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Figure 11.17 Here ‹a› is convolved first with ‹D› to produce ‹c)
and then with ‹ d ) to produce be›. The resulting pahern is the
sum of all the spread out contributions as indicated by the dashed
curve in key.

Suppose h!x j looks like the asymmetrlcal function in Fig.
g(X) f(x)h(X - x) dx ( 11.52)
11.21a. Then /i f —.vj appears ln Fig. 11.? l/›, and its shifted
form li(X — x j is shown in (r). The convolutiO fl D? / xJ
[depicted in (d)] and h(x j is /f Xj. as give•n by Eq, (11 .52)
This is often z ritten more conclsely as /(.i J G. h jx j. The
integral simply says that the area under the product function
[(x)h[X zj for all .v is gtX). Evidently.
the product is nonzero only over
a the range d wherein ft ‹X .v) is nonzero. that is. ss’here the
tv.'o curves overlap (Fig. l 1.2le).
convoltltlon o1 two identical square pulses
If the functions being con›'o1s'ed are .simple enouph, g( X)
can be determined roughly u'itliout any calculations zt all. The
convolUtlOH Of lWo ldentlCal square pulses is illusrated. troln
both of’ llle x-iewpoiiits dl SctlS Sfid abo›’e, ln Fl gs, l 1.23 alid
1 l.?4. In Fig. 1 l.?3 each inajaulsc constituting J .rJ is spread
oilt listo ii square pulse and stemmed. In Fie. 11 .?4 the
overlap- ping area, as /i s'aries, lS plotied against X In both
instance s
the result is a triangular ptllse. incidentally, obserx'e that
( f J; /›) = ‹/i O / ), as can be seen by a e-liange of variable
(.i' X — .i) i8 Eg. (11,ñ?). being careftll ss ith the llnliti (sec
Problem l 1.15).

uf’6 11 .2d h0nv0lutiOrl Of tv/0 SgU6r9 gulsg S.

8.16. The coavotufion theorem states that where y(N) = /(s) lñ’,zj k!z),

i.e. the transform of the convolution of two functiona is the product of the transforms
of the individual functions. Prove that this is indeed the case.

The eonvoltition p is a function of X and so ita transform is

f(•J ^"=d• *(=) «°’° dw PI/I • Pf*l

Young’s Experiment: 1ke Double Slit
In ow first treatment of Young’s Experiment fsection 9.3), we
took the slits to be infinitesimally wide. The aperture function
was then two symmeiricai a-pulses, and the corresponding
idealized field amplitude in the diffraction pattern was the
Fourier transform, namely, a cosine function. Squared, this
yields the familiar cosine-squared irradiance distribution of
Fig. 9.9. MDre realistically, each aperture actually has some
finite .shape, and the real diffraction pattern will never be
quite so simple. Figure 11.31 shows the case in which the
holes are
actual slits. The aperture function, gfa), is obtained by con-
solving the a-function spikes, h(x), that locate each slit with
the rectangular pulse, /(a:), thai correspond s lo the
particular opening. From the consolution theorem. the
product of the transforms is the modulated cosine
amplitude function repre- senting the diffracted field as it
appears on the image plane. Squaring thal would produce the
anticipated double-slit irradi- ance distribution shown in
Fig. 10.14. The one-dimensional cansform curves are
plotted against ¥, but that’s equip alent to lDtting against
image-space variables by means of Sq.
( 1 1.64). (The same reasoning applied tD circu lar apertures
yields the fringe paitern of Fig. 12.2.)
Figure 11.31 An i llustr of
Young’s Experiment: The Double Slit
the conyDlution In our first treatment of Young’s Experiment i Section 9.3).
we took the slits to be infinitesimallv wide. The aperture
function ss then two symmetrical 6-pulses, and thy
correspondlng ldealized field amplitude in the diffraction
pattern was the Fourier transform, namely, a cosine function,
Squared, this ields the familiar cosine-squared irradiance
distribution of bl . 9.9. More realistically, each aperture
actually has some fnite shape. and the real difffaction
pattern wlll never be quite o siiiiple. Figure 11.31 shows the
case in which the holes arc
actual slits. The aperture function. pf.ij, is obtaincd by con-
vol ring the 6-function spikes, li I.v). that locate each clit with
the rectangular pulse, /( J. that corresponds to the particular
opening. From the convohition theorem. thc product of the
transforms is the modulated cosine amplitude function repre-
senting the diffracted field as it appears on the image plane.
Squaring that would produce the anticipated doublc-slit irradi-
ance distribution shown in Fig. 10.14. The one-diInensional
transform curves are plotted against k. but that’s equip alent
to plotting against image-space v'ariables by means of
Eg. ( 1 1.54). (The same reasoning appliecl to circular’ apertures
yields the fringe pattern of Fig. I 2.2.I
9.3.1 Young’s Experiment

Figure 9.9 (a) loealized irradiance versus distance


Figure 10.13 I a\ Double slit geometry. Point P on ‹x is essentially inlb

nitely far away. lb A double-slit paxern ‹a = 3b›.

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