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B1 MAKE and DO GV001

Fill in the correct form of MAKE or DO.

1. I always try to ____________ my best whenever I play. I never want to lose on purpose.
2. The workers ____________ some new suggestions, but the managers didn’t accept
3. After the children are out of the house, I always ____________ the housework.
4. It’s not easy to always ____________ the right decision.
5. My dad’s a lawyer. What does your dad ____________ for a living?
6. The mountaineers ____________ an attempt to climb the mountains but didn’t
7. The man knocked down the old lady and ____________ off with her handbag.
8. The doctor told me that I’ll have to ____________ more exercise if I want to stay
9. A diet that is unhealthy ____________ harm to your health.
10. I tried to paint the ceiling, but I ____________ a complete mess out of it.
11. It’s Saturday. I must ____________ the shopping or else we won’t have anything to eat
for the weekend.
12. How did you learn to ____________ your own clothes?
13. You’ll have to ____________ without breakfast if you want to catch the earlier train.
14. Boys ____________ up over 80% of the students at our school.
15. He went to America and ____________ a fortune out of selling sportswear.
16. He was ____________ so well at school that the teacher said he could skip a grade.
17. If you want us to help you, you’ll have to ____________ an appointment with the
18. Could you ____________ me a favour and pass along the sugar?
19. There is no point in ____________ any excuses. I know where you have been!
20. After father had died, we all got together to ____________ arrangements for the
B1 MAKE and DO GV002

Fill in MAKE or DO.

1. ____________ a job
2. ____________ an exception
3. ____________ trouble
4. ____________ your hair
5. ____________ me a favour
6. ____________ a difference
7. ____________ an arrangement
8. ____________ a mess
9. ____________ business
10. ____________ harm
11. ____________ a living
12. ____________ your best
13. ____________ a discovery
14. ____________ an effort
15. ____________ sport
16. ____________ some noise
17. ____________ a comment
18. ____________ dinner
19. ____________ some exercise
20. ____________ household chores
21. ____________ a choice
22. ____________ your homework
23. ____________ a suggestion
24. ____________ your bed
25. ____________ work
26. ____________ an experiment
27. ____________ the dishes
28. ____________ a decision
29. ____________ improvements
30. ____________ your duty
B1 Opposites GV003

Match the words with their opposites.

A elementary heavy

B interrupt boring

C fail cruel

D friend desperate

E defend ordinary

F exciting exit

G humane advanced

H entrance courage

I special gentle

J innocent succeed

K foreign enemy

L tiny increase

M frequently attack

N violent domestic

O fear handsome

P reduce hilly

Q light giant

R hopeful occasionally

S flat continue

T ugly guilty
B1 Opposites GV004

Match the words with their opposites.

A clean harvest

B ceiling destroy

C unite attic

D argue teach

E remember different

F basement freeze

G lend agree

H natural constant

I melt floor

J learn complicated

K equal artificial

L near moderate

M ancient arrival

N asleep divide

O extreme borrow

P simple forget

Q plant dirty

R departure awake

S changeable modern

T create far

Fill in the correct form of MAKE, DO, HAVE or GET.

1. ____________ a seat. I'll ____________ you a cup of coffee.

2. I wasn't able to sleep because someone was ____________ noise in the basement.
3. I offered to ____________ the dishes, but she didn't let me.
4. I told her that she had to ____________ more exercise.
5. I must go now because I have to ____________ some work ____________.
6. I ____________ lost on my way here, so that's why I'm late.
7. It's no use ____________ angry. You must learn to control your temper.
8. I must ____________ my car repaired. It's got a flat tire.
9. The teacher ____________ us write 300 lines as punishment.
10. I couldn't ____________ any business with him because he isn't trustworthy.
11. After I ____________ up at 6.15, I ____________ a shower and then ____________ some
breakfast for my husband and me.
12. It's late and she isn't home yet. I'm starting to ____________ worried.
13. I told her it was her turn to ____________ the shopping this week.
14. What are we ____________ for dinner tonight?
15. I'm sorry. You didn't pass. You ____________ too many mistakes.
16. My mother was very ill last week, but she is ____________ better.
17. I have to ____________ my hair ____________ today. There's a ball tonight and I want to
look my best.
18. It's ____________ rather cold. Don't you think we should head back to the house?
19. I usually ____________ along rather well with my sisters. They don't ____________ any
trouble when they're here.
20. We're ____________ married next August.
B1 Opposites GV006

Complete the sentences by using the opposite of the words in brackets at the end of
each sentence. Use the words in the box. You will need to change the forms of these



