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Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept.

of ECE, KL University

Amplitude Modulation:
Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC)

2.0 Introduction.
2.1 Single Tone Modulation.
2.1.1 Time Domain Description.
2.1.2 Frequency Domain Description.
2.2 Multi Tone Modulation
2.2.1 Time Domain Description.
2.2.2 Frequency Domain Description.
2.3 Base Band Signal Modulation
2.3.1 Time Domain Description for base band signals.
2.3.2 Frequency Domain Description for base band signals.
2.3.3 Transmission Bandwidth.
2.4 DSB-SC Generation (Modulators)
2.4.1 Multiplier Modulator
2.4.2 Balanced Modulator
2.4.3 Switching Modulator
2.4.4 Ring Modulator
2.5 Detection of DSB-SC waves
2.5.1 Coherent / Synchronous Detector.
(a) Phase Error
(b) Frequency Error
2.6 Main points of DSB-SC.
2.7 References

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

2.0 Introduction:
In the standard A.M, the carrier wave c(t) is completely independent of message signal m(t). Hence
the transmission of the carrier represents a waste of power. This is the main limitation of the AM
system. To overcome this short coming the carrier component may be suppressed resulting in Double
Side Band Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) modulation.
Thus by suppressing the carrier, we obtain a
modulated wave that is proportional to the product of
the carrier and the message signal as shown in Fig 1.

2.1 Single Tone Modulation Fig 1. Block diagram of DSB-SC modulation

2.1.1 Time Domain Description: Consider a modulating wave m(t ) that consists of a single tone or
single frequency component. That is m(t )  Am cos 2 f mt , where Am is the amplitude and f m is the
frequency of the modulating wave respectively. Then the DSB-SC modulated wave is described by
s(t )  Ac m(t ) cos 2 fct  Ac Am cos 2 f mt cos 2 fct
1 1
 Ac Am cos 2 ( fc  f m )t  Ac Am cos 2 ( f c  f m )t
2 2
Fig 2 shows the graphical representation of DSB-SC signal.

Fig 2 Single Tone DSBSC signal and its Spectrum

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

2.1.2 Frequency Domain Description:

The frequency spectrum of DSB-SC modulated signal is given by
S ( f )  c m  ( f  fc  f m )   ( f  fc  f m )  c m  ( f  fc  f m )   ( f  f c  f m )
4 4
The spectrum of DSB-SC modulated signal is shown in Fig 2. In the modulated signal, the part of the
signal which consists of spectral components fc  f m below the carrier frequency f c , is called the
lower sideband signal (LSB) frequency and above the carrier frequency f c is called the upper
sideband signal (USB) frequency fc  f m .

2.2 Multi Tone Modulation: (Modulation by several sine waves):

2.2.1 Time Domain Description

Let a message signal consists of three sinusoidal signals of different frequencies.
m(t )  A1 cos 2 f1t  A2 cos 2 f 2t  A3 cos 2 f3t
Then the corresponding AM modulation can be expressed as below the corresponding waveforms for
time domain and frequency domain waveforms are shown in Fig 3.
s(t )  Ac m(t ) cos 2 f ct  Ac A1 cos 2 f ct cos 2 f1t  Ac A2 cos 2 f ct cos 2 f 2t  Ac A3 cos 2 f ct cos 2 f 3t
 Ac A1 Ac A1   Ac A2 Ac A2 
 cos 2 ( fc  f1 )t  cos 2 ( f c  f1 )t    cos 2 ( f c  f 2 )t  cos 2 ( f c  f 2 )t  
 2 2   2 2 
 Ac A3 Ac A3 
 2 cos 2 ( fc  f3 )t  2 cos 2 ( fc  f3 )t 
 

Fig 3. DSB-SC Modulation and their spectrum for multi-tone message signal
Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

2.2.2 Frequency Domain Description: The frequency domain representation is expressed as

S ( f )  c 1  ( f  fc  f1)   ( f  fc  f1)   ( f  f c  f1)   ( f  f c  f1)  
Ac A2
 ( f  fc  f 2 )   ( f  fc  f 2 )   ( f  fc  f 2 )   ( f  fc  f 2 ) 
Ac A3
 ( f  fc  f3 )   ( f  fc  f3 )   ( f  fc  f3 )   ( f  f c  f3 ) 
4 
The spectrum of DSB-SC is shown in Fig.3.

