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Liturgy Cycle C
Monthly Assembly Topic




II. VALUE: Obedience


• To teach obedience through Jesus.


Time Activity Remarks

5 mins Registration
We teach the suggested song of the
10 mins Teaching of Song

End the prayer with the intercession

2 mins Opening Kids Praise
of the featured saint this month.

- Previous month’s Proclamation

5 mins Recap Statement and Featured Saint
- Check their assignment

2 mins Announce the Proclamation Statement

Ask everybody to stand up during

5 mins Reading of the Gospel the Gospel reading. Select one of the
Senior kids to read.
10 mins Narrate the Gospel Creatively use PowerPoint or videos.

Separate activity for Junior and

15 mins Activity
Senior kids.
Separate processing for Junior and
2 mins Processing
Senior kids.
2 mins Featured Saint

2 mins Assignment To be checked the following month.

Include the suggested song with the

2 mins Closing Prayer
Snacks Pray before meal.


(Note: Please ask everyone to stand while reading the Gospel.)

Peter Declares that Jesus is the Messiah

Once when Jesus was praying in solitude, and the disciples were with him, he asked
them, “Who do the crowds say that I am?” They said in reply, “John the Baptist;
others, Elijah; still others, ‘One of the ancient prophets has arisen.’” Then he said to
them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter said in reply, “The Messiah of God.”
He rebuked them and directed them not to tell this to anyone.

He said, “The Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the
chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised.”

Then he said to all, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and
take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.

(NOTE: The Speaker can use the storyline to better explain the Gospel to the kids.
Be creative! It may be delivered interactively through photos or role-playing.)

 One day Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do the people say I am?”

 One disciple answered him, “Some say you are John the Baptist”.

 Another say, “Others say you are Elijah”.

 And another disciple said, “You are one of the prophets of long ago that has
come back to life.”

 Jesus asked them again, “But what about you? Who do you say I am?”

 Peter answered, “The Messiah of God.”

 Did you know what the word Messiah means? (Let them respond). It means the
Promised Saviour of the world.
 During that time, the Israelites thought that Jesus being the “Messiah” meant
that He is the one promised by God to save them from their enemies. But Jesus
was actually referring to saving them from their sins.
 Then Jesus told them not to tell anyone that He is the Messiah. He also told
them that the Messiah must suffer many things and he must be killed and on
the third day be raised to life.”
 He said, “If you want to come with me, you must forget yourself, take up your
cross every day and follow me. For if you want to save your own life, you will
lose it, but if you lose your life for my sake, you will save it.”



- Twister Mat/Improvised twister Mat (See Appendix 1)

- Box with instructions
- Sample Instructions (See Appendix 1)


1. Group the kids with 5-6 members and assign 1 ROCK Facilitator per group. Each
group will be given one twister mat.
2. Lay out the mat and let all the group members stand on the mat.

3. The ROCK Facilitator will prepare instructions to perform by the group and put
them in a box. Each group will pick an instruction that they will do from the box.

4. The ROCK Facilitator will strategize how all members will fit in the mat while
doing the instruction.

5. The group must complete the tasks given by the ROCK Facilitator in 30 seconds.

6. Every accomplished action is equivalent to 1 point. The group that gets the most
point will be the winner.


1. Did you follow the instructions properly? (Let them respond) Who followed
correctly? (Let them raise their hands) Was it easy? (Let them respond)

2. In our activity, we learned to follow instructions from our ROCK Facilitator. It is

easier to follow directions if we know the one who is giving them and we listen
carefully to the instructions given. Following includes listening.

3. Jesus in the Gospel story reminds us that we can follow Him if we know Him. We
can know Him through reading the Bible, praying every day, participating in the
Mass, and reading books about Jesus. Can you give other ways of knowing
Jesus? (Let them respond)

4. Following Jesus is sometimes hard but He reminds us that He will always be

there to guide and help us. Following Jesus includes obeying His
commandments: to love God and to love our neighbors.

