TLE CROP PRODUCTION 78 - q0 - CLAS5 - Layouting Garden Plots - v4 - RO QA Liezl Arosio

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Crop Production
Quarter II – Week 5 & 6
Layouting Garden Plots


TLE/TVL – Crop Production - Grade 7/8
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Quarter II - Week 5 & 6: Layouting Garden Plots
First Edition, 2020

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Content Editor: Miriam Y. Herher
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Proofreader: Salve F. Zabalo, PhD
Reviewer: Dennis M. Lucas, PhD
Illustrator: Guy A. Factor
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Lesson 1
Layout Garden Plots

Learning Competencies:
LO1. Layout garden plots. Tle-AFAC9-12ID-OF-G-6

Objectives: 1. Identify farm plans and layout

2. Discuss farm plans and layout
3. Layout Garden Plots

Let’s Explore and Discover

Have you been in Gintong Butil Agri Farm? What can you say
about the farm? Are you amazed the different varieties of their
Unlocking of vegetables and fruit-bearing trees?
• Farm planning.
Proper allocation
of cultivable land
It’s a nice place and a well planned farm… They apply
and utilization of
and promote purely organic farming techniques.
resources for
optimal yielding Are you planning to adopt
of several crops. their technology?
• Layouting
means fixing the
position of trees,
vegetable garden,
roads, buildings
etc. in an area
being planned.

Farmers always plan their work…and they succeed by

working with their plans…

A farm plan is a document assessing site specific aspects of a property and outlining
best management practices (BMPs) identified as necessary to avoid potential negative
environmental impacts while farm layout refers to the compiling of physical structures
such as homesteads, outbuildings, waterways, contours, water supply, roads and
the layout of orchards, vineyards etc.Hun 7, 2020

Layout means fixing the position of trees, vegetable garden, roads, buildings etc. in
an area being planned. System of layout refer to the design of planting agricultural crops.
Crops planted systematically makes the operations easily, results in maximum utilization
of an area and make supervision more easy and effective.

Farm Planning
Proper allocation of cultivable land and utilization of various productive resources
for optimal yielding of several seasonal crops.
The plan contains an assessment of the site and outlines a series of actions developed to
meet a farmer’s goals while protecting water quality and natural resources.

Some of the inventory and resources considered in a farm plan include:

2.Soil types
3.Proximity to streams or water bodies
4.Type of livestock or crops
5.Your goals
6.Available resources (machinery, time, money)


➢ Site Selection – Slopes to the Northeast are preferred for maximum sunlight , warmth
and protection fro)m wind.
➢ Buffer Zone – Buffer zone areas of vegetated land need to be established or left in
place to protect sensitive environmental areas and provide habitat for wildlife.
Riparian areas – includes flood plains, adjacent to rivers and stream and other water
Wetlands – areas of land temporarily or permanently covered with shallow waters
Drainage lines
➢ Soil Types – The better soil type are deep, well drained sands, sandy loams and loams
Groundwater contamination - contamination of ground water by pollutants
can affect farm business.
➢ Windbreaks – Wind protection and protection of the whole farm are recommended.
Screening of the property with trees, prevents many complaints about farm
➢ Soil management – You need to plan your soil management strategies. It is
important to provide good drainage and install grass to prevent soil erosion.
➢ Water management – Water supplies must be able to meet the needs of crops in
periods of drought when water demand is high.

(Source: ”Whatcom Conservation District”, accessed on December 9, 2020,

Example of Farm Layout

(Source: Charles Ngugi, “Illustration of a logical farm layout”, accessed on Dec


How do you Layout a Garden Plots

A north to south direction will ensure that the garden gets the best sun exposure
and air circulation. A garden that runs east to west tends to get too shaded from the
crops growing in the preceding row. Grow tall items such as cornor beans, on the north
side of the garden to keep them from shading smaller crops.
(Source: “How do you Layout a Garden Plot”, accessed on December 9,2020,

How to Prepare a Garden Plot

1.Pick a spot that fits the sunlight needs of your
plants. Vegetables and flowers usually require at least six
hours of full, continuous sunlight a day to thrive.
However, some plants prefer shade or little sun.
2.Choose a spot that is level and even. The garden plot
should be on flat, even ground. This will ensure water is
evenly dispersed in the plot and everything grows
evenly.oIf you have to choose a spot that is sloped, you
will need to terrace the beds by building them up with
boards, flat rocks, or wood slabs.[2]

3.Use raised beds. Elevated plots or boxed in wood above

the ground. This type of garden bed usually results in a
higher yield of crops, especially vegetables.

