathognomonic findings for heart failure and cardiogenic
management should be correlated to the overall picture, as not every shock and possibly provide insights regarding etiology. Global myo-
patient with a certain hemodynamic disorder benefits from the same cardial dysfunction causing cardiogenic shock can be recognized
specific treatment. when combining qualitative with supporting echocardiographic and
clinical findings. Strong indicators for cardiogenic etiology of shock
Hypovolemic Shock include enlarged LV size, qualitatively depressed LV function, FS
Hypovolemic shock is the result of an absolute or relative decrease in ,25%, low ejection fraction by FAC, and low CO by LVOT Doppler
circulating volume secondary to volume loss or maldistribution. Echo- measurements.76
cardiography can identify intravascular hypovolemia and volume re- When assessing specific etiologies of cardiogenic shock, signifi-
sponsiveness using several approaches.9 As described earlier, the IVC, cant new RWMA and new or worsening mitral regurgitation can
LVEDD or LVEDA, and variation in LV SV are among the most used suggest acute myocardial ischemia (Video 31.2). Valvular patholo-
indicators (Fig. 31.7). An IVC diameter of ,10 mm and significant gies, dynamic LVOT obstruction, and cardiac tamponade can cause
changes in the IVC diameter with positive-pressure ventilation reflect hemodynamic instability, and these problems can be diagnosed using

TABLE 31.6  Echocardiographic and Hemodynamic Profiles in Different Shock States

Cardiac Pulse
Type of Shock Function LVESA LVEDA IVC 2D Pressure PAP RAP CVP SVO2
Distributive h g g / nl g / nl wide nl g / nl h
Hypovolemic nl / h g g g narrow g g g
Cardiogenic g h h h narrow h h g
Obstructive Tamponade nl / h g g h Effusion/clot narrow nl h g
RA/RV collapse
Obstructive PE LV h LV g LV g h RA/RV dilation narrow h h g
RV g RV failure
CVP, Central venous pressure; IVC, inferior vena cava; LVEDA, left ventricular end-diastolic area; LVESA, left ventricular end-systolic area; nl, normal;
PAP, pulmonary artery pressures; PE, pulmonary embolus; RAP, right atrial pressures; SVO2, mixed venous oxygenation; h, increased; g, decreased.
Different types of shock present with specific echocardiographic and hemodynamic findings.

Fig. 31.7  IVC and LVOT velocities in hypovolemia. An IVC ,1.5 cm with .50% respiratory collapse suggests
intravascular hypovolemia. PWD of the LVOT shows respiratory variation in velocities. IVC, inferior vena cava;
LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; PWD, pulse wave Doppler.

Descargado para Juan José Ylla Vasquez ( en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de por Elsevier en julio 14, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 31  Echocardiography 181

echocardiography. Another important etiology of cardiogenic shock Distributive Shock