5. Together, let us declare, “I will follow Jesus!”



St. Theresa of Calcutta

Feast Day: September 5

• Mother Teresa was born on August 26,

1910, in Macedonia. She is the youngest of
three children.

• At a young age, she attended a youth group

run by a priest in her parish. Her involvement
opened her to the call of being a nun.

• She joined the Sisters of Loretto at age 17

and was sent to Calcutta, India where she
taught at a high school.

• While on a mission in India, she got sick and

was sent away to rest. It was during this time
that she received her calling from God to leave the convent and to work and live
among the poor.

• When she was granted permission to leave the convent, she started teaching the
poor children and caring for the sick of Calcutta.

• She was joined later by some of her former students and together they started
the Missionaries of Charity.

• It was her relationship with God that allowed her to hear, listen and follow His
calling to serve the poor.

• Saint Teresa of Calcutta is the patron saint of doubters and the World Youth Day.




1. Give each kid a printed copy of the ‘Sacrifice Beads’.

2. Their assignment is to complete ten (10) sacrifices for the month.

• Not playing with the gadget/cellphone for one day.
• Cleaning the bathroom for a day.
• Help wash the dishes.

3. For every accomplished sacrifice, they will write the sacrifice they have made on
the bead and color it.

XI. PARENTS FORUM (Print out as Hand Outs for Parents)

• Today, our children were taught about obedience. They are reminded that to
follow Jesus is to recognize His voice amidst all the distractions around us.

• For us to teach our children to become obedient, we should also be obedient to

God. The Fourth Commandment appoints us parents as responsible agents of
God. Parents must ensure that the truths about God and His teachings are
taught at home.

• How can we do this?

Fathers must serve the family.

o The fathers are God’s representatives in the family. He must be the image
of obedience to the children by playing his role as the provider, pastor,
and protector of the family.
 As a pastor, he leads the family to pray the rosary, go to Mass
regularly, read the Bible daily, receive the Sacraments (Eucharist,
Reconciliation) and spend time in the adoration chapel.
 As a provider, he gives the basic needs of the family like food,
water, clothes, support for the children, sending them to school,
and a home where love and harmony are present.
 As a protector, he tries to secure the family from danger and
violence in the world. He makes sure that the family will be able to
experience peace amidst difficulties in life.
o Lastly, fathers need to help design the household rules and regulations.
Each child should have family or household responsibilities according to
his or her age and ability.

Mothers should not do it alone.

o The mother must also be a role model in being a wife and a mother. She
must also be an image of obedience to the children by playing her role as
nurturer, supporter, and encourager of the family.
As a nurturer, she provides care for the family by preparing food
for the family, taking care of the children and the home, managing
the household, and looking after the welfare of the family.
 As a supporter, she helps the family by assisting the husband,
supporting the decision of the husband, and helping the children in
their dreams.
 As an encourager, she inspires the family by pushing their children to
do their best always, listening to any family member, and speaking
positive words to everyone in the family.
o Mothers should let the children feel wanted and important as part of the
family by making them involved in preparing meals, doing the laundry,
and running errands.
o Parents should delegate responsibilities to the children as part of their
family culture. The older children can help teach the younger children.

Source :

• All members of the family encourage each other, protect each other, embrace
each other, and pray for each other. Let us pray to God the Father and to Jesus
to give us, our spouse, and our children the grace to understand the importance
of being obedient to God and thus keep harmony and order in our home.

• Their Take Home Assignment this month is the “SACRIFICE BEADS”. This assignment
will be an avenue for them to track their sacrifices as they seek opportunities to do
God’s work and act as an instrument of God’s love.

• Aside from their assignment, let us also take time to discuss the FEATURED SAINT
of the month during our family time (Family Household). Please also ask for the
intercession of the Featured Saint during our Family Prayer Time.


1. One hand and one foot in the color yellow.

2. Hands on green color, feet on blue.
3. Left hand on the red, right hand on the blue, feet on the yellow.
4. Right foot on the green, left foot on the blue.
5. One foot on yellow.

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