1. She tripped over the carpet and everyone _________________. (CRY)

2. He _________________ the bottle of spoilt milk into the sink. (FILL)
3. Don't _________________ to come to our party tomorrow. (REMEMBER)
4. We have _________________ in stopping the spread of the illness. (FAIL)
5. When does your train _________________? (ARRIVE)
6. We _________________ too much money on unimportant things we really don't need.
7. The dollar has _________________ against the euro recently (RISE).
8. The car _________________ the tree and crashed into a telephone pole instead. (HIT)
9. The exam was very difficult. As a result, most of the students ________________. (PASS)
10. We don't expect our team to _________________ tomorrow. (WIN)
11. She _________________ being the source of the rumours. (DENY)
12. I wanted to her to become a member of the committee, but our boss _______________
the proposal. (ACCEPT)
13. We only _________________ our tickets a day before the concert took place. (SEND)
14. Jack asked me if I could _________________ him my iPad. (BORROW)
15. My brother _________________ me how to repair my bike. (LEARN)
16. Smoking is _________________ in public places. (ALLOW)
17. He _________________ his tie and took his jacket off. (TIGHTEN)
18. The soldiers weren't able to _________________ the fortress. (ATTACK)
19. A lot of bridges and motorways were _________________ during the earthquake.
20. The teacher _________________ the pupils by giving them lines to write. (REWARD)
B1 Activities GV007

Match the verbs with the nouns to create as many activities as possible. Verbs can be
used more than once.


a novel
the news
your bed
the dishes
B1 Blended Families LIU003

Fill in the blanks with words from the box. There are THREE words you will not need.

A stepfamily, or blended family, is a _____________________ with at least one

child from a ____________________ relationship who lives with them all the
time or some of the time. achieved

These families often have an image problem. In old fairy tales
stepmothers are wicked and stepsisters are _________________. When you break
see a stepfamily in one of your favourite TV soap operas they usually bullies
have __________________ with other family members. That is why the phrase
“blended family” is often used instead of stepfamily.
Family life has faced many ____________________ over the past half century.
Traditional _________________ families – mother, father and two children –
are a lot less ___________________ today. About 40% of all marriages end in divorce
Today, over 2.5 million children in the UK live in stepfamilies. Most of nuclear
them start when the birth parents __________________ up and find new
Being part of a stepfamily can really be a challenge for children. An
important factor is the way the birth parents deal with the end of their
_____________________. They need to be careful not to talk too much about reality
their ex-partner or his/her faults. Children sometimes also feel
__________________ about liking their stepparent too much, because they
may think that they are betraying their birth parent.

Although, while it may be hard at first, being in a stepfamily can provide

all members with a new life and a feeling that they have
___________________ something worthwhile.
B1 A Healthy Lifestyle LIU004

Fill in the blanks with words from the box. There are THREE words you will not need.

Scientists around the world agree that the key to staying _____________
and keeping fit is to eat less and do ________________ exercise such as
walking or cycling. However, people who exercise too intensively often
__________________ themselves by spending the rest of the day in front of attacks
the TV set. At the same time, they have to eat more to give them
_________________ for the next workout. To avoid gaining _________________ ,
researchers suggest that going for a longer walk or riding a bike for a cholesterol
few hours may actually be better than high-energy exercise. diet

A low-fat _________________ may be good for your waistline, but research doses
suggests it may have negative psychological _________________ . Medical
experts have found out that volunteers who followed a strict twenty-five
percent fat diet reported feelings of depressions and bad _______________ . energy


Many of us already know that drinking coffee raises your blood healthy
_________________ but according to the latest studies, it too, can make you heart
bad-tempered. Mice that were given regular _________________ of caffeine
by researchers turned out to be more aggressive than others. On the
other hand, chemicals found in tea can _________________ the risk of heart physical
_________________ and have a positive effect on _________________ levels and pressure
high blood pressure.

If you’re a chocolate fan, there’s good news for you! Recent studies have
revealed that _________________ found in chocolate can not only put you in
a good mood but also _________________ you from a variety of minor weight
illnesses including colds, coughs, depressions and even help reduce the
risk of _________________ disease.
B1 British Politics LIU005

Fill in the blanks with words from the box. There are THREE words you will not need.

The United Kingdom is a parliamentary _________________________ whose appointed

head of _______________________ is the Queen. She represents the cabinet

country but does not get involved in politics. Parliament is made up of candidates
the House of __________________ whose members are ____________________
by the Queen and the House of _________________________ whose
members are ______________________ by the people in general elections.
They are the ones who make the laws. The Prime Minister and his
_________________________ are at the head of the government. divided

Members of parliament are elected every five years. The whole country
is _________________________ into voting areas . The candidate with the election

______________________ of votes in his _______________________ represents govern

it in parliament. There is no second round of counting so the votes of history
the other _________________________ are lost. One of the advantages of lords
such a system is that it is much easier to _________________________ the
Britain’s parliamentary system goes back to the 12 monarchy
_________________________ when King John had to give up power and sign
a _________________________ , the Magna Carta, which has become one of
the most important documents of British _________________________ .
B1 How To Deal With Money LIU006

Complete the text on how Tom dealt with money. Fill in the blanks from the word list
on the right. There are TWO words you will not need.