in the ICU is stress-induced cardiomyopathy (SCM). The incidence Septic shock can present with a highly variable clinical picture, and
of this problem in ICU patients could be as high as 28%, and early dynamic changes in the appearance of shock can occur within hours
diagnosis is facilitated using echocardiography.77 Typical echocardio- with or without intervention. The clinical picture of septic shock can
graphic findings are apical ballooning with global LV dysfunction range from aspects of a pure distributive shock to combinations of hy-
and compensatory hyperdynamic function of the basal segments povolemic, cardiogenic, and distributive shock.78,79 For this reason,
(Video 31.3). echocardiography aids in the assessment and management of septic
Right-sided heart failure, isolated or in the setting of biventricular patients, and serial reevaluation is imperative to adapt to the dynamic
failure, presents with slightly different echocardiographic findings. evolution of the disease. Bedside echocardiography in the septic patient
Mainly qualitative findings are depressed RV contractility, decreased ejec- is focused on the systematic evaluation of volume status and fluid re-
tion fraction by FAC, a TAPSE ,16 mm in combination with RV dila- sponsiveness, SVR, and ventricular function. Early echocardiographic
tion, RV/LV ratio of .0.8, and severe TV regurgitation (Video 31.4).68 In signs supporting the diagnosis of septic shock are hyperdynamic LV
this setting, low RVSP in conjunction with increased RAP, suggested by systolic function and high CO levels in conjunction with small or nor-
an IVC diameter .20 mm, can be the result of the inability of the myo- mal LVEDA (Video 31.5). However, the findings will depend on intra-
cardium to create adequate pressure. Evaluation of the LV often shows vascular volume status and RV function. It is important to differentiate
signs of hypovolemia with isolated RV failure caused by decreased LV between hypovolemia and low SVR in this situation, as the only distinc-
preload. tion may be the difference in LVEDA (Video 31.1 vs. Video 31.5).
The most common pathologies causing RV failure leading to There are some caveats specific to the evaluation and monitoring of
acute cardiogenic shock are acute volume or pressure overload, new distributive shock. Fluid resuscitation often eliminates signs of hypo-
valvular pathologies, or acute ischemia. Chronic RV dysfunction volemia, and vasopressors may depress the hyperdynamic appearance
predisposes patients to RV failure during critical illness from non- of the LV. If myocardial dysfunction is present, the ventricular function
cardiogenic causes. RV dilation, TV regurgitation, ventricular sep- may appear normal or hyperdynamic on initial or follow-up imaging
tal shifts, abnormal RVSP, and IVC dilation all help to inform the as opposed to the classic hyperdynamic shock picture. Inotropic sup-
clinician about the etiology of acute RV failure. In particular, ven- port can alter echocardiographic findings even further.80–82
tricular septal shifts have to be interpreted in this context, as they
are commonly present in chronic valvular or pulmonary disease Obstructive Shock
states and do not necessarily indicate the presence of acute RV fail- Circulatory collapse caused by mechanical interference with ventricu-
ure (Fig. 31.8). lar filling or emptying is classified as an obstructive shock.83 Potential


systole diastole

Fig. 31.8  Paradoxical interventricular septal shift. Pathologies causing RV pressure overload such as pul-
monary hypertension will result in septal flattening during systole. With RV volume overload, a septal shift
occurs in diastole. In acute RV failure, commonly both pathognomonic findings are seen. RV, Right ventricle.

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182 PART II  Common Approaches for Organ Support, Diagnosis, and Monitoring

Fig. 31.9  Hemodynamic-compromising pericardial effusion/tamponade. Respiratory variation in TV inflow

of .25% is suggestive of hemodynamic-compromising pericardial effusion and tamponade. It is important to
differentiate a pericardial from a pleural effusion. The arrow marks the descending thoracic aorta. A pericardial
effusion does not extend superiorly (leftward) past the descending thoracic aorta, whereas a pleural effusion
projects more distal to the aorta with extension past the vessel toward the left of the image. Circumferential
effusion, the diastolic collapse of RA or RV, and IVC plethora are additional signs suggestive of tamponade
physiology, as seen in Video 31.6.

