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7, 2021

Four-Dimensional Wide-Field Ultrasound

Reconstruction System With Sparse Respiratory
Signal Matching
Tianyu Fu, Jingshu Li, Jiaju Zhang, Danni Ai, Jingfan Fan, Hong Song, Ping Liang , and Jian Yang

Abstract—Four-dimensional (4D) ultrasound reconstruction can Traditional 2D ultrasound slice cannot completely track this
greatly extend the spatial and temporal range of two-dimensional time-varying motion of a 3D organ. Hence, time-dependent
(2D) ultrasound in clinical practice. However, uneven breaths may structural reconstruction, also known as 4D reconstruction, is
yield a considerable motion artifact in the reconstructed time
sequences of volume ultrasound. In this paper, a system with sparse significant for capturing respiration-induced liver motion.
respiratory signal matching is proposed to realize accurate 4D ul- The 4D reconstruction of ultrasound image slices can be
trasound reconstruction by effectively estimating uneven breaths. regarded as 3D reconstruction at different respiratory phases. A
A slippery platform is built to automatically control the ultrasonic large number of ultrasound slices acquired in different positions
probe for acquiring 2D ultrasound slice sequences in different
and at different phases are assembled as multiple 3D volumes
abdominal areas. Based on these acquired sequences, the signals
of the respiratory phases are first extracted. Second, the sparse according to their spatial and temporal correlations. For sim-
matched signal pairs are determined through the signal distribu- plification, test subjects can be asked to hold the breath during
tion and the corresponding image connectivity. After matching is ultrasound acquisition. In the method [4], the 2D ultrasound
conducted, signals in different positions are aligned in a common images are obtained under breath holding at multiple phases in
space wherein the outliers of the signals caused by the uneven
a cycle. By holding the breath, the temporal correlation between
breaths are excluded. Third, images with the same signal value
in different positions are collected as the 3D image at the phase the slices acquired in different positions is specific, and the
corresponding to the signal, and the 3D images at different phases influence of the motion artifact is reduced in the reconstructed
are employed to reconstruct the final 4D image. The accuracies images. Nevertheless, images of a large abdominal area cannot
of the reconstructed 4D image are evaluated and compared with be captured in a short time during breath holding. Moreover,
those of five existing methods. Experimental results demonstrate
previous experiments [4] indicated that the number of phases is
that the spatial and temporal continuities of the 4D ultrasound
image reconstructed by our method outperform those obtained by limited by breath holding. These problems may result in a few
other methods. phases and a small field covered by the reconstructed 4D image.
Different from the breath holding-based reconstruction, tem-
Index Terms—4D reconstruction system, ultrasound image,
respiratory signal, sparse matching. poral correlation is computed in reconstruction with slices ac-
quired under a free breath. The temporal correlation is indicated
by the respiratory signals of slices. Respiratory signal can be
I. INTRODUCTION viewed as a one-dimensional feature to indicate the state of the
LTRASOUND imaging is widely used in the diagnosis respiratory motion and phase in a cycle. The actual respiratory
U and treatment of liver diseases because of its high real-time
quality, accessibility and safety [1], [2]. Affected by respiration,
phase of a slice is selected on the basis of signal, and the slices at
the same phase constitute a structural 3D image. The 3D images
the liver periodically moves along the head-foot direction [3]. at the multiple phases constitute the final 4D image. Therefore,
respiratory signal extraction and respiratory phase selection of
Manuscript received November 3, 2020; accepted January 19, 2021. Date the ultrasound slices are the main steps in 4D reconstruction.
of publication January 26, 2021; date of current version February 25, 2021. A common method of extracting respiratory signals involves
This work was supported in part by the National Key R&D Program of China the use of external devices, such as spirometers, optical and
under Grant 2019YFC0119300, in part by the National Science and Technology
Major Project of China under Grant 2018ZX10723-204-008, and in part by electromagnetic tracking devices [5]–[11]. The outputs of these
the National Science Foundation Program of China under Grants 61971040, external devices indicate different physical meanings. If the
81627803, 81871374, and 61771056. (Corresponding author: Danni Ai; Jian output is high-dimensional data for each slice, then principal
Tianyu Fu, Jingshu Li, Jiaju Zhang, Danni Ai, Jingfan Fan, and Jian Yang component analysis (PCA) is applied to obtain a value as the
are with the Beijing Engineering Research Center of Mixed Reality and Ad- respiratory signal. Given that additional equipment is needed,
vanced Display, School of Optics and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technol- these extraction methods are not widely applicable. To avoid this
ogy, Beijing 100081, China (e-mail:;;;;; problem, the feature in slice is extracted as a respiratory signal
Hong Song is with the School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of [12]–[17]. The position of the diaphragm is a common feature.
Technology, Beijing 100081, China (e-mail: Hwang et al. [15] used an adaptive threshold and polynomial
Ping Liang is with the Department of Interventional Ultrasound, Chinese PLA
General Hospital, Beijing 100039, China (e-mail: fitting to segment the diaphragm in a slice sequence. In a fixed
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCI.2021.3054527 area, the position of the diaphragm is detected and used as
2333-9403 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: San Francisco State Univ. Downloaded on June 22,2021 at 18:43:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