When Tom was a youngster he cared a lot about money. He allowance

received a weekly _______________________ from his parents and budget
started saving it because he wanted to go to college. He opened a
_________________________ at a local bank that paid good interest, so
credit card
his ______________________ grew. When he started college he didn't
have much money, but he had a _____________________ and stuck to
it. He always kept track of the money he spent , and when he bought deposit

things, he always paid in _____________________ . expenses


One day Tom bought a _____________________ ticket and, to his
surprise, won a million dollars. From that day on everything in his
life changed. Instead of investing the money lottery

in _____________________ and bonds Tom went on prices

a _____________________ spree. He bought a house, expensive clothes savings account
and a sports car. He spent a lot of money on travel, entertainment spending
and going out with lovely girls. After about a year, Tom had nothing
left, so he applied for a _____________________ and started charging
his everyday _____________________ . In order to pay off his college
_________________ , he took out a _____________________ , which he is still paying off. As time
went on, Tom got his finances under control. Although he has a good job now, but he still
hasn't got out of _____________________ .
B1 Imagine by John Lennon LIU007

Read the text about John Lennon’s song Imagine. Some of the lines are correct. Some
have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the line. If
the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done for you.

1 Imagine, written by John Lennon, is a famous song about ✓

2 everyone living in the peace in our world. The song, written the
3 in 1971, became a hit again almost 10 years later, when even
4 John Lennon was being murdered in New York. It climbed to the
5 top of the charts for a third time after the 9/11 attacks in 2001.
6 Although John Lennon wrote the song and took up credit for
7 it, the ideas and inspiration for Imagine came from his wife,
8 Yoko Ono. While at that time Ono wrote poems that started
9 with the word “Imagine”. Influenced by the much hardships
10 she went through as such a child in Japan in World War II, Ono
11 imagined the good things in life and has wanted to make them
12 happen.
13 According to Ono, the song is about John’s dream for peace
14 in the world. It is something he really wanted him to say. In the
15 decades that followed up, Imagine became a popular song for
16 protesters and peace activists on only every continent.
17 In 2002, Liverpool, John Lennon’s hometown, renamed the
18 airport John Lennon Airport. A sign down on the roof of the
19 airport has had a line from the song: Imagine: “Above us,
20 only sky.”
B1 Caffeine – A Stimulant For Our Body? LIU008

Complete the text on the effects of caffeine. Fill in the blanks from the word list on
the right. There are THREE words you will not need.

You are drinking lots of cola at a party, when it ____________________ hits. You
are full of energy, you jump around, and you talk too fast. Later on, you can’t
fall asleep and the next day you’re tired and feel awful. Does that sound amount
____________________? anxious
Most children already have lots of energy, but those who drink a lot of cola average
often end up even more wired than others. The beverage includes a lot of
sugar but also a ____________________ that produces a lot of energy - caffeine.
Like cola, coffee is also full of caffeine. That’s why many grown-ups drink it boost
the first thing in the morning to help them wake up. The chemical is naturally
found in tea, chocolate and hot cocoa. Many people need this kick, so food
producers often add it to many other ____________________ and snacks. But is
caffeine good or bad for us? diseases
Some _________________ show that caffeine might help people _________________
to things more quickly. Scientists have found out that caffeinated coffee and
tea can help protect your heart, brain and other organs from certain harm
____________________. physical

On the other hand too much caffeine can make people ____________________ producers
and unable to sleep. This is worrisome because we need sleep to stay protect
healthy. Caffeine may also ____________________ your blood pressure, increase raise
your heart ____________________ and make you feel more stressed.
Love it or hate it, caffeine is hard to ____________________. Coffee shops are all regular
over the place, in city streets and malls. Machines offer coffee and cola at respond
schools. Even though you can get caffeine-free coffee, tea and cola almost
everywhere more than 80 % of adults in America ____________________ caffeine
Caffeine raises the ____________________ of sugar in your bloodstream, even if
there is no sugar in your caffeinated drink. That’s what gives you extra

Taking caffeine away from ____________________ users causes withdrawal ____________________, like
headaches and sleepiness. It also makes them react more slowly. So, when you give these people
the caffeine that they need they do better and react more quickly.
B1 The Wright Brothers and the Beginning of Aviation LIU009

Read the text about how the Wright Brothers carried out the first successful flight.
Some of the lines are correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this
word in the box next to the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The
first two lines have been done for you.

1 Airplanes have changed the way people travelled in have

2 the 20th century. Flying has become the dominant ✓
3 form of travel just over long distances. The era of
4 aviation started at the beginning of the 20th century,
5 but when two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright,
6 built them the first functioning airplane.
7 At that time, while people could build gliders, but
8 nobody could make a plane with an engine to fly.
9 Every attempt failed and planes crashed down. In
10 1903 the Wright brothers built a model plane in their
11 bicycle shop and tested it over in a wind tunnel
12 which they also built themselves. Then they often
13 headed to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, a place which
14 was known for its strong winds. The plane, was called
15 The Flyer, had an old engine and wooden propellers.
16 On a cold December day, Orville climbed into the
17 plane and has started the engine.
18 After rolling on the ground for a few seconds then
19 the plane finally took off and stayed in the air even
20 for 12 seconds long. It became the first flight in
21 aviation history.
B1 English As A World Language LIU010

Read the text about the importance of English as a world language. Some of the lines
are correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box
next to the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have
been done for you.

