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‫اللغة العربية‬
Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter 3 – Week 1:
Series of Directions

Department of Education - MIMAROPA Region

Arabic Language – Level 6
Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter 3 - Week 1: Series of Directions
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education-MIMAROPA Region

Regional Director: Nicolas T. Capulong PhD, CESO V
OIC, Office of the Asst. Regional Director: Atty. Suzette T. Gannaban-Medina

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Florence R. Taylor
Editor: Mary Hope J. Gabinete
Reviewers: Mary Hope J. Gabinete
Illustrator: Ma. Teresa R. Cabasal, Iris Tayabas
Layout Artist: Florence R. Taylor
Management Team: Nicolas T. Capulong
Mariflor B. Musa
Freddie Rey R. Ramirez
Edna C. Oabel
Servillano A. Arzaga
Loida P. Adornado
Cyril C. Serador
Ronald S. Brillantes
Rolando A. Taha
Mary Hope J. Gabinete

External Evaluator: Salim Abubakar S. Nasil

(Director, Human Development Foundation Inc.)
Sahril B. Sarapil
(President, Palawan Organization for Teaching and Progress Inc.)

Quality Assurance Team: Ronald S. Brillantes, Rolando A. Taha EdD,

Mary Hope J. Gabinete, Ernesto S. Lerio, Jim Paul M. Belgado,
Liezl O. Arosio, and Mark Anthony P. Arosio

Printed in the Philippines by DepEd MIMAROPA

Department of Education – MIMAROPA Region
Office Address: Meralco Avenue, Corner St. Paul Road, Pasig City
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Week 1
Series of Directions
Learning Competency

Follow series of directions

Focus Values: Reverence
REMC: AL6: Listening: Column 1 #5, p.16

‫سية ِل ْل ُمتَ َع ِل ِم ْين‬ َ َ‫َم ْعلُ ْو َمات أ‬

ِ ‫سا‬
Background Information for Learners
ً ‫ى‬
َ‫َلذلكَمنَالمهمَجداَأن‬.‫أفضلَطريقةَيقومَبهاَشخصَماَحتَالَيضيع‬ ََ‫يَعَ َدَاَتَ َباعََالتَ َوجَيهَات‬
َ َ.‫اهاتََ يفَأنشطتكَويحللهاَللحصولَعىلَدرجاتَعالية‬
َ َ‫التَج‬
َ َ‫يَقَ َرَأَالتَلَمَيَ َذ‬
َ َ:‫فيماَيىلَأهميةَاتباعَاإلرشادات‬
َ َ.‫َالمَورَبَشَكَلََجَيَ َد‬
َ ‫ي‬َ َ‫َتَس‬،ََ‫َعَنَدَمَاَيَتَبَعَالنَاسََالتَوجَيهَات‬
َ َ‫َيظَهَ َر‬
َ َ.‫الشخاصَالذينَيتبعونَالتوجيهاتَأنهمَمتعاونونَوذكيونَويمكنَاالعتمادَعليهم‬
‫ي‬ ‫َيمكنَأنَيتسببَذلكَف‬،َ‫صحيح‬
‫ي‬ ََ‫الشَخَاصََالتَوجَيهَاتََبَشَكَل‬ َ َ‫َعَنَدَمَا‬
َ ََ‫لَيَتَبَع‬
َ .َ‫نوعَمنَالبيئة‬
َ َ.‫َكماَسيتمَتوفيَالوقتَوالجهد‬.‫لَيَلَ َزمََإَعَادَةَالَقَيَامَبالمهامَبَشَكَلََصحيحَلولَمرة‬
َ َ.‫ماَإذاَكانَيمكنكَأيضاَاتباعَاإلرشاداتَمعَالنشطةَهنا‬

Following directions is the best way for someone to do to not get lost.
Therefore, it is very important for pupil to read and analyze directions.
Here are the importance why we follow directions:
➢ When people follow directions, things work well.
➢ People who follow directions show that they are cooperative, intelligent,
and dependable.
➢ When people do not follow directions properly, it can cause frustration
in any type of environment.
➢ Doing tasks properly for the first time does not have to be repeated.
Time and effort would also be saved.