the respiratory signal of each slice. Based on the segmenta-

tion of the diaphragm, the respiratory signal was accurately
extracted regardless of the noise in the slice. Wu et al. [17]
proposed a method that mainly employs the intensity feature
of the diaphragm matching between adjacent slices to extract
a respiratory signal. The translation between the manually se-
lected patches including the diaphragm in the adjacent images
is obtained through the computation of the normalized cross
correlation. The value with a large variation in the obtained
translations is utilized as a respiratory signal. In the method using
the feature of the diaphragm, the diaphragm must be captured
in each slice of a sequence.
Dimensionality reduction can be used to directly extract a res-
piratory signal from the slice. Because of nonlinear respiration-
Fig. 1. Slippery platform.
induced liver motion, nonlinear dimensionality reduction meth-
ods, such as the manifold learning, are used to extract respiratory
signals. Unlike the data obtained by external devices or the posi- accuracy of normalization and reconstruction. All signals used
tion of the diaphragm, the results of dimensionality reduction are in normalization also decrease efficiency.
the values without physical meaning. In the method [18]–[21], In this paper, we propose a 4D ultrasound reconstruction
a slice sequence with the high-dimensional feature is mapped system with sparse respiratory signal matching. To reduce the
together to a low-dimensional manifold space. If the space is influence of the artificial factor, an automatic slippery platform
one-dimensional, then the mapped result of each image is used is built for acquiring the slice sequences in different positions
as a respiratory signal. along the head-foot direction under a free breath. In the part
According to different respiratory signal types, the corre- of the software, all the ultrasound slices in a sequence are first
sponding respiratory phase selections are different. If the signal dimensionally reduced together by Isomap [24] to extract respi-
obtained from external devices or the position of the diaphragm, ratory signals. Then, all signal sequences are revised to the same
slices can be directly divided into different phases through the directions. The revised signals are smoothed and segmented
signal value with a physical meaning. Low et al. [5] proposed a into inhalation and exhalation processes. Meanwhile, the signal
straightforward selection method to identify the actual respira- fluctuations are detected and merged in the segmentation. With
tory phase by using the tidal lung volume. Furthermore, the im- the consideration of the randomness in an actual breath, the
age similarity is used as a constraint in the selection in the method sparse points in each signal sequence are selected near the start,
proposed by Dikaios et al. [22]. If signals are obtained through middle and end of each process for matching. After matching
dimensionality reduction, then the signals of slice sequence is conducted, the outliers caused by the uneven breaths are ex-
are position-independent and must be normalized to a common cluded in the uniform range of all the matched signal sequences.
space. Georg et al. [18] used manifold learning to extract res- This uniform range is divided into multiple phases, and the
piratory signals from a cross-section slice sequence acquired at slices with the largest continuity in the same phase constitute
various locations. All values in a signal sequence are used to the 3D images. The 3D images at the different phases are used
densely compute the affine transformation to the sequence in an to reconstruct the final 4D image.
adjacent position. Meanwhile, image connectivity is used as a The main contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) the
punishment term to increase accuracy in computation. Through acquisition system is built to automatically obtain a high-quality
transformation, all signal sequences are aligned to a common ultrasound slice sequences for 4D reconstruction; (2) the ran-
space in which the entire range of the signals are divided as domness of breath is considered in the entire reconstruction
the actual multiple phases for reconstruction. Wachinger et al. process to increase the accuracy of respiratory signal extraction
[19] proposed a method which compensates the translation and respiratory phase selection; (3) the normalization between
between different sequences through the fixed acquired time the signal sequences is improved by a proposed sparse matching
[20]. The scale is obtained via affine transformation by using all to accelerate and optimize the result of 4D reconstruction.
the values in the sequences. Li et al. [23] proposed a method
and assumed that respiratory amplitudes in different cycles are II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
the same. With this assumption, scaling and translation are not
identified between different sequences. Therefore, all the signals A. Hardware Setup and Ultrasound Image Acquisition
obtained by manifold learning are just averaged to normalize An X-Y numerical control cross slippery platform is built to
different sequences in the method [23]. In the above methods, automatically control an ultrasonic probe for acquiring ultra-
all values in sequence are used to compute transformation, or the sound slices.
entire ranges of sequences are normalized with the assumption 1) X-Y Numerical Control Cross Slippery Platform: In
of even breaths. However, the randomness of an actual breath Fig. 1, the entire platform contains a power supply, a stepping
results in various amplitudes and fluctuations of signals in and motor driver, a controller, a holder and a slider. The holder
between cycles. These features in the actual breath reduce the is manufactured through 3D printing and used to hold the

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Fig. 2. Acquisition process.