1 A few hundred years ago only people on the British ✓

2 Isles spoke English. After the Age of the Exploration the
3 English ships sailed over to faraway parts of the world
4 and have founded colonies on all continents. English
5 became the mother tongue in the United States,
6 Australia and New Zealand.
7 In many other countries this English was spoken in
8 schools, in government and trade products. Today,
9 it is still used for as a second language in India,
10 Pakistan and other countries.
11 In the course of time, while many different dialects
12 of the English mother language developed. British
13 and American English, for example, differ do not
14 only in pronunciation, but also in such vocabulary
15 and grammar.
16 There are even many reasons why English is widely
17 used around the world. It has become the dominant
18 language in science and then the main language of
19 international communication and the Internet.
20 This is why English language has become the most
21 important foreign language in child education in
22 many countries.
B1 Country Profile: India LIU012

Complete the text on India. Fill in the blanks from the word list on the right. There
are three words you will not need.

India is the most important country in southern Asia. With a

_________________ of 3.2 million square kilometres it is the seventh-
largest country in the world. It is made up of the Indian crops
_________________ and parts of the Asian mainland. 1.3 billion people currency
live in India, making it the second most _____________________ country in
the world after China. densely

The capital is New Delhi but the largest city in India is Mumbai developing
(formerly Bombay). Other big cities are Calcutta, Madras and expectancy
India was a ___________________ British colony, which became
independent in 1947. Since then it has been a federal republic of
consisting of 28 states. growth


Landscapes and Climate illiterates

India consists of four major geographical regions: materials

1. The Eastern and Western Ghats are mountain ranges that rise nations
up to a ___________________ of 1,500 metres and extend along the
Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.
2. Between these two mountain ranges lies the Deccan Plateau. peninsula
3. The great river ___________________ of the Ganges and Indus are
among the most _________________ populated part of the plains
country. . populous
4. To the north India borders on the highest mountain range in
the world – the Himalayas . poverty

India’s climate is dominated by the monsoon – winds that blow from
the Indian Ocean to the subcontinent and bring a lot of rain from
May to September. trade


Although population ________________ has been slowing about 15 million Indians are still born
every year. Life _______________________ is about 68 years. 70 per cent of India ’s population
lives in _____________ areas. Though living conditions in many areas have improved, many
people are still poor. One third of the country’s population lives on or below the
____________________ line.


The main religions in India are Hindu (80 %), Muslim (13.4 %) , Christian (2.3 %) and Sikh
(1.8 %). English is the most important language for communication, but the _________________
language is Hindi. There are 14 other languages. 40 % of the population are ________________-
they can’t read or write.


India is the world’s fifth largest economy. More than half of the land is used for
_________________. More than two thirds of India’s population depend on the land to make a
living. The most important _________________ are rice, wheat, sugar cane, tea, cotton, and jute.
India also produces other raw ___________________ like coal, iron ore and bauxite.
________________________ is currently at about 6%. India’s _______________________ is the rupee,
which is worth about one cent.
B1 Mobile Phone Ban in French Schools LIU014

Read the text about a new law that bans the use of mobile phones in French schools.
Some of the lines are correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this
word in the box next to the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The
first two lines have been done for you.

1 French students are now banned from using mobile ✓

2 phones after a law was being passed by the country’s being
3 parliament. When during his election campaign French
4 President Macron promised to have forbid the use
5 of phones in primary and middle schools until the
6 old age of 15.
7 The new law does not always allow pupils to have
8 mobile phones use in classrooms and playgrounds
9 during school lessons. Lawmakers insist on that the
10 ban is an attempt to get back pupils to concentrate
11 more on school lessons instead of constantly checking
12 messages and not typing into their phones.
13 Some critics say that the ban does not go so far enough.
14 They want teachers to set an example and give up
15 their phones when they often come to school in the
16 morning.
17 Those opposed to the new law say that while the
18 government does not have the right to take over
19 personal belongings away from students. Some of
20 schools are thinking about setting up lockers where
21 pupils can put their personal items even when they
22 enter in the school building.
B1 Passive Smoking Kills 600,000 Every Year LIU015

Complete the text on passive smoking by choosing a word from the box for each
blank. There are THREE words you will not need.

According to a study carried out by the World Health Organization

(WHO) passive smoking kills over 600,000 people a year, a
(1) _____________________ of them children. The report says that there
are 1.2 (2) _____________________ smokers worldwide. They are not only
risking their own lives but the lives of non-smokers as well. Both
(3) _____________________ and passive smoking kill almost 6 million adults
people a year.
In the year the study took place passive smoking led to almost four
hundred thousand deaths from heart diseases, 150000 from billion
respiratory infections and thousands from asthma and lung
(4) _____________________.
Children are the group that is hardest hit by passive smoking. But
while in Europe only 71 died because of second-hand smoke, over cut
40,000 were killed in Africa. A few months ago, a report released in the
US showed that more than half of American children between the ages exposed
of 3 and 11 had (5) _____________________ in their blood that came from
passive smoking.
Most (6) _____________________ who smoke do so at home and in front of
their children. Children whose parents smoke also have a higher risk pneumonia
of infections and other diseases like (7) _____________________ and
bronchitis. population

About a third of all adults and 40% of all children worldwide are protect
(8) _____________________ to passive smoking on a regular basis. Experts
say that (9) _____________________ smoking in public places can help
(10) _____________________ health care costs and lower the number of quarter
people who die through passive smoking. Studies show that
(11) _____________________ anti-smoking laws in bars and restaurants release
can massively lower the number of people who smoke. Such laws can
also help people quit smoking.

