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Darwin C.

BSBA MM 3102

Based on your experience, how your family does differs from other families in your place. List
down these differences and compare it with your own.
1.There are some sort of number of families 1. We are all six compared to others who only
have two to three members.
2. having a good house 2. We have our own house to live compare to
others that are rented or have not yet been
3.there are families who have different 3. We are Roman catholic than others have
religions different religions like Christians, Iglesias.
4. there are families who complete 4. Compared to us, I have sister who has died
way back 2016
5. Ways of supporting each other 5. Both of my parents was so supportive
compare to others that their letting their
relatives of what they want to do.
6. Ways of caring to each other 6. Our parents always say we should not come
home late.

Research another country’s culture and compare it to the Philippines. Identify the similarities and
dissimilarities. Compare.
Thailand and Philippines similarities Thailand and Philippines dissimilarities

1. Both countries consist of island ( 1. Thailand is a Buddhist country while

Philippines of thousand more than Thailand) Philippines is majority a Christian Country.
2. Vendors they are very common. That 2. Thailand is much easier in transportation
makes it very easy to munch on something at than in the Philippines.
the street.
3. Both countries use of the word ‘po’ is used 3. Philippine people is eating junk foods
when talking to elders but in Thailand they while Thai people seem to be healthier and
use ‘krab/kha in words. didn’t notice eating junk foods.
4. Thais and Filipinos are both friendly 4. In terms of Language, Philippines is widely
people. spoken in English while in Thailand is much
in their language which Thai language.
5. Both countries are very polite in terms of 5. Thailand was never colonized while
valuing cultures. Philippines which had many invaders.
6. 6. Thais eat bugs and worms Filipinos eat
duck embryos called balut.


1. Discuss at least two advantages and disadvantages of cultural relativism.
First advantage of cultural relativism is it creates learning opportunities that could make
humanity stronger which means that when our differences as a group of people come together,
we can all grow stronger and better as individuals. We can potentially build stronger relationships
with one another and accomplish more than ever before if we let our differences inspire one another
and allow people to set their own personal standards at all levels. Second advantage is it
encourages respect different cultural experiences and viewpoints can benefits humanity. Because
cultural relativism enables everyone to explore each distinctive perspective in their own way and
learn from it, these experiences and viewpoints benefit society as a whole.
There will be actions taken that would be defined by some as ‘ violent’, ‘ unsafe’, or ‘
wrong’ this first disadvantages of cultural relativism has something in every person is free to
establish their own moral standards, there will always be people who choose to engage in
behaviour that the majority of people might consider to be unethical. Because of the person’s
personal moral code, crimes like rape, murder, and child abuse would all be considered legal to
commit. The second advantages is it creates a personal bias cultural relativism has a noble
objective. Societies have an inherent bias that keeps some people down while elevating others.
Cultural relativism merely shifts accountability from collective to an individualistic perspective,
in reality. The emphasis shifts from promoting a collective set of moral to promoting a personal
2. In your opinion, how can you reconcile the conflicts of culture?
We can avoid cultural conflict if we accept and love other cultures of a country, it will be
easier for us to give respect to other cultures of other countries if we ourselves know what is right
and wrong, because when they come to our country or place, they will return the respect we have
shown to their culture. Respect id needed to avoid conflict when we talk about other cultures.
Everyone has a unique upbringing and fits into the culture they are in. we all come from different
cultures, so how we deal with conflict varies. Differences in values frequently lead to conflict
within cultures. We receive messages from culture that shape our perception, judgements, and
characteristics. As a result, it has significant impact on conflict and how we handle it. How we
assign blame and accept responsibility is greatly influenced by culture

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