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Lecturer : Febriyanti Dwi Ratna Lestari, S.S.,M.A

Created By: Faiz Naufal Falah (22101050016)


• Explain again about the possessive noun ?
Answer: Possessive noun is a noun that shows or describes something that
belongs to someone.
Example: Aldi's bag, Dewi's flower, Children's playground.
• The word milk in the sentence “a cup of milk” is still called
Answer: Yes still. Because a cup of milk still says the milk is not a cup of,
because a cup of only shows the quantity of the amount of milk but the
intention is still uncountable.
• What is the difference between a few and a little?
Answer: A Few and A Little are both used to express a little. However, in its
use a few is used for countable nouns and a little is used for uncountable nouns.
For example, A few books and A little sugar.
• What is the difference between proper nouns and common nouns?
Answer proper noun is a noun that has a special or specific meaning. Like the
name of the country and the name of the person. Usually the use of this proper
noun begins with a capital letter. Meanwhile, Common nouns are nouns that
still show general meanings such as books, bags, shoes etc. Common nouns
also show words that are more general than proper nouns. Ex: place name,
building name, etc.
• Can countable and uncountable nouns be distinguished from others
using the ending s/es?
Answer: Countable are nouns that can be counted and uncountable nouns are
nouns that cannot be counted. Then the addition of s/es is pluralism or
pluralism, which shows the large number of these objects and s/es is only used
in countable nouns or countable nouns
• Is there a pronoun for the word Allah? And what pronouns are included?

- So far the word Allah has been replaced with the pronoun he/him which is
included in the personal pronoun.

• Give another example of 'it' in personal pronoun!

- Answer :

a. Example as a subject:
• It's raining today
b. Example as an object:
• Is that a snake, can i touch it?
c. Example as a Possessive Adjective:
• Its food is delicious
• What is the function of pronouns?

- Pronouns function to avoid repeating the same noun or noun phrase that has been
mentioned before.

• How is the use of distributive pronouns?

- Distributive pronouns are used to refer to a group of people, a group of objects, a

group of things but individually and one by one.

• Explain the difference between neither and either in distributive terms?

- Either refers to one of the 2 possibilities of both people and things. It means this
one or the other.

Ex : Either of you has to come for my wedding.

-Neither is the rejection of 2 things, neither of them either person nor object. It
means not this one and not the other.

Ex : Neither of the wallets is mine, sir.

• What is the difference between using some and any?

Answer: some is used to make positive sentences with uncountable nouns and
countable plural nouns, while any is used to make negative and interrogative
sentences with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns

• Examples of sentences using the word "several"?

Answer: I have to stay in Indonesia for several months.

• Examples of sentences in which there are all forms of descriptive


Answer: gogoniti is a good destination with a large park and it is a new

destination,the temperature is hot in the afternoon the visitors are always
interesting here,it has round shape and green parkning area

• Re-explanation of inanimate noun?

Answer: inanimate noun is an inanimate noun whose explanation is related to the

noun phrase, inanimate noun is 2 nouns juxtaposed and one of these nouns is the
head noun or the core of the word, usually the head noun is behind but if the head
noun is placed in front then between nouns and the head noun must have the
conjunction "of"

• What is the difference between nouns that end in (s) and nouns that end
in plural (s).


if the noun ends with the original (s) then it can be added with (') or ('s) ex: Haris'
book/Haris' book

if the noun ends with the letter (s) in a plural sign, then it can only be added with
(') ex:students' book
• When specifically is the modal verb used in the sentence?
- Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs. This auxiliary verb must be used with the
main verb. This auxiliary verb is used when you want to make a sentence that
expresses a need, possibility, ability, request, or command.
• What is the difference between a gerund and a present participle?
- The gerund acts as a noun while the present participle acts as a verb or
adjective. The gerund can be positioned as a subject or object in a sentence,
while the present participle is positioned as a predicate or adjective to explain a
noun. The gerund is treated as "thing" in the sentence, while the present
participle is treated as "action".
• Another explanation about finite verbs?
- the main verb in a sentence which is usually without an auxiliary verb or
present participle verb (verb-ing). These verbs usually exist only in the present
tense or the past tense.
Ex: The verbs appear in each sentence.
My father bought a pack of biscuits.
• An example of an adjective linking verb?
- She looks very beautiful.
- Yunita feels happy.
• How to find out which verb3 is being used functions as a verb or
- Verb-3 as a verb is used as a component of a verb phrase with an auxiliary
verb to form the perfect (continuous) tense and passive construction, while as
an adjective it is used to describe a noun.
As a verb: Mass immigration has depressed wages.
As an adjective: I'm probably depressed.
• What is the difference between the use of the definite article and the
indefinite article?
-Definite articles are certain articles which are in the form of the article 'the'
and are used in certain forms of words only (for general goods, no ownership)
ex: the sun, the moon, etc.
-While indefinite articles are using the articles 'a' and 'an' which have the
meaning a (used for goods that are not common, can be owned by anyone)
• Example sentences using the word "few"
Answer: she has few friends
• Is the word "block" included in the word adjective?
Answer: yes, blocks are included in the descriptive adjective section "shape".
• Examples of sentences using numerals
-cardinal number:my first moment
-ordinal number: two books
• Explain again about every and each
-every is a word form used to show the meaning of all without exception ex:
every member must come here now=means all the members without exception
-While each is a form of the word used to show meanings that are excluded
ex:each member who gets A score= means only members who gets A score

• What is the difference between prepositions and adverbs?