causes of obstructive shock include pericardial effusion and tampon- TABLE 31.7  Echocardiographic Signs Seen
ade, tension pneumothorax, and pulmonary embolism, in addition to With a Significant Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
less common entities, such as intracardiac tumors or vena cava com-
pression. As these processes are mechanical, echocardiography has the PULMONARY EMBOLISM
potential of visualizing the source of shock pathology directly aside • Clot in proximal pulmonary vasculature
from identifying the hemodynamic profile. • Depressed RV systolic function  hypovolemic and hyperdynamic LV
Pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade are dynamic diseases • Interventricular septum shifts consistent with RV pressure overload
closely linked to changes in intravascular volume status, intrathoracic • McConnell sign
pressures, and patient position. Although the etiology of an effusion • Tricuspid regurgitation
cannot be defined by echocardiography, certain findings such as clot • IVC plethora
formation or stranding can hint toward hemorrhagic or purulent effu- • Intraatrial shunt
sions of serous fluid (Fig. 31.9). When evaluating cardiac tamponade, IVC, Inferior vena cava; LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle; TR, tricus-
echocardiography can exhibit signs suggestive of hemodynamically sig- pid valve.
nificant pericardial effusion or clot84,85 (see Table 31.6 and Video 31.6). Dependent on the extent of RV compromise, the LV will exhibit signs
In postcardiac surgery patients, tamponade may not always be present of hypovolemia. Classic sign of RV pressure overload shows a systolic
with the classic circumferential effusion, and echocardiographic imaging shift of interventricular septum. Evaluation for intraarterial communica-
should include an assessment for the localized clot or fluid collections in tion with right-to-left shunting is pertinent in patients with significantly
uncommon locations, such as the IVC-RA (right atrium) junction or increased right-sided pressures because of PE.
posterior to the left atrium (LA).
A pulmonary embolism causes the obstruction of blood flow from
the right side of the heart to the left. It commonly presents with signs echocardiography can be helpful for making the diagnosis and evalu-
of right-sided pressure overload and RV failure, in conjunction with ating the hemodynamic significance.
a hypovolemic and hyperdynamic LV (Table 31.7 and Video 31.7).86
The McConnell sign with akinesis of the RV free wall and normal Echocardiography During Cardiopulmonary
function of the RV apex is pathognomonic but not always observed Resuscitation
(see Video 31.7).87 Occasionally, the obstructing embolism can be Echocardiography is one important application of ultrasound in car-
seen in the very proximal pulmonary vasculature. Additionally, it is diac arrest. It focuses on identifying the immediate causes of cardiac
pertinent to evaluate patients for intracardiac shunts, as these present arrest, such as cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism, hypovolemia,
a risk for paradoxical embolism and hypoxia and have a worse short- or myocardial failure, and can guide and follow resuscitation efforts.90,91
term prognosis.88,89 Additionally, Salen and colleagues and Blyth and colleagues showed
Tension pneumothorax can cause decreased cardiac preload, and that the echocardiographic identification of cardiac activity can predict
echocardiographic findings show hypovolemia and possible mechani- recovery of spontaneous circulation.92,93 The best view for immediate
cal cardiac compression or shift. Further imaging via chest ultrasound evaluation in cardiac arrest is the LV SAX view. This is because it can
or radiography is necessary for the diagnosis. Other pathologies, such provide information about extreme changes in volume status, myocar-
as extracardiac or intracardiac masses causing obstruction to ventricu- dial function, and pericardial tamponade simultaneously. Additionally,
lar filling, are uncommon. However, when these problems are present, it is easy to obtain and interpret. In the acute setting, TEE can often

Descargado para Juan José Ylla Vasquez ( en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de por Elsevier en julio 14, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 31  Echocardiography 183

provide better continuous imaging when chest compressions are ongo- and (3) restrictive cardiomyopathy.97 Dilated cardiomyopathy presents
ing, but it may interfere initially with intubation attempts. with echocardiographic findings of dilated ventricles and reduced
ventricular systolic function (Video 31.13). Hypertrophic cardiomy-
SPECIFIC EVALUATION opathy is characterized by symmetric or asymmetric concentric hyper-
trophy of the myocardium (Video 31.14). It is important to recognize
Valvular Pathologies a dynamic obstruction of the LVOT in hypertrophic obstructive car-
A detailed assessment of valvular pathologies requires comprehensive diomyopathy (HOCM). This is because the presence of this problem
echocardiographic skills and is performed by cardiologists or cardio- alters the usual management of cardiogenic shock management be-
thoracic anesthesiologists with advanced echocardiographic training. cause the administration of inotropic agents can be detrimental in
During limited ICU echocardiographic examinations, the operator patients with HOCM. Dynamic outflow obstruction in these cases is
should seek to identify gross valvular pathologies, as their presence can caused by the systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the mitral valve leaflet
alter management. Aside from the immediate adjustment in hemody- (Video 31.15).98 As in HOCM, SAM can also be present after mitral
namic management, any valvular pathology found on the basic bed- valve surgery.99
side examination warrants further subsequent evaluation by a compre- Restrictive cardiomyopathy is more difficult to diagnose, as it pres-
hensive examination. ents with diastolic dysfunction of the ventricles, and echocardio-
Basic components of valve assessment include gross anatomic graphic findings require an evaluation of diastolic function. For the
evaluation for obvious pathologies, such as calcifications or ruptured intensivist, if evaluation for diastolic dysfunction is difficult, findings
leaflets and papillary muscles (Table 31.8). CFD is used to recognize of atrial enlargement with small ventricles and subjective restricted
significant transvalvular flow acceleration suggestive of stenotic le- ventricular function are often the best supportive indicators for re-
sions or patterns of valvular regurgitation of hemodynamic signifi- strictive cardiomyopathies.96
cance. Basic quantitative measurements of transvalvular gradients by
CWD can be obtained through AV and MV for grading of stenotic Infectious Pathologies and Embolic Sources
lesions and calculation of valve area, but this is part of the in-depth TEE is used in the evaluation of infectious and embolic sources in
examination.94,95 The five most common valvular pathologies are seen patients with unexplained sepsis or embolic strokes. In an acute set-
in Videos 31.8–31.12. ting, transthoracic findings of new regurgitant valvular lesions in the
setting of bacteremia can be suggestive of infectious endocarditis.
Cardiomyopathies and Dynamic Outflow Obstruction However, TEE is warranted for the optimal assessment when vegeta-
Primary disease of the heart muscle plays a significant part in the over- tions are anticipated (Video 31.16). As differentiation can be difficult
all morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease. Echocardiogra- and an evaluation for coexisting involvement of the valvular structures
phy provides information about the magnitude of systolic and diastolic is pertinent for possible surgical management, comprehensive TEE is
heart failure, in addition to the etiology of cardiomyopathy. Echocar- commonly performed by cardiologists.100 When the etiology of a
diography permits the assessment of immediate and long-term progno- stroke in the absence of an infection is unclear, or in the event of
sis. As cardiomyopathies can alter the hemodynamic response to acute planned cardioversion for prolonged supraventricular tachyarrhyth-
illnesses and their management in the ICU, it is important for the in- mias in patients with a high risk of thrombus formation, TEE is per-
tensivist to know the echocardiographic patterns that are characteristic formed to evaluate for the presence of a left atrial appendage clot.101
of these chronic disorders.96 Additionally, when evaluating for cardiac sources of thromboembolic
Cardiomyopathies are commonly differentiated into three main events, the presence of intracardiac shunts as the source for paradoxi-
types: (1) dilated cardiomyopathy, (2) hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, cal events should be ruled out. As these are not always detected by