2.3 Baseband Signal Modulation:

2.3.1: Time Domain Description

Let the message signal m(t ) is assumed to be band limited to ‘W’ Hz. Then the standard form of a
DSB-SC modulated signal as a function of time is represented by
s(t )  Ac m(t ) cos 2 fct .
Fig 4 shows a base band signal, carrier and corresponding DSB-SC modulated waves.

Fig 4 DSB-SC modulation for a band limited message signal and its spectrum.

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

2.3.2 Frequency Domain Description:

The suppression of the carrier from modulated wave is well approximated by examining its spectrum
S ( f )  c  M ( f  fc )  M ( f  fc )
The modulation process simply translates the spectrum of the baseband signal by  fc .

2.3.3 Transmission Bandwidth of DSB-SC: The transmission band width by DSB-SC is the same as
that for standard AM. That is twice the highest frequency of message signal. In the case of message
signal m(t ) band limited to ‘W’ Hz, the transmission bandwidth is 2W Hz.

2.4 DSB-SC Generation (DSB-SC Modulators):

2.4.1: Multiplier Modulator: Here the modulating is

directly achieved by multiplying m(t ) with

Ac cos 2 f ct , using an analog multiplier whose output

is proportional to the product of two input signals.
Typically, such a multiplier may be obtained from a Fig. 5 Block diagram of Multiplier Modulator

variable gain amplifier in which the gain parameter (such as  of a transistor) is controlled by one of

he signals, say m(t ) . When the signal Ac cos 2 f ct is applied at the input of this amplifier, the output
is proportional to Ac m(t ) cos 2 f ct .

2.4.2 Balanced Modulator: The block diagram of

balanced modulator is shown in Fig 6. A balanced
modulator consists of two standard AM modulators
arrange in a balanced configuration to suppress the
carrier wave. We assume that the two modulators are
identical except for the signal reversal of the modula-
ting wave applied to the input of one of them. Fig. 6 Block diagram of Balanced Modulator

Thus the outputs of the two modulators are expressed as follows:

s1(t )  Ac [1  ka m(t )]cos 2 f ct and s2 (t )  Ac [1  ka m(t )]cos 2 f ct

By subtracting s2 (t ) from s1 (t ) , we obtain s(t )  s1(t )  s2 (t )  [2ka m(t ) Ac cos 2 f ct ]m(t ) . Hence

except for the scaling factor 2k a the balanced modulator output is equal to the product of the
modulating wave and carrier as required.
Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

2.4.3 Switching Modulator: The multiplication operation required for modulation can be replaced by
a simple switching operation, if we realize that a modulated signal can be obtained by multiplying m(t)
not only by a pure sinusoid by any periodic signal of the fundamental radian frequency fc . Fig 7(a)
shows one such electronic switch driven by a sinusoid Ac cos 2 fct . D1, D2, D3 and D4 are matched
pairs. When the signal Ac cos 2 fct is of a polarity that will make terminal ‘c’ positive with respect to
‘d’, all the diodes conduct. Because diodes D1 and D2 are matched, terminals ‘ a ‘ and ‘b’ have the
same potential and are effectively short circuited. During the next half cycle, terminal ‘d’ is positive
with respect to ‘c’, all four diodes is reversed biased and terminals ‘ a ‘ and ‘b’ are open circuited. Fig
7 (b) shows series diode-bridge modulator and Fig 7(c) shows parallel diode-bridge modulators driven
by this switch. The diode bridge in Fig 7(a) therefore serves as a desired electronic switch. Where
terminals‘ a ‘ and ‘b’ open and close periodically with carrier frequency fc when sinusoid cos 2 fct
is applied across terminals ‘c’ and ‘d’. The switching operation can be represented by a square wave
w(t). as shown in Figure. To obtain the signal m(t)w(t), we may place this electronic switch (terminals
‘ a ‘ and ‘b’) in series (Fig 7(b) or across (in parallel) m(t) as shown in Fig 7(c). These modulators are
known as Series-bridge diode modulator and the shunt-bridge diode modulator respectively. This
switching on and off of m(t) repeats for each cycle of the carrier, resulting in the switched signal
m(t)w(t), which when bandpass filtered, yields the desired modulated signal (2/π) m(t) cos 2 fct . The
spectral analysis of this modulation illustrated in Fig 8.

