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Know more about the Translator Profession

Resume by : Faiz Naufal Falah (22101050016)

Class : A

General Lecture of English Literature Department

Subject by : Rona Desfy Palada, S.S

 According to Catford (1965)

“The replacement of textual material in one language (source language) by equivalent

textual material in another language (target language).

 According to Newmark (1988)

“Rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended
the text”

Translator is a person who carries out the process of changing the meaning of a text in
one language to another, either by making the translator a profession or not. The United
Nations General Assembly declared September 30 as International Translation Day with
the aim of being an opportunity to appreciate the work of language professionals, who
play an important role in uniting nations, facilitating dialogue (communication),
contributing to development and strengthening world peace and security.

• Types of translation in terms of delivery:

1. Written translation (Translator)
2. Verbal translation/ Interpreter.

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