TABLE 31.8  Common Valvular Pathologies and Their Echocardiographic Findings

Valve Pathologies Findings
Aortic stenosis (AS) 2D Calcification of leaflet and annulus, restrictive leaflet motion, LVH
CFD Transvalvular flow acceleration, AI
CWD Transvalvular flow acceleration, increased peak mean, and peak gradient rounded Doppler profile
Aortic insufficiency (AI) 2D Leaflet disruption, LV enlargement
CFD Regurgitant diastolic flow, turbulent flow, regurgitant jet direction
CWD Regurgitant diastolic flow, Doppler profile density, diastolic flow reversal in proximal thoracic aorta
Mitral stenosis (MS) 2D Calcification of leaflet and annulus, restrictive leaflet motion, dilated LA
CFD Transvalvular flow acceleration, PISA, MR
CWD Transvalvular flow acceleration increased peak mean and peak gradient
Mitral insufficiency (MR) 2D Leaflet pathology, chordal tethering, dilated annulus, LA enlargement, LV enlargement
CFD Regurgitant systolic flow, turbulent flow, regurgitant jet severity and direction
CWD Regurgitant diastolic flow, Doppler profile density, diastolic flow reversal in proximal thoracic aorta
PWD Pulmonary vein flows blunting/reversal
Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) 2D Dilated annulus, leaflet pathology, RA enlargement, RV enlargement
CFD Regurgitant systolic flow, turbulent flow, regurgitant jet severity and direction
CWD Regurgitant diastolic flow, Doppler profile density
PWD Hepatic vein flows blunting/reversal
LA, Left atrium; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; PISA, proximal isovolumetric flow acceleration.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
184 PART II  Common Approaches for Organ Support, Diagnosis, and Monitoring

