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(News) Convenience stores boom, sari-sari stores decline: Nielsen

Nielsen recently conducted a poll in December 2017 , surveying 1,991 respondents aged 15 to
65, to identify the top priorities for consumers when it comes to shopping in a store. Here's a
summarized list of the key findings from the study:
Asked to rank what they look for in a store, "convenient to go
 Low Prices for Most Items: is the top answer as the shoppers like the affordability across
a wide range of products are highly valued (Price)
 Ease of Finding Products: Shoppers prefer stores where it's straightforward to locate the
items they need, without encountering difficulties. (Problem Product )
 One-Stop Shopping: Convenience is enhanced when a store carries a diverse range of
products, reducing the need for customers to visit multiple stores.(Same )
 Availability of Alternative Brands: Respondents value stores that offer alternative brands
as options to well-known brands, providing more choices. (Same )
These findings can be particularly valuable for Sari Sari stores, as they highlight areas where
improvements or strategic focus can help meet customer expectations and enhance the overall
shopping experience.
Source :ABS-CBN News. (2018, July 11). Convenience stores boom, sari-sari stores decline:
Nielsen. ABS-CBN News.

2.Packworks makes operations easier for sari-sari stores in the Philippines (Product) or
(People )= Catherine Shu (Article)
Packworks was founded by Hubert Yap, Bing Tan, and Ibba Bernardo after embarking on a
motorcycle journey to rural communities in the Philippines. During their journey, they witnessed
the challenges faced by sari-sari stores in tracking inventory and obtaining supplies. In response
to this pressing issue, they established Packworks.
Over the years, Packworks has made significant progress, with an impressive increase in store
partnerships. In 2023, the company achieved another milestone by being listed in Forbes Asia's
"100 to Watch" list. This recognition came as a result of their expansion efforts, which focused
on optimizing store operations, providing access to funding, and enhancing supply chain order
TechCrunch is part of the Yahoo family of brands. (2022, July 27).

3.There’s money in linking ‘sari-sari’ stores to supply chains

(Josiah Go)
Camille Steffi, the 2021 YMMA (Your Marketing Management Association) winner for
Marketing Management, shared her insights during interviews regarding the challenges faced by
sari-sari store owners. She highlighted three main challenges:

Limited Access to a Single Source of Comprehensive and Affordable Goods: Sari-sari store
owners often struggle to find a reliable and affordable supplier for their inventory needs.
Lack of Differentiation from Nearby Sari-sari Stores: Many sari-sari stores in the same area offer
similar products, making it challenging for store owners to differentiate themselves and attract
Difficulty in Accessing Sufficient Capital for Effective Store Management: Access to capital is a
significant hurdle for sari-sari store owners, hindering their ability to effectively run and expand
their businesses. (PEOPLE )

Go, J. (2021, August 27). There’s money in linking ‘sari-sari’ stores to supply chains | Inquirer

Qualitative case study of micro-retail (“sari-sari”) stores in
Catanduanes island, Luzon, Philippines
A qualitative case study conducted on micro-retail ("sari-sari") stores in Catanduanes Island,
Luzon, Philippines, revealed several significant findings. These findings shed light on the
challenges faced by these micro-entrepreneurs, which include:
 Insufficient Capital for Daily Store Operations: (people)
 High Interest Rates on Loans: (People)
 Unrecoverable Credit Extended to Customers:
 Difficult Interactions with Arrogant Customers:
 Limited Market Opportunities:

Lack of Government Support: The study revealed that there is a notable absence of any form of
government support or assistance provided to micro-retail store owners, leaving them to address
their challenges independently.
Custodio, L. P. (2017). Qualitative case study of micro-retail (“sari-sari”) stores in Catanduanes
island, Luzon, Philippines.

Difficulties Encountered by Selected Sari-Sari Store Owners in Poblacion, San Isidro, Nueva
The challenges the Sari-Sari store owners encountered were Debts, Thefts, and High
Competition. Most respondents mentioned that family was the primary motivation for the
respondents to overcome problems.

In conclusion, Sari-sari store owners experience debt due to their business operations. This is
because there are customers that did not pay them back. Additionally, Sari-Sari store owners
experienced being robbed by someone (Theft). The store can rob easily because of its lack of
employees. Lastly, another problem that Sari-sari store owners encountered was High
Competition because there are many sari-sari stores nowadays. Their motivation to continue
opening a sari-sari store was their family. The sari-sari store was their source of income to feed
and sustain their everyday needs.

Dizon, K. L. (2023, August 11). Difficulties encountered by selected Sari-Sari store owners in
Poblacion, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija.
KWENTA ng K.I.T.A.: An Accounting Solutions for Sari Sari Store Owners in Pantay
Matanda, Tanauan City, Batangas (people)
One of the main causes of failures among small and micro enterprises is the inability of owners
to keep track of their gains and losses. This is due to the entrepreneurs' lack of knowledge about
financial planning and documentation (De Beers & Myers, 2014). The study aimed to assess the
financial knowledge of 59 sari-sari store owners regarding income statement preparation. A
questionnaire was administered to gather baseline data, followed by the introduction of a
simplified accounting process called "K.I.T.A." (Kaalaman, Isulat, Tuusin, at Alamin). Store
owners were asked to implement this process for one month, with researchers monitoring the
accuracy of their financial data.

The results showed that through K.I.T.A., sari-sari store owners were able to reduce unnecessary
costs and enhance profitability. This tool also enabled them to better understand their business's
financial performance, aiding in informed decision-making, financial planning, and management.
This highlights the significance of financial monitoring, planning, and documentation for
business success. Empowering store owners in these areas not only benefits them but also their

Quinto, J. D. (2019, January 18). KWENTA ng K.I.T.A.: An Accounting Solutions for Sari Sari
Store Owners in Pantay Matanda, Tanauan City, Batangas.

Accounting Practices of Sari-Sari Stores in Brgy. Makiling, Calamba, Laguna: Basis for
Community Extension Program of the College of Business and Accountancy. (n.d.). PU-Laguna
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research.

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