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Directions: Read and analyze the given paragraphs and answer the guide
questions that follow.
For items 1-3: Paragraph 1.
Last night, I was walking on my way home when it suddenly rained. I forgot to bring my
umbrella, so I ran to avoid getting completely soaked in the rain. Not seeing where I was
going, I fell into a paddle of water. Then a guy helped me stand up. When I looked up, I
recognized him. Momentarily, I forgot that I was soaking wet and that I was very cold. He
offered to walk me home, and I just nodded. The next day, he and I saw each other at
school. At last, we talked like old friends.
1. What is the text all about?
a. It is all about a boy who was a transferee in his new school.
b. It is all about a girl who was a transferee in her new school.
c. It is all about a girl who met a guy during a rainy evening.
d. It is all about a guy who met a girl during a rainy evening.
2. How did the writer share her experience?
a. By describing how the evening looks like.
b. By narrating how she met a guy who helped her get through the rain.
c. By describing the guy he met in that rainy evening.
d. By narrating how she met her best friend on a rainy evening.
3. What patterns of development in writing is used in paragraph 1.
a. Narration
b. Description
c. Definition
d. Persuasion
For Items 4-5: Paragraph 2.
The tarsier has soft, grayish fur. It has bat-like ears and a long, rat-like tail. It only stands
about 100 millimeters. It feeds on insects like crickets, beetles, and termites; and on small
animals, too, like lizards, frogs, and small birds. Also, it is capable of turning its head 180
degrees and jumping backward with accuracy.
1. What is the text all about?
a. It is all about a cute little panda.
b. It is all about a tarsier.
c. It is all about a mouse.
d. It is all about a bat.
2. What patterns of development in writing is used in paragraph 2.
a. Narration
b. Description
c. Definition
d. Persuasion
FOR ITEMS 1-3: Directions: Read and analyze the given paragraphs and answer the
guide questions that follow.
Being a transferee is never easy. At first, I was hesitant to come but my mother told me
that I would find new friends in España National High School- Senior High School. I would
never forget the day I first entered this school, I felt so shy and nervous. I did not know
anyone for I was a new Grade 11 student. When I entered my first class looking for a chair
to sit in, a boy sitting beside the window sill asked me, “Are you new in this school?” and
I answered shyly, “Yes.” Then, he offered me the vacant seat beside him. He was Jasper,
an old student in that school. We got along with each other well in our class. We worked
on our assignments and school projects. He slept in our house doing our research work.
After a year, we both realized that in many ways we had a lot of similarities in terms of
interests in life. In the end, we became best of friends.

1. What transitional devices are used to indicate the order of time in the given text?
a. Firstly, secondly, thirdly and momentarily
b. At first, then, after a year and in the end
c. In the moment, then, at the end
d. One day, next day and finally

