Hybrid Fuzzy PID Controller For Buck-Boost Converter in Solar Energy-Battery Systems - OK

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Karime Farhood Hussein Ikhlas Abdel-Qader Moham
mmed Khalil Hussain
South Oil Company/Basra, Iraq Professor Univeersity of Baghdad, Iraq
&Graduate student Western Michigan University &Graduate
& student
Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan Western Michigan University
karimefarhood.hussein@wmich.edu abdelqader@wmich.edu Mohammedk khalil.hussain@wmich.edu

Abstract—We propose a hybrid fuzzy PID control system

to prevent overshoot and oscillations in DC-D DC buck-boost
converter for solar-battery system. We designed d and simulated
a PID, a Fuzzy logic controller, and a hybrid fuzzzy PID control
system to stabilize the output voltage of tthe buck-boost
converter. The performance results using dyn namic response
parameters of these controllers such as rise tiime, overshoot,
peak time, and voltage oscillations are presenteed. Our results
support the validity and advantages of the hybriid method.

Keywords—Buck-Boost Converter; Hybrid d Fuzzy PID

Controller, Fuzzy logic Control, and PID controol Figure1: Solar system witth battery charging

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) has been increasiingly playing a The buck-boost converter chaanges unregulated source
significant role in new energy systems. PV systems do come voltages into higher or lower dessired output voltage values.
with some disadvantages, however, includingg: 1) relatively A typical buck-boost model is showns in Figure 2. In this
low conversion efficiency and 2) inconsistent output voltage figure, Vs is the input voltage, MI is a switch, VL is the
values due to irregular sun power which is cauused by weather voltage across the inductance, Vo is the output voltage
changes and shading effects. To address the second across the load, Vref is the refereence voltage, and L, C, D1
disadvantage, DC-DC converters have been proposed and and D2, are RL inductance, cap pacitance, diodes, and load
used to control PV output voltage and output power such as resistance respectively [3, 4].
in [1, 2, & 5]. The DC-DC converter system w with control and
battery system is shown in Figure 1.

Fuzzy logic controls (FLC) are taking a lleading part in

control systems due to their simple but powerrful methods in Dc

producing desired outcomes while using imprecise or

incomplete information [1, 3]. Indeed, fuzzy coontrol has been
found to be a very suitable control methodd for nonlinear
applications which makes it a strong canddidate for PV PWM control
systems. In this paper we investigate how tto stabilize the
output voltage of the buck-boost converter in rresponse to the
continuously changing solar cells output usingg a fuzzy based
Figure2: DC-DC Buck Boost Convertter System used in simulations.
PID controller. We will present the perforrmance results
among different intelligent controllers including the In Figure 2 once can observe that the circuit operates in two
proposed hybrid fuzzy PID controller, fuzzyy logic based, modes. The first occurs when the transistor is turned on, and
PID, PI, and PD controllers. diode D2 is reversed biased. Durin ng this mode, the input
current IL flows through the transiistor MI and inductor L.
The voltage across the inductor is given by:

978-1-4799-8802-0/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE


diL DC-DC Bucck

VL VS L ……………………………………1
dt Input
Boost Output
While equation 2 determines the current acrosss the inductor: Converterr
i VS dt io … … … … … … … … … … . . … … . 2
L Duty cycle signal (D)
The second mode occurs if the transistor MI iss turned off and
the current flows from L through C, the diode D2, and to the Controllerr
load. The voltage across the inductor is given in this case by
equation. 3: Referancce
diL Voltage
VL VS V L ………………….………..3
dt Figure 4: General block diagram for the control of DC-DC Buck-
The transistor is switched on again in the next cycle when the Boost Converter
energy stored in inductor L is transferred to thhe load and the
inductor current falls down as shown in Figuree 3 [1, 5].
The PI, PD, and PID controlleers are used in this work to
control the output voltage in the DC-DC buck-boost
converter. A PID controller uses proportional,
p derivative and
integral operations to reduce the tracking
t error in a system to
get the desired step response for the
t system. The function of
each of these operations is conttrolled by the value of the
gain. These gains are called Kp, Kd, and Ki. The parameters
are usually fixed during an opeeration. Therefore; the PID
controller is inefficient for contrrolling a system while the
surrounding environment of the system
s is changing [6]. The
main equation of PID controller iss given by eq. 5:

U t Kp e t Ki e τ dτ Kd e t …….5

In equation 5, e(t) is the error value

v in the output voltage
with respect to the reference volttage. In table 1, we present
Figure 3: Waveforms of Buck-Boost C
Converter. reported performance versus the gain
g values (KP, Ki, and Kd)
in terms of response speed, stab bility, and accuracy of the
system [3].
Speed of
The structure of the controller in DC-DC C Buck boost Parameter Stability of the
converter is shown in Figure 4. It is clear from
m the figure that output
the output voltage of the buck-boost converteer is dependent
Increasing Kp Increases Deteriorates
D Improves
on the value of the duty cycle. The value of the duty cycle
varies between 0 and 1. If the duty cycle valuee is bigger than
0.5, the output voltage will be more than thee input voltage Increasing Ki Decreases Deteriorates
D Improves
according the relationship between duty ccycle and the
voltage as shown in equation 4. Therefore, by controlling the
Increasing Kd Increases Improves No impact
duty cycle of the buck-boost converter, w we can get the
desired output voltage.
Table 1: Rules for the Gaains of the PID Controller [3]
D … … … … … … … … … . . .4 2- FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL
There are three principal comp ponents to a fuzzy logic
controller, as shown in Figure 5. These elements are: 1) the
fuzzification module or fuzzifier, 2) the rule base, and 3) the
defuzzification module (defuzzifi fier). The fuzzifier converts
the crisp values of the input into fuzzy values to send to the
rule base. The rule base is expressed as a set of if-then rules,
based on predetermined expert knowledge.
k The defuzzifier

converts the output values of rule base to the ccrisp values [2,
We used MATLAB/Simulink to o model and simulate the
various systems we proposed in n this work. The reference
Fuzzy Logic voltage was set to 12v at all tim
mes while the input voltage,
Control generated by the solar cells simulations was set at 18v from


0 to 5second and changed to 8v v from 5 to 10seconds.This

voltage is created by solar cellss simulation and shown in
Crisp Rule Crisp
input values
Base Outp
put values Figure 6.
Input Voltage by Solar Cells


Input Voltage (V)

Figure 5: Fuzzy Logic Control System

The control algorithm is described by the syystem variables

and rule base table that depend on the outpuut voltage, Vref 5

and on the switching duty cycle [9]. The sysstem error and
changes in error values are calculated by usingg the following 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (Sec..)
equations: Figure 6:Output Voltage of the PV Array.
The simulation parameters of DC C-DC Buck-boost converter
e ( k ) =V out −V ref .......... .......... ....( 6 ) and their selected values are show
wn in Table 3.
δ e = e ( k ) − e ( k − 1)......... .......... ....( 7 )
System Variables Values
PV Input Voltage 8 Volt-18 Volt
The rule base used in the fuzzy logic controlller is presented Output Voltage 12 Volt
in Table 2 for the two inputs and one output.. These are the Filter Inductance 133e-5H
Filter Capacitance 100.67e-3F
error e, change in error e, and duty cycle vallue D. The rule Output Resistance 10 Ohm
base is divided into three regions, which arre positive (P), p=1,Rs=0.0051,Po=85W
PV Model
negative (N), and zero (Z) regions while the ssub-regions for Parameters
these variables are labeled as negative big ((NB), negative @8Volt
small (NS), positive big (PB) and positive smmall (PS) [10].
Table 2 shows 25 fuzzy control rules we ussed according Table 3:The simulation parameters of DC-DC
D Buck-boost converter and
their valuees.
to the practical operation experience of PV V system.
In this paper, we used the PI, PD,
P PID, fuzzy (F), hybrid
Fuzzy with PI (FPI), hybrid Fu uzzy with PD (FPD) and
hybrid fuzzy with PID (FPID) to make the output voltageV0,
δe be a constant at the desired valu
ue by controlling the value
NB NS Z PS PB pulse with modulation (PWM) of o the switch for the buck-
PB Z PS PS PB PB boost converter as shown as show
wn in Figure 7.

Table 2: Fuzzy Rule Decision Map. The change in errorr signal is δe and
e is error signal
Although the Fuzzy logic control techniique has fast
dynamic response, it has a nonzero steaddy state error.
Therefore, we needed to integrate with a P PID controller
resulting in the hybrid fuzzy logic (hybrid Fuuzzy logic with Figure 7: Block diagram for the control off the Buck-Boost Converter using
PID) system. The PID controller elliminates the the various controls investigated and show
wing PWM source to generate the
disadvantages of Fuzzy Logic control alone. Similarly, the necessary switching signal for the gate of the MOSFET in the converter.
Fuzzy Logic controller corrects the disadvantaages of the PID
controller such as the larger overshoot and unddershoots.

1- Classical Controller Results Output Voltage With PI Control

In Table 4we present the results of systems’ performance in 14

terms of rise time, Settling time, maximum and overshoot,

as well as change in output voltage (values when the 12

reference voltage is changed), and steady state voltage. Our

results are summarized as follows:

V o lta g e (V o lt)
• In the application of the PI controller, we can 8
observe that the output has high overshoot and long
settling time, but zero steady state error. This 6

performance is in agreement with the behavior of a

controller having an integrator. On the other hand,
the PD controller improved the transit response by 2

reducing the overshoot. However, the output

follows the reference voltage with a certain amount 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

of error in the steady state of the response as shown Time (Sec.)

in Figure 8.
• In PID control, the system has a rise time less than
in PI and PD controller. Also, it has overshoot and
but zero steady state error as shown in Figure 8.
Output Voltage With PD Control


V o lta g e (V o lt)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (Sec.)

Output Voltage With PID Control



V o lta g e (V o lt)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (Sec.)

Figure 8: Output Voltage in PI, PD, and PID controller from top to bottom
respectively with a Reference voltage of 12 volts.

Controller PI PD PID overshoot and the system had less voltage oscillation than
Rise time (sec.) 0.2460 0.3220 0.2170 fuzzy PI and fuzzy PD as shown in Figure 10. The HFLC
exhibited robust characteristics with respect to the very short
Settling time (sec.) 1.3500 No 1.3450 rise time, small voltage oscillations and accurate desired
voltage compared to the controllers we tested. Therefore, the
Maximum over 1.2157 NO 0.7318 circuit under this control has always resulted in satisfactory
shoot (V) results.
Steady stats 12 11.63 12
voltage in 18V 14
Output Voltage With Hybrid Fuzzy PI Control

reference (V)
Drop voltage (V)in NO 0.37 No
18V reference (V) 10

Steady stats 12 11.2 12

V o lta g e ( V o lt)

voltage in 8V 6
reference (V)
Drop voltage (V) 0.8 0.7318 4

in 8V reference 1.2157 2

(V) 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (Sec.)

Table 4: results from simulating different control of the classical controller

for the buck-boost converter with 12V reference voltage. Output Voltage with Hybrid Fuzzy PD Control

2- The fuzzy logic controller results 12

We show the results of using Fuzzy Logic control alone in a 10

V o lt a g e (V o l t)

DC-DC Buck boost converter Figure 9. In this case the 8

system had a rise time of 1.5457 seconds with 0.3941v
oscillation .The system arrives at the desired voltage with a 6

longer rise time and high sustained oscillation than in the 4

PID controller results. 2

Output Voltage With Fuzzy Control 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (Sec.)


V o lta g e (V o lt )

Output Voltage With Hybrid Fuzzy PID Control



V oltage (Volt)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (Sec.) 4

Figure 9: Output Voltage with Fuzzy Logic Control for a reference of 12
volts 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (Sec)

3- Hybrid fuzzy logic control

The results of the hybrid fuzzy control of the DC-DC Buck- Figure 10: Output Voltage with Hybrid FPI, FPD, and FPID controllers
boost converter as tabulated in Table 5. In this table, we respectively for a Reference of 12 volts
show how classical controller will affect the output voltage
by applying different input voltage values on the buck-boost
converter. In fuzzy PI control, the system had a very short
rise time without overshoot but the system had voltage
oscillation. In fuzzy PD control, the system has a shorter
settling and oscillation than fuzzy PI control. In fuzzy PID
control, the system had very short rise time without

Controller FPI FPD FPID

Rise time 0.1200 0.1200 0.1200
settling time 0.3713 0.1660 0.1580
Maximum 0.2554 0.1304 0.0939
over shoot
Oscillation 0.255 0.2 0
Steady stats 12 12 12
voltage at
Steady stats 12 12 12
voltage at 8V
Table 5: Results from integrating the different classical controls with fuzzy
controller at 12V reference voltage.

We designed and simulated hybrid fuzzy PID controller for
use in DC-DC Buck boost converter to enhance the
performance of solar cell battery system and compared it to
classical controllers. The proposed system outperformed the
PI, PD, and PID controllers as well as the fuzzy PI and
Fuzzy PD controllers. In hybrid fuzzy PID controller, the
system had very short rise time, no overshoot, and
considerably less oscillation than fuzzy PI and fuzzy PD

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