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F2oFI7 First Year Engineering Semester System in Mechanical Engineering Experiment No: Title:-Write assignment on Vehicle specification and system in passenger car. Date of performance: Signature of teacher: Date of checking: MMICOE, Karvenagar, Pune-52 Page 20 F207 First Year Engineering Semester! ‘System in Mechanical Engineering Qi: Avtomovile is a self propelled and wheel vehicle, producing Power within, used for tranSporting goods and passenger on road. Clagsitication of Automobiles :— . Acaording to purpose:— iT fassenger vehicle ii7 Goods vehicle iii7 Special perpose., * According +o load carryin i iT Ligh i es Capa 9 ee iT Medium Horor 3 + ACCordi ny n eeonattap ype oo one 0 ooheeler iil Three wheeler iil Four woneelel ! + Aceordin £5 pus teed rT Six wheeler. WRett0) iT Diesel jii7 Electric venicies iwTgolar vehicles. + According +0 drive of venicles:— 'T Front Wheel drive iil Rear wheel drive iii] Four wheel drive. According to the driven Sitting:— VT Left hand drive WT Righthand are. . According body Style:— : iT Open cars iil Closed cars iii] Special cars. @2: Chassis is the main Support Strocture oF the vehicle which is alS0 Known as Frame. Tt bearsall the StreSs on the Vehicle jn both staHcand dynamic condi#ons . Chassis witnstand the forces cavSed due to. sudden braking and acceleration and Whistand the load Caused Ave to bad road condition. Types OF Chassis are :— 1 Ladder chasis:— One OF the oldest chassis Tt is quite heavy and mainly used in vehicles that heed +0 tow heavy stuft- ii] Backbone chassis:— T+ (6 arectangvlar cross -Secton Cylindrical tube through the middle of the chassis that connects +n€ tOp and bottom Suspension. Heavy duty venicle. MMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune-52 Page 22, FLO€IT ‘First Year Engineering. ‘Semester | ‘System in Mechanical Engineering iT Mono toque Chassig:- it iS AShell around the Car made by using both chassis as the frame ina Single Construction WT Tubvlar chassis:- It is used inrace cars doc to the. unrivalled satery they Provide. They are upgraded from tht ladder chaasis. @3: Main components OF Automobile are: 7 Chassis: it incorporates al! the major assem blics consisting of an engine, Components OF transmission System Such as ClUtch, gearbox , propeller Shaft, Quies:.a contoling System SUCh as brakes 4 Steering, 4 SUSPENSION Systend OF the venice. iT Engine:-is he Source ot mo ve power toan automobile T+iS Very important because inavsence ofan engine, the automobile may not movCarail. iT Transmission System: it transmits power developed by the engine +0 the road Wheeis. * Clutch: - Main function (5 to engage and disengage the gears and engine. “Gear b0x:- iS Component of the +Tansmission System next +0 clutch. T+has aqre gear +ain, and i+ provides ditterent gear raHos. + Ditrerential:- The motion of propeller Shaft jg fed to the differential which turns + through Qo degrees. Tt is essential as the Orgie axle is 90° +0 Propeller Shot. + Axle:-it takes up the Various loads including He weight OF avto mobiles. TF HanSmit motion +0 road wheelS : wt Body:— i 1S frame which SUPPOMS the mainframe and is fied on iF through some Suitable rubber connections +0 isalate +he_ engine vier atone, MMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune-52, Page 23 20°17 Trangmission | | CGear bor) | | bt Engine Differential | Cruteh 4 Front wheel Rear whee) Fig: Main components 0+ Avromabile a | | F20FIT First Year Engineering. ‘Semester! ‘System in Mechanical Engineering. QU. Engine: Cthe front engine) :-rear wheel drive layouris one, Ghere te engine ig located at the front oF He Vvehiche and driven wheels are located at rear. CMid Engi ne):— Layout where tc rear wheels are driven by an engine placed just in front oF them, behind the pass tng er compartment .CThe Rear Engine):- layour where both #he engines And drive wheels atthe rear of the Vehicle. . te Axite. Are the Components On which chassis iS mounted. Theyare SupPo rted between the wheels. CFront Axle)!- T+ Supports the Chassis on front side Steering Hechanism is mounted On front Axle. CReay AXIe):- T+ Supports the chassis on cearside. The rear AxIC Consists oF driving Shatt enclasect, in +ubvlar structure. @5 A passengar Car (5 @ Car witha closed body with he engine, Passengers. and cacgo in seperate compartmenrs, T+ Speciti Ca ly has. a*B-pillar Coerween the front and rear wind oS) that Supports phe rook A Fhree box design with the engine at +e frontand the cargo area at she rear. +A less Steeply Sloping TooHine than q Coupe, which resutts in inereased headroom for rear passenger Aha a 'e3s Sporting appearance. + A fear interior vowme oF atleast 0-93m>, + Tr also has @ Special specitication that it mainiy Consist of S€danand.suvis as passenger cars as it has a Space for Sto ring goods or materials. Page 24 F20FI1 First Year Engineering Semester! ‘System in Mechanical Engineering Group C Experiments Experiment No: 06 Title:-Demonstration of power train system in the vehicle. Date of performance: Signature of teacher: Date of checking: Signature of teacher: MMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune-52, Page 35 20 FIT First Year Engineering Semester! ‘System in Mechanical Engineering — Transmission o y, CGeor box) | Engine by a | Orie 7 4 Chaft L Clutch Front whee) Rear Whee! Fig: Power Transmis.sion. ‘MMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune-52 Page 39 F20F 17 First Year Engineering ‘Semester | ‘System in Mechanical Engineering C Fulcrum pin lotch Pedal — Thrust bearing em Cluteh shore Jr— Pressure plate | Ve VL KE avten pirate Vy Y ATA Ve ee seeng LLL. iz Fig: Clutcn. MMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune-52 Page 40 F20FI7 First Year Engineering Semester | System in Mechanical Engineering @— Gear Lever \ Gear Shifting Mechanism | +- 00g Clutch aa ore J | 00g Clutch 7 Qv+put Short | y bay Shatt ee —| Fig: Gear box ‘Conclusion: ‘The different components of power train or transmission system are studied with respect to their construction and working. ‘MIMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune-52, Page 41 ——. €20F 7 First Year Engineering ‘Semester! ‘System in Mechanical Engineering Title:-. Demonstration of Vehicle System Date of performance: Signature of teacher: Date of checking: Signature of teacher: MMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune-52 Page 42 20F17 First Year Engineering ‘Semester! ‘System in Mechanical Engineering hee j ( Stub Axie jen oad ea o | | ) x : A a, \ ack ‘ kingfin CRIS Adjuster — Pinion oT - Steering whee Fig: Ackernann Steering Mechaniem MMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune-S2 Page a7 f20FIT System in Mechanical Engineering Semester | First Year Engineering Gratwated at leaves Shackle Fig . Leof Sering Page 48 'MMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune-52, f20F17 First Year Engineering ‘Semester! ‘System in Mechanical Engineering Fig: Telescopic Suspension System Conclusion: ‘The different types of chassis frame and components of steering system of vehicle are studied with respect to their construction and working, MMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune-52, Page 49

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