to be segmented into exhalation and inhalation processes. In

the second part, a template image in each signal segment is
selected. Based on the template, the matched ultrasound image
pairs are determined in the different sequences. The selected
ultrasonic probe. The parameters of this platform are shown in pairs are used in the matching between the signals of different
Table I. sequences for alignment. After the matching, the outlier signals
2) Ultrasound Machine: A Resona 7 ultrasound machine are excluded and the phase are segmented for each sequence
(Mindray Medical International Ltd, China) with a convex array in the third part. Then, the 2D ultrasound images with same
probe is used for liver imaging, and the imaging parameters are signal value are chosen and filtered using the image continuity
shown in Table II. The original size and resolution of the acquired to reconstruct the 4D ultrasound image.
2D ultrasound image are 852 × 659 pixels and 0.27 × 0.27 mm, 1) Signal Extraction and Preprocessing: A respiratory sig-
respectively. nal can be regarded as a unidimensional feature which indicates
3) Ultrasound Image Acquisition Protocol: During acquisi- the nonlinear motion of the liver at different phases. Isomap is
tion, each test subject is asked to keep lying flat and breath- a nonlinear dimensionality reduction method used to find the
ing freely. Since the respiration-induced motion deforms the low dimensional feature in an original high dimensional space,
liver in the head-foot direction, the ultrasonic probe is placed and estimate the respiratory phase [18], [25], [26]. Meanwhile,
parallel to the axial plane and automatically moved along the it yields good results for our application. Therefore, Isomap
head-foot direction. Therefore, the acquired image slices are the without external devices is utilized in the proposed method
cross-sections which capture the liver motion. The start position to directly extract respiratory signals from the ultrasound slice
of the acquisition is near the upper edge of the liver at the sequence. To effectively extract the signal, the ultrasound slice
expiratory phase. The end position is near the middle abdomen of sequences acquired in the N positions of the abdominal area are
the subject. In each position, the ultrasonic probe automatically down-sampled and the dark regions in each slice are cropped.
stays for 10 s. According to the time of a respiratory cycle, The length and width of the down-sampled image are 1/8 of the
the acquired slice sequences cover approximately three cycles original ultrasound image. For each position, the down-sampled
in each position. After the acquisition in the current position, images without the dark regions are inputted to Isomap. Isomap
the probe is moved down to the foot direction by 1 mm. The constructs a low dimensional space where the geodesic distance
entire acquisition process is harmless to the test subjects. The of any two 2D ultrasound images is preserved as that in the
acquisition process is illustrated in Fig. 2. The colored dotted original space. In the position n, the optimization in Isomap is
lines indicate the different positions where the probe stays, and shown as follows:
the distance between the adjacent lines is 1 mm.     
min Ii,m − Ii,n  − si,m − si,n  2 , (1)
B. Sparse Marching-Based Reconstruction Method m,n

Fig. 3 shows the flowchart of the proposed reconstruction where Ii,m and Ii,n are the ultrasound slices acquired in the
method, which contains three parts: signal extraction and prepro- position i; si,m and si,n are the points in the low dimensional
cessing, sparse matching and phase-independent reconstruction. space;  ·  indicates the geodesic distance. In the low dimen-
The inputs are the 2D ultrasound slice sequences in the N sional space, each ultrasound slice could be expressed as a
abdominal positions acquired by the constructed system. In low dimensional feature. If the dimension equals to one, si,m
the first part, the dimensional reduction is used to extract the can be regarded as the respiratory signal of the corresponding
respiratory signals of the 2D ultrasound slices in each posi- ultrasound slice Ii,m .
tion. The directions of the extracted signals are revised among The original signals obtained by Isomap will be directionally
the sequences for consistency. And the signals are smoothed revised, smoothed and segmented for further sparse matching.

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Fig. 3. Flowchart of reconstruction software.

The end-expiratory and end-inspiratory images are shown at

the top and bottom of Fig 4, respectively. The diaphragm is
marked with a yellow ellipse in each end-expiratory image. The
end-expiratory and end-inspiratory images are determined in the
first position by comparing the MPV. According to the signal
values of the inspiratory and expiratory images, the direction of
the signal sequence is determined. If the direction is against the
positive direction, then the signal values of all the images in the
sequence will be inverted for revision.
For a subsequent position far from the diaphragm, image
similarity is used to revise the direction of the signal sequence.
In position i (i ∈ [2, N ]), the image with the largest similarity
to the end-expiratory image in the previous position is the end-
expiratory image in the current position. The end-inspiratory
Fig. 4. Variation of the normalized MPV in the first position during respiration.
image in the current position is determined in the same way.
Based on the signal values of the inspiratory and expiratory
images, the direction of sequence in position i will be revised.
Because the outputs of Isomap are values without a physi- After the direction is revised, each signal sequence will be
cal meaning, the end-inspiratory signal value may larger or smoothed by a Gaussian smooth filter. Given the difference be-
smaller than the end-expiratory signal value in a sequence. If tween exhalation and inhalation processes, the signal sequence
the end-inspiratory signal value is larger than the end-expiratory should be segmented to divide the different processes, which are
signal value, the direction of the sequence is considered positive. separately reconstructed. An ideal signal sequence is similar to
Otherwise, it is negative. Since the different directions among the a sinusoid, and different processes can be identified using the
sequences affect the matching process, the direction alignment gradient direction. However, fluctuations make the smoothed
of the signals is needed in the proposed method. signal sequence dissimilar to the ideal sinusoid, which affects
In the proposed method, all directions are positively aligned. identification accuracy. Fluctuations occur mainly because of
The signal sequence in the first position is aligned first. In the slow respiratory rate. When the respiratory rate of the test
general, the first position is near the highest point where the subject is slow, the ultrasonic probe will acquire too many
liver can reach at the end-expiratory phase. At this phase in the similar images. The geodesic distances among these similar
first position, the ultrasound slice captures the diaphragm which images are the same and small. In the original high dimensional
is located on the superior border of the liver. When the phase space, the topological information indicated by the same and
is away from the end-expiration, the diaphragm gradually dis- small geodesic distances among the large number of the similar
appears in the image. In the ultrasound image, the hyperechoic images is weak. The weak topological information decreases the
diaphragm is bright [27], thereby increasing the pixel value of the construction accuracy of the low dimensional space in Isomap.
end-expiratory image. Therefore, the mean pixel value (MPV) of Therefore, the slow respiratory rate causes fluctuations in the
the end-inspiratory image is lower than that of the end-expiratory respiratory signal extracted by Isomap. Such fluctuations fall
image. Fig. 4 shows the variation of normalized MPV in the into two types which are colored in pink and green in Fig. 5.
first position during respiration. The normalized MPV decreases The first type is the fluctuation between expiration and inspira-
from the end-expiratory phase to the end-inspiratory phase. tion, and the second type is the fluctuation during expiration