The report comes to the (12) _____________________ that more needs to world
be done to (13) _____________________ non-smokers at their place of
work and on (14) _____________________ transport. Right now only 7% of
the world’s population lives in areas with strict anti-smoking
(15) _____________________.
B1 Daily Routine of a Footballer LIU017

Read the text about the daily routine of an English footballer. Some of the lines are
correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to
the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been
done for you.

1 Jack Johnson is a football player who plays for Chelsea, ✓

2 a club in the England’s top league. On a normal training the
3 day, when he gets up 8, has breakfast and then goes to
4 the practice pitch, but on every match days he gets up
5 later.
6 Training sessions are being very intensive, especially
7 the morning ones. Jack and his mates do a lot of
8 tactical work, which prepares them for after the match
9 the following weekend. In the afternoon, the worst
10 players do some weight training and practice them
11 moves with the ball.
12 After training, while the team sometimes goes to the
13 sauna and relaxes for an early hour. Then they have
14 dinner together. Jack drives home in his car and usually
15 gets to bed at about 10 later.
16 On match days, the players don’t have lunch together
17 and then to go to the stadium or get into the bus if
18 it’s an away game. Before the match together the
19 atmosphere in the dressing room is very tense because
20 you’re always a bit nervous one. When the game is over,
21 and Jack and his team have had won, they go to the
22 next pub drink to celebrate a bit.
B1 Road To The White House LIU018

Complete the text with a word from the box. There are TWO words you will not need.

There are many people who would like to become President. From
January to June of the election year, the two big parties, Republicans and
Democrats, hold (1) _____________________ in many states. In these, people chance
(2) _____________________ who should become the party’s candidate for the concentrate
(3) _____________________ election in November.
At the end of the primaries, each party organises a big party called a
(4) _____________________. Thousands of party (5) _____________________ meet decide
and select the candidate who was the best in the primaries. At this electors
gathering, the candidate also tells the people who will become
(6) _____________________ if he gets elected.
From August to November the (7) _____________________ of each party
travel all over the country, hold (8) _____________________ and try to get the members
people to (9) _____________________ for them. On the first Tuesday in
November the American people vote for one of the presidential
candidates. oath

In most cases, there are only two candidates, a Republican and a population
Democrat, but in the last elections (10) _____________________ from other
parties have also taken part.
Americans do not vote for the President directly. They select electors who
(11) _____________________ them in the Electoral College. Each state has a represent
certain number of electors. Big states with a large population, like
California have many electors (54) and small states, like Hawaii only have
a few (12) _____________________. All together there are 538 electors who state
meet in the Electoral College. term
In December all the electors meet and elect a president. Most of the time
Vice President
they (13) _____________________ for the candidate who has won in their
state. The candidate who has 270 or more electoral votes becomes vote

Candidates often (14) _____________________ on the big states with lots of electors. They know that if
they win in states like California, New York or Texas they have a good (15) _____________________ of
becoming President.

On January 20th of the (16) _____________________ year the new President and his Vice President
begin the new (17) _____________________. They put their left hand on a Bible and take the
(18) _____________________ of office.
B1 The Truman Show LIU021

Complete the text with a word from the box. There are TWO words you will not need.

Truman Burbank is a 29-year-old (1) __________________ salesman who admitting

lives in a comfortable town called Seahaven, which is (2) ______________
on an island, probably off the coast of Florida. Truman is a sincere broadcast
and very nice person who begins to (3) ___________________ that there is convince
something very strange going on his life, and little by little, he learns
the (4) ________________. Ever since he was born, Truman has been
filmed for a live television show that is (5) ____________________ 24 hours despite
a day to the rest of the world, and thus, everything and everyone that
he thinks he knows is, in (6) ________________, part of a giant television
studio designed to (7) ________________ his life. fact


Truman begins to discover the (8) _________________ of his world insurance

when the television producers of "The Truman Show" begin to make located
silly (9) __________________ that give Truman an idea of what is really
happening. After listening to a radio broadcast that seems to be mistakes
broadcasting everything he is doing, and then seeing workers nature
who look like they're fixing his own (10) _________________ building as if
it were part of a movie set (which it is!), Truman (11) __________________
he needs to get away from Seahaven. He tells his wife and best producers
friend that he wants to go to the island of Fiji, where the family of a
girl he once liked very much had apparently moved.