4.Decide how many beds you are going to plant
Usually a garden plot will have several beds. Multiple
beds allows you to grow several different plants in one
plot. You can then rotate the different beds to have
healthy crops every year.


1.Clearing the area. If you are putting the garden plot in
your yard, you will likely need to remove existing topsoil
and grass.

2. Mark the plot with string and stakes. Use string and
stakes to mark where the plot is going to be in your yard.
This will make it easy for you to clear the area to prepare
the plot for planting. Put stakes on each corner of the plot
and attach string to each stake.
1.Dig the Plot
Use a pickmattock to dig the soil so the new garden beds
grow well. Dig to a depth of 12 to 18 inches (31 to 45 cm).
Remove rocks and roots in the plot.

2. Add Organic Matter or Fertilizer

Depending on the pH of the soil, you will need to add
organic matter to improve the soil’s fertility. Add organic
matter like compost, animal manure, plant manure, and
sea soil to adjust the pH so the plants grow well in the
3. Turn the Soil. Use a garden fork to turn the soil.
Break up any large chunks of soil and get rid of any stray
rocks or roots. Turn the soil when the it is dry and not
too wet. It should crumble easily when squeezed in your

(Source: “How to Prepare a Garden Plot”, accessed on December 9, 2020,

Square system
The simplest of all the system and is adopted widely. In
this system, the plot is divided into squares and trees are
planted at the four corners of the square.
Advantage: Better supervision, farm operation becomes
Disadvantage: less number of trees is accommodated,space
in the middle are wasted.

Rectangular system
Plot is divided into rectangles instead of squares and
trees are planted at the four corners of the rectangle in
straight rows running at right angles.
Advantage: intercultural operation can be carried out easily,
better light penetration, better supervision,intercropping
Disadvantage: large area between rows are wasted, less
number of trees are planted
plot is divided into rectangles i
Quincunx or Diagonal system
Similar to square system, except that a fifth tree is
planted at the centre of each square. The tree number in a
unit area becomes almost double. The additional tree(filler)
in the centre provides an additional income.
Advantages: additional income from the filler, number of
trees doubled compared to square and rectangular
Disadvantages: skills required to layout, filler interfere the
growth of main crop.
Triangular system
This system has no special advantage over the square
system except providing more open space for the trees and
for intercrops. It is not only a difficult layout but cultivation
also in the plots under this system becomes difficult.
Advantage: providing more open space for the trees
Disadvantage: Difficult to layout
Hexagonal system
Trees are planted at the corners of an equilateral
triangle. where the land is costly and very fertile with ample
provision of irrigation water

Advantages: ideal for fertile and well irrigated land, more

income can be obtained
Disadvantage: intercultural operatins is difficult, skills is
required to layout the field.
It is generally followed on the hills with high slopes. The
main purpose of this system is to minimize land erosion and
to conserve soil moisture so as to make the slope fit for
growing fruits.
Advantages: adopted in hilly area, control soil erosion, helps
conserve water, preservation of plant nutrients
Disadvantages: special skills is required and time
consuming to layout, instruments are required for making
contour lines.

(Source: “Layout and Planting Method”,accessed on December 9,2020,

Let’s Practice

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters below to form a word/s related

to farming. Write the complete word on the space provided after the number.
1.__________________ rfam npglanin
2.__________________ edargn optl
3.__________________ tyesms alntinpg
4.__________________ amfr ulatyo
5.__________________ ilos ganaemntme

Directions: Match the description in column A to the correct term in coloumn B. Write the
letter of your correct answer.on the space provided before the number.

____1. Must be consider to have a maximum sunlight exposure a.bufferzone
b. windbreaks
____2. Installing of grasses to prevent soil erosion
____3. vegetative land needs to protect sensitive environmental areas c.water management selection
____4. Screen of property such as trees to prevent any complaint
about farm activities e.soil management
f. soil type
____5. necessary during the period of drought

Let’s Do More

Directios: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, if it is incorrect change the

underlined word to make the statement correct. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.

_______________1. Vegetables usually require at least four hours of full

continuous sunlight a day
_______________2. The garden plot should be on flat, even ground.
_______________3. Turn the soil using a garden fork to break up any
large chunks of soil
_______________4. In rectangular system of planting plot is divided into triangle
instead of squares.
_______________5. Using Quincunx or Diagonal system the fifth tree is planted
at the center of each square.

