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Liturgy Cycle C
Monthly Assembly Topic






 To explain the Holy Spirit and the celebration of Pentecost Sunday

 To make them appreciate the role of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives


Time Activity Remarks

5 mins Registration
10 mins Teaching of Song We teach the Suggested Song of the
2 mins Opening Kids Praise End the prayer with the intercession of
the Featured Saint this month.
10 mins Games The area is responsible for choosing
the game.
5 mins Recap Previous month’s Proclamation
Statement and Featured Saint.
Check their Take Home Activity on the
previous month.
2 mins Announce the Proclamation Statement
5 mins Reading the Gospel Ask everybody to stand up and read
the Gospel.
10 mins Narrate the Gospel Creatively use Powerpoint or videos.
15 mins Activity Separate activity for Junior and Senior
kids. KFC Household for KFCs in

*Please note that there are two types

of activity in this outline: Activity for
Online Setting & Activity for Face to
Face Setting
2 mins Processing Separate processing for Junior and
Senior kids.
2 mins Featured Saint
2 mins KFC Heroes Challenge This month we challenge every kid to
be strong in mind, body, and spirit.
2 mins Take-Home Activity To be checked the following month.
2 mins Closing Prayer Include the Suggested Song in the


Last assembly, we talked about listening and following Jesus. How was your 10-Day
Listening Challenge? Were you able to the different challenges? (Let them respond)
Can someone share their experience with our Take Home Activity? (Ask a volunteer)
Let us always remember that we are called to seek Jesus’ voice every day. Let us ask
God for help so that we will be able to always listen to Jesus’ voice and follow Him.

This month, we will be talking about being ready to receive the Holy Spirit. For our
proclamation statement, we say “I BELIEVE IN GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT!”

VI. SCRIPTURE READING: John 14:8-17, 25-27 (NABRE)

(Note: Please ask everyone to stand while reading the Gospel.)

Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit

Philip said to him, “Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.” Jesus
said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me, Philip?
Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do
you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak
to you I do not speak on my own. The Father who dwells in me is doing his works. Believe
me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else, believe because of the works
themselves. Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I
do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father. And whatever
you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask
anything of me in my name, I will do it.
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he
will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the
world cannot accept because it neither sees nor knows it. But you know it, because
it remains with you, and will be in you.

(NOTE: The Speaker can use the storyline to explain the Gospel to the kids better. Be
creative! It may be delivered interactively through photos or role-playing.)

 One day, Philip asked Jesus, “Master, can you show us the Father, and that would
be enough for us.”

 Jesus replied to Philip, “For a long time I have been with you, yet you do not know
me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. Do you not believe, that I am in
the Father and the Father is in me?”

 He continued saying, “The words that I have spoken to you do not come from me.
The Father, who remains in me, does his own work. Believe me, when I say that I
am in the Father and Father is in me.”

 Jesus continued, “I am telling you the truth: those who believe in me will do what
I do. And I will do whatever you ask for in my name. If you ask me for anything in
my name, I will do it.”

 Then Jesus asked His disciples to follow His commandments. He assured them that
He will send His Helper, the Holy Spirit, to be with them always and to help them
follow His commandments.


- Rubberbandnd (1 per family member)
- A cut-out circle at least 5 inches in diameter
- Scotch tape

1. The whole family is part of this activity.

2. Ask the family to stick the cut-out circles on the floor in one line using scotch tape.

3. Place the rubber band 1 meter away from the cut-out circle.

4. On the “Go!” signal, each family member must move the rubber band towards the
inside of the cut-out circle by using their hands without touching it or using any
other object to move it. They may clap their hands or slap the floor to produce air
for the rubber band to move.

5. The first family to place all the rubber bands in the cut-out circles win.

- Rubberbandnd (1 per kid)
- A cut-out circle at least 5 inches in diameter (1 per kid)
- Scotch tape

1. Prepare the setup for the activity beforehand.
a. Stick the cut-out circles in one line using scotch tape.
b. Place the rubber bands 1 meter away from the cut-out circles.

2. Ask the kids to form a line in front of each rubber band.

3. On the “Go!” signal, the kids must move the rubber band towards the inside of
the cut-out circle by using their hands without touching it or using any other object
to move it. They may clap their hands or slap the floor to produce air for the rubber
band to move.

4. The first kid to place the rubber band in the cut-out circle wins.

1. Did you enjoy the activity? (Let them respond.) In the activity, the rubber
represents our lives, our hands represent God, the air that is produced by our
hands is the Holy Spirit, and the cut-out circles represent the Kingdom of God.

2. God, through Jesus, has blessed us with the Holy Spirit that helps us move and
grow closer to the Kingdom of God. We may be far from Him right now, but it is
the Holy Spirit that will help us to be with God.

3. In the Gospel, Jesus promised the disciples that He will send the Holy Spirit to
them. And they received the Holy Spirit during Pentecost. Do you know who the
Holy Spirit is? (Let them respond.)

4. First, let us do the sign of the cross. Together, in the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. When we do the sign of the cross, we declare God
the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This is the Holy Trinity.

5. The Holy Trinity means three-in-one where there are three persons (Father, Son,
Spirit), but one God. Just like a triangle, which has three lines but represents one
shape. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity.

6. The Holy Spirit was sent to the disciples during Pentecost. Do you know what
Pentecost is? (Let them respond.) Pentecost is the day when the disciples received
the Holy Spirit. We celebrate Pentecost Sunday to remind us of the Holy Spirit that
we also receive through the Sacrament of Baptism.