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selecting the matching points from the inhalation and exhalation

processes of the sequence in the first position. An inhalation or
exhalation process covers a half cycle. According to the positive
direction of the sequence, the phase of I110 is near the end of
exhalation (or the start of inhalation), and the phase of I190 is
near the end of inhalation (or the start of exhalation). Based
on the template images I110 , I150 and I190 , the search ranges for
matching signals will be computed through the Gaussian mixture
model (GMM) in the first position. Because the motions of the
liver are slow at the end of inspiration and expiration during
respiration, a larger number of images acquired near the end of
inspiration and expiration than those acquired at other phases.
Accordingly, more signals are located near the end of inspiratory
and expiratory phases than at the other phases in each sequence.
Therefore, the GMM comprising two Gaussians is used to model
the distribution of the signal sequence in the first position.
In the GMM, the probability p(s) of the signal s is equal to:
Fig. 5. Fluctuation in the signal sequence. The pink arrows denote the fluctua- K

tion between expiration and inspiration. The blue arrows indicate the fluctuation p(s) = wk · G(s|μk , σk ), (2)
during expiration or inspiration. k=1

where K (K = 2) represents the selected number of Gaussian in

or inspiration. In the proposed method, a signal sequence is the GMM; wk is the weight of each Gaussian G; μk and σk are
initially segmented through the gradient direction. If the gra- the mean and standard deviation of G, respectively. Based on
dient direction is positive, the corresponding signal belongs the result of GMM, the search ranges for selecting the matching
to inhalation; otherwise, the corresponding signal belongs to signals according to the template images I110 , I150 and I190 are
exhalation. After the initial segmentation, multiple inhalation determined and shown as follows:
and exhalation segments are obtained. Some abnormal segments R110 = [μ1,1 − σ1,1 , μ1,1 + σ1,1 ] , (3)
include a few signals and cover a short signal range because of
fluctuations. These abnormal segments can be detected by the R150 = [μ12,1 − min (σ1,1 , σ2,1 ) , μ12,1 + min (σ1,1 , σ2,1 )] ,
signal number and range. According to the type of fluctuation, (4)
the detected abnormal segments are combined with the adjacent R190 = [μ2,1 − σ2,1 , μ2,1 + σ2,1 ] , (5)
normal segments in two ways. For the first fluctuation type,
the two segments before and after the fluctuation belong to a where, R110 , R150 and R190 are the ranges for the template images
different process. The fluctuation is merged into the segment I110 , I150 and I190 ; μ1,1 , μ2,1 , σ1,1 and σ2,1 are the mean and
with a smaller signal range. The merged segment is regarded as standard deviation values of two Gaussian curves; μ12,1 is the
a completed process. For the second fluctuation type, the two signal value of the cross point between the two Gaussian curves.
segments before and after the fluctuation belongs to the same For each completely half cycle of the sequence in the first
process. The two segments and the fluctuation are merged and position, the matching images is selected as follows:
the result is regarded as a completed process.  
I1,m = arg min I110 − I1,m 2 subject to s1,m ∈ R110 , (6)
2) Sparse Matching: Since the respiratory signal sequences  
without the physical meaning in the different positions are inde- 50
I1,m = arg min I150 − I1,m 2 subject to s1,m ∈ R150 , (7)
pendently obtained, the signals with the same value in different  
positions do not correspond to the same phase. Meanwhile, the
I1,m = arg min I190 − I1,m 2 subject to s1,m ∈ R190 . (8)
end-inspiratory or end-expiratory phases in the sequences in the After selecting for all completely half cycles, three image sets
different positions do not correspond to each other because of the Λ10 50 90
1 , Λ1 and Λ1 are obtained as follows:
randomness of breathing depth. In this section, the ultrasound ⎧ 10 10

images at the same phase acquired in the different positions ⎨Λ1 = I1,c |c ∈ [1, C1 ]

will be matched for signal sequence alignment. The scales and Λ50 = I 50 |c ∈ [1, C1 ]
, (9)
⎩ 190 1,c 90
translations of the signal sequences in the adjacent positions Λ1 = I1,c |c ∈ [1, C1 ]
will be normalized and compensated through the matching.
where C1 is the number of completely half cycle in S1 . In these
Moreover, only a few signals in a sequence are selected as the
sets, the corresponding signals of images are grouped as three
matching points to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the
signal sets as follows:
alignment. ⎧ 10 10

In the first position, the images with the signal value closest to ⎨Ψ1 = s1,c |c ∈ [1, C1 ]

10%, 50% and 90% of the range are selected as I110 , I150 and I190 , Ψ50 = s50 |c ∈ [1, C1 ]
. (10)
⎩ 190 1,c
respectively. These images are used as the initial templates for Ψ1 = s901,c |c ∈ [1, C 1 ]

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Consequently, all sequences are aligned to the first sequence.

