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Running head: WORLD SECURITY 1






The United States of America has over time established itself as a global power. The

economic power of the country has set a foundation for its power. The rise into power of

different political leaders culminated the feeling of controlling security in other global nations.

Great decision makers and elite presidents like Roosevelt established clear grounds for the US’

security. For instance, Roosevelt built the Panama Canal which was a strategy of choice for the

security of the nation. The fact that the US was involved in World War 1 and took an outstanding

position amongst the participants, made it have a sense of prominence among other world

powers. The nation as well has had a very stable economy based on innovation and utilization of

its resources. The surplus wealth has over time been used to fund and develop the defense

department of defense. The US territory is rich of minerals, agricultural lands, railway lines and

other forms of transport and a well-established domestic market. The vast technological

advancements by US experts have also made the country to develop sophisticated steps in

security. These alongside other factors have made the nation to build an irresistible feeling of

dominance over world security (Efthymiou, 2017).

Thesis Statement

America has the responsibility of keeping the world’s security on a check. The nation has

the duty to protect its citizens either within or without its borders. In this study, the role played

by the US based on insecurity in the world will be evaluated and potential reasons for its interest

in international security identified.


Social responsibility

Responsibility of U.S. overall in the World

According to Max Boot, one of the speakers in this debate, people have to protect

themselves from predators as long as evil exists in the society. According to his view, the

international community holds a similar approach of evil and it is associated with numerous

cases of terrorism, robbery, murder, genocide and rape. Therefore, there is need to have an

international watchdog that does checks on such behavior. If this aspect is not taken into control,

then, the international community can easily fall just like the New York City in 1970s

(WEINER, 2017).

Based on the fact that there are no specified laws that prohibit nasty things like genocide

and landmines, makes the control of security a challenge. Just like the Britain fought against

slavery and pirates to open up free business zones through open sea routes, the US has had the

task of preserving international liberty and such free zones void of inhumanity. Thus, it has had

to deploy security to international borders. All to keep peaceful inter border sanctions that also

benefit the US a great deal as well.

The logic by Roosevelt to preserve and defend civilization is a social responsibility

upheld by the US security. This civilization is based on the protection of human rights against

any form, of violation. For this reason, American forces have been previously been deployed in

places like Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo where the right to life was constantly violated by some

rebels. Very dangerous rivalry had developed in these countries amongst some groups. Therefore

in order to bring it to control, the US had to chip in and prevent aggression being a world

superpower. This happens to be one of the key reasons as to why the US navy still has patrolling

missions in major oceans and the subsequent stationing in vulnerable countries. Being a world

policeman calls for the combating of death through terrorism and the spreads of crude weapons.

As a social responsibility, the US has been in the frontline in offering security in these regions.

The loss of lives in Darfur and Rwanda sought for more responsibility by the US to offer security

to such third world nations. Despite the fact that the look on US as an impostor in other people’s

security, the country still has a great role being the most developed economy ion the world to

even fund its police in the international ground. On the other hand, failure to act on predisposing

factors of insecurity made civil wars between the Taliban and the Northern Alliance in

Afghanistan to escalate (Safer, 2017).

Responsibility of U.S. overall to its Citizens

The US government has a role to play in the protection .of its citizens either within or

without its boundaries. The country hosts millions of international residents and many of them

from economically struggling and politically/ economically unstable ends ( Iraq and Afghanistan

are examples). It should be noted that most of these have a financial challenge as either

protecting their boundaries from external aggression or from internal conflicts arising from the

distribution of resources (Safer, 2017).

Individual American citizens also stay in the listed countries as investors and private

developers. So, what has the government of the US offer for their protection? The US keeps a lot

of control on individuals who develop massive weapons with intentions of either attacking the

US or any other nation. This way, it acts as a world police force .This is as per one of the

speakers, Ellen Laipson (Safer, 2017).


Personal responsibility

At the edge of individual responsibility, the presidents in reign in the US over time have

had a feeling of establishing superiority. Therefore the personal aspect of controlling security has

been part of their investment plans. Ethically, this is good but needs to be complemented by a

collateral system that includes other nations to avoid feelings of victimization of their own peace

by the US. It is valuable to have the security guaranteed but it also calls for host effort as well.

On another ethical aspect, the US should not struggle to provide security to a given border with

aims of exploiting its natural resources. This would be wrong.

Personal opinion and how influenced

The Federal government has the task of providing security to its citizens in any territory.

However in this exercise, the security should not be provided to the people just because they are

Americans and in the backyard, the same people oppress other nationals of the foreign nation

(, 2017). As a watchdog of the world security as well, any malicious acquisition of

property from the countries receiving security should not be allowed. In my opinion therefore,

the us should remain a security watchdog all because it has got well established and sophisticated

security system with absolute funding. it can serve many regions within the world from where

many of the immigrants into the US come from. As a citizen in the world, one should not entirely

wait for the intervention of the American security. Rather the individual has the task of enforcing

own security measures and self-discipline to promote cohesion while protecting the rights of

others from injustices and violation.



Retrieved 31 October 2017, from


Efthymiou, P. (2017). Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. Retrieved 30 October 2017,



Safer, M. (2017). Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. Retrieved 31

October 2017, from

WEINER, E. (2017). Should America Be the World's Policeman?. Retrieved 30

October 2017, from


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