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Code of Ethics

Teachers are duly licensed professional who possesses dignity
and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and
professional competence in the practice of their noble profession and
they strictly adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral
principles, standards and values.

Article I: Scope and Limitations

The Philippine Constitution provides that all educations institutions shall offer quality
education for all Filipino citizens. A vision that requires professionally competent teachers
committed to is full realization. The provision of this Code shall apply, therefore, to all teachers in
all school in the Philippines.

 Article II: The Teacher and The State

Every teacher shall possess and actualize dull commitment and devotion to duty.

 Article III: The Teacher and The Community

The teacher shall help the school, keep the people in the community informed about the
schools’ accomplishment, as well as its needs and problems.

 Article IV: The Teacher and The Profession

Every teacher shall actively help ensure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall
manifest genuine pride in teaching, as a noble calling.

 Article V: The Teacher and The Teaching Community

Teachers shall, at all times, be imbued with the Spirit of professional loyalty, mutual
confidence, and in one another. Self-sacrifice for the common good and full cooperation with
colleagues. When the best interest of the learners and the school or the profession is at stake in
any controversy, teacher shall support one another.

 Article VI: The Teacher and The Higher Authorities

A teacher shall not make false accusations or charge against superior especially under
anonymity. However, if there are charges, he should present such under oath to competent

Article VII: School Officials, Teachers and Other Personnel

No school officials shall dismiss or recommend for dismissal of teacher or other
subordinates except for cause.

Article VIII: The Teacher and Learners

A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are the first and
foremost concern, and shall handle each learner justify and impartially.

Article IX: The Teacher and Parents

A teacher shall establish and maintains cordial relations with parents, shall conduct himself
to merit their confidence and respect.

Article X: The Teacher and Business

A teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate income generation,
provided that it does not relate to or adversely affect his work.

Article XI: The Teacher as a Person

A teacher shall live with dignity in all places at all times.

Article XII: Disciplinary Actions

Any violation or any provision of this CODE shall be sufficient ground for the imposition
against the erring teacher of disciplinary action consisting of renovation of his Certificate of
Recognition and Licensed as Professional Teacher, suspension from the practice of teaching

Article XIII: Effectivity

This Code shall take effect upon approval by the PROFESSIONAL
REGULATION COMMISION and after sixty (60) following its publication on
the Official Gazette or any newspaper of general circulation, whichever is

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