The scales and translations among the different signal sequences
are normalized and compensated.
It is worth noting that the reason that we do not select the
end-expiratory image (0%) and end-inspiratory image (100%) as
the templates in the first position is the randomness of breathing
depth. This randomness makes the image and corresponding
signal sequences in the different positions cover the diverse
respiratory phases. For two sequences Si and Sj in the different
positions, the sequence Si may not reach the breath depth of Sj .
If the end-expiratory and end-inspiratory images are regarded as
the initial template images, only very few signals are located in
the search ranges R110 , R150 and R190 . Consequently, the accuracy
of alignment may be decreased. Therefore, I110 ,I150 and I190
are selected to avoid the mismatching caused by the uneven
90 , the cor-
Fig. 6. Selection of matching points. For the template image Ii−1 breath.
responding matching signals are marked by red circles in the completely half
cycle of the signal sequence Si .
3) Phase-Independent Reconstruction: After the alignment,
all signal sequences are located in a common space, where
the entire range will be equally divided into several stages to
separately reconstruct. The ranges of all transformed sequences
The signals in Ψ10 50 90
1 , Ψ1 and Ψ1 are the matching points in should be uniform to make the entire range reasonable in the
S1 in the first position. common space. Although the transformations among the dif-
10 50
In the subsequent position i (i ∈ [2, N ]), the images Ii−1 , Ii−1 ferent sequences have been compensated by the alignment, the
90 10 50 90
and Ii−1 are the mean images of the set Λi−1 , Λi−1 and Λi−1 . signal ranges of the matched sequences may still be various.
10 50 90
The image Ii−1 , Ii−1 and Ii−1 are used as the templates to select The reason for that outcome is the uneven breath, which makes
the matching points from each half cycle of the sequence in the the respiratory signals too large or too small. These signals
position i. Similar to the selection formulated by the equation introduced by the uneven breath are the outliers and affects
(6–8), the three matching image sets and corresponding signal the determination of the uniform range in the reconstruction.
sets in the position i are obtained, respectively. Fig. 6 illustrates Exclusion of outliers is the first step in this section. Outliers are
the process of selecting the matching points in Si according to the signals with too large or too small values far away from the
the template image Ii−1 . There are five completely half cycles entire distribution. The mean value of the end-inspiratory and
in Si , and matching images are elected in each of them. The end-expiratory signals in all the transformed signal sequences
corresponding matching signals are marked by red circles in Si . are regarded as the standard limit. The respiratory signals outside
After the matching signal sets in each position are obtained, the limit are regarded as outliers, and the corresponding images
the iterative closest point (ICP) method is used to align the signal are excluded from the reconstruction.
sequences in all the positions to that in the first position. For After the outlier exclusion, the entire signal range will be
ICP, the input is the 2D point set, where the first value is the equally divided into P stages, which corresponds to the number
signal value and the second value is the index for each signal. of phases to be reconstructed. If P is too small, the reconstructed
In the ICP, the closest point is determined by computing the 4D ultrasound image is sparse in the temporal dimension, and
2D distance. The iteratively obtained transformation is only the reconstruction result could not record the entire respiratory-
employed to change the signal value. Given the rotation is not induced motion of the liver. If P is too large, a lot of 3D
identified between the two signal sequences, only the translation ultrasound image will be reconstructed in a respiratory cycle,
t and scaling a between the signal sequences are considered in and the time interval between the 3D ultrasound images at the
the alignment. The energy function E of ICP for matching the adjacent phases is too short. The reconstructed 4D ultrasound
sequence Si in the position i is as follows: image with the too high temporal resolution is meaningless
M for capturing the liver motion. Therefore, P is equal to 15 in
E (ai , ti ) = (ai · si,m + ti ) − s1,n 2 , i ∈ [2, N ], the proposed method. Meanwhile, given the difference between
M m=1 inspiration and expiration, these processes are separated for
(11) reconstruction. Therefore, a complete respiratory cycle from
where s1,n is the transformed signal value of the closest point inspiration to expiration contains 2P phases. Each phase covers
in the first position. Through the optimization of equation (11), a small signal segment. The first P phases Dp+ (p ∈ [1, P ])
the scaling ai and translation ti for sequence Si are obtained. constitute entire inspiration, and the corresponding signal seg-
Using ai and ti , the aligned signal sequence Si in the position i ments ranges from low to high. While, the second P phases Dp−
is as follows: (p ∈ [1, P ]) constitute entire expiration, and the corresponding
Si = Ti ◦ Si = ai · Si + ti , (12) signal segments ranges from high to low. Images with the signal
values from the same segment in different positions will be
where, Ti = [ai , ti ]. sequentially selected to reconstruct the image at the phase.

