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CSIR NET Life Science Important Topics / CSIR NET

Reference Books

February 18, 2019

CSIR NET Life Science Important Topics / CSIR NET Reference Books

CSIR UGC NET entrance exam is the most prestigious and recognized national level exam
at present for any Ph.D. aspirant or for lectureship seeking individuals in the field of Life
Science, Chemical Science & Other Exams. With the main ingredients being an intense
dedication and properly channelized guidance, clearing this exam also requires a pinch of
passion, positive attitude, and smart work.

But let’s face the truth. Life sciences being a broader term have many subjects and topics
under it. Not to scare you, but it does have a HUGE syllabus.

It is indeed a tough nut to crack!

Worry not! Your very own bioresource, Biotecnika, lists out for you a simplified version of
the syllabus, to help you understand the most important topics for preparation. Also
provided at the end of each unit is a list of standard reference books.

To be Precise in this article we have listed out Important topics from CSIR NET Life
Science Syllabus which you need to study to ace the CSIR NET Exam race.

What actually makes CSIR UGC NET exam so challenging is the dynamic nature of the
question paper, where no questions are repeated, and hence it is also impossible to
predict the topic and a corresponding number of questions in the next exam. Also,

another difficult aspect of the exam is the requirement of in-depth knowledge of topics,
testing the candidate’s real conceptual level in Part C questions, sometimes even with
questions combining concepts from 2-3 different units. Hence, choosing which units to
prepare becomes a daunting task.

Unit 1: Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology

Basically Biochemistry, with a tinge of chemistry knowledge as well. The biggest
requirement to prepare this unit in detail is for its connection with other units. For e.g –
proteins, you find them in almost all other units. So, if you skip this unit, you will face
serious troubles with a lot of concepts and terms elsewhere. On the other hand, taking the
time to prepare this unit well will actually help you connect the missing dots. You will get
to know the exact reason behind the process of Molecular Biology or a technique under
Unit 13. No doubt, it is the 1st unit of the syllabus!

Apart from this, from the exam point of view, emphasis should be on the
below important topics from UNIT 1 of CSIR NET:

The stabilizing bonds between macromolecules, e.g – proteins and DNA (Van der
Waals forces, Hydrogen bonds, and hydrophobic interactions.
Amino acids structures and behavior according to the different R groups, properties
such as chirality and terms such as isoelectric point, pka values.
Protein conformations, dihedral bonds and Ramachandran plot, techniques to
determine different conformations, and their sequencing.
Protein folding thermodynamics, denaturation and biological function
Enzyme kinetics (Vmax, MM equation km) is a must to study, along with inhibition
processes, graphical representations, and formulas.
Metabolic pathways of carbohydrates including glycolytic and TCA cycle steps,
regulation (specially allosteric and feedback inhibition), enzymes cofactors involved
and stoichiometry, ETC and ATP synthesis (along with inhibitors) (very important)
Numerical questions on molarity, pH buffer and thermodynamic (delta G
calculation in various cellular processes).
Carbohydrate structure (concentrate on epimers, anomers, glycosidic bond
formation and type of bond between di and polysaccharides, Glycosaminoglycan
examples and function)
Lipid structure with special emphasis on membrane lipids and adaptation to
Nucleic acid topology (Twist, Writhe, Linking number) and structure and nucleotide


Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox

Biochemistry by Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet
Biochemistry Hardcover by Lubert Stryer
ENZYMES: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Clinical Chemistry by Trevor Palmer

Unit 2: Cellular Organization
Cell Biology carries an overall 25-30 marks in the exam. Most of the topics are easily
understandable as there are many colorful diagrams and process explanations in
reference books. All the subunits in this unit are not interrelated with each other, so you
may skip 1 or 2 if you find them hard to prepare, without worrying about any combined
concept questions.

Important topics from CSIR NET Unit 2 which should be focused upon:

Membrane structure and function – The composition and nature in detail, all types
of phospholipids and proteins, their distribution in the membrane, RBC membrane
components such as Band 3.
Lipid rafts, FRAP, freeze etching.
Various types of ion channels, pumps, and transporters, their inhibitors (it’s very
important to memorize their names and exact mode of inhibition, membrane
destabilizing agents, detergent treatments (mostly experimental based questions are
expected), membrane potential and what causes a change in the potential.
Protein transport pathways to various organelles, cytoskeletal components like
actin, dynein, kinesin and their function in different cellular processes, enzymatic
contents of cellular organelles like Golgi, lysosomes, peroxisomes, diseases
associated with their impaired functions, protein modifications in ER.
Cellular fractionation based questions will also be asked.

