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Fisheries and

Agri Coaching Chandigarh

Fishes are rich in protein, vitamins and mineral salts and are also known as valuable
protective food. The development of fisheries is therefore, one of the most promising
With diverse resources ranging from deep seas to lakes in the mountains and more than
10% of the global biodiversity in terms of fish and shellfish species, the country has
shown continuous and sustained increments in fish production since independence.

India rank in fish production 3rd

India rank in aquaculture 2nd

rivers and canals 191,024 km

floodplain lakes 1.2 million Ha

ponds and tanks 2.36 million Ha

reservoirs 3.54 million Ha

brackish water 1.24 million Ha