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In the first position, the image with the closest signal value to TABLE III
the average of the chosen segment is selected as the first slice
in the reconstructed image. In the other positions, the image
connectivity and signal similarity are considered in the selection
to improve the accuracy of reconstruction. In the proposed
method, L2 distance is used to evaluate the connectivity between
two ultrasound image slices. If L2 is small, the connectivity
is high. From the chosen segment, the image with the highest
connectivity to that in the previous position is selected in the
position i as the ith slice Iip in the reconstructed image. The
process of an inspiratory phase can be formulated as follows:
Iip = arg min Ii−1 − Ii,m 2 subject to si,m ∈ Dp+ , (13)
where Ii,m is an image with the signal value si,m belonging respectively. If the L2 between the adjacent slices is large, the
the phase Dp+ and m ∈ [1, M ]. After the reconstruction at each selected slices to be reconstructed may be not come from the
respiratory phase, the 4D ultrasound image is obtained. same respiratory phase, and then the boundary of the tissue in
the reconstructed image is not smooth enough. The respiratory
III. EXPERIMENT line is the signal sequence of all 3D images in the in the
reconstruction result obtained by Isomap. If the respiratory line
In the experiment, the proposed method is evaluated on the is similar to a Gaussian curve, the temporal continuity of the 4D
2D ultrasound images which acquired from six test subjects reconstruction result is high.
using the built system. The approval No. of ethics committee
is S2020-464-01 provided by Ethics Committee of Chinese
B. Implementations of Comparative Methods
PLA General Hospital. The assessment criteria is shown in the
section A. Based on the same ultrasound sequences acquired by There are mainly four modules involved in the implementa-
the slippery platform, the reconstruction results obtained by the tions of the comparative methods including respiratory signal
proposed method are compared with those of the methods in extraction, dense matching of the signal, similarity constraint
Georg et al. [18], Li et al. [23], Dikaios et al. [22], Low et al. and separate reconstruction. In the module named image sim-
[5] and Wachinger et al. [19]. The implementations of these ilarity constraint, image similarity is used as a constraint for
methods are detailed in the section B. The evaluation contains reconstruction. Meanwhile, the respiratory signal extraction can
three parts corresponding to the sections C, D and E. In the be divided into external device utilization and manifold learning.
section C, the signals obtained by the external devices is used The different modules are used to implement the comparative
as the ground truth, and compared with those obtained by the methods as shown in Table III. In Table III, “” and “×” mean
proposed method. Meanwhile, the sparse matching results of that the module is used and not used in the method, respectively.
the respiratory signal sequences from the adjacent positions are And “–” means that the module is not involved in the method.
assessed. The spatial and temporal continuities of the reconstruc- Therefore, the comparisons of Dikaios et al. [22] and Low
tion result are evaluated in the sections D and E, respectively. et al. [5] are used to test the advantages of the proposed signal
In the experiment, the used CPU and RAM are i7-9700K and extraction and processing. The comparisons of Li et al. [23],
16 G, respectively. The proposed method was implemented in Georg et al. [18] and Wachinger et al. [19] are used to examine
Python and C ++ programming languages. the advantage of the proposed sparse matching.

A. Assessment Criteria C. Evaluation of the Respiratory Signal

For the evaluation of the signal extracted by manifold learn- The respiratory signals computed by the manifold learning
ing, an external device called Aurora, which is an electromag- are first revised to the positive direction. The revised signal
netic tracking system from the NDI, is used to detect true respi- sequences and the corresponding ground truth are respectively
ratory signals. A marker is placed on the left abdomen of each marked in red and green lines in Fig. 7. Given that the outputs of
subject. When an ultrasound image is acquired, the 3D position the manifold learning are the values without physical learning,
and direction of the marker indicated by a six-dimensional the value ranges of the ground truth and obtained respiratory
(6D) vector are recorded through Aurora. The vectors of all signals are normalized into [0, 1] for comparison. The rows in
images are dimensionally reduced through PCA to obtain a value Fig. 7 illustrate the respiratory signal sequences from the differ-
which is used as the ground truth for the respiratory signal. The ent test subjects. The left, middle and right columns illustrate
normalized correlation coefficient (NCC) between the ground the respiratory signal sequences near the first, middle and last
truth and the respiratory signal obtained by Isomap is computed positions in the abdominal area of the test subject, respectively.
to evaluate accuracy. If the correlation coefficient is large, the Near the last position, the diaphragm is invisible in the slice
obtained respiratory signal is accurate. sequences. As shown in Fig. 7, the respiratory signal sequence
The L2 and the respiratory line are used to evaluate the after the direction revision is similar to the ground truth, even
spatial and temporal continuities of the resultant 4D images, near the last position.

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Fig. 9. Segmentation of the signal sequences with fluctuation.

Fig. 7. Normalized respiratory signals and ground truth.

Fig. 8. Normalized correlation coefficient between respiratory signals and

ground truth.

Fig. 8 shows the NCC between the respiratory signals ob-

tained from manifold learning and the ground truth. Each box
in this figure indicates the distribution of the correlation coeffi-
cients in the different positions of the corresponding test subject.
As shown in this figure, the high value means a high correlation
between the ground truth and the obtained respiratory signal.
Fig. 9 shows the segmentation results of six signal sequences
(illustrated in Fig. 5) with the fluctuation. The fluctuation be-
tween expiration and inspiration is indicated by the pink arrow,
and the fluctuation during expiration or inspiration is denoted by
the blue arrow. As shown in Fig. 9, all fluctuations are correctly
combined into the determined adjacent inhalation or exhalation
Based on respiratory signal sequences, Fig. 10 illustrates the
matching results of six cases to compare the sparse matching
in the proposed method and the dense matching in the methods Fig. 10. Matched respiratory signal sequences. First to sixth lines show the
of Georg et al. [18] and Wachinger et al. [19]. The first to fifth results of the six test subjects. The left and right columns show the results
rows in this figure show the matching results of the six test obtained from dense and sparse matching.

