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“True friends are happy for the happiness, success, and fulfilment of
their friends. Just like a flower, friendship blooms and wilts in the
passing of time, but as humans gifted with a sense of maturity, true
friends endure the seasons of life”.

My thoughts on "True friends are happy for the happiness, success, and
fulfilment of their friends. Just like a flower, friendship blooms and wilts in the
passing of time, but as humans gifted with a sense of maturity, true friends endure
the seasons of life". Is truly a life changing quotes for every person we communicate
and put our interest and love to enjoy life.
Friendship is a gift that lives in our hearts forever. We all frequently take for
granted the gift of being able to connect with those who share our values and
genuinely care about us. Others accompany us when we need space, while others
make us laugh, truly listen to our feelings, and support us when we're in need.
relaxation period. They are the ones who call out our positive character traits, like
courage and loyalty, when we are modest. They do this by pointing out our strengths
when we only perceive our shortcomings. They encourage us toward the future while
serving as a reminder of past accomplishments. Spending time with them makes our
life more complete and richer. Being together helped us to feel more "self" when we
departed. However, friends are truthful and don't simply point out our positive traits.
When we violate boundaries, the individuals in our lives who aren't hesitant to say
what they actually believe are the ones who make us answerable. with doing so, they
improve us by speaking the truth with love.
A happy life depends greatly on having friends. Our troubles will be forgotten
with just a two-minute conversation with a friend. The power of friendship lies in it.
One thing to keep in mind, though: friendship frequently develops into love, even if it
isn't romantic—it always happens—so be ready to risk your happiness for someone
else to you're friends!

Submitted by:
Clarissa Mae G. Tuplano
12- Kindness
Submitted to:
Ms. Klyne T. Bongalon
Subject Teacher

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