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 Define DDL, DML and DCL

 Explain client-server DBMS with diagram

 Explain advantage of database management system over a file oriented
 Explain three level architecture of DBM
 Define following terms. 1) Schema 2) Database Management System 3) Physical
Data Independence
 List out types of constraints in DBMS and explain any one of them
 What is Normalization and list and explain any two different normalization?
 Explain Parallel and Distributed Database System
 Describe tasks performed by the Database Administrator
 JECT TUITION Explain specialization and generalization concepts in ER diagram with
suitable example.
 Define the terms: a) Primary Key b) Super Key
 List the type of joins in relational algebra Explain with example
 Draw an E-R diagram of following scenario. Make necessary assumptions and clearly
note down the same. We would like to make our College's manually operated Library
to fully computerized.
 Define the terms: a) foreign key b) candidate key
 List unary relational operators and explain with example
 Differentiate strong entity set and weak entity set. Demonstrate the concept of both
using real-time example using E-R diagram.
 List and explain ACID properties with respect to Database transaction
 What is deadlock of transaction? Explain wound wait technique for prevention of
 Perform the following Query on the table Account_master having the field's
aname, balance, phno in SQL
1. Display all the records with aname isdescending order.
2. Add one new column to store cityname.
3. Delete all Accounts having balance less than 5000.
4. Remove column phno from Account_master.
5. List all Accounts who do not stay in city 'surat'. Ing
6. Find Account having maximum balance.
7. Display the account name start with"ki"
 Explain any three mathematical functions of SQLJECT
 Explain any three string functions of SQL
 Perform following queries on table Subject_master(sub_code,

(i)list out all the subject having semester-5

(ii) list out all the courses with subject code started with 1

(iii) list out all the subject_names ended with S or s.

(iv) delete table subject_master

 Write a note on trigger.
 Explain group by and having clause of SQL with example
 Write a PL/SQL block to print the given number is odd or even
 Explain cursor and its types
 Explain a PL/SQL block with example
 Write a PL/SQL block to print the sum of even numbers and from 1 to 50

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