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Fig. 11. Selection ratio at each phase. (a)-(e) are the ratios of six test subjects. The first and second rows are the ratios in inhalation and exhalation processes,

subjects. The left and right columns show the sparsely and fully compared in Fig. 11. This figure shows the selection ratio at each
matched sequences. In each sub-figure of Fig. 10, the vertical and phase obtained by different methods. Figs. 11 (a)–(e) present
horizontal axes represent the position and the respiratory signal the ratios of six test subjects. The first and second rows are the
value, respectively. The points in each position of the vertical axe ratios in the inhalation and exhalation processes, respectively.
are the horizontally projected points of the matched sequence in Inhalation and exhalation processes are not separated in the
the corresponding position. Meanwhile, the projected points of method of Georg et al. [18], so its selection ratios are the same
the matched sequence in a position are colored accordingly to in the sub-figures of the first and second rows. The selection
the ratio between the signal range of the sequence and the mean ratio obtained by the proposed paper is generally high at each
range. The closer to 1 the ratio is, the closer to green the color of phase. Due to the significant shift identified between the matched
the points will be. Otherwise, the color is closer to red or blue. sequences, the selection rate obtained by Georg et al. [18] is
Therefore, if matching is accurate, then the mapped points in very low. A higher selection ratio means that more slices in the
the different positions are distributed nearly in the range of the reconstructed image are actually acquired from the ultrasonic
template sequence. The ranges of all densely matched sequences apparatus, and the tissue structures shown in the reconstructed
are quite different, which is indicated by numerous red or blue image is closer to the truth.
points as shown in the first column of Fig. 10. Meanwhile, Figs. 12 and 13 show the sagittal planes of the 4D ultrasound
accumulative errors in the matching between the sequences in images of two test subjects reconstructed using different meth-
the adjacent positions result in a significant shift between the ods. In these figures, the left, middle and right parts show the
matched sequences. By contrast, the colors of the sequences reconstructed 3D ultrasound images at the start, middle and
matched by the proposed sparse matching is closer to green, and end phases of the processes. In each part, the left and right
the mapped points cover the same signal value range. However, columns are the images in inhalation and exhalation processes,
the ranges of the matched sequences in the few positions are respectively. The first to sixth lines show the results obtained by
away from the mean range because of the uneven breath. Georg et al. [18], Li et al. [23], Dikaios et al. [22], Low et al.
[5], Wachinger et al. [19] and the proposed method. The yellow
arrows point the liver vessels in the reconstructed images. As
D. Evaluation of the Spatial Continuity shown in these figures, the boundaries of the liver vessels in
Different from Li et al. [23], the ultrasound slices are se- the reconstructed image obtained by the proposed method are
lected in the positions according to their signal values at each smoother and more continuous than those obtained by the other
respiratory phase in the reconstruction of the other compara- methods. It is worth noting that the reconstructed images in
tive methods and the proposed method. However, the different Figs. 12 and 13 are the results of interpolation, which is used to
selections in various methods may result in the lack of slices generate a slice for the position without a selected slice. Because
in some positions. For the position without the selected slice, of the too low selection ratio from Georg et al. [23], the 4D
interpolation is used to generate a slice and obtain a complete 3D ultrasound image can not be completely reconstructed even after
ultrasound image at the phase. The selection ratio, which is the the interpolation. Therefore, the black segment is identified in
quotient result of the numbers of the positions with the selected the image reconstructed by Georg et al. [23].
slices and all positions, is utilized to evaluate the methods. A To quantitatively evaluate the spatial continuity of the recon-
higher selection ratio indicates that more slices are selected and struction results obtained by the different methods, the values
few slices are interpolated to reconstruct. Meanwhile, because of the L2 distances between the selected adjacent slices in the
the spatial continuity constraint changes the selected slices rather reconstructed 3D image at different phases are computed and
than the number of them, only the selection ratios obtained by shown in Fig. 14. The slices generated via interpolation are
Georg et al. [18], Dikaios et al. [22] and the proposed method are excluded in the computation of the spatial continuity. Fig. 14

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Fig. 12. Reconstruction result on sagittal plane of subject 1. The left, middle and right parts show the reconstructed 3D ultrasound images at the start, middle
and end phases of the processes. In each part, the left and right are the images in the inhalation and exhalation processes. The yellow arrows point the liver vessels
in the enlarged view of the reconstructed images.



shows the L2 in the inhalation and exhalation of the first test means and standard deviations of the L2 distances of all phases
subject, respectively. In Fig. 14, the boxplots colored in red, in inhalation and exhalation processes for each test subject,
green, blue, purple, black and yellow are the L2 obtained by respectively. All the L2 for each test subject are normalized to
Li et al. [23], Georg et al. [18], Dikaios et al. [22], Low et al. make the results intuitively comparable. Because inhalation and
[5], Wachinger et al. [19] and the proposed method. A small L2 exhalation processes are not separated in the method of Georg
means a high continuity of the reconstructed image. With the et al. [18] and Li et al. [23], their means and standard deviations
continuity constraint, the proposed method achieves a smaller of L2 are the same as those in the two tables. The results
L2 than that of the other methods. Tables IV and V show the show that the means and standard deviations of L2 obtained

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Fig. 13. Reconstruction result on sagittal plane of subject 4. The left, middle and right parts show the reconstructed 3D ultrasound images at the start, middle
and end phases of the processes. In each part, the left and right are the images in inhalation and exhalation processes. The yellow arrows point the liver vessels in
the enlarged view of the reconstructed images.

