Pe 3 Lesson 1

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Recreational Activities

Somblingo, Mark Loui B., LPT

Physical Education Instructor


At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

A. Discuss the legal bases of Physical Education

B. Identify and understand why Physical Education is a part of
C. Appreciate the importance of Physical Education.
Physical Education
is a sequential educational program that provides students with the
knowledge, skills, fitness, and attitudes needed to lead a healthy

Physical education teaches to promote the healthy way through total

body movement in performance of properly selected modern
physical activities which the outcome for development of individual
physically, socially, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually.
Physical Education
the students will be equip with their knowledge, skills, and attitude
necessary for lifelong physical activity and influence personal and
social skill development.

It also includes the skills of individual cognitive skills of

critical thinking, problem-solving and creative thinking, and the
interpersonal skills of communication, collaboration, characteristic,
leadership, self- management skills of self-monitoring and
selfdirection, as well as task management skills, and accountability.
1987 Philippine Constitution
Article 1 of the International Charter of Physical Education 1,
Interdisciplinary Regional Meeting of Experts on Physical Education,
UNESCO, Brisbane, Australia, 1982.

States that: “The practice of Physical Education and Sports is

Fundamental rights for all. And this right should not be treated as
different in principle from the right to the adequate food, shelter and
medical care.
1987 Philippine Constitution
• As stated in Article XIV, Section 19, 1987 Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines, provides; “The state shall promote
Physical Education and encourage sports program, league
competition, and amateur sports including training for
international competition to foster self-discipline, teamwork and
excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry.”
Is the ability of an individual to do its daily task with
vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with extra
reserve energy in case of emergency.
Importance of Physical Fitness
Importance of Physical Fitness

Components of Physical Fitness

the risk of hypo – kinetic disease.
Cardio Respiratory Endurance
Is the ability of the heart, blood vessels.
Blood and respiratory system to supply fuel,
especially oxygen, to the muscles and the ability of
the muscles to utilize fuel to allow sustained
Is the relative percentage of muscle, fat,
bone, and other tissues of which the body is

VI: Body Mass Index

Category BMI
Underweight <18.5

Normal 18.5-24.9

Overweight 25-29.9

Obese 30>
Is the range of motion available in a joint. It
is affected by muscle length, joint structure, and
other factors.
Is the ability of the a muscle or muscle
group to exert one maximal force against a
resistance Components of Strength:

1. Explosive strength
2. Static or Isometric strength
3. Dynamic strength
Muscular Endurance
Is the ability of a muscle group to exert
repeated muscular contraction against a
resistance for an extended period of time.
Components of Physical Fitness
associated with successful sports and
work performance.
Is the ability to rapidly and accurately change the
direction of the movement of the entire body in space.
Balance- the maintenance of equilibrium
while stationary or while moving.

Three aspects of balance:

1. Static Balance- ability to maintain equilibrium in a fixed

2. Dynamic Balance – maintaining balance while moving or
engaging in action.
3. Rotational Balance – ability to maintain or regain balance
after turning , rolling or other maneuvers while not in contact
with the floor or apparatus.
Is the ability to use the senses with the body parts to perform
motor tasks smoothly and accurately.
Refers to muscular power which the ability to release
maximum force in the shortest possible time.
Reaction Time
Is the ability to make successive movements of the same
kind in the shortest period of time.
Is the ability to make successive movements of the same
kind in the shortest period of time.

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