2. What sequence of event is presented in the story?

a. Chronological sequence
b. Flashback sequence
c. Juxtaposition
d. Point of view
3. How did the narrator describe her feelings when she first entered the school?
a. proud and happy
b. disappointed and annoyed
c. shy and nervous
d. excited and proud
FOR ITEMS 4-5: Directions: Read and analyze the given paragraphs and answer the
guide questions that follow.
I have a panda-like brother. He has round, chubby face and tiny round eyes. The circles
under his eyes add to that panda look because of constantly wearing glasses. His short,
flat hair that perfectly fits his round face has white and gray streaks already because of
age. His hairy arms were quite short for his size or maybe his weight makes them seem
shorter than I expect them to be. His big paw-like hands were soft and cuddly. That’s why
his nephews and nieces love holding them. He gives them big warm hugs whenever they
visited him. He is one unique guy with a big heart fit for a panda-looking bro.
4. What are some of the descriptive words used by the narrator to describe the subject
a. round, chubby face and tiny round eyes
b. natural swimming pool with a crystal-clear water
c. has soft, grayish fur, bat-like ears and a long, rat-like tail
d. so shy and nervous
5. How did the narrator describe the subject?
a. By describing how the subject looks like from its eyes, face, hair, arms, size and weight.
b. By narrating how the subject eats, sleeps and walks.
c. By describing how the subject walk, sleep, and talk.
d. By narrating how the subject walk, sleep, and talk.
Directions: Read and analyze the given paragraphs and answer the guide questions
that follow.
For items 1-2: Paragraph 1.
Hindu population in India is grouped according to their caste or social class. Hindu’s social
class are composed of the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and the Shudras. The highest
of these castes is the Brahmans or priests. The next is the Kshatriyas (warriors), or the
Rajput caste. Below this, follows the Vaishyas or merchant caste and the lowest caste is
the Shudras. And the most deplorable group are those persons that do not belong to any
group—those that are disparagingly called as “outcasts” or “untouchables.” Also known
as Dalits, they are highly ostracized in society.
1. What is the text all about?
a. It is about how the caste system of the Hindus in India are performing their duties.
b. It is about the classification of the Hindu population in India.
c. It is all about how the caste system of the Hindus in India started.
d. It is all about how Hindus way living started.
2. What do you think is the pattern of development in writing used to develop the given
a. Narration, it narrates how Hindus are performing their duties.
b. Description, it describes the classification of the population of Hindus in India.
c. Definition, it defines how Hindus are performing their duties.
d. Classification, it categorizes the population of Hindus in India.
For items 3-4: Paragraph 2.
Courage is being able to face fear, pain, difficulties and other challenges. It is not
necessarily the absence of fear, but it is the choice and willingness to face it. It is
universally admired attribute and comes in many forms. For example, a soldier who
willingly fights for his country may be courageous as someone who speaks up for the rights
of others.
3. What is text all about?
a. It is all about fear, pain, difficulties and other challenges.
b. It is all about being a soldier who is brave.
c. It is all about fighting willingly for our country.
d. It is all about the aspects of being courageous.
4. What do you think is the pattern of development in writing used to develop the given
a. Narration, it narrates how a soldier bravely fights for his country.
b. Description, it describes the characteristics of a soldier.
c. Definition, it explains what it takes to become courageous.
d. Exemplification, it gives series of examples of being courageous.
5. What do you think is BEST the pattern of development in writing to use if you want to
sort out or arrange subjects to groups or categories based on their common and shared
a. Narration
b. Description
c. Definition
d. Classification
Directions: Read and analyze the given paragraphs and answer the guide questions
that follow.
For items 1-2: Paragraph 1.
Due to the global pandemic, specifically COVID-19, the world embraces the new normal.
People have become more conscious about sanitation and hygiene. They now learn
physical distancing in public places. And, most of the people stay at home either working
or developing new hobbies and exploring new things.
1. What is the purpose of the author in developing the given paragraph?
a. To explain the effect of “global pandemic”.
b. To explain what is meant by “new normal”.
c. To sort out what are the ways on how people deal with the “global pandemic”.
d. To arrange the different ways on how people perceive “new normal”.

2. How did the author develop the ideas in the text to achieve its purpose?
a. By stating the effect of the global pandemic to the world.
b. By stating the effect of new normal to the world.
c. By giving examples on how people embraces the new normal.
d. By giving examples on the different ways of the new normal.
For items 3-4: Paragraph 2.
Two of the most popular types of movies are action adventure movies and romantic
comedies. An action adventure movie is exciting and has a story that focuses on a hero
that has to do something difficult or dangerous. Some action adventure movies are about
superheroes, while others tell stories based on real experiences from history. Romantic
comedy movies are another type of movie. These movies tell a story about love and
introduce us to interesting characters. These movies make the problems in a relationship
look funny instead of dramatic. Both action adventure and romantic comedy movies are
popular because they are entertaining and interesting for the audience.
3. What is the purpose of the author in developing the given paragraph?
a. It intends to classify the types of movies.
b. It aims to define movies.
c. It intends to inform readers regarding the most popular movies.
d. It aims to establish a clear distinction on the term “movies”.
4. How did the author develop the ideas in the text to achieve its purpose?
a. By establishing the different types of movies and its specific characteristics.
b. By establishing the definition of movies and its specific examples.
c. By identifying the different types of movies and giving specific titles of movies.
d. By identifying the different types of movies and the famous actors and actresses in it.
5. Do paragraphs 1 and 2 share similarities in their purpose in writing?
a. Yes, because they both aim to clarify the term or subject identified in the paragraphs.
b. No, because they differ in the term or subject identified in the paragraphs.
c. Yes, because they both give examples to explain the subject or topic.
d. No, because both paragraphs are contradicting with each other.

