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Diajukan Sebagai Salah Satu Tugas Rutin

Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Biologi

Nama: Selfiana Hanson Pangaribuan

NIM : 4233141055

Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi


1. Plants photosynthesize with sunlight

2. The human stomach works to process food

3. Roses need rain to absorb water

4. Biology studies human organ systems

5.All living things experience growth and development

6. Amphibians are animals that can live in two realms

7. frog jump to change places

8. Birds can fly anywhere just by flapping their wings.

9.hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline are angry hormones in


10.Evolution: the branch of biology concerned with the development human

11. an apple if left in the open will rot

12. Humans have 46 chromosomes.

13. the lion can run very fast

14. men are taller than women

15. cows eat grass in the forest.

16. ants ike to eat sugar because it is sweet

17. plant roots can absorb water

18. human breathes uses lungs

19. bees make honey from nextar flowers

20. snake preys in the rice fields

21. heart pumps blood throughout the body

22. human skull bones are very hard to protect the brain

23. rose has a red color

24. acid affects the need to form networks.


25. humans can give birth to babies

26. vitamin c is found in carrots and citrus fruits

27. milk teeth grow while in children numbered 20

28. lungs are a place for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide

29. human eyes have black and white

30. cancer is a very serious disease

31. Joints move following nerve commands

32. Enzyme accelerates the reaction but does not participate in the reaction

33. enzymes reduce activation energy

34.stomata open during the day, close at night

35. human hair can grow long quickly

36. ethylene gas accelerates fruit ripening

37. human sleep time is better by 8 hours

38. obesity is a disease of being overweight in humans

39. solution is more difficult to evaporate than the pure solvent.

40. In the throat there is a movement to destroy food , namely peristaltic movement.

41. meristem tissue functions to process extension of plants

42. sliding joints move and the ends of the bones are slightly flattened

43. food essence will be absorbed by the small intestine

44.Xylem tissue functions to transport water and mineral salts

45. roots function to absorb water from the soil

46.umbilical cord holds urine well

47. rice field snake kills its prey by twisting it until it dies

48. human walks in foot

49.The scrotum maintains the temperature of the testes for sperm production

50.Organ systems move at the behest of the brain


Pronoun( kata benda) = warna merah

Adjective (kata sifat) = warna biru

Verb ( kata kerja ) = warna hijau

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