Do you know that following directions is also a basic skill necessary to

survive? Let us see if you can also follow directions with the activities here.
Let’s Practice ‫ِلنَ ْفعَ َل ا ْل َم ِز ْي ِد‬

‫نشاط األول‬ Directions ‫اتجاهات‬

ACTIVITY 1 َ َ ُ ‫لح ُر ِف ْاأل َي َمن إ َىل َم ْد َخل ْا َلم زْ ز‬
ُ ‫ُا ْر ُس ْم َخ ّط ًا م َن ْا‬
‫ن ِل ُي ْر ِشد قا ِس ُم ِإىل‬
ِ ِ ِ ِ
.‫ن ِل‬‫ْ َ زْ ز‬
ِ ‫الم‬
Draw a line from the right letter in the starting point to
the house entrance that guides Qasim in going home.

‫ساعد صديق‬
Help a Friend

‫ي‬ .‫ضاعَقاسم‬
‫ي‬ ‫المي‬
Qasim was lost. Try to help him find his way home.
Instruct him to follow the path through his way home by making a line from the
chosen letter in the starting point.

(Source: Rigan Alam, Eco Panulong, Abdulhamid Badrana, et al., Arabic

Language 6, Pasig City: Department of Education, 2014, 22-23.)

‫نشاط ز‬
‫الثان‬ Directions ‫اتجاهات‬
َ َ‫َأ‬:َ‫التَوجَيهَات‬
Answer the questions that follow.
Write your answers in Arabic Language.

َ‫َ َهلََ َوجَ َدَ َقاسَمََطَريقَهََإَىلََالَبيَتَ؟‬.١ 1. Did Qasim find his way

‫يلَهَم؟‬ َ َ‫م‬.٢
َ َ‫اَه َوَالطَ َريقََالَذَيَسَلَكَهََلَلَ َوصَولََإَىلََم‬ 2. What path did he follow
to reach their home?

‫ارَ َهذَاَالطَ َريقَ؟‬ َ َ‫َلَم‬.٣

َ َ‫اذاَاَخَت‬ 3. Why did he choose that
َ َ‫ َهلَتَعَ َرضَتََلَلضَ َياع؟َم‬.٤
ََ‫اذاَفَعَلَتََلَتَجَ َدَطَ َريقَك‬ 4. Have you experienced
getting lost? What did
َ َ‫إَىلََالم‬ you do to find your way

5. Give the directions in

.‫ِ التوجيهات في تحضير العشاء‬
‫َأعط‬.٥ prepring your dinner.

Have you ever been lost? How did you find your way home?

Let’s Do More ‫ِلنَ ْفعَ َل ا ْل َم ِز ْي ِد‬

‫نشاط األول‬ Directions ‫اتجاهات‬

ACTIVITY 1 َ.‫اقرأَوحللَكلَعنِصَوافعلَماَيقولهَداخلَالمرب عَالمقابل‬
Read and analyze each item
and do what it says inside the corresponding box.

1. Draw a big circle, then draw 3

ََ‫ َنَجَوم‬٣ َ‫ةَبدَاخََلهَاَاَ َرسَم‬
َ ‫ي‬ َ َ‫َاَ َرسَمََد‬.١
َ َ‫ائرةَََكَب‬ stars inside it, and number
٣َ،َ٢َ،َ١َ‫ها‬ َ ‫َوقَمَبَ ى‬
َ َ‫يَقيم‬ them 1, 2, 3.
َ،َ‫لثةََالوىل‬ َ ‫ ي‬.‫ َمَ َربَعَات‬٤ َ‫َاَ َرسَم‬.٢
َ َ‫َفَالَمَ َربَعاَتََالث‬ 2. Draw 4 boxes. In the first 3
boxes, draw 5 pencils each,
ََ‫اَواكَتَب‬ َ َ‫َأَق‬٥َ‫اَ َرسَم‬
َ َ‫َثَمََأَضَفَه‬،َ‫لمََ َرصَاصََلَكَلََمَنَهَا‬ then add them all together.
َ َ‫فَاَلمَ َربَع‬
َ ‫إَجَابَتَكََ ي‬ Write your answer in the 4th

