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Writing quiz

Word Count: Write an essay of approximately 250-300 words.

Format: Your essay should be in paragraph form with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and


Introduction: Begin with a brief introduction to the topic.

Body Paragraph 1 (Around 80-100 words):

Body Paragraph 2 (Around 80-100 words):

Body Paragraph 3 (Around 80-100 words):

Conclusion (Around 30-40 words):

Grammar and Language Usage:

 Use proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

 Vary your vocabulary and avoid excessive repetition.
 Check for spelling errors
 Use transitional phrases to connect ideas between paragraphs (e.g., "Furthermore," "In
addition," "On the other hand," etc.).

Grading Criteria:

Your essay will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

 Clarity and Logical Flow of Ideas: Ensuring that your ideas are clear and follow a logical

 Effective Organization and Structure: Structuring your essay in a way that is easy for the reader
to follow.

 Accurate Grammar and Language Usage: Using correct grammar and language effectively.

 In-Depth Analysis and Demonstrated Critical Thinking: Meeting the Word Limit Requiremen:
Going beyond the surface and showcasing deep analysis and critical thought.

 Staying within the specified word count limit for the assignment.

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