Directions: Prepare a 1mx3m garden plots in your backyard. Select an area suitable for
your vegetable plants that is exposed to sunlight 6-7hours a day. Follow the steps on
bed preparation that you have learned and use proper garden tools available at home.
Wear your PPE’s for your safety and document your work by taking pictures and send
it thru messenger to your subject teacher. Use the rubric below as your guide.

Rubric for your output

Performance level Score
Criteria Outsanding Very Satisfactory Needs
satisfactory improvement
Appropriate All available 2 available tools 1 available tool available tool was
use of tools tools were use were use was use use improperly
(20) properly Properly properly
(20) (15) (10) (5)
Proper All steps were Missed one of Missed two of Missed 3 or more
execution of followed properly the steps the steps of the steps
steps and
(30) (30) (25) (20) (15)
Plot quality Plot is well Plot is well Plot is Plot is not well
(40) prepared with prepred with prepared but prepared
enough amount little amount of no fertilizer is
organic fertilizer organic fertilizer added
(40) (30) (20) (10)
Time Completd ahead Work was Work was Work was
management of time completed just completed 2-3 completed 4-5
(10) on time days late days late
(10) (8) (6) (4)
Total Score

Let’s Sum It Up
Directions: Read and understand each statement below. Write Agree or Disagree on the
space provided before the number.

__________1. Layouting involve fixing the portion of trees, vegetable garden, roads and buildings.
__________2. A garden that runs north to south tends to get too shaded from the crops growing in the
preceding row.
__________3. Contouring can be use for vegetables only
__________4. Farm plans refers to the proper allocation and uitlization of various productive
__________5. All systems of planting can be use to both vegetables and orchard

Let’s Assess
Directions: Read each question carefully . Write the answer on the
space provided before the number

_____1.Which of the following method is the simplest sytem of planting?

A. Quincunx. C. Square
B. Rectangular D. Triangular.

_____2. Mark wants to plant vegetables in his backyard.What is the best direction of his
garden plots to ensure that plants get enough sunlight?
A. East to west C. North to Southwest
B. Northeast to Southeast D. North to south

_____3. Which of the following is a document assessing site specific aspects of a property
and outlining best management practices (BMPs)?
A. Business plan C. Farm layout
B. Farm monitoring D. Farm plan

_____4. After his retirement, Mang Ramon decided to put-up a farm. Which of the following
he should consider first to ensure the best and suitable place?
A. Site selection C. Soil management
B. Soil type D. Water management

_____5.What is the next activity that we should do after digging up the plot?
A. Add organic fertilizer C. Choose the spot that is level
B. Clearing D. Select the site

_____6.Which of the following consideration in the farm planning pertains to the needs of the
crop during drought?
A. Site selection C. Water management
B. Soil management D. windbreaks

_____7.What is the main purpose of this system to minimize land erosion and to conserve
soil moisture?
A. Contouring C. Rectangular
B. Hexagonal D. Triangular

_____8.Which of the following system of planting common to both square and rectangular
A. Difficult to layout
B. Less number of trees can be planted
C. Skills required for layout
D. Time consuming

_____9. What is the required depth when digging up the soil?

A. 6-9 inches C. 20-25 inches
B. 2-18 inches D. 23-28 inches

_____10. What is the next step after adding organic fertilizer in a tilled garden plot?
A. Sowing C. Turning the soil
B. Leveling D. Watering

Answer Key
Let’s Practice
Activity 1 Activity 2
Let’s Sum It Up
1. farm planning 1.d 1. agree plot 2.e 2. agree
3.planting system 3.a 3. disagree layout 4.b
4. agree
5. soil management 5.c
5. diagree

Let’s Do More
Let’s Assess
Activity 1 Activity 2
1. six Refer to rubric 1.c 6.c
2. true 2.d 7.a
3. true 3.a 8.b
4. rectangular 4.a 9.b
5. true 5.a 10.c

Module 3.
4. Curriculum Technology and
“Agricultural Crop Production K to 12 Basic Education
5. Edition.
Livelihood Education Learning Module”. 2012


”Whatcom Conservation District”. accessed on December 9,2020.

Charles Ngugi. “Illustration of a logical farm layout”. accessed on Dec 9,2020.

“How do you Layout a Garden Plot”. accessed on December 9, 2020.

“How to Prepare a Garden Plot”. accessed on December 9, 2020.

“Layout and Planting Method”. accessed on December 9,2020.



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