3. Write the letters of the

َ َ‫البَجَ َديَةََ َمنََالَحَ َرفََجَإَىلََا‬ َ ََ‫ ََاكَتَب‬.٣
َ ََ‫ح َروف‬
alphabet from letter G
َ َ‫جبََعَىلََالسَؤاَل‬ َ َ‫أ‬ backward then answer the
question. How many letters
َ ‫الرسَائَلََالَ ى ي‬
‫تَكَتَبَتَهَا؟‬ َ َ‫كَمََ َعدَ َد‬ have you written?

Criteria Points Indicator for rating

Completeness 5 ‫اتبعتَالتعليماتَبدق َة‬

Accuracy Followed the directions perfectly
4 Followed the directions but missed placeَoneَof

3 ‫َاتجاهاتَمفقود َة‬٣
Missed three directions

2 ‫ط‬
َ ‫اتبعتَاتجاهيَفق‬
Followed two directions only

ُ ‫أَ ْن ِعك‬
Reflection ‫َاس‬

‫اتجاهات‬ َ ‫مَاَهَوََشَعَورَكََعَنَدَمَاَتَسَاعَدََشَخَ ًصاَمَ ي‬

َ ‫إَجَابَتَكََ ي‬
What do you feel when you help someone find his way
home? Write down your answer in sentences using the
Arabic Language.







Let’s Assess ‫ع ْونَا نُقَي ُم‬
ُ ‫َد‬

٧ ‫َإىل‬١َ‫َاَسَتَخَدَمََاَلَرَقَامَمَن‬.‫ت‬ َ ‫َرَتَبََخَطَوَاتََالصَلَةََبَ ى‬.َ‫اَدَرَسََالصَوَرََأَدَنَاه‬

َ ‫يتَيبَزَمَ ي‬
‫اتجاهات‬ A. Study the pictures below.
Directions Arrange the steps in praying in a chronological order. Use
numbers 1-7 and write your answer inside the small box.

١-٣َ‫َاستخدمَالرقام‬.‫تيبَالزمت‬ ‫ى‬
‫َالرزَبالي‬‫رتبَخطواتَطه‬ َ-‫ََََََب‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
َ.‫َيصبحَطريا‬ ‫ى‬
‫طهَالرزَحت‬ ‫َيغىلَالماءَويخففَالحرارةَوي‬.‫َََََأ‬
ً ً
‫ي‬ ‫َقسَكوباَواحد‬ .‫َََََج‬

B. Arrange the steps in cooking rice in chronological order. Use numbers 1-3.
a. Bring the water to a boil, reduce heat, and cook rice until soft.
b. Wash the pot carefully.
c. Measure 1 cup of rice to every 1 to 1 1/2 cups of water and put into a pot.

Answer Key ‫اْل َجابَة‬ ُ ‫ِم ْفتَا‬
ِْ ‫ح‬

Let’s Practice
Activity 1
Activity 2
َ ٢ ‫النشاط‬
1. Yes
2. B َ ‫َنع‬.١
3. Answers may vary
4. Answers may vary َ َ.٢
5. Answers may vary
َ ‫َقدَتختلفَاإلجابا‬.٣
َ َََََ‫َقدَتختلفَاإلجابات‬.٤َََََََ

Let’s Do More Let’s Assess

Activity A-
a.٢ b. ١ c. ٦ d.٧
e.٣َ f.٥َ g. ٤

15 B. a.٢
b. ١
c. ٣

References ‫اجع‬
ِ ‫َم َر‬

Alam, Rigan, Eco Panulong, Yusop Badrana, Abdulgafur Abdulhamid, Ansary
Abdulmalik, Hassanor Alapa, Rajad Basri, et al., Arabic Language 6, Pasig
City: Department of Education, 2014.



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