Important Topics From Subunit C of CSIR NET UNIT 2

Subunit C of Unit 2 is mostly a part of molecular biology, so to understand Unit 3 better,

you have to study this. Operon (Lac operon, Trp operon, Ara operon ) concepts are mostly
asked, their detailed components and regulation in the presence or absence of their
substrate. Chromosome structure based questions about transposons (detailed
mechanisms), repetitive DNA sequences, centromeric regions, DNA acetylation,
methylation, the packaging is also asked about.

Important Topics From Subunit D of CSIR NET UNIT 2

Subunit D of Unit 2 is totally unavoidable, as it has a connection with Cancer and

apoptosis topic of Unit 4, some topics of developmental biology. Moreover, questions are
inevitably asked from this subunit. Cell cycle steps and checkpoints regulation in detail,
all the cyclins, CDK functions, ATM, ATR, inhibition drugs and most importantly the
control of the cycle. DNA vs chromosome count for each stage of mitosis and meiosis.
Microbial physiology – numerical questions based on microbial growth kinetics, microbial
diseases and growth conditions, stress response.


Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis
Molecular Cell Biology by Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Chris A. Kaiser
Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments by Gerald Karp

Brock Biology of Microorganisms
Prescott’s Microbiology by Joanne Willey, Linda Sherwood, Chris Woolverton

UNIT 3: Fundamental Processes

Unit 3 – The most common choice of almost all students: Molecular Biology. A very apt
unit to start your preparation with, as gene expression basics are required almost in every
unit. Questions from this unit have no deviations from the syllabus, are to the point and
very subject specific. So ensure you should prepare each topic mentioned in the syllabus
well, in as much detail possible, with emphasis on the below-mentioned topics.

Important Topics to be studied From CSIR NET Unit 3

Individual stages of the processes (initiation, elongation, termination) and the

components involved (like enzymes, activators, inhibitors, repressors)
DNA Replication: Meselson Stahl Experiment, prokaryotic and eukaryotic
replication, different types of DNA polymerases and their specific functions.
Telomere Replication
DNA damage, mutations, and all types of repair pathways ( common with Unit 8),
Homologous and site-specific recombination.
RNA Transcription: Transcription factors in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, RNA
polymerase, machinery, initiation complex formation, capping, polyadenylation,
types of RNA splicing – spliceosome components, RNA editing.
Types of RNA –structure, and function.
Protein Synthesis – Ribosomes and initiation and elongation factors involved,
Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases, codons, anticodons, various post-translational
modifications detailed processes.
Gene regulation in eukaryotes – Phage gene regulation – Lytic and lysogenic phases
and genes expressed.
Gene silencing methods, RNAi


Molecular Biology of the Gene by James D. Watson

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox
Molecular Cell Biology by Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Chris A. Kaiser
Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments by Gerald Karp

UNIT 4: Cell Communication and Cell Signaling

Unit 4: A very important topic of the syllabus, highly scoring from Section C perspective
and hence is not a very good idea to skip.

Important Topics to be studied From CSIR NET Unit 4

The 1st subunit mainly will ask about the various bacterial and viral
diseases(airborne, waterborne diseases) and their causative agents, pathogens and
their host.
The 2nd subunit deals with cell signaling – G-Protein Coupled Receptors,
Receptor Tyrosine Kinases, MAP kinase pathway, JAK-STAT pathway, Wnt
pathway, Hedgehog pathway, TGF beta pathway, NFKB pathway, notch delta, and
ephrin signaling pathways.
All these pathways’ detailed mechanism along with the molecules involved (2nd
messengers) and structural changes involved in signaling (phosphorylation), with
examples in biological processes where these signaling pathways are involved in.
Effect of toxins and inhibitors on these processes.
The 3rd subunit is about cell communication – components of Extra Cellular
Matrix, their structure, and function in detail, cell-cell interactions (various
junctions and composition), cell-matrix interactions, the adherens junctions, tight
junctions, gap junctions, the different type of Cell Adhesion Molecules and their
functions. This is the most scoring topic in the entire CSIR syllabus!
4th subunit – talks about the complete process of apoptosis with a detailed
mechanism of intrinsic and extrinsic pathways, with examples of where they occur.
Regulation is very important, proapoptotic and antiapoptotic agents. Cancer: All the
types of Tumor Suppressor genes (p53,rB) and oncogenes with specific function and
characteristics, mutational effects of these genes, relation with the cell cycle.
Anticancer drugs source and mode of action like methotrexate, tamoxifen etc.

