Misl Academy G-15: Square

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Class: 9th Math (Review 1 +2.1) Test: 5

Question No.1: Choose the Correct Answers.

1) “ π ” is a number?
‫حق ق‬ ‫ن‬ ‫غ ن‬
(a) Real ‫ی ی‬ (b) Rational ‫اطق‬ (c) Irrational ‫ی ر اطق‬ (d) odd ‫طاق‬
2) “O” is a number?
‫ف‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ن‬
(a) Even ‫( ج ت‬b) odd ‫طاق‬ (c) +ve ‫پ از ی و‬ (d) -ve ‫ی گٹ ی و‬

2 2
3) is decimal fraction? ‫ے؟‬
‫کسر ہ‬
9 9
‫ت‬ ‫غ ت‬ ‫ئ ن‬
(a) Terminating ‫( کراری‬b) Non.terminating ‫ی ر کراری‬ (c) a,b (d) None ‫کو ی ہی ں‬

4) [ 10 01] is a matrix?
(a) identity (b) square (c) diagonal (d) all

3 5
5) if determinant of 6 x =0 then x=?[ ]
(a) 10 (b) 30 (c) 10 (d) -10

Question No.2: Give the Short Answers. 10

‫ف‬ ‫غ ن‬ ‫ن‬
i) Difference b/w rational and irrational. ‫اطق اور ی ر اطق می ں رق لکھی ں؟‬
‫ش‬ ‫ت‬
ii) Terminating decimal fraction? ‫کراری اع اری ہ کسر‬
57 ‫ش‬
iii) Covert into decimal fraction . ‫اع اری ہ حصہ می ں ت ب دی ل کری ں؟‬
3 5 ‫ن‬
iv) Give Rational number b/w and . ‫کے درم ی ان اطق اعداد معلوم کری ں؟‬
4 9

v) If [ a+36 4
−3 4
6 2 ] a=? b=?

Question No.3 10

For the matrices. B= [ 13 25] , C=[−32 −69 ]

I) verify that (BC )t=C t Bt and
II) find B−1 A−1

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