E) @ Digital Citizenship

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E02 Digital Citizenship – THREE assignments

1. Read article Thinking Through the Ethics of New Tech…Before There’s a Problem
(hbr.org) and summarize the main points of the article.
After reading, I am sure you have some thoughts and feelings on the ambiguity of
technological developments... 
Please submit a specific question that you are curious about... in the realm of ethics
in technology. Feel free to submit more if you feel inclined! Think about it as if you
were to host a discussion about ethics in technology, what questions would you
bring up for the group to discuss?
2. Research the topic of copyright law and fair use guidelines. Submit a minimum 2
minute video that speaks on copyright law and fair use guidelines. 

Explain the basic concept and what you have learned about it in research. 

Some guiding questions: 

What is copyright law? What is it primarily used for? 

What is an example of violation of the copyright law? 

What are fair use guidelines? Why are fair use guidelines important? 

What are pressing problems in these fields we need to improve on?

3. Research one of the following topics and make a presentation.

cyber bullying, hacking, intentional virus setting, sexting, manipulation & grooming,
phishing, malware, ransomware

What is it? Why should we care?

Under what circumstances, could something like this happen? 

Statistically/society-wide, who are the main victims? 

How are victims impacted? 

What laws do we have to prevent this from happening? 

What else do you propose we should do? in education/ in legal systems/ on an individual

Any final thoughts

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