simple CFD interrogation, a bubble study during a Valsalva maneuver the diagnosis of hydrostatic pulmonary edema. When a regular
is performed to aid in the detection of right-to-left shunting.102 rhythm is present, LV filling pressures can be estimated by transmitral
and pulmonary venous Doppler studies and is the most commonly
Aortic Pathologies used parameter for an easy, reproducible assessment in the ICU.121
Echocardiographic assessment of aortic disease in acute hemodynamic Common cardiac causes for pulmonary congestion are volume over-
instability in critically ill patients mainly focuses on the evaluation of load, acute mitral or aortic valve regurgitation, mitral stenosis, and
aortic dissection. As TTE is of limited utility for evaluation of the tho- severe LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction. All these problems can be
racic and abdominal aorta, TEE is the modality of choice.103 TEE has assessed using 2D, CFD, and spectral Doppler echocardiographic
been shown to be equally accurate when compared with computed modalities. In noncardiogenic ARDS, echocardiography can allow the
tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diag- clinician to assess changes in RV function with adjustments of me-
nosis and confirmation of thoracic aortic dissection.104 The evaluation chanical ventilation.122 Severe ARDS with increased pulmonary resis-
includes the visualization of the dissection flap, identification of the tance and the use of high levels of PEEP may lead to acute or pulmo-
true and false lumens, estimation of blood flow, and determination of nary issues with sudden RV failure and subsequent hemodynamic and
active extravasation. When the aortic root is involved, assessment in- respiratory decompensation.123 Similarly, acute increases in pulmo-
cludes evaluation for subsequent complications, including aortic in- nary vascular resistance caused by pulmonary embolus (PE) can
sufficiency (AI), pericardial effusion, and acute ischemia secondary to cause RV failure.124 In these cases, echocardiography is often used as a
coronary involvement. supportive tool for the diagnosis and assessment of hemodynamic
Trauma Another common cause of hypoxemia in mechanically ventilated
Echocardiography in critically ill patients after trauma can evaluate the patients is the presence of intracardiac shunts. With a prevalence of
hemodynamic status and anatomic pathologies after forceful inju- .25% in the general population, intraatrial communications, such as
ries.105 After blunt chest trauma, echocardiography is a useful tool in patent foramen ovale (PFO) and atrial septum defects (ASDs), are
the initial evaluation.106 Catastrophic structural injuries, such as car- frequently clinically silent.125,126 In healthy patients with PFO or ASD,
diac tamponade, cardiac rupture, coronary artery thrombus, disrup- shunting typically is either absent or directed from left to right. During
tion of valvular structures, and traumatic aortic injury, can be identi- critical illness, however, increased right-sided pressure caused by pul-
fied quickly.73 More commonly, patients only present with signs of monary hypertension, RV failure, volume overload, or TV regurgita-
cardiac contusion, and echocardiography can assist with identification tion is common and can lead to right-to-left shunting, resulting in
of myocardial dysfunction in the acute setting. Specific TTE views are hypoxemia from the admixture of nonoxygenated with oxygenated
part of the standard algorithms for an emergency ultrasound, such as blood.73 Echocardiographic evaluation focuses on detection of intra-
the focused assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST) or focused cardiac shunting and directional flow of the shunt by 2D echocardiog-
cardiac ultrasound (FOCUS) examinations.107–109 When available and raphy and CFD.
no contraindications are present, TEE can also diagnose aortic injury,
although CT is preferred for rapid evaluation.110,111
Interventional Use of Echocardiography Many miniaturized and TTE and TEE devices have been introduced
Interventional procedures involving cardiac structures are common in recently into the critical care environment for the use by noncardiolo-
the ICU, and basic ultrasound and echocardiography play important gists for goal-directed therapy of the hemodynamically unstable pa-
roles in the conduct of these interventions. TTE or TEE performed at tient. Handheld TTE devices demonstrate usefulness in the clinical
the bedside alleviate the need for transporting patients to the cardiac setting when used by intensivists after undergoing brief training.127–130
catheterization laboratory or procedure room for fluoroscopic guid- Miniaturized, disposable TEE probes that provide monoplane images
ance. This eliminates the risks that are associated with moving criti- have been introduced for continuous use up to 72 hours. The initial
cally ill patients. Use of echocardiography can also decrease exposure experience has demonstrated good utility in the management of he-
to radiation.112 Although the basic ultrasound can assist significantly in modynamically unstable patients.131,132 These novel monitoring de-
multiple types of procedures, including venous and arterial vascular vices for continuous echocardiographic imaging have great potential
access and drainage of pleural effusions or other fluid collections, for providing many features of a regular TEE while minimizing the
echocardiography can assist in more advanced procedures. TTE can risks and allowing for use over time.133,134 Advanced echocardiographic
assist with pericardiocentesis and with gross localization of a transve- modalities, such as contrast echocardiography and endocardial border
nous pacemaker lead.113–115 TEE provides optimal image quality for tracking, can be valuable when available.135–137
specific cardiovascular interventions, such as an intraaortic balloon On the operator side, more intensivists are becoming skilled in
pump (IABP) placement and positioning of extracorporeal membrane echocardiography, and ICU fellowship programs increasingly teach
oxygenation (ECMO or ventricular assist device (VAD) cannu- focused echocardiography. With the growing importance of critical
las.73,116–118 TEE best evaluates mechanical assist devices. Thromboem- care echocardiography, critical care societies across the world propose
bolic events, overt hemolysis, or fluctuation in device power or flow the further integration of formal echocardiographic training into ICU
warrant the evaluation for thrombus formation, cannula position, and fellowship training. Specific criteria are being defined for the future
device function.119,120 trainees, and courses in focused ICU echocardiography are offered for
the practicing intensivist.18–20
Hypoxemia Despite significant advancements in the field over the past de-
Echocardiography can assist in the diagnosis and management of cade, a broader validation of echocardiographic use in the ICU is
acute respiratory failure. In pulmonary edema, differentiation be- needed. Outcome-based studies looking at the use of focused echo-
tween cardiogenic and noncardiogenic etiology aids in medical man- cardiography as a monitoring tool and integration into goal-
agement. Either by invasive measurements or echocardiographic directed therapy will be helpful in strengthening the broad use of
evaluation, estimation of LA and LV filling pressures is pertinent for this valuable modality.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 31  Echocardiography 185