Answer: A preposition is when it is followed by a prepositional object (noun,
pronoun) while an adverb is when it is the final word or is followed by a
component other than the object of the preposition. Example:
He fell down the stairs.
He fell down.
• Can preposition combinations start with a verb or noun?
Answer: Preposition combinations can be followed (can't be started) by verbs
and nouns.
• Examples of Prepositions of Direction?
Answer: He said that he had a feeling towards me
• Definition of Prepositional Phrases and Wordiness?
Answer: Prepositions can shorten and summarize to minimize prepositional
phrases and clarify their meaning.
• The sentence "I eat in the kitchen" Can the word "kitchen" be put in
Answer: The word kitchen may be placed in front but it is more efficient if it is
at the back.

• Examples of using determiners in uncountable nouns:

He doesn't drink much coffee

Please put all the cheese on this pizza

• Is there a use of determine before noun or are there other exceptions?

Yes, and the use of determiners is indeed used before a noun to introduce the
context of the noun.

• Does if and every enter the determiner?

No, the if refers to the subordinate in the conditional clause and every and
every can be counted into the determiner if they are accompanied by

• Is everything that is placed in front of a noun a determiner?

Of course not, because adjectives can also be placed in front of nouns

• Which ones are included in quantifiers?

Quantifiers are determinants that indicate the number of nouns being discussed,
such as: all, few, a lot and etc.

• The difference between Coordinating Conjunction and Coorrelative


Answer: Coordinating conjunctions are words that connect simple sentences

that do not depend on other sentences, while conjunctions connect words with
words, sentences with sentences, clauses with clauses.

• Differences in Use of the more and the less?

Answer : "The more" is used to indicate more, while "the less" is used to indicate

• The difference between or and and in regular sentences?

Answer : "Or" in a sentence is used for options or choices while "and" is used
for adding subjects, objects, and predicates. “Or” can also be used like “and” if
the sentence is negative.

• The difference between either in the correlative conjunction is the same

as either in the pronoun?

Answer: Either can function as a Correlative connunction and the Pronoun that
differentiates it is only the task. If in Conjunction as a conjunction while neither
is in pronoun as a preposition. Examples of neither in conjunction "Laura can
either take a taxi or a bus to get her new office" and examples of either in
pronoun are "I like either" (which shows 2 people you like)

• Which even thought conjunction and the difference with even if?

Answer : Even if means "whether or not" which leads to extraordinary or

unexpected events but there is a possibility of happening; while even though
means "in spite of the fact that" which leads to something that may not be what
is expected. Even though is a stricter version of although

• How do you differentiate between emotive interjections and mild

What differentiates between emotive interjections and mild interjections is the
category. Emotive interjection is in the category of interjection based on the
emotion conveyed, while mild interjection is in the category of interjection
based on the strength of the emotion conveyed.
• Are interjections important to use in a sentence? If so, why?
Whether the use of interjection is important or not depends on the point you
want to convey in the sentence. Because, if we return to the discussion at the
beginning, language is flexible in its use.
• What are the interjections that end in a question mark?
Interjections that end in a question mark usually have the characteristics of
expressing confusion, asking something, or expressing amazement. For
“Really? Did you make this?”
• What do "more meaningful phrases" mean in PPT?
The more meaningful phrases in the 14th slide in PPT refer to exclamation
sentences which are in the form of phrases that contain a message/meaning
(meaningful phrase).
• Are "curse words" included in the interjection?
Yes, swear words are included in interjections because they have the main
characteristic of interjections, namely in the form of words that are
spontaneously spoken to express thoughts or feelings that appear suddenly.
• Explain pre, central, and post determiner!
Pre determiner: determiner which is located before the head and which
precedes other determiners
Central determiner: determiner which is located after the pre determiner or
without post determiner after it
Post determiner: located after the pre determiner and central determiner
• On the page kind of adjective order there is a proper adjective. How do
you distinguish proper adjectives from nouns?
Proper adjective is usually taken from a proper noun. For example, "I want to
eat an Indonesian food." So, if you want to turn a proper noun into a proper
adjective by adding an addition at the end or a suffix.
• If the adv phrases of manner and frequency both answer the question
'HOW', how do you tell them apart? And give each one an example!
Answer: both answer the question 'HOW', but there are differences between
the two phrases.
• Give other examples of adverbial phrases of frequency!
- My mother always wakes me up every morning.
- I usually go to the zoo when I'm bored.
- His father keeps changing his car monthly.
• Are there other functions of prepositional phrases apart from adverbs,
adjectives and acting as nouns? give an example!
Answer : There are other functions of prepositional phrases apart from being
adverbials and adjectives, namely prepositionals as collocations. Examples are
found in certain words such as look at, take care of, and interest + in.
An example of its application is as follows: Martin is interested in watching
drama series.

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