Directions: Read and analyze the given paragraphs and answer the guide questions that
Paragraph 1. DEJA VU
Deja vu is a French word meaning "already seen", it has also been described as a feeling
or experience that one has seen or done something before. For example, you are waiting
in line to check out at the grocery store and the lady behind you asks you to hand her a
pack of gum. Suddenly you get an overwhelming feeling that you have been there in that
exact same spot, talking to the same lady, even the same brand of gum. Even though
everything seems so familiar you know there is no way that could have happened before.
There are many theories as to why and how this phenomenon happens. One theory is that
deja vu is connected with temporal-lobe epilepsy, but people without a history of epilepsy
have also experienced deja vu. Psychiatrists believe it is something in your brain that
confuses an event that happened in the past with the present. Another theory is
parapsychologist think it is connected with past life experiences. Whether deja vu is an
experience of the paranormal or simply some confusion in the brain, it is a perplexing
feeling of having "already seen."


Friends can be classified according to their honesty, loyalty, the type that fits you into
their schedule, or the type that finds time for you when they need something. An honest
friend tells you the truth even if it’s not always what you want to hear. In the long run,
that honest friend may have saved you from embarrassment or possibly rejection. They
give you constructive criticism overall. The loyal friend is the type of friend that will be
there for you through the thick and the thin. They don’t care how good or bad you may
look one day; they are sensitive to your feelings, they respect you and the other people in
your life, and most of all they will never let you down when times are hard. They may be
what you call a best friend. The third group, the person that fits you into their schedule,
is the type of person that is always on the go. They barely have time for themselves let
alone another person. More than likely they will not be there for you when you need them
most, because they are so wrapped up in their busy, hectic life. Then you have the self-
absorbent type of “friend” that finds time for you only when they need something. This
type of person isn’t what you would call a friend. This person may always be extremely
nice to you because they know that if are nice to you then they will more than likely get
what they want. They will call you every once in a while, when it is almost time for them
to use that person again. It may be for a ride to work, home, or they just want somebody
to hang out with because they have no other friends. If the person that is being used is
smart they will eventually realize that they are getting used and will stop being there for
that person.
1. How do the two paragraphs differ in terms of purpose in developing the paragraphs?
a. Paragraph 1 intends to define what is “déjà vu” by stating its origin and giving an
instance that will clearly explain what it is like while Paragraph 2 intends to classify
friends in terms of identified traits.
b. Paragraph 1 intends to describe what is “déjà vu” by stating words that can appeal to
the senses of the readers to clearly explain what it is like while Paragraph 2 intends to
narrate how to find new friends in terms of identified traits.
c. Paragraph 1 intends to narrate what is “déjà vu” by stating words that can appeal to
the senses of the readers to clearly explain what it is like while Paragraph 2 intends to
describe how to find new friends in terms of identified traits.
d. Paragraph 1 intends to classify what is “déjà vu” by stating words that can appeal to
the senses of the readers to clearly explain what it is like while Paragraph 2 intends to
define the ways on how to find new friends in terms of identified traits.

