Psma Q1

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1. Chemistry - physical science; central science 1.

John Dalton - Atomos (indivisible); solid sphere

2. Atoms - positively charged core; contains protons, model
neutrons, electrons; small particles in elements 2. Solid sphere model - atoms of particular
3. Democritus - atomos (discontinuous matter - elements; from subatomic
cannot divide); introduced atoms 3. Joseph John Thomson - corpuscles; nobel prize;
4. Plato and Aristotle - No ultimately plum pudding model
5. Dalton’s atomic theory - atoms extremely small 4. Plum pudding model - spherical cloud; electrons
particles; elements are identicals; compounds as components of atoms; no nucleus
more than one element; chemical rxn only 5. Ernest Rutherford - gold foil; little deflection;
separation nuclear model
6. Moderns atomic theory - may be disintegrated; 6. Nuclear model - localised in nucleus electrons
not all alike, not all identicals; different elements, remain in orbit
different properties 7. Niels Bohr - fixed sizes; model was quantised;
7. Nuclear transmutation - being transferred planetary model
8. Electrons - negatively charged; first components; 8. Planetary model - proposed stable electrons; emit
joseph john thomson; mass: 9.109x10-31 kg, energy and collapse
charge: -1.602x10-19 kg 9. Erwin Schrodinger - don’t move in set paths but in
9. Protons - positively charged; eugene goldstein; waves; cloud of probability called orbitals;
mass: 1.673x10-27 kg, charge: 1.602x10-19 quantum model
coulombs 10. Quantum model - don’t move around nucleus;
10. Neutrons - neutrals; james chadwick; mass: most accurate model
1.675x10-27 kg, no charge 1
1. Thomson model - spherical mass 1. Magnetic quantum number (m) - behavior
2. Rutherford model - alpha scattering 2. Spin quantum number (s) - counterclockwise,
3. Bohr model - protons in nucleus, electrons in clockwise
orbitals 3. Orbital theory - shell is equal; three dimensionals;
4. Rutherford-Bohr model - elliptical hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity
5. Heisenburg uncertainty principle - exact 4. Electronic configuration theory - 1st main energy
(2e), 2nd main energy (8e), 3rd main energy
position, exact momentum
(18e(, 4th main energy (32e)
6. Wave mechanical atom or electroncloud 5. Atomic number (Z) - number of protons and
model - single cluster electrons; electrical make up; protons = electrons
7. Schrodinger or quantum model - small bits; 6. Mass number (A) - number of protons and
pauli’s exclusion principle neutrons; protons + neutrons
8. Quantum number - wave dimensions 7. Isotopes - different mass number; different
9. Principal quantum number (n) - 123; main number of neutrons
energy level; describes size of orbital 8. Isotones - having same number of neutrons
10. Azithmuthal quantum number (l) - spdf; 9. Isobars - having same atomic mass
describes shape of orbital 10. Ions - lost of gained

1. Cations (+) - giver, sender 1. Inorganic compounds - don’t contain carbon; ex:
2. Anions (-) - receiver table salts, hydrochloric acid, quartz, carbon
3. Molecules - smallest indivisible dioxide, carbonates, carbides
4. Anode - oxidation occurs 2. Acids - tastes sour; reacts with some metals; give
5. Cathode - reduction occurs off hydrogen; conduct electricity; blue litmus
6. Extrinsic or extensive - time to time; itself, turns red
3. Bases - tastes bitter; slippery; dissolves fats; red
depends on amount; visible; ex: height,
litmus turns blue
weight, temperature, size, shape, volume 4. Homogeneous - cannot see partition
7. Intrinsic or intensive - which are constant, 5. Heterogeneous - can see partition
unique identity; not depends on amount; 6. True solution - less than 10-7 cm
invisible; ex: boiling point, freezing point, 7. Colloidal solution - between 10-7cmand 10-5 cm
melting point, viscosity, refractive index 8. Suspension solution - greater than 10-5 cm
8. Mass - constant at any places; measures 9. Tyndall effect - scattering of light
quantity of matter; object will still same; never 10. Compounds - definite proportions; evidence of
be zero chemicals; separated by chemical means;
9. Weight - depends on amount of gravity; chemically combined
downward pull; gravity exerts; object will only
⅙; also be zero
10. Organic compounds - bonded to hydrogen; ex:
DNA, sugar, ethanal, methane
1. Mixtures - present in any proportions; no Pure substance
evidence of chemicals; separated by mechanical ● Elements
means; not chemically combined ● Compounds
2. Law of definite proportions - always contains Elements
exactly ● Metals
● Non-metals
3. Law of multiple proportions - combine to form
● Metalloids
more than one; fixed weights
Earth crust
4. Law of combining weights or law of reciprocal ● Oxygen 45.5%
proportions or law of equivalents - combine in ● Silicon 27.2%
ratio ● All others 5.3%
5. Pauli’s exclusion principle - same set of quantum ● Magnesium 2.8%
● Calcium 4.7%
● Iron 6.2%
● Aluminum 8.3%
Human body
● Oxygen 65%
● Carbon 18%
● All others 1.2%
● Phosphorus 1.2%
● Calcium 1.6%
● Nitrogen 3%
● Hydrogen 10%
● Ionic
● Covalent
● Metallic
● Acids
● Bases
● Salts
● Oxides
● Homogeneous
● Heterogeneous
● Solutions
● Colloids
● Suspensions
● Emulsions

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