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Internet of Things (IoT)

Group-based Assignment (2)

January 2023 Presentation

ENG233 Group-based Assignment


This assignment is worth 15% of the final mark for ENG233 Internet of Things (IoT). Total mark
assigned to this assignment is 100 marks.

The cut-off date for this assignment is Friday, 21 April 2023 by 11:55:00 pm. Late
submissions carry mark penalty.

This is a group-based assignment. You should form a group of a maximum 4 members from
your seminar group. Each group is required to upload a single report via your respective seminar
group site in Canvas. Please elect a group leader. The responsibility of the group leader is to
upload the report on behalf of the group.

In your 1-page cover sheet, please include the names and SUSS student PI numbers of all group
members who have contributed to the completion of this project. Students will be assessed on
their project design solutions, implementation and report requirements.

The material references for this assignment can are study units notes and references provided in
the study units. You should review these materials before beginning the assignment. You may
also find it necessary to perform additional research in order to provide better answers to the

1. Introduction

To build a good IoT solution, a good solution architect needs to have the fundamental
understanding of how to identify and define the real business and operational problems. How to
prioritize them for the benefits and impact. In the process of designing the solution, architect
shall then break down the problem into various technical stacks of the IoT solution, and then
solve the entire problem from the end-to-end workflow perspective. This GBA aims to give
students an opportunity to identify and articulate an IoT problem, and how to evaluate various
components to solve the problem.

The students will apply their knowledge acquired in the classroom primarily in the areas of
sensors and devices, connectivity and communications protocols, cloud, fog and edge computing
on an agriculture problem to justify their solutions to meet design requirements, which will guide
the implementation of various components of the solution.

2. Learning Objectives

The GBA provides learning objectives in identifying and defining the problems, applying design
thinking and system thinking, evaluating and selecting various sensors, communication
protocols and computing technologies. In this process, students will be able to extend their
learning experience to designing a real-world application, a Location Intelligence IoT Solution.


ENG233 Group-based Assignment

3. Project Description

IoT has applications in all industries. Manufacturing industry needs to track their asset for
operational efficiency and optimization of inventory. Future Manufacturing Co is looking to
simplify and automate the asset monitoring systems to improve the efficiency in the operation.

The Location Intelligence IoT Solution

The Future Manufacturing Co has 4 tugger trains, 10 AGVs in its plant. These systems needs to
pick and drop the raw material and finished goods with in plant operations, and sometime interact
with warehouse and delivery loading bay. The digitalization team is looking to optimize the
efficiency and optimization of these assets while making sure the work environment remains
safer for its employee for any accidental risks. .

Digitalization team is looking to build a Location Intelligence IoT Solution (LIIS) to address
operational efficiency challenges and to enhance automated workflow.

Report format

The GBA report should present answers in accordance and meeting the requirements as stated
in the questions. All answers should be explained with reference where necessary.

4. System Specifications

The digitalization team is looking to build LIIS system to meet following expectations:

1. Be able to hyper locate all tugger trains and AGVs within an accuracy of 1 meter, and
0.5 meter respectively within the plant.
2. Be able to do navigate freely with in the plant without any accidents and risks to
3. Provide utilization data of these assets for team to analyse.

5. Solution Design Approach

The Solution will be designed in 3 key steps.

1. Design the system model based on the operational flow of each requirement.
2. Identify potential components in each solution stack. (Sensors, Connectivity,
3. Evaluate and select right components, evaluate technical integration, and finalise the best
fit end to end solution

6. Report Requirements

The project report should include suggestions and justifications given with respect to the solution
design and implementation requirements.

1. List down and explain FOUR (4) key cyber security challenges to address while
designing LIIS solution.
(Description: 5 marks for each point. Total: 20 marks)


ENG233 Group-based Assignment

2. Propose FOUR (4) Stages Solution Architecture workflow diagram and explain
functionality of each stage for the LIIS solution.
(Description: 5 marks for each point, Diagram: 10 marks. Total: 30 marks)

3. Design a Cost Based Business Model Matrix to justify the investment in LIIS solution-
List down FIVE (5) criteria.

Business Process Benefits Key Matric

(Description: 3 marks for each. Total: 15 marks)

4. Create a Value Based Business Model Matrix to justify the investment in LIIS solution- List
down FIVE (5) Value based criteria.

Value Added Services Benefits Key Matric

(Description: 3 marks for each. Total: 15 marks)

5. Prepare a presentation, explaining LIIS solution business case, end-to-end solution

architecture, and business models.
(Presentation: 20 marks. Total: 20 marks)

A typical tugger train in plant. A typical AGV in plant.

-----END OF GBA PAPER-----


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