7. The Holy Spirit is always present in our lives, guiding us in making good decisions
so we can follow Jesus every day.

8. That is why we need to pray and ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance every day.
Together, let us declare, “I believe in God the Holy Spirit!”

IX. SUGGESTED SONG: Never Stop Loving


Feast Day: June 15

 St. Germaine was born in a village in France
called Pibrac. She lived on a farm with her

 Because of poor management, the farm went

bankrupt and was taken over by Armande, the
stepmother of St. Germaine.

 Armande was a mean and selfish stepmother.

She doesn’t let St. Germaine enter the house,
she abused her by making her do all the labor
on the farm, and she doesn’t feed her

 Despite this, she found comfort and peace

when she attends the Holy Mass every
morning. Through the Holy Mass, the seed of faith was planted in her heart. She
embraced her suffering and saw them as her mission of love to sacrifice for others.
She was always seen on the farm praying the rosary.

 She was very friendly to the village children and would always share with them her
knowledge and love of the faith which was developed in her long hours of prayer,
silence, and suffering. She eagerly desires to help others and love God more.

 St. Germaine lived a life of humility and prayer. She is the patron saint for victims
of abuse, persons with disabilities, young women in danger, and orphans.



1. The service team will play the chant/song of KFC Heroes Challenge. This is their
signal to be a hero and do the KFC Heroes Challenge.

2. “St. Germaine is like a hero of the Catholic Church. We too could be like her and
be a hero. Do you want to be a hero like St. Germaine?”

3. It’s KFC Heroes Challenge time! A hero is always prepared in every situation
wherever he/she is needed. The KFC Heroes Challenge today is to have a strong
mind, body, and spirit.
4. This is our KFC Heroes Challenge. Are you ready? (Yes!) When you hear a KFC Song
being played, dance. Once the music stops, I will say something that you should
do (ex: put your hand on your head, turn around, etc. Do this challenge for at least
1 minute.).

5. As KFC Heroes, we must be always ready to receive the Holy Spirit as we did in the
challenge where we are listening and receiving the instructions given to us. To do
this we must be alert and attentive by being strong in mind, body, and spirit. Like
what we did in our main activity and what we will learn.


 Fruits of the Holy Spirit printouts
 Puncher
 Yarn

1. As we are ready to receive the Holy Spirit, we will be able to receive its fruits. Do
you know the Fruits of the Holy Spirit? (Let them respond.)

2. We can be able to receive 9 fruits from the Holy Spirit.

a. Love – This will help us put the needs of others first without expecting
anything in return.
b. Joy – This is lasting happiness that we realize when we live for God and
know that we will be with Him forever someday.
c. Peace – This is a sense of calmness that we experience when we put our
complete trust in God.
d. Patience – This is having a sense of understanding towards others’
imperfections and accepting our weaknesses.
e. Kindness – This is having a heart that is willing to serve others beyond what
we owe them.
f. Goodness – This is a desire to seek and do what is good and avoid evil.
g. Faithfulness – This is living according to the will of God and believing and
trusting in His plans.
h. Gentleness – This helps us overcome our tendency to be angry.
i. Self-control – This is having the ability to exercise balance in everything we

3. With the help of your parents or guardian, follow the instructions on the printout
given to you.
4. After finishing the instructions, write down the words “I am a KFC Hero” on the
back of each fruit. Then, hang the Fruits of the Holy Spirit Necklace on the wall of
your room and whenever you pray, ask the Holy Spirit that you may receive these
fruits when you need them.


(Send the Parents Handout and Invitation for the next assembly to the parents.)

*Play “How to conduct the Family Household (Instructional Video)” before starting
the Parents Forum. (

 Today, your children were taught about being ready to receive the Holy Spirit and
about the Feast of the Pentecost.

 “The Holy Spirit” is the name of the third Person of the Most Holy Trinity. The
other persons of the Trinity are God the Father and Jesus, God the Son. Jesus
called the Holy Spirit the “Paraclete” (Consoler or Advocate) and the Spirit of
Truth. He is also referred to as the Spirit of Christ, of the Lord, of God - the Spirit
of Glory and the Spirit of the Promise.

 Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us become closer to God and others. The Holy
Spirit also empowers and guides us as we continue Jesus’ mission of proclaiming
the Gospel. (Source:

 Explaining who the Holy Spirit is to our children can be confusing if we don’t know
it ourselves. We should learn more about the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives
so we can also share this knowledge with our children.

 We can also teach them the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments of Baptism and
o The Sacrament of Baptism is where we receive the Holy Spirit.
o The Sacrament of Confirmation is where we receive the gifts of the Holy
Spirit to help and guide us throughout our life.

 For the Feast of Pentecost, let us encourage our children to celebrate it by going
to the Holy Mass as a family, listening eagerly to the Gospel, and learning more
about it during the Family Household.

 Their Take-Home Assignment this month is the “Fruits of the Holy Spirit necklace”.
This assignment will hopefully remind them to always pray and ask for help from
the Holy Spirit. We are tasked to help and encourage them in their prayer.
 Lastly, let us conduct the FAMILY HOUSEHOLD. During the household, let us also
find the time to discuss and ask for the intercession of the FEATURED SAINT of the
month. For our guide on how to conduct Family Household, please watch the video
“How to conduct the Family Household (Instructional Video)” on YouTube.
APPENDIX: Fruits of the Holy Spirit Necklace

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