Example of Intro and Obj

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Background of the Study

- Presentation of the importance of the system software, algorithms, processes, or an

enterprise resource plan to be designed and/or developed.
o It is the description of the internal and external situation where the project is
going to be undertaken and the effect of the situation on the project

- Research Locale. Tell something about the organization or group where the research
will be conducted.
o Describe the existing and prevailing problem situation. This scope may be
global, national, or regional and local.

- Problem - Give a strong justification for choosing such research problem. This must
also explain how you form your title, what are the issues to address and why must that
issue be addressed.
o The researcher states a sentence or two that would show the link and
relationship of the rationale of the study to the proposed research problem

Corona Virus Disease 2019 became a global problem and it is very important to be
updated about the disease. Humanity fears COVID-19 so much because of its widespread
and a lot of people are looking for reliable updates about the said pandemic. A lot of fake
news is spreading on different online platforms especially on social media sites that made
people panic and worry more about the disease (Qin & Li, 2020).
Nowadays, a database system plays a big role in society especially in the world of
business and industry (Panda, 2020). In today’s organizational needs which process a huge
amount of information, it is essential to do the task using computers to make it more
accurate and secure. The proposed Information System is the process of handling that
creates information related to the COVID-19 LGU facilities, organize and store efficiently
and appropriately. Moreover, record tracking is the component of a records management
system that ensures you locate records when needed. Accurate recording and knowledge of
the whereabouts of all paper records are essential if the information they contain is to be
located efficiently and quickly.
The researcher came up with an idea to develop an information system that can help
LGU properly monitor and record their COVID-19 facilities that cater to COVID-19 patients.
It is an online platform that will keep track of the available rooms and statistics of COVID-
19 patients per barangay. Researchers choose this kind of study for we are still now in the
pandemic era and Information Technology projects could help administrators in the LGU in
decision making and as well as provide real-time and updated information through the use
of the proposed platform.

Objectives of the Study

- Start with the General Objective which is very parallel to the project title.
- Break down the general objective into Specific Objectives that will help realize the
proposed study.
- Objectives should be SMART


The main objective of this study is to develop a web-based virtual clinic with an
integrated patient health record that would accept appointments and check-ups online.
Specifically, this study intends to:
1. Develop the web base multi-purpose telemedicine system with 4 main modules:

a. Log-in and Registration module

b. Appointment module

c. Payment module

d. Consultation and result module

2. Incorporate an appointment feature through calendar scheduling and integrate

video conferencing for a virtual check-up.

3. Test and evaluate the usability of the system using the System Usability Scale (SUS).

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