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Homeroom Guidance
5 High Five! Factors in Sound

Name: Manalocon, Nashreena S. Date:02,07,22
Grade & Section: 11 Mt.mayon

Instruction: Do not write anything on the Homeroom Guidance Module.

Use these activity sheets in answering or accomplishing all the
activities required.

Activity 5.1
 Let’s Try This

You and your family will be joining a charity event in a remote island
for three days. What are the five most important things that you need to
1. Emergency kit first aid
2. food
3. Clothes
5. Medicine
Processing Questions:

1. What made you choose those things?

I made choose those things it is the basic needs.

2. What would happen if you don’t bring those things?

Having these things stated above can be enough to enjoy the charity event
and focus on the program event.

Activity 5.2
Let’s Explore This

1. In Activity Sheet 5.2, try to recall a most significant decision you have
made in your life.
2. Answer the Activity Sheet as best as you can by highlighting the factors
that influenced your decision.

Activity Sheet 5.2

Processing Questions:

1. Why did you consider that decision as your most significant?

2. What insights have you gained from the activity?
Overall, I gained a lot of insight into learning new skills, which we can apply
to our studies.

Activity 5.3
You Can Do It!

1. In Activity Sheet 5.3, identify and analyze a concern/problem, the factors

that may influence you and your solution.

2. Present a concern or problem that you have experienced.
3. Indicate three possible solutions or choices to the problem including the
positive and negative consequences of each solution.
4. Decide what solution you will choose.
5. Answer the Activity as best as you can.
Activity Sheet 5.3

Activity 5.4

What I Have Learned

Answer the following:

a. Why should decision always be sound?

To put it another way, making the right decisions in the right order can
sometimes be linked to making timely decisions. Making a decisions

before gathering all of the necessary information can leave you guessing,
and making a decisions too late can limit your options.

b. When do you know that you’re doing a sound decision?

So when you take the time to truly discover and learn , you are making a
sound decision.
Activity 5.5

Share Your Thoughts and Feelings

Recall a decision in your past that you can consider a sound one.
Make a simple poster to illustrate the experience.

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