Fig. 14. Resultant boxplot of L2 between the selected adjacent slices in the reconstructed ultrasound image of test subject 1. The left and right are the results of
inhalation and exhalation, respectively.

by the proposed method are small. Thus, the boundaries of the

tissues in the reconstructed image at each phase are smooth and
The structural liver vessel can be segmented from the re-
constructed 4D ultrasound image. The dynamic region growth
method is used to segment the vessel at the different phases
of the 4D ultrasound image, and the segmentations are shown
in Fig. 15. In this figure, (a), (b) and (c) show the vessel Fig. 15. Vessel segmentations with the corresponding reconstructed images at
segmentations are the 3D ultrasound at the start, middle and end the start (a), middle (b) and end (c) phases of inhalation, and they are compared
phases of inhalation process from test subject 4, respectively. in (d).

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Fig. 16. Respiratory lines.

Fig. 15 (d) shows the variations among vessel segmentations at

the three phases. The vessel segmentations at the phases from
start to end are colored in blue, red and yellow. The structures
of the liver vessels in the reconstructed images are continuous,
and no fracture is identified. The variations among the vessel
segmentations are caused by respiration-induced motion. Fig. 17. Ratio between AUIC and AUEC.

E. Evaluation of the Temporal Continuity Table VI shows the normalized signal values of the start-
The 4D reconstruction result covers the entire respiratory inspiratory (start-IN), end-inspiratory (end-IN), start-expiratory
cycle. If the temporal continuity is high, the respiratory line (start-EX), end-expiratory (end-Ex) images in the reconstruction
joining the signals of all 3D images in the in the reconstruction results. For the proposed method, the obtained signal values
result should be similar to the Gaussian curve. Meanwhile, the of start-IN and end-EX are approximately equal and close to
inspiratory and expiratory lines should be similar to the each −1. The signal values of start-EX and end-IN obtained by the
other, which indicates by the symmetry of the respiratory line. proposed method are approximately equal and close to 1. The
We use the Isomap to extract the respiratory signal of each 3D results of Georg et al. [18] and Li et al. [23] are not collected
image in the reconstruction result. The respiratory lines of the in Table VI because of their undistinguished reconstruction for
different methods are shown in Fig. 16. In this figure, (a-f) show inhalation and exhalation. In Fig. 17, the ratio between the
the respiratory lines using the data from the six test subjects. area under the inspiratory curve (AUIC) and the area under
The signal value range of each line is normalized to [1[,-1]. the expiratory curve (AUEC) to evaluate the symmetry of the
And the range is divided into 15 segments. Compared with the obtained respiratory line. Inhalation and exhalation processes
other methods, the respiratory lines obtained by the proposed are not separated in the method of Georg et al. [18] and Li et al.
method are more similar to a Gaussian curve without the zigzag. [23], so their ratios of them are equal to 1. The ratio achieved
Meanwhile, the values of 1 and −1 are the end-inspiratory (or by the proposed method is closer to 1 than that obtained by the
start-expiratory) and end-expiratory (or start-inspiratory) signal methods of Dikaios et al. [22], Low et al. [5] and Wachinger
values in the ideal respiratory line, respectively. et al. [19].

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4D ultrasound image reconstruction is significant for the esti-
mation of respiration-induced liver motion. A sparse matching-
based method is proposed in this paper to reconstruct a 4D
wide-field ultrasound image. The original ultrasound slice se-
quences from the different abdominal positions of a subject are
automatically acquired through a system including a slippery
platform. The manifold learning is used to directly extract
the respiratory signal from each ultrasound slice without any
IV. DISCUSSION additional markers. The directions of the extracted signals are
firstly revised and then divided into inhalation and exhalation.
A. Acquisition Time The signal sequence in different positions are aligned by sparse
The acquisition time of the six test subjects is shown in matching with the three selected pairs. After the matching, the
Table VII. The gender of each test subject is presented in the signals with the same values from different positions belong
first column of Table VII. The acquisition time is only related to to the same respiratory phase, and the corresponding ultra-
the number of acquisition positions. Therefore, the acquisition sound slices could be assembled for the phase-independent
time can be adjusted for the different subjects. For the fat and reconstruction. The assembled images at different phases are
males, the number of the acquisition position should be large grouped as the 4D ultrasound image. In the experiment, the
to cover the large liver and larger respiratory amplitude, and the ultrasound slice sequences are acquired from six subjects to test
corresponding acquisition time is long. For the thin and females, the proposed method, and the results are compared with those
the number of the acquisition position is small according to the of five existing methods. The high correlation value between the
small liver and respiratory amplitude, and the corresponding extracted signals and the signals provided by markers indicate
acquisition time is short. that the proposed method can accurately extract the respiratory
signals without the additional markers. In the 4D ultrasound
image reconstructed by the proposed method, the small L2 value
B. Reconstruction Time between the adjacent slices indicates that a higher connectivity
The time consumption of the three steps in the proposed correlation than that obtained by other comparative methods.
method is computed in Table VIII. For the test subject with And the respiratory line extracted from the reconstruction result
a large position number, the time consumption of the three steps obtained by the proposed is more similar to a Gaussian curve
is long. Meanwhile, the time consumption of sparse matching than that obtain by other comparative methods. Therefore, the
in the second step is compared with that of dense matching. In proposed method can reconstruct a 4D ultrasound image with
contrast to dense matching, a few signals are used to align the high spatial and temporal continuities.
adjacent sequences in sparse matching, and the efficiency of the
proposed method greatly improves.
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