Thus, the (12) __________________ of the show must think of every
possible way to (13) _________________ Truman that it would really be suspect
much better if he stayed home in Seahaven, without of course, truth
(14) ____________________ to him that his whole world is actually a giant
TV studio. Eventually though, Truman becomes determined to leave
the island that he has never left before, (15) ___________________ his horrible fear of
water (which began as a child when he thought he saw his father (16) ____________________ in
a storm). As each way off the island is mysteriously blocked---from car to bus to boat---
Truman comes increasingly closer to finding out the true (17) _______________ of the world
around him.
B1 Video Games LIU022

Read the text about how video games affect the lives of young people. Some of the
lines are correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the
box next to the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines
have been done for you.

1 For many youngsters, video games are a very popular ✓

2 way of spending time, either alone or each together each
3 with friends. While there are some other advantages
4 when playing such games , if there are downsides too.
5 Video games can teach young people important
6 skills. They only put players into situations in which
7 they must not make the right decisions and try to find
8 solutions to difficult problems. Some games have had
9 a great educational value and can be teach science,
10 history or geography in an entertaining way.
11 However, when spending too much time playing
12 video games can affect on your health and well-being.
13 Youngsters should not only sit at home in the front
14 of a TV set or computer screen, but also go them
15 outdoors and get as much as exercise as possible.
16 They must spend time going out and communicating
17 with most real-life friends.
18 Video games are being a great form of entertainment
19 and an interesting way to explore the nature world, but
20 it is just as important to engage in other activities too.
B1 Who is Joseph Kony? LIU023

Complete the text about a famous African rebel leader with the words from the box.
There are TWO words you will not need.

Joseph Kony is the leader of a Ugandan rebel group called the Lord’s
Resistance Army. The LRA began fighting against the (1) _____________ of
Uganda in the late 1980s. (2) _______________ to western leaders Kony has aim
committed many (3) ________________ against the Ugandan people. For
years he kidnapped thousands of children, made soldiers out of the boys
and had the girls raped or killed. The group has spread (4) ________________ capture
and terror throughout Uganda, killing thousands of people, in many cases
the families of the children he abducted. Over two million people have
been driven away from their homes. crimes
Kony was born in a small (5) ________________ in northern Uganda. He
never completed school and when he was 25, he founded a rebel group
to (6) ________________ Uganda’s government. Kony is a very religious man government
who claims to be guided by spirits who show him the way.
In 2006 Kony was (7) ________________ with 33 war crimes, including
murder and rape, by the International Criminal Court. After these murder
allegations Kony left Uganda. Today his LRA rebel group (8) ______________ obey
from neighbouring countries, mainly South Sudan and the Central African
Republic. operates

Captured youngsters who have escaped from Kony’s rebels tell horror overthrow
stories of how they had been (9) ________________. They describe Kony as a
fearless man who shoots those who do not (10) ________________ his
orders. success
For the last few years many countries, including the United States, have treated
tried to (11) ________________ Kony. After the 9/11 attacks on the United
States, Kony’s rebels were declared a terrorist (12) ________________. village

In 2012, an organization called Invisible Children uploaded a 30-minute violence

film to YouTube called Kony 2012. Its (13) ________________ was to make
Kony popular and to have him (14) ____________ by the end of the year. The
film was a great (15) ________________. By March 2012 over 90 million viewers had seen the film
on YouTube, making it one of the most downloaded videos of all times.
In the past five years Kony's campaign has lost momentum. Some political experts say he has
only a hundred soldiers left in his army. In 2017 the United States and Uganda ended their
(16) ________________ for Kony and declared that he is no longer a threat for the African country.
B1 Geocaching LIU026

Complete the text about geocaching with the words from the box. There are TWO
words you will not need.

Geocaching is an outdoor (1) __________________ , in which you must activity

wander around in the countryside trying to find (2) __________________
containers with small (3) __________________in them. The locations of actually
these containers are posted on the Internet by people who have
(4) __________________been there.

In order to go geocaching on your own you need a GPS (5) ____________

or a mobile phone app that tells you where you are. Type in the
coordinates and (6) __________________your way to the cache.

There are many (7) __________________that post information about the

location of a geocache. They offer information on what kind of cache
to look for, the geographical (8) __________________of the area or how
difficult it is to find it.

Once you have found the cache you can (9) __________________a
logbook, that records your (10) __________________and shows that you
have located the geocache. If you decide to keep the treasure you
must put something else in its (11) __________________so that other
people can find it. Caches can contain a wide range of (12) ____________
including badges, stickers, sweets or even money.

The geocache (13) __________________is growing every day. It is

(14) __________________that there are about 3 million geocaches around
the world, on all continents, even Antarctica.



B1 Michael Phelps LIU028

Complete the text about Michael Phelps with the words from the box. There are TWO
words you will not need.