The last subunit is immunology. Quite vast, but focus on topics like antibody
structure and function, generation of their diversity, the role of different cytokines (very
important) involved in antigen processing, presentation, B and T cell maturation and
activation. Other topics like complement system, hypersensitivity, MHC molecules and
role in histocompatibility, antigens, haptens, adjuvants, Toll-like receptors, are also asked


Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis
Molecular Cell Biology by Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Chris A. Kaiser
Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments by Gerald Karp
Kuby Immunology by Thomas J. Kindt
Roitt’s Essential Immunology

UNIT 5: Developmental Biology

Unit 5 – Just like a storybook! So, of course, you need to read the initial chapters first in
order to understand later plots! This unit is all about the development processes of
animals mostly and a little bit about plants. Has a good weightage of nearly 30 marks or
more. So to ensure you are able to attend about 90% of the questions, you should
definitely prepare.

Important Topics to be studied From CSIR NET Unit 5

The important terms and terminologies such as potency, commitment, induction,

competence, cytoplasmic determinants and morphogenetic gradients – in-depth
concepts with reference to the different developmental processes.
Differentiating between terms such as specification, differentiation, and
determination. Types of specification such as autonomous, conditional and
regulative with examples.
Gametogenesis with special emphasis on stages and chromosome number,
fertilization process, slow block and fast block to polyspermy.
Fusion of egg and sperm in model organisms like sea urchin, amphibian and
mammals, capacitation.
Types of eggs and various cleavage patterns and examples of organisms in which it
takes place, fate maps
Gastrulation and axis formation in sea urchin (role of micromeres), C. elegans,
amphibians (Spemann organizer, the role of B-catenin, BMP, Nodal), zebrafish,
chick (primitive streak, Hensen’s node) and mammals.
Drosophila developmental stages – all types of maternal and zygotic genes involved
with the detailed process of function. Very scoring topic overall!
Organogenesis – Limb formation and roles of hox genes, AER, FGF etc,
regeneration in amphibians, Neurulation and neural development. Sex
determination in Drosophila and mammals. Vulva development in c. elegans, eye
lens induction in vertebrates, cAMP signaling in Dictyostelium
Apart from this, all signaling pathways involved in development have to be prepared
very well from topics under Unit 4
From plant development focus on topics such as double fertilization, leaf
development, meristems and their transition to flowering, and complete floral
development (along with ABC model) with emphasis on the genes involved in
Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum.


Developmental Biology by Scott F. Gilbert

Principles of Development by Lewis Wolpert, Cheryll Tickle

UNIT 6: System Physiology – Plant

Unit 6 – A scoring unit in disguise! Having a weight age of almost 30 marks or more,
most non-botany background students may feel this unit is not their cup of tea. But these
are not so difficult concepts to grasp. In fact, the first 3 subunits actually have some
repeated topics from Unit 1 like Electron Transport Chain, nitrogen metabolism etc. The
topics listed below are definitely not to be missed.

Important Topics to be studied From CSIR NET Unit 6

Phytohormones- All the plant hormones’ precursors, biosynthesis and function,
special attention to signaling pathways should be given.
Stomatal opening and closure by various triggers.
Solute transport throughout the plant body is relatively an easy topic. Water
potential concept.
Photosynthesis – C2, C3, C4, CAM pathway, TCA, photorespiration, oxidative
phosphorylation, cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation,
Biotic and abiotic stress – Plant’s detailed mechanisms for adapting to different
stress conditions.
ABC model of the flowering plant, flowering genes in plants, repeated topic of Unit 5
Nitrogen cycle and nodule formation: nod genes, bacteria in nitrogen fixation
Secondary metabolites and their synthesis pathway, terpenes, isoprene derived
Sensory photobiology – phytochrome, cryptochrome, phototropin, photoperiodism,
short day plants, long day plants, behavior and response of a plant to different
colored lights.


Plant Physiology, by Lincoln Taiz and Eduardo Zeiger

UNIT 7: System Physiology – Animal

Unit 7 – While this unit may seem to be quite tough and lengthy for applied biology
candidates, but students with zoology, physiology or medical background can make this
unit as a scoring advantage. You can also prepare some selective topics for the exam
which are almost always asked about.