Fig 7 (a) Diode-bridge electronic switch (b) Series bridge diode modulator (c) Shunt-bridge modulator.
Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

The electronic switch is represented as a periodic pulse train as shown in Fig. 7 can be represented by a
1 2 1 1 
Fourier series w(t )   cos ct  cos3ct  cos5ct  .... .
2  3 5 

Then the product of m(t)w(t) is represented by

1 2 1 1 
m(t ) w(t )  m(t )  m(t ) cos ct  m(t ) cos3ct  m(t ) cos5ct  ....
2  3 5 

For modulation, we are interested in extracting the modulated component m(t) cos 2 fct only. To
separate this component from the rest of the signal, we pass this signal m(t)w(t) through a bandpass
filter of bandwidth 2W Hz centered at the frequency fc . The resulting signal is (2/π) m(t) cos 2 fct
which is a desired DSB-SC modulated signal.

Fig 8. Switching modulator for DSB-SC modulation

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

2.4.4 Ring Modulator: Another switching modulator known as the ring modulator is shown in Fig 9.
During the positive half cycles of the carrier, diodes D1 and D3 conduct, and D2 and D4 are open. Hence
terminal ‘ a ‘ is connected to ‘b’, and ‘c’ is connected to
‘d’. During the negative half cycles of the carrier D1 and
D3 are open and D2 and D4 are conducting, thus connecting
terminal ‘ a ‘ to ‘d’ and terminal ‘b’ to ‘c’.

Fig 9. Ring modulator for DSB-SC modulation

Hence the output is proportional to m(t) during the positive half cycle and to - m(t) during the negative
half cycle. In effect m(t) is multiplied by a square pulse train w0 (t ) . The Fourier series representation
of this square is given by
4 1 1 
w0 (t )   cos ct  cos3ct  cos5ct  ....
 3 5 
4  1 1 
Then vi (t )  w0 (t )m(t )  m(t ) cos ct  cos3ct  cos5ct  ....
  3 5 
When this waveform is passed through a bandpass filter tuned to fc , the filter output will be the

desired signal 4 m(t ) cos ct . In this circuit there are two inputs m(t) and cos 2 fct . The input to the
bandpass filter does not contain either of these inputs. Consequently, this circuit is an example of a
double balanced modulator.

2.5 DSB-SC Demodulation:

2.5.1 Coherent / Synchronous Detection: Here the
signal recovery is done by a reverse frequency
translation by multiplying the translated signal with
cos 2 f ct . It is assumed that the local oscillator Fig. 10 Block diagram of Coherent Detection

output is exactly coherent or synchronized in both frequency and phase with the carrier wave used to
Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

generate modulated signal (transmitted) s(t ) . This method of demodulation is known as coherent
detection or synchronous detection. The block diagram of synchronous detection is shown in Fig.10.
Let DSB-SC signal is s(t )  Ac m(t ) cos 2 f ct . Then the product modulator output sc (t ) is given by
sc (t )  s (t ) cos 2 f ct  [ Ac m(t ) cos 2 f ct ] cos 2 f ct
 Ac m(t ) cos 2 2 f ct  Ac m(t ) 1  cos 4 f ct 
1 1
 Ac m(t )  cos 4 f ct
2 2
This product modulator output sc (t ) consists of required message signal with magnitude Ac / 2 and
unwanted component having twice the frequency of carrier wave. This unwanted component is
removed by low pass filter with cut off frequency of message signal.
In order to demodulate DSB-SC signal by synchronous detection, one must generate a local carrier
of same frequency and phase angle at the receiver side. Any discrepancy in the frequency and phase of
local carrier give rise to a distortion in the detector output. It is thus instructive to examine the detected
output when the local carrier frequency and phase are different from the carrier of the incoming DSB-
SC signal. We consider the following two situations.
1. The local oscillator has an ideal frequency, but arbitrary phase difference measured with
respect to the carrier is referred to as ‘Phase Error’.
2. The local oscillator has identical phase but a difference frequency with respect to carrier is
referred to as ‘Frequency error’.
(a) Phase Error (   0; f  0 ): Let the carrier is cos(2 f ct   ) , where  being the phase
difference between the local oscillator signal and the carrier at the transmitter, we get
sc (t )  s (t ) cos(2 f ct   )  [ Ac m(t ) cos 2 f ct ] cos(2 f ct   )
 Ac m(t )  cos   cos(4 f ct   ) 
1 1
 Ac m(t ) cos   m(t ) cos(4 f ct   )
2 2
The first term represents the message term with phase error cos  . The second term represents a

