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1-Introduce yourself

2-What your siblings do and how many you have ?

3- What is constrained in databases
4-What is unique constraint?
5-What is indexing? how do you implement?
6-Referential integrity constraints.Show with example
7-Analytical Problem:
Given the top side of cake.How many cuts required to cut into 8 pieces?
Hint :Make horizontal cut
8-Given two tables Employee and department.Return the maximum salary of each
9-What is the output of following query :
Select *table
10- Ask question and feedback
round robin algorithm.
Then relationship in db.
After that for normalization and denormalization.
Types of normalization and 2nf what is partial dependency and transitive
Stored procedures.
Linux commands.
Move command.
ER diagram.
Black box testing.
Waterfall model and unit testing.
After that he asked me to swap two numbers.
And then move towards query writing.
One query was to get the people name whose department is OLTP.
2 ND QUERY was to set the value of salary of all the who are working in HR to 5000.
Then he moved to some quick quick questions like 75/25.
And how many words can be made with 4 letters.
And I guess that was the last question and then he asked me for any queries
regarding my side.

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