Updated ACC/AHA/ASE guidelines regarding the clinical application of

KEY POINTS echocardiography. Regarding critical care, the new guidelines highlight the
• TTE and TEE are valuable diagnostic and monitoring tools in the critical care utility of transthoracic echocardiography in the detection of central pulmo-
setting and can have a significant impact on the management and outcome nary emboli and emphasize the potentially superior utility of transesophageal
of critically ill patients. echocardiography. The use of echocardiography in blunt thoracic trauma is
also reviewed.
• Training, accreditation, and maintenance of expertise in focused echocar-
Grider D, Society of Critical Care Medicine. Ultrasonography in Critical Care.
diography are essential, and further development of these areas by national
Society of Critical Care Medicine. Available at
societies is needed. munications/Critical-Connections/Archives/2018/Ultrasonography-in-
• An understanding of ultrasound physiology, the echocardiography machine, Critical-Care.
anatomy, and normal echocardiographic findings is essential for the appro- Of particular importance to the practicing provider, this summary provided
priate use of echocardiography in the ICU. by the Society of Critical Care Medicine of common CPT codes used in the
• The most common use of bedside echocardiography is the evaluation of intensive care unit may facilitate appropriate billing for echocardiographic
acute circulatory and respiratory failure. procedures.
• An algorithmic approach to the hemodynamically unstable patient is war- Roshdy A. Echodynamics: Interpretation, limitations, and clinical integration.
ranted, and repeated echocardiographic assessment to confirm and adjust J Intensive Care Med. 2018;33(8):439–446.
Review of considerations, indications, and limitations of echocardiographic
medical management needs to ensue until the patient stabilizes.
assessment in complex critical illness physiology. For example, the inferior
• Interpretation of echocardiographic findings should take into account the
vena cava is often used to assess volume status and fluid responsiveness. How-
patient’s history, pathophysiology, and current medical interventions. ever, it is less reliable when low tidal volumes are delivered, when low lung
• Management based on echocardiographic information needs to follow the compliance occurs, when a patient is spontaneously breathing, and when
complete clinical picture of the critically ill patient. excessive probe pressure is applied to the abdomen.
• With rapid advancement in ultrasound technology, pocket-sized handheld Vieillard-Baron A, Millington SJ, Sanfilippo F. A decade of progress in critical
TTE devices and miniaturized TEE probes for continuous monitoring are be- care echocardiography: A narrative review. Intensive Care Med.
ing developed and will further promote the integration of focused echocar- 2019;45:770–788.
diography in the daily critical care practice. An updated report of the areas in critical care, emergency medicine, and
perioperative care where echocardiography may have a potential benefit or
impact. Key messages, including the need to perform echocardiography for
  References for this chapter can be found at any hemodynamically unstable patient and that each critical care unit should
have some individuals trained in advanced echocardiography, highlight the
now-ubiquitous use of echocardiography in intensive care medicine.
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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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