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Orientation :

This story explains how the process of searching for a new king in a kingdom goes
through a very interesting process and has a good moral message for all of us. In this story, it
is explained that the king did not want to choose his lineage and his closest people to choose
more than a new king, but chose someone else to replace the position as king. By making a
competition in the form of planting a seed that must be cared for until it grows into a plant.
However, the seed is an existing seed so it cannot grow as it appears. Then in its
implementation the king gave a hidden message that the seed would not grow and only
honest people would win this contest and would become a real king.

Theme :

The theme of the text tells about the life story of someone who is honest and gets a
good result from what he does. If you do good things, good things will come to you.


The first character is a king, in the story above the king has a wise character. He has
made the decision not to make his closest person a king because it does not fit his criteria, so
he makes a contest that requires honesty to win the competition and become a real king. In
addition to being wise, the king also has the character of promoting honesty. This is evident
from his actions in choosing an honest person to be his successor as king. The character of
justice is also found in the king, namely when he gives equal opportunities for all youths to
become a king. The next character is the youth, has the nature of a liar and likes to humiliate
others. Ling has an honest character, as evidenced by his actions by not changing seeds into
plants that have grown like the other youths.


The story entitled "BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU PLANT" has an advanced plot
because the story uses vocabulary such as "a year later, after 2 years later, 3 years later". In
addition to the use of this vocabulary, the story also mentions the chronology of events in
sequence such as how Ling planted seeds, watered and cared for them for years and until
Ling brought the seeds before the king and became a king.

“BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU PLANT” takes place in a royal setting, this is
mentioned in the story when the king announces a competition and gives the young men
seeds to plant, then announces who will be the next King. Ling's house becomes the setting
where Ling meets his mother and tells her everything about the seeds he must plant in order
to become a king. The time setting in the story is shown in the sentence "after three weeks,
four weeks, a year has finally passed, 6 months have passed".

Moral valeus

The message that can be taken from the story "BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU
PLANT" is how important honesty is. In the story the king does not choose how big, how
beautiful or good the plants they bring, but the king judges from the honesty of the youths
who have been given dead seeds and only ling wants to bring an empty pot that does not
grow anything at all. It may seem simple to be honest, but only those who are mature and
able to lower their egos can do it. Ling's hard work can also be a moral message that we can
use as inspiration for how Ling struggles to care for, grow and maintain the seed so that it can
grow, even though the result is that the plant does not grow.


“BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU PLANT” menceritakan perjalanan seorang ling untuk
menjadi seorang raja melalui sayembara yang dibuat oleh sang raja sebelumnya. Tidak peduli
seberapa lama ia menunggu

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