Important Topics to be studied From CSIR NET Unit 7

Different neurotransmitters and action potential, you may expect a combined

question with Unit 2 with respect to membrane or Unit 4 with respect to cell
ECG graph definitely is asked in alternate papers.
Cardiac cycle, heartbeats, blood pressure, blood volume regulation, different serum
The endocrine system, various hormones, their secretion site and functions.
Kidney filtration system, structure, and function of different parts of a nephron,
regulation of water balance.
Gaseous exchange hemoglobin, myoglobin, their behavior with oxygen like left and
right shift.
Reproduction-hormones in processes such as gametogenesis and ovulation
Sense organs – structure and function of different parts of the ear.
Muscle movements events


Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (Guyton Physiology) by John E.
Schaum’s Outline of Human Anatomy and Physiology

UNIT 8: Inheritance Biology

Unit 8 – Genetics! Carrying a significant weight age of minimum 25 marks, it is a big

risk to skip this unit. In fact, you don’t need to, as we all have more or less some idea
about basic genetics from our +2 level, so being quite a conceptual and useful unit, you
will find several connections and extensions with other units as well. Expect both
theoretical and numerical based questions, and sometimes both combined. The best way
is to write and practise. This unit syllabus contains short topics, which does not require
much of your time to prepare individually, but can be really confusing as you have a
myriad of such short topics.

Important Topics to be studied From CSIR NET Unit 8

Mendelian ratios, their statistics, terms like codominance, incomplete dominance,

pleiotropy, genomic imprinting, penetrance, expressivity, phenocopy, linkage,
crossing over, sex linkage, sex limited and sex influenced characters, maternal
inheritance and various gene interactions
Different genetic crosses, pedigree, ABO blood grouping, multiple genes,
complementation, mitotic and meiotic non-disjunction, tetrad analysis
Mutations (mutational studies based questions expected) which can be also covered
under Unit 3.
Also, questions are asked from the structural and numerical alterations of
chromosomes, like deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation, various ploidy,
and their genetic implications.
Microbial genetics and interrupted mating experiments, (Hfr mapping, methods of
genetic transfers – transformation, conjugation, transduction and sex-duction,
mapping genes by interrupted mating).
Chromosome mapping of humans and drosophila, homologous and non-
homologous recombination (which can also be prepared under Unit 2)


iGenetics: A Molecular Approach by Peter Russell

Principles of Genetics by D. Peter Snustad, Michael J. Simmons
Genes – By Benjamin Lewin

UNIT 9: Diversity of Life Forms

Unit 9: Carrying an average weight age of 20 marks in the exam, this unit focuses on
taxonomic units and the classification of plants, animals and microorganisms, the
different diverse forms of life. The challenge is that there are a lot of scientific names,

taxa, and terminologies to memorize, so preparation may be time-consuming and tedious.
Skipping this unit poses a problem too, as you may expect questions requiring knowledge
of mixed facts from this unit and ecology or evolution as well.

Important Topics to be studied From CSIR NET Unit 9

alpha-beta-gamma taxonomy
Hierarchical taxa
binomial nomenclature
different protozoan and bacterial diseases
common parasite and pathogens for different hosts
questions are asked about the causative organisms with respective diseases
the evolutionary relationships among taxa (graphical or phylogenetic tree, common
ancestor based questions expected)
rare and endangered species and their conversation strategies. This last topic is
common with Ecology as well.


Taxonomy: a Text and Reference Book by Richard E. Blackwelder

UNIT 10: Ecological Principles

Unit 10: This unit has to be prepared together for both the environmental concerns and
applied ecological concepts. A very interesting and scoring unit, so avoid skipping. Listed
are some of the frequently asked about topics, although almost everything mentioned
under the syllabus is equally important.

Important Topics to be studied From CSIR NET Unit 10

The structure of an ecological organization, like organisms, population, community,

ecosystem, biomes, and biosphere. It is required to have a good knowledge of the
major biomes of the world.
Structure and components of different types of ecosystems like terrestrial, forest,
grassland and aquatic.
Rules in Ecology like Bergmann’s rule, Allen’s rule, Gloger’s rule, Yoda’s law
Ecosystem ecology – types and mechanisms of succession, changes involved, energy
cycling and minerals flow, primary production, Gross Primary productivity, Net
Primary productivity, decomposition, food web, the food chain.
Pyramids of energy and population, thermal stratification in lentic ecosystem
Population Ecology – r and k selection, Hardy Weinberg Law, gene pool, Concepts
and rate of change in gene frequency through natural selection, survivorship curves,
population characteristics and regulation, population growth curves,
metapopulation, terms like demes, dispersal, interdemic extinction, age-structured
population are important.

Biosphere reserves and sanctuaries in different states of India, the difference
between adaptation and acclimatization, recent concerns like anthropological
activities, global warming, environmental pollution, monitoring, its effects on
biodiversity, Project Tiger.


Basic Ecology: Fundamentals of Ecology by Eugene P. Odum

Ecology Environmental Science and Conservation by Sp Singh Js Singh

UNIT 11: Evolution and Behavior

Unit 11: All about evolution. Highly interesting topics, and the scoring unit as well. You
will have to understand some concepts thoroughly and memorize the rest. It has quite
some important topics from where questions are asked in the exam.