Michael Phelps – Most Successful Swimmer of All Times

Michael Phelps, the most successful swimmer of all times, ended his career
after his last
(1) ________________________ at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. He won appearance
a total of 28 Olympic medals, 23 of them in gold. In the 2008 Beijing games
he broke Mark Spitz's (2) _________________ record, winning 8 gold medals at dominated
a single Olympics. In the 2016 Olympic Games, Phelps won 5 gold (3) experienced
____________________ and one in silver. His last competition was the butterfly
leg in the 4X100 m men's (4) ____________________. failed

After the event Michael Phelps, at the age of 31, declared the end of his so flag
(5) ____________________ career. The American swimmer came back from (6)
____________________ after the 2012 Olympics in London. In Rio, he was
chosen to lead America's Olympic team into the stadium and carry the legendary
(7) ____________________.
Born in Baltimore, Michael was the youngest of three children. He began
swimming at the age of 7. By the time he reached 10 he had already held a
national (8) ____________________ for swimmers of his age in the 100-meter popular
butterfly event. In 2000 he became the youngest male to join the US
Olympic swimming team in 68 years. At his first games in Sydney, Phelps
finished fifth in the 200m butterfly event. In the following years Phelps relay
(9) ____________________ the swimming world. He competed in 6 single
events, including butterfly, freestyle and backstroke as well as the medley
races. Phelps not only became the world's best swimmer, but also (10) successful
____________________ other Americans. At the Rio games, the United States
was the world's most successful swimming (11) ____________________.

Now, Michael Phelps wants to spend more time working with his
foundation, which he created after the Beijing Olympics to make swimming
more (12) ____________________ among young people. He also wants more
time with his family.
B1 Easter – The Resurrection of Jesus Christ LIU029

Complete the text about Easter with the words from the box. There are TWO words
you will not need.

On Easter Sunday Christians around the world (1) _______________________

the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Jewish, religious teacher and son of
God was (2) ______________________ by the Romans about 2000 years ago.
Three days after he had died, he returned to life again and celebrate
(3) _____________________ to heaven.
Many Christians think that, like Jesus, they will also rise to heaven after (4)
__________________. That’s why Easter is celebrated with (5) cross
_____________________ music and symbols of new life, like flowers and new death
The name Easter may come from “Eostre”, an Anglo-Saxon
(6) ___________________. Every year a spring festival was celebrated in her (7) entered
_____________________. In most Christian churches Easter is celebrated
sometime between March 22 and April 25. It falls on the first Sunday after
the first full moon in spring. fasting

Easter (8) _____________________ the end of a time of prayer and followers

(9) _____________________ that we call Lent. It is believed that during this
time Jesus Christ went through the (10) _____________________ for forty days
without food. honour

The last week before Easter is called Holy Week. It begins on Palm Sunday, joyful
the day on which Jesus (11) _____________________ Jerusalem. His followers
threw palm (12) _____________________ on the streets. On Holy Thursday,
Jesus had his Last Supper with his disciples or (13) _____________________. marks
The next day, Good Friday, Jesus was nailed to the (14) ____________________.
At 3 o’clock in the afternoon church services around the world recall the
last hours of his (15) _____________________. resurrection
On Easter morning (16) _____________________ is celebrated. On the evening rose
before, many people take part in processions with candles in the hands.
On Easter Day the fasting period is over, and people get together with
their families and friends and have big meals.
B1 Nepal Bans Solo Mountain Climbers LIU030

Read the text about how Nepal has put a ban on solo mountaineers. Some of the
lines are correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the
box next to the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines
have been done for you.

1 Nepal has been banned solo mountaineers from been

2 climbing Mount Everest and other peaks. It is an ✓
3 attempt to reduce the number of the accidents and
4 make climbing more safer. From now on all foreign
5 climbers will even need a guide to get to the top of the
6 world's highest mountains.
7 Since 1920 more than 300 people have died over trying
8 to reach the top hill of the world's highest mountain.
9 Most of the deaths have occurred within the last 40
10 years. A few months ago, an 85-year-old mountaineer
11 has died in an attempt to be the oldest human to
12 just reach the top of Mount Everest.
13 Although mountaineers must die for a number of
14 reasons, almost every fifth death is caused by acute
15 mountain sickness. Few Nepalese officials have stated
16 that they will check into medical certificates of climbers
17 to see if they are only physically capable of climbing the
18 mountain.
19 The country also hopes that the new passing law will
20 create more jobs for sherpas, the local people who lead
21 old mountaineers to the peak. According to statistics,
22 over 4500 climbers have finally reached the top of Mount
23 Everest since Sir Edmund Hillary's historic climb in 1953.
B1 Polar Bears – How Dangerous Are They? LIU032

Complete the text about polar bears with the words from the box. There are TWO
words you will not need.

