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Schoolyear 2010-2011


A. Choose the best

option to complete
. these sentences
about Philip.

Philip is from
__ .
Great Britain

 Read the following text


Hi! My name’s Philip. I’m 12 years old 2. He has got __

and I’m American. I was born in Boston on

August 15th, but I live in Colorado Springs

two brothers
with my parents and my siblings – Jessica b) three
and James. She’s 14 and he’s 16. siblings
We usually have breakfast together. Jessica and I have c) a brother
milk and a bowl of cereal, but John has tea and toast with and a sister
jam. He doesn’t like milk. Sometimes Jessica and I also have
a piece of toast, but not with jam. It’s too sweet. We prefer
3. __ like
cheese or ham. milk.
On weekdays we have lunch in the school canteen at Jessica and
12:30. My favourite food is pork chops with French fries. James
b) Philip and
Jessica doesn’t like it. She says eating too much fat is bad for Jessica
our health. She prefers fish with vegetables. James doesn’t c) Philip’s
parents and
worry about his health. He loves fast food. His favourite dish
is pizza, but he can only have it once a week, usually at the
weekend when we go to Pizza Hut. Our school can’t sell fast
food in the canteen.
4. At Philip’s
When we get home at 4:30 we have home __
a snack – a glass of orange juice and a has
cheese and ham sandwich. We always soup.

have dinner at 8 o’clock. We have soup, everybody

meat or fish, and fruit. Sometimes our nobody
mom makes our favourite dessert: c) only Philip
cheesecake with cherry topping. Yummy,
B. Find evidence in the text for the following:

1. Philip doesn’t live in Boston. ________________________________________________________

2. Philip and Jessica don’t like jam on the toast. _________________________________________
3. Jessica worries about her health. ____________________________________________________
4. They never eat fast food at school. ___________________________________________________
5. They have something to eat after school. _____________________________________________
6. They all like cheesecake. ___________________________________________________________

C. Reread the text and answer these questions.

1. Where does Philip live? ____________________________________________________________

2. Who does he live with? _____________________________________________________________
3. Who is the youngest in the family? _________________________________________________
4. What does Philip have for breakfast? ________________________________________________
5. What time do the siblings have lunch on weekdays? ___________________________________
6. What’s Philip’s favourite food? ______________________________________________________
7. What about James? What type of food does he like the most? ___________________________
8. When can James have his favourite food? ____________________________________________
9. Do you think Philip and his family have a healthy dinner? Justify your answer. _____________

D.What about you? What’s your favourite food? Why? How often do you have it? __________

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