Important Topics to be studied From CSIR NET Unit 11

Ensure you know all the types of selection like directional, stabilizing and disruptive
Concept clarity should be there about the founder’s effect and bottleneck effect
Natural selection – Lamarck concept, Darwinism, adaptation, variation, struggle,
fitness, the spontaneity of mutation.
Also, it’s related theories such as the origin of a cell, how prokaryotic, unicellular
eukaryotic multicellular eukaryotic cells, anaerobic metabolism, photosynthesis,
aerobic metabolism, evolved one after the other.
Concept of Oparin and Haldane; Experiment of Miller
Then some important terms like adaptive radiation, endosymbiotic theory
Types of evolution like convergent, divergent and parallel and the basic difference
between them.
The concept of speciation types such as allopatric, parapatric and sympatric
Genetic drift changes through natural selection
Phylogenetic tree and cladogram, molecular evolution, molecular divergence, clocks,
tools, protein, and nucleotide gene analysis, new protein or gene origin, duplication,
Geological time scale – Ontology, evolutionary history, Major events in different
eras, periods, epochs. You can use some mnemonic code to memorize them.
Primate evolution stages
Brain-behavior evolution- altruism, behavior concepts, biological clock.


Strickberger’s Evolution by Monroe W. Strickberger

Evolution Paperback by Mark Ridley
Evolution by Douglas Futuyma
Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach by John Alcock

UNIT 12: Applied Biology
Unit 12: Applied Biology is a mixture of many topics, out of which you may focus on
some important topics listed below:

Important Topics to be studied From CSIR NET Unit 12

Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer process

Types of vaccines
Different tissue culture requirements for both plants and animals
Gene therapy
Various bioresources, and uses in biodiversity, bioremediation and
phytoremediation, purpose and the different organisms involved.
Biosensors are also sometimes asked.
You may expect some experimental questions on marker-assisted selection breeding
of qualitative and quantitative traits or for disease resistance in plant breeding.


Plant Breeding principles & Methods Paperback by Bd Singh

Plant Tissue Culture by Sathyanarayana B.N.

UNIT 13: Methods in Biology

Unit 13: Last but not least! Dealing with all different techniques and their applications,
extremely experimental questions are expected from this unit, which will test your true
research abilities. Scoring cannot be guaranteed from 1st 3 subunits, but you do have
some direct questions being asked from the next four subunits. Being very vast, you might
face some serious preparation issues, but preparing the following may give you an edge.

Important Topics to be studied From CSIR NET Unit 13

Recombinant DNA technology: RNA, DNA and proteins isolation, separation and
analytical techniques (1D and 2D gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing gels),
Recombinant protein expression using various bacterial, animal and plant vectors
(cosmid, BAC and YAC vectors), genomic and cDNA libraries,
In vitro mutagenesis and deletion techniques, gene knock out, DNA and protein
sequencing, gene expression analysis at RNA and protein level, microarrays, RFLP,
RAPD, and AFLP techniques
Immunological techniques such as ELISA, RIA, western blot, immunoprecipitation,
flow cytometry, immunofluorescence microscopy, FISH and GISH.
Biophysical methods such as UV/visible, fluorescence spectroscopy, circular
dichroism, NMR, ESR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, NMR, different types of mass
Statistical Methods – Mainly questions will be asked from probability distributions
such as Binomial, Poisson and normal.

T-test, X2 test
Radiolabeling techniques – Various types of radioisotopes used in biology and their
properties focus on their detection, measurement, and incorporation
Microscopic techniques – numerical on resolving powers of different microscopes,
SEM, TEM, fixation, and staining techniques, freeze-etch and freeze-fracture
methods for EM
Electrophysiological methods – Single neuron recording, patch-clamp recording,
ECG, Brain activity recording, PET, MRI, fMRI, CAT


Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics by Sandy B. Primrose, Richard

Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction by T. A. Brown
Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual by Joseph Sambrook, David Russell
Fundamentals of Biostatistics by V.B. Rastogi
Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology by

Now, what do you really get after struggling so much, to prepare for this herculean
syllabus? Sacrificing leisure time fun activities, spending sleepless nights, missing out on
those festival and family celebrations?

Well, we all have heard about the raised fellowships, haven’t we? What a wonderful
motivating reason to enter the exciting and beautiful world of research, right? And
besides, that sense of achievement, when you get to see your roll no in the qualified list, is
one of the best feelings ever, trust me! Your near and dear ones will be so proud of you!
So what are you waiting for? Get everything that you need to get started, and gear up your
preparation from today itself! No excuses.

Remember there is no shortcut to success!


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