DSB-SC wave with a carrier 2 f c , which can be removed by low pass filter. The cut off frequency of

this filter is greater than message signal frequency ‘W’, but less than 2 f c  W . Thus the output of the
filter is 1
so (t )  Ac m(t ) cos 
Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

Thus the demodulator output is proportional to m(t ) when the phase error cos  is constant. The output

of the demodulated signal is maximum when   0 and minimum (zero) when    . The zero

demodulated signal which occurs for    represents quadrature null effect of the coherent
detection. It is thus seen that the detector output is attenuated by a factor cos  , So long as the phase
error is constant, it provides an undistorted version of original message signal m(t ) . Unfortunately due
to random variation in the communication channel, the multiplication factor cos  varies randomly
with time. This results in distortion of the signal.
(b) Frequency Error (   0; f  0 ): Suppose that the local oscillator signal cos 2 ( f c  f )t has
phase is zero and f is frequency error. Then the output of the product modulator is

sc (t )  s(t ) cos{2 ( f c  f )t}  [ Ac m(t ) cos 2 f ct ] cos{2 ( f c  f )t}

 Ac m(t )  cos 2ft  cos{2 (2 f c  f )t}
1 1
 Ac m(t ) cos 2ft  m(t ) cos{2 (2 f c  f )t}
2 2
Thus when this signal is passed through the LPF, we get so (t )  Ac m(t ) cos 2ft . The resulting
signal will be un-acceptable if f is comparable to the baseband signal frequency.
The spectrum of the output of LPF is So ( f )  Ac  M ( f  f )  M ( f  f ) .
It can be seen that each frequency component of the baseband signal is affected by an amount of
f . Therefore the frequencies which were originally harmonically related in the baseband signal will
no longer remain so after demodulation. This results in undesired distortion in the recovered signal.

Conclusion: Therefore the necessary arrangement should be made at the receiver end to maintain the
local oscillator in perfect synchronism, in both frequency and phase with the carrier wave used to
generate DSB-SC wave in the transmitter. This increases complexity of the receiver and increases the
cost. This is in fact the price one has to pay for suppressing the carrier wave to save transmitter power.

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

2.6 Main Points of DSB-SC:

1. The Carrier power is eliminated, so that efficiency increased in compare with standard AM.
2. The Transmission Bandwidth is same as standard AM that is two times of message signal
3. The phase of DSB-SC modulated signal is phase reversed when the modulating signal m(t)
crosses zero .
4. Coherent detection is needed for DSB-SC: obtaining the carrier phase is biggest challenges in
all demodulators.
2.7 References:
1. H Taub & D. Schilling, Gautam Sahe, ”Principles of Communication Systems, TMH, 2007, 3rd
2. Simon Haykin ,”Principles of Communication Systems “,John Wiley, 2nd Ed.
3. B.P. Lathi and Zhi Ding, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, International
4th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010.
4. George Kennedy, “ Electronic Communication Systems”, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition.
5. Wayne Tomasi, ‘Electronic Communication Systems- fundamentals through advanced’, 5th edition,
Pearson Education Inc, 2011.
6. John G. Proakis, Masond, Salehi ,”Fundamentals of Communication Systems “, PEA, 2006.


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