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REFLECTION (Monthly News Bulletin)

Baptist Youth Fellowship
Centenary Baptist Church, Hanamkonda
Volume 18 September 2023 Issue 4
“But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires” Rom 13:14

sad reality is his creativity and productivity are

The New Age Goddess diminishing significantly due to this, once these two
The entire human race is being entrapped by Digital bait abilities are crippled, man is bound by the wretchedness of
of the devil. All the people all over the world, irrespective mere need to labor to feed on crumbs. Some young people
of age, gender, race, nation, religion, culture, have been have died playing games for hours due to anxiety that led
hypnotized and tricked into bowing down before the god to heart attacks.
of this world. It's like falling in love with devil’s youngest Expectations but entrapments:
daughter, the new age goddess. It soothes the mood, Many young people set their foot in the arena of this new
softens the minds, seduces the hearts, smothers the joy and goddess with lots of expectations of finding comfort and
happiness out of the lives of people. companionship of Lifetime. Why any young man or
Entertainment without end: woman should trust any stranger on social media or dating
There was a time when it would take a lot time, energy, apps, is not so surprising, as everything seems so
money to buy a movie ticket and watch it. But the promising on its platform. Many young girls have traded
technology has facilitated it. Entertainment has become their lifetime joy for false promises, many are tricked,
the biggest addiction to all, people are being eaten up by trapped and forced into non-consensual sex, blackmailed
it. There are dozens of OTT platforms, hundreds of movies either for money or for more sexual activities, many are
and programs are available on each one of them. When finally driven to commit suicide. Upon all this, there’s an
people have just kind of addiction causes several health illogical restraint felt by young people of not sharing their
issues like sleeplessness, decline in physical activity, guilt and facts with their loved ones. Many young people
fatigue, poor diet, social isolation, Cognitive impairment, fail to understand the love of their parents, what they can
et cetera. You have to sacrifice all the good things to rope do for them and how they can fight for them. Can we
in every unwanted outcome. calculate the damage here? Almost impossible.
Excitement for emptiness: Endorsement for reprobation:
When people are looking for acceptance appreciation and God created the entire universe by His word alone but God
approval the devil promises a lot more than that but in made man in His own image which is the most sacred part
return rewards rejection and humiliation. Every human in a human being. No other creature upon the face of this
being is unique, God gave different abilities to different earth has both outer beauty and invaluable inner image.
people, people excel in different areas of life, everyone whether it's man or woman, our bodies must be treated as
deserves some amount of respect for his or her talent, hard the temple of God. One’s body is not meant for exposing
work and achievements. In most of the cases people are or exhibiting for obscenity. Any kind of such activity is to
either approved or disapproved by others who are total trespass the most holy territory, which must be entered
strangers. Sometimes the more people try for the approval only by the consent of its maker in holy matrimony.
of others they are more victimized by their disapproval. Pornography only adds fuel to wrong fire, once a young
Trolling is something that has gone beyond the norms of man falls into it, it only needs God’s miracle for him to be
morality, killing the instincts of conscience. The more the delivered. Nothing must be exciting for the devil more
negative returns come from the social media, the more than defilement of the human body that is so precious and
people continue to sacrifice their joy and happiness on its meant to be held sacred for the glory of God. Young
altar. people fail to understand the severity of mental damage it
Engagement for deprivation: causes to their future marriage.
Gaming is another promise by this new age goddess, the
more an individual spends time, energy and strength the “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as
more it excites him. Creativity and productivity are two wise, making the best use of time, because the days are
great tools for a man to become successful in life, but the evil” Eph 5:15,16. In all your ways acknowledge the
presence of God and fear Him, you will walk uprightly and
witness His blessings. Praise & Prayer
God bless you ▪ Praise God for the Youth Get Together on the 76th
Rev R Moses Independence Day.
Asst. Pastor, CBC, Hanamkonda. ▪ Praise God for His mercy all through the last months.
▪ Praise God for His protection upon all our families.
▪ Pray for our peace in our Nation & Leadership
From The Director ▪ Pray for Manipur
Dear beloved, ▪ Pray for the sick

Greetings to you all in the matchless and highly exalted

name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I appreciate Happy Birthday To You
every individual for taking time to participate actively in T. Bharath Daniel 6th
the Youth Get Together, conducted on the 15th of Aug, Ch. Alekhya Ratan 21st
2023. Hope and pray that you will hold onto your M. Noah Israel 28th
commitments taken on that day. V. Paul Abhilash 28th
M. Deepika 30th
Wish you all a joyous and Happy Birthday. May God
Bless You and open every door in your life in this year that
He has planned for you. May the Lord Bless you according
to His promise:
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future
and a hope”. Jeremiah 29:11

Dear Brother/Sister,

We invite you to the Baptist Youth Fellowship family. This is a

Group photo taken on the 15th of Aug, ‘23
wonderful opportunity for us (youth) to glorify Jesus through
praise and worship, let us meet on every Saturday at youth
If you choose to believe in Jesus, God will be your Father
service by 6:30pm. Don’t miss the word of God.
and you will become His beloved child and be part of His
heavenly and everlasting kingdom. The sacrifice of Jesus In His service,
was the only way for God to bring us back to Himself James D
because our sin separates us from God. Jesus willingly Youth president.
took our sin, to serve our sentence, to take our place on the
cross, so we can be reconciled with the Father. "..As many Youth Fellowship Schedule
as received Him, to them He gave the right to become
children of God, to those who believe in His name." - John
(6:30pm - 8:00pm)
1st Saturday -- Chain Prayers
1:12. On the other hand, it is also important for us to know nd
2 Saturday -- Message by Pastor
that when we deny this gift of love, and continue on the
3rd Saturday -- Message by Pastor
path to disobedience, turning away from God, we
4th Saturday -- Message by Pastor
authorize the power of Satan over our lives, who will
5th Saturday -- Bible Games
ultimately lead us to hell, his prison!
T.S Martin (Director) James D (President) A Sonia (Treasurer)
Jesus said, "Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot 9700459772 9949974899 9701685421
kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy
both soul and body in hell." - Matthew 10:28.
Do not turn your back on God. Repent, before it is too late.
Now is the time, make right choices and live for the glory
of God. May God bless you!
With love and prayers
T.S. Martin
Youth Director

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