Polar bears are animals we love to see at zoos. They attract humans with
their white (1) _________________ and black noses. However, we often forget
that polar bears are (2) _________________, which mainly get their food by affect
other animals. Sometimes they even attack humans.
Recent (3) _________________ show that the aggression polar bears show
towards human beings is increasing. One of the reasons may be climate
(4) _________________. As it gets warmer in the Arctic regions, polar bears change
are (5) _________________ to move from the coastline inland , where they
may (6) _________________ more humans. They are starting to spend more
time on land than on Arctic sea ice. Another reason may be that people effect
often come too close to the bears, which see them as a dangerous
(7) _________________.
Polar bears live all across the Arctic region, in Russia, Scandinavia, Alaska
and Canada. But their (8) _________________ are falling quickly. Polar bears extinct
do most of their hunting on sea ice. As more and more ice is melting,
experts fear that fewer polar bears will be able to (9) _________________.
They can go on for a longer time without food, but they do get fur
(10) _________________ when they cannot find anything to eat.
Another study suggests that polar bears are in danger of becoming
(11) _________________ because of increasing pollution in the Arctic region.
Chemicals and other waste may have an (12) _________________ on the body protect
and bones of polar bears.
When polar bears (13) _________________ humans, it is mostly because they
are very hungry, (14) _________________ in need of food. As more and more studies
polar bears and humans are starting to (15) _________________ the same survive
living areas, encounters will probably be more frequent and more peo-
ple may die from polar bear attacks.
B1 Orcas – Killer Whales LIU034

Read the text about orcas. Some of the lines are correct. Some have a word that
shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the line. If the line is correct
put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done for you.

1 Orcas, are also called killer whales, are the largest are
2 members of the dolphin family. In contrast to their name, ✓
3 orcas are mostly harmless to human beings. Then
4 there are no old records of orcas ever attacking humans.
5 Orcas are very sociable animals that live in groups
6 or pods and find them food together. You can rarely
7 see an orca which travelling around individually.
8 Although the total number of orcas worldwide is not
9 unknown, there are have thought to be about 100,000
10 orcas in the world's oceans today. There has been a ban
11 on still hunting orcas since the beginning of the 1980s
12 but many marine scientists believe if their population
13 is decreasing because of human activities like
14 overfishing and oil spills are reducing their food supplies.
15 Some orcas have been captured and taken to such
16 aquariums and the theme parks all over the world.
17 The most famous of them whales, Keiko, was the star
18 of the movie Free Willy in 1993. The orca was freed off
19 the coast of Iceland and swam across to Norway.
20 However, he was not been able to adapt fully to life in
21 the wild and died in 2003.
B1 Global Warming LIU037

Complete the text global warming with the words from the box. There are TWO
words you will not need.

In the 1980s, scientists found out that the (1) _______________ temperature
of the Earth is rising. Today, global warming is increasing because more
and more (2) _______________ are released into the atmosphere, which alternative
functions like a greenhouse. Light from the sun enters the atmosphere,
is transformed into heat and cannot (3) _______________.

For a long time we didn’t care about greenhouse gases. This changed coal
when people started using more and more energy in the form of fossil
fuels, like (4) _______________, gas and oil. We burn this energy to power
factories, run our cars , produce (5) _______________ and heat our droughts
homes. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere. Cutting down the world’s forests has also led to climate
change. engine

Effects of global warming
Scientists have different opinions about how warm the earth’s
(6) _______________ may get. The increase in temperatures could range gases
from 1.5° to 6° C by 2100. Warmer weather will make ice caps and
(7) _______________ melt. Sea levels could rise dramatically. Extreme
weather situations, like floods, (8) _______________ and damaging storms polar
will also be more common.

People in colder regions might welcome warmer weather but those who transport
live in regions that are already hot may suffer from new (9) _____________. wind
At the same time some animals may not survive because they cannot
adapt to the new environment. They could travel to other places in order
to live there.

Reducing global warming

Finding a solution to solve the world's biggest (10) _______________ problem is not an easy task.
Although we need energy to make our economy grow there are things that could be done to
fight this problem. Carpools or travelling by public (11) _______________ could take many cars off
the roads. You could turn off lights, TV sets, computers and other electrical items if you don't
need them. Companies have been spending a lot of money to produce things that use little
We also need to use more (12) _______________ energy, like sunlight, (13) _______________ power
or wave power. Car companies have started to produce a new type of car known as hybrids. It
works like an electric car but also has a small petrol (14) _______________ .
B1 Mother Teresa LIU039

Read the text about the life of Mother Teresa. Some of the lines are correct. Some
have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the line. If
the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done for you.

1 Mother Teresa grew up in Skopje, Macedonia. Her parents ✓

2 were the shopkeepers and she led a comfortable life. However, the

3 she often read books with stories about missionaries in India,

4 which she has found very interesting. She wanted to be a

5 missionary for herself, so, when she was still a teenager, she

6 became a nun and went to Calcutta.

7 There she taught them girls from rich families in a convent

8 school. Although she never did saw them, Mother Teresa

9 knew that the school was very near at some of the worst

10 slums. One night she heard an “inner voice” which told her

11 to stop her work much as a teacher and help the poor instead.

12 So, while she left the convent and began to live among the poor

13 in the slums. She walked barefoot and wore a white sari, yet

14 just as they did. She asked for help and was not being

15 disappointed. Many people sent money and presents. The

16 city let her to have an old house, and she began her work with

17 twelve other nuns. The people who came to her were every

18 usually very ill, or even dying, but she also looked after babies

19 who then had been left in the streets. In 1979, Mother Teresa

20 was awarded herself the Nobel Prize. She died in 1997.

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