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Algorithms used :

Collaborative Filtering:

Collaborative filtering is a popular recommendation algorithm that analyzes user-

item interactions to make suggestions. It identifies patterns of similarity between
users or items and recommends items based on what similar users have liked. For
example, if User A and User B have similar food preferences, the app can recommend
dishes that User B has enjoyed to User A.

Content-Based Filtering:

Content-based filtering recommends items based on their attributes and

characteristics. In the context of the app, this algorithm can suggest food items
that match the user's past food choices, dietary preferences, or specific
ingredients they enjoy. For instance, if a user has a preference for vegetarian
dishes, the app can recommend plant-based options.

Geospatial Algorithms:

Geospatial algorithms use the user's location data to recommend nearby restaurants,
home cooks, or grocery stores that match the user's current location. It ensures
that the app suggests food options that are easily accessible to the user.

Sentiment Analysis (NLP):

Sentiment analysis is a natural language processing (NLP) technique that analyzes

user reviews and feedback to determine the sentiment and satisfaction level. By
understanding user sentiments, the app can identify popular dishes and areas for

Machine learning and AI integration : Python

python libraries : surprise
surprise :
popular for building and evaluating recommendation systems
simple and easy to use API for implementing collaborative filtering

API Documentation Tools: Swagger

Security :
Security is a critical aspect.
so for this we have
1. Authentication and Authorization
password hashing
multifactor authentication

2. Secure Communication :

3. Regular data backup and security testing(code reviews, security testing)

Database Design and Security:

The database design includes tables for users, food items, reviews, and home cooks.
We used MongoDB as the database management system and employed encryption
techniques to secure sensitive user data.

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