2. How do the two paragraphs differ in feature/structuring the paragraphs?

a. Paragraph 1 is developed following the structure “term-etymology-specific example,
while Paragraph 2 is developed identifying the categories that will be the basis for sorting
out the topic.
b. Paragraph 1 is developed through series of events that starts from beginning to end,
while Paragraph 2 is developed through a series of examples.
c. Paragraph 1 is developed by identifying the categories that will be the basis for sorting
out the topic while Paragraph 2 is developed following the structure “term-etymology-
specific example.
d. Paragraph 1 is developed identifying the categories that will be the basis for sorting out
the topic, while Paragraph 2 is developed following the structure “term-etymology-specific
3. Is the author effective in developing the paragraph to achieve its purpose in paragraph
a. No, because there is no clear distinction between the term and its specific example.
b. Yes, because the author was able to effectively create a distinction on the term being
defined and its specific example.
c. No, because the author fails to elaborate the term and example given is not relevant.
d. Yes, because the term is well- explained based on the etymology of the word.
4. Is the author effective in developing the paragraph to achieve its purpose in paragraph
a. Yes, because the author immediately identifies the shared characteristics of the subject
being sorted.
b. No, because the author fails to identify the shared characteristics of the subject being
c. Yes, because the term being defined is stated at the beginning of the paragraph.
d. No, because the term being defined is not established.

5. Which do you think is the most appropriate pattern of development in writing if you
want to explain a concept, term, or subject?
a. Narration
b. Description
c. Definition
d. Classification
Discoveries and invention of devices are always welcome until we, humans, find a way to
abuse its benefits and be adversely affected by it. This was the case when Wilhelm
Roentgen discovered x-ray and within five years, the British Army was using a mobile x-
ray unit to locate bullets and shrapnel in wounded soldiers in the Sudan. TV was also
invented with positive thoughts in mind – there would be no national borders, education
and communication would be worldwide, etc. However, we are now trying to overcome its
physiological and psychological adverse effects on human beings.
1. What states the cause of the idea?
A. Humans were able to show the positive effects of discoveries and inventions.
B. Humans are now trying to overcome the physiological and psychological adverse
effects of discoveries and inventions.
C. Humans are reaping the benefits of the discoveries and inventions.
D. Humans were able to find a way to abuse the benefits of discoveries and inventions.
2. What states the results of the idea?
A. Humans are now reaping the benefits of discoveries and inventions.
B. Humans failed to realize the positive sides of discoveries and inventions.
C. Humans are now living in the advent of modern technology.
D. Humans are now reaping the physiological and psychological adverse effects of
discoveries and inventions.
3. Which of the following ways to use the cause-and-effect pattern discusses a cause
and its effect completely before moving on to the next cause and effect?
a. Effect to cause
b. Cause to effect
c. Consecutive cause and effect
d. Cause- Effect- Cause
4. Which of the following ways to use the cause-and-effect pattern is best in
explaining a single cause with different effects?
a. Effect to cause
b. Cause to effect
c. Consecutive cause and effect
d. Cause- Effect- Cause
5. Which of the following ways to use the cause-and-effect pattern is best in
explaining a single effect but with different causes?
a. Effect to cause
b. Cause to effect
c. Consecutive cause and effect
d. Cause- Effect- Cause
6. BOTH is to COMPARE while UNLIKE is to_______________.
A. Cause
B. Effect
C. Contrast
D. Compare
7. AS A CONSEQUENCE is to show EFFECT while BECAUSE OF is to show
A. Cause
B. Effect
C. Contrast
D. Compare
8. It is a structure of a comparison-contrast essay wherein all of the information
about one of the objects being compared/contrasted is given first, and all of the
information about the other object is listed afterwards.
a. Block Structure
b. Point-by-point structure
c. Chain structure
d. Bullet structure
9. It is a structure of a comparison-contrast essay wherein each similarity (or
difference) for one object is followed immediately by the similarity (or difference)
for the other.
a. Block Structure
b. Point-by-point structure
c. Chain structure
d. Bullet structure
10. This type of organization is best for explaining a single cause with different
a. Effect to cause
b. Cause to effect
c. Consecutive cause and effect
d. Cause- Effect- Cause
1. The following are the techniques in developing a persuasive paragraph except:
A. Using evidence
B. Giving examples
C. Attacking one’s opinion
D. Accurate, balanced and timely information

2. Which structure of a problem- solution pattern identifies and analyzes the cause of
the problem before a possible solution is presented?
A. problem-solution pattern
B. problem-process-solution
C. problem-cause-solution
D. problem-solution- process
3. Which structure of a problem-solution pattern discusses the procedure/process
extensively, wherein the readers are led to the solution?
A. problem-solution pattern
B. problem-process-solution
C. problem-cause-solution
D. problem-solution- process

4. Readers will more likely be convinced to side with the writer’s position or agree with
his or her opinion if it is backed up by verifiable evidence. Which technique in
persuasive writing is described?
A. Using evidence
B. Giving examples
C. Attacking an opposing view
D. Attacking one’s opinion

5. This adds to the credibility of persuasive writing. The writer does not only present
evidence that favors his or her ideas, but he or she also acknowledges some evidence
that opposes his or her own. Which technique in persuasive writing is described?
A. Using evidence
B. Giving examples
C. Attacking an opposing view
D. Accurate and balanced

WEEK 5. Read carefully each item before choosing the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is one of the properties of a well-written text that means the order or arrangement
of ideas in a text or composition?
A. body
B. conclusion
C. organization
D. introduction
2. Coherence applies to:
A. sentences
B. whole arguments
C. paragraphs
D. all of the above
3. What is cohesion?
A. Cohesion introduces new ideas in a text.
B. A special type of argument used in writing.
C. Cohesion is a special type of glue that writers use to make ideas stick together.
D. The way in which an author uses sentence structure to make the text more
understandable to the reader.
4. It is the structural framework for writing. It supports readers by making it easy for
them to follow a written paragraph.
A. Organization
B. Coherence
C. Cohesion
D. Outline
5. What property of a well-written text ensures the ideas are united at the paragraph
A. cohesion
B. coherence
C. organization
D. language use
WEEK 6-7. Identify whether each statement is formal or informal.
1. Would you be interested in purchasing the lifetime warranty card for your gadget?
2. You want cheese, mayo, and ketchup on your burger, sir?
3. I am a great candidate for the position because of my significant office experience,
strong language skills, and sense of organization.
4. The reasons provided were unsatisfactory.
5. Unfortunately, she couldn’t do the work.

Place a check mark (✔) if the statement is familiar, direct, and simple. Write O
if the statement is otherwise.
1. John is a great roommate.
2. He has some proclivities that are acceptable.
3. Exceedingly large segments of the population are expressing their discontent with
medical practitioners.
4. I think I have some commitments on that day.
5. I am worried about my future.

Identify what bias (age, race and ethnicity, disability, or gender) is present in each
of the following statements.
1. A strange, black man asked me for directions.
2. An immature young girl wailed at the toy store.
3. I left my business card with the girl at the reception desk.
4. Kindly forward your proposed action plan to the committee chairman.
5. I met an inspiring invalid at the bus terminal this morning.

If the statement is gender-neutral, place a check mark (✔) before it. Otherwise,
revise the statement to eliminate gender bias.
1. A teacher must communicate clearly with her students.
2. A defendant should not be required to sacrifice the constitutional right to a fair trial.
3. A doctor must indicate his license number in prescriptions.
4. The police officer politely requested for my driver’s license.
5. The server brought us the menu.

WEEK 8. Identify the following statements as to: CLAIMS OF FACT, CLAIMS OF

1. Local governments should implement the use of baskets made of sturdy leaves like
coconut leaves in every city market to reduce single-use plastic.
2. It is necessary for companies to have midweek recreational activities for their
3. Cardiovascular disease is the leading global cause of death, accounting for more
than 17.6 million deaths per year, a number that is expected to grow to more than
23.6 million by 2030, according to a 2014 study. It accounts for approximately 1 of
every 3 deaths and claims more lives each year than all forms of cancer combined.
However, through making healthy behavior changes, it is possible to greatly reduce
the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
4. Mental health is just as important as physical health.
5. Students must use their own utensils and tumbler in buying food in the canteen.
6. It is important that we make young kids love reading as early. This could be beneficial
in both their intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships.
7. Knowing your ancestry is important.
8. Using cellphones while driving is dangerous.
9. Zoos are not good for the conservation of the species.
10. Adoptees should have the right to know who their parents are.

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