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Simple website portal for a mobile phone repair

Mustafizur Rahman Rafee∗ , Md Al Amin† ,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email:∗ ,† ,

Abstract—Mobile phones, specifically Smart Phones has be- repair and reuse among interactive and new business, drawing
come a vital part of our daily life. At this age its hard to imagine on post-humanist theories to connect moments of technical
a day without the use of mobile phones. They have a strong breakdown and repurposing to wider HCI concerns around
impact on our day to day work and is the most vital mean for
communication. But the day to day misshaps can occure and creativity, innovation, and design. Wu et al. [5] e, uses the
renders our phones to be unusable by accident. Most mobile experience of Xerox repair workers to codify a seminal distinc-
phones now a days are designed in a way that its durable, yet tion between idealized forms of action reducible to a plan, and
accidents can always happen. It becomes a choice between tedious the necessary forms of mess and contingency, breakdown and
hassle or a costly business of either buying a new phone or recuperation, that confront situated action in the world. Yoo et
get the current one repaired. As for the latter option is not as
accessible as the previous one. This project aims to provide a al. [6]extends this analysis, arguing for the creative and impro-
simpler front-end for the outlet where people can, with ease, fix visational character of technical repair work, and the central
their mobile phones depending on the conditions, and to make it role of non-codified channels – informal accounts, anecdotes,
more approachable for the local people who are busy with life. and “war stories” – in sharing repair knowledge. Wang et
This is to help the whole process to be more straightforward al. [7] proposed attention to repair challenges thetraditional
and easy to use. Thus promoting both the business for repairing
mobile phone and also reducing e-waste on the long run. producer-consumer model, multiplying the formsand points of
Index Terms—Lane Detection, Probabilistic Hough Transform, engagement by which technology is shaped (and reshaped)
Gaussian Smoothing, Autonomous Vehicle. by actors beyond the sphere of professional design. Kutty
et al. [8] Also like making and participatory design, repair
I. I NTRODUCTION emphasizes a highly tactile and creative relation to technical
The crucial contributions of this paper are outlined in the artifacts, pointing to forms of innovation and learning to be
following: found in concrete and substantially craft-based engagements
1) We develop a platform that the business owner can use with a world of material things. In contrast to these move-
2) Our proposed framework can be beneficial for the in- ments, the turn to repair focuses our attention ‘downstream’ in
telligent order management system if we integrate our this process, emphasizing how creative material engagements
framework with hassle-free repair solution. remain a part of our ongoing relationship with things in the
The rest of the part of this paper is organized in the world – and in fact are central to the ongoing coherence and
following manner. Section II describes the background or usability of artifacts in the world wherever those relationships
previous work of our proposed system. Section III provides are to be maintained.
an browsing framework and its workflow models. Section IV Fan et al. [9] Repair work is also always situated within
explains the experimental setup and implementation of our wider networks or ecologies of practice. And because of
proposed system. Finally, we add the conclusion and future these differences, the forms of learning that support the
works in section V. transmission of repair skill and knowledge may differ from
the channels through which the codified and schematic knowl-
II. L ITERATURE R EVIEW edges associated with design may flow. Zhang et al. [10]The
Our research builds on a growing body and social science empirical description and analysis that follows builds on this
work around the practice, problems, and possibilities of repair. fieldwork to explore three basic questions. What forms of
[1], Our first example concerns the practice of “servicing,” innovation and learning are attached to the notably craft-
a repair technique known and practiced by virtually all the based forms of IT repair in contemporary Dhaka? How are
service tecknicians in our study Kurnianggoro et al. [2] . Other these activities situated and sustained within wider flows of
work has developed tools and systems to support awareness knowledge, skill and resources? Cho et al. [11] proposed
and monitoring around things like energy and resource con- mobile phone repair as practiced in the shops and markets
sumption, encouraging individual level behavioral changes that of Dhaka constitutes an exacting and highly skilled practice,
may reduce collective environmental footprints [3]. Chang et with a high premium on experience, dexterity and material
al. [4]has extended this analysis to practices of technology manipulation. A repairer requires sharp eyes, efficient hands,
and a perfect co-ordination between the two developed over metal lane markers are not installed. Mars et al. [18] proposed
years of attentive observation and rigorous practice Qin et al. a modified HT hardware architecture for detecting straight
[12] A similarly integrative sense characterizes Lara Houston’s lane lines. They implemented an architecture that conducts
work on mobile phone repair operations in Kampala, Uganda, the inverse mapping operation from Hough Space to the
emphasizing both local forms of collaboration and invention image plane without incurring any additional hardware costs.
and the transnational connections that tie local repair practices In their experiment, they got an accuracy of 92%. They
to global networks of production, value, and exchange Tang et could add video frames in their experiment to increase better
al. [13] n. The forms of innovation to be found in the repair accuracy. Jeong et al. [19] proposed on-CIS analysis with
workshops of contemporary Bangladesh are best positioned an edge detection mask. This was used to detect high-speed
not as alternatives to engineering knowledges but as necessary lanes in a standard CIS arrangement’s readout circuit. The
but forgotten extensions of them, points of connection and detection of the edge data was about 97.24%. As their war is
completion through which the abstract design of manufactured highly dependent on sensors there is a question about different
goods Lee et al. [14] hard conditions could have considered. Tabellini et al. [20]
We have made a comparative study in Table I on the existing proposed a deep polynomial regression-based lane detecting
research works performed by different researchers in the recent approach. In their experiment, they got an accuracy of 88.89%.
past while identifying their shortcomings in brief. Although their work was fine they could add more datasets
with different conditions.
Authors Information Limitations of Their Existing Works Many intelligent repair system applications rely on the
Kurnianggoro et al. Authors didn’t consider different environmental
[2] condition
detection and localization of phone models from a digital
Chang et al. [4] Performance is low in terms of speed phone image. A collection of unconnected pixels has histor-
Wu et al. [5] Lack of quality image and data independence ically been used to represent digital pictures. The visually
Yoo et al. [6] Couldn’t identify device model significant sections of picture data can be grouped as one
Wang et al. [7] Troubleshoot Accuracy is low in different phone
model description. straightforward answer to the challenge of visual information
Kutty et al. [8] Efficiency is low and time complexity is high. management. The semantic interpretation of the scene, which
Fan et al. [9] Accuracy is low in different location. varies depending on the application [21], drives the grouping
Zhang et al. [10] Computation time is high.
Cho et al. [11] Differenciation between cost of repair and new
of picture areas into objects. We present our proposed lane
product is low. detection framework in Fig. 1.
Qin et al. [12] Performance of website is poor on some older
devices A. System Pick a Domain Name
Lee et al. [14] Performance is low and computation time is
high. To fabricate a site, the absolute first thing you’ll require is
Muthalagu et al. [15] Process cost and time consumption is high. a space name.
Liu et al. [16] Performance is not much effective. The space name is your site name and address. That address
Kim et al. [17] Not efficient where there is no way to detect the
smartphone model. is utilized by guests when they attempt to discover your
Mars et al. [18] Performance is low, and the dataset doesn’t webpage through their internet browsers.
consist of quality-full repair guides and images.
Jeong et al. [19] Performance is low. B. Register a Domain and Sign Up for Web Hosting Account
Tabelini et al. [20] Performance is low.
As well as having an area name, you’ll additionally require
site facilitating (web facilitating).
Muthalagu et al. [15] presented a vision or camera data- Web facilitating is a help that hosts and stores your site
based perception algorithm. In their experiment, they got documents (content) on a safe worker that is consistently
95.75% accuracy. As their method was highly based on fully operational. Without a web have, your website won’t
preprocessed images their computation was costly and time- be available for others to peruse and peruse.
consuming. Although their result was attractive. Liu et al. [16]
proposed a style-transfer-based data augmentation method for C. Set Up WordPress Website (Through Web Host)
generating images in low-light situations, which improves the When you have your space name and web facilitating all
lane detector’s environmental flexibility. In their experiment, set, you’ll need to pick and introduce a site building stage
they got an accuracy of 73.9%. Though they have achieved (otherwise called CMS).
good results they can improve their performance by con- We prescribe picking WordPress since it’s not difficult
sidering different challenging situations i.e. different weather to utilize and accompanies a large number of free plans
conditions. Kim [17] proposed a lane detecting technology and additional items that make your site look proficient and
that employs a high-resolution impulse radio ultra-wideband extraordinary.
radar and metal lane markers placed at regular intervals on Setting up your WordPress site is simple, and your web
the road. As this experiment was highly dependent on metal have for the most part does it for you, so you don’t actually
lane markers it will not much effective on the roads where need to get your hands excessively grimy.
fix to make your site more novel and more in line with your
image personality.
I. Experiment With the Theme You Built
What we’ve covered above will be sufficient for you to sort
out some way to make a site that sticks out and looks unique,
however there are a lot more alternatives accessible.
J. Add Content/Pages to Your Website
Pages are the pith of your site. It’s difficult to envision a
site with no pages on it, isn’t that so?
From a specialized perspective, a page is only an archive
on the web. It’s not totally different from your conventional
Word report separated from it having your site’s marking
components like the header and footer.
A. Introduction
To measure the usability of the UI of our website we
have chosen the cognitive walk through. A user will visit
the website and then go through the features. After that they
would be asked to fill in a simple questionnaires which will
be graded.
B. Algorithm
Here is the algorithm for the process

Fig. 1: The website browse process. Algorithm 1 Process of Cognitive walk through
1: Call Select Task
2: Record Write-down the desired path
D. Alter Your Website Design and Structure
3: Decide 4 questions
With your exposed site perfectly healthy, it’s presently an 4: if Will customer realistically trying to do action? then
ideal opportunity to cause it to feel more like your own 5: Improve The Webpage use simpler workflow
by picking a decent plan, tweaking it, and adding marking 6: else
components. 7: Pass Passed this criteria
Beginning with: 8: end if
E. Choose a Theme for Your Website 9: if Is the control action visible then
10: Redesign Website Navbar
WordPress topics are out-the-crate configuration bundles 11: else
that change the manner in which your whole site resembles. 12: Pass Passed this criteria
WordPress topics are exchangeable – you can change from 13: end if
one topic to another without any problem. 14: if Is there strong link between control and action then
F. Install the Theme You Like 15: Redesign Website Navbar text
16: else
Go to your WordPress administrator interface. You can
17: Pass Passed this criteria
discover it at
18: end if
. Utilize the username and secret phrase you got during
19: if Feedback Appropriate? then
WordPress establishment.
20: Implement Website feedback page
G. Import a Design (Only for Neve Theme Users) 21: else
Albeit the topic is dynamic now, there are a couple more 22: Pass Passed this criteria
things you ought to do to make it look right. 23: end if
24: Show Completed
H. Change the Website Color Scheme and Fonts
Something else you can explore different avenues regarding
is changing the shading plans and textual styles utilized on the C. Query Result
site. As you’re figuring out how to make a site, this is a simple Here is the query result of the analysy
thing about responsive retrofitting projects—and what can also
make them look so scary—is the number of improvements that
can be validated by the need to make your site’s experience
better on any device. As professional web designers and
developers, we often know perfectly well what our sites need
in order to be greatly improved. But sometimes the task ahead
seems too complex, too riddled with obstacles, and too big to
feel realistic and achievable. Our teams are not made up of
an infinite number of people who can work on our responsive
retrofitting projects day in and day out, leaving everything
else on standby. So it is key that any retrofitting project be
thoughtfully planned and broken down into digestible chunks
that you, your team, and your team’s schedule can comfortably
handle. My hope is that this book has made what can often
seem like an insurmountable task feel a little more attainable.
The technologies of the Web change quickly. Some of the
techniques I have mentioned here will likely be surpassed
soon after this book goes to print. But hopefully the core
ideas about how to approach planning, content, design, and
development will be helpful regardless. Even though this is
Fig. 2: The website browse process.
where this book ends, this is certainly not the end of your
TABLE II: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF OUR journey into responsive web design. There are many excellent
FRAMEWORK resources that can take you further into understanding how
best to design and build a responsive site. You will find
Browser Page Load Page Sizes Speed (%) some helpful resources in the appendix, and you are bound
time (ms) (mb) to also discover others that I have not included in that short
Firefox 250 233 93.20 list. I would love to hear about your experiences making
Chrome 406 380 93.60
Safari 336 318 93.75 existing web sites responsive. What problems were tough to
Opera 232 228 98.27 solve? What solutions are you proud of? What was easier
than expected? Feel free to find me online, and send me your
TABLE III: Query stories, case studies, blog posts, and conference talks. I await
your comments eagerly.
Criteria Per Person) Total Score Max Score
Final percentage R EFERENCES
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