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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Polangui, Albay



Name: Jirah Joy Barranda Peañar

Course & Section: BSED ENGLISH 1A
Instructor: Ms. Joeby Elisha Rellon
“I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone best both for the body and the

Albert Einstein


What does Albert Einstein mean about his saying above? Expand it further.

- According to Albert Einstein, a simple and unassuming way of life is best for everyone, both for the
body and the mind. I believe he is telling us to live this life simply and unassumingly because he knows,
and we all know, that it is best for everyone. Living simply will provide us with peace, satisfaction, and
happiness in both our minds and bodies. Having material possessions is not a bad thing as long as it does
not lead to extreme materialism and an unhealthy lifestyle, because we all know that excess is bad.


A. Answer the following questions:

1. What does William James say about self? Expand your answer.

- According to William James (1980, p. 291), the self is all an individual considers to be his or her
own, including not just one's body and material possessions, but also one's reputation and beliefs.
As a result, the material self, which is the manifestation of one's identity through one's material
possessions, defines the self. People's self-representation, on the other hand, is represented by
how people dress.

2. What is the role of material possession on the sense of self and identity?

- According to Russell Belk (1988), material possessions act as an objective manifestation of the
self. Material possessions serve as a status symbol. It may also be a reflection of hard work and
success. People prefer to judge their success by the number of material possessions they own.

3. Differentiate materialism from a materialistic person. Cite your example.

- Materialism, as defined by Swaim (2021), is the importance placed on material possessions.

Clothing, shoes, bags, cars, technological equipment, and gadgets are examples of such
possessions. A materialistic person, on the other hand, is someone who has a high level of
materialism and considers material possessions to be important to their life and identity. A
person's house, for example, counts as a material possession, despite the fact that everyone needs
a place to live. Materialistic people see their house as more than just a place to sleep, but also as
a reflection of their social position.
4. What is a Compulsive buying disorder? Are you like this? Why

- Compulsive buying disorder (CBD) is defined by an obsession with shopping and buying
behaviors that might have negative effects. I am not like this, since I am not obsessed with
shopping and buying. In life, I prioritize my needs before my wants. Another issue is that I do
not have enough money to get everything I want. That is why I should take responsibility when it
comes to consumption.

B. Write at least 5 most treasured material possessions you possess and explain the reasons why you consider
them to be so.

a. Healthy and simple lifestyle

b. Being part of the school college
c. Happy living
d. God-fearing family and friends
e. Home to live
- Those are my five most treasured material possessions, which I consider because I believe that
material possessions are not only those material things but also anything that brings us
happiness, and anything that we possess becomes our property, which serves to change my
lifestyle into a healthy, happy, and contented one.

C. Identify the basic components of the material self and describe each.

a. Body - According to James (1980), the body is the innermost aspect of the material self. Also, you
perceive certain body parts as more private or intimately yours as compared to the others.
b. Clothes- Clothes are what people wear which represents the self. The style and brand become significant
c. People- Those individuals with whom you have a relationship, such as one’s immediate and extended
family members, as well as close friends with whom you feel psychologically connected.

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