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GRADE LEVEL: Grade 12 SUBJECT: Creative Writing

CONTENT Performan K to 12
QUAR Most Essential Learning
TER Competencies
DS Standards Code
S1/2 The learners have The learners shall Use imagery, diction, figures of speech, and HUMSS_CW
Q1/3 an understanding be able to produce specific experiences to evoke meaningful /MP11/12Ia-
of imagery, diction, short paragraphs responses from readers b-4
figures of speech, or
and variations on vignettes using
language. imagery, diction,
figures of speech,
and specific

The learners have The learners shall Identify the various elements, techniques, and HUMSS_CW
an understanding be able to produce literary devices in /MP11/12cf-
POETRY of poetry as a a short, well- specific forms of poetry 6
genre and how to crafted poem.
analyze its Write a short poem applying the various HUMSS_CW
elements and elements and literary /MP11/12cf-
techniques. devices exploring innovative techniques 10

The learners have The learners shall Identify the various elements, techniques, and HUMSS_CW
an understanding be able to produce literary devices in /MPIg-i-11
of fiction as a at least one various modes of fiction
FICTION genre and are able striking scene for Write journal entries and other short HUMSS_CW
to analyze its a short compositions exploring key /MPIg-i-13
elements and story. elements of fiction

S1/2 The learners have The learners shall Identify the various elements, techniques, and HUMSS_CW
Q2/4 an understanding be able to literary devices in /MPIj-IIc-15
of drama as a compose at least drama
DRAMA genre and are able one scene for a Understand intertextuality as a technique of HUMSS_CW
to analyze its one-act play that drama. /MPIj-IIc-16
elements and can be staged.
techniques. Conceptualize a character / setting / plot for a HUMSS_CW
one-act play. /MPIj-IIc-17

Explore different staging modalities vis-à-vis HUMSS_CW

envisioning the script. /MPIjc-18

Write at least one scene for one-act play HUMSS_CW

applying the various elements, techniques, /MPIj-IIc-20
and literary devices.

The learners have The learners shall Write a craft essay demonstrating awareness HUMSS_CW
an understanding be able to produce of and sensitivity to the /MPIIc-f-23
of the different a craft essay on different literary and/or socio-political
orientations of the contexts of creative writing
creative writing. personal creative
deploying a
orientation of
creative writing.

The learners may Create an online portfolio the outputs

choose from any produced: poetry, fiction,
of script, etc. applying ICT skills/any appropriate
the following: multimedia forms

1. Design a group
blog for poetry
and fiction.

2. Produce a suite
of poems, a full /
short story, or
a script for a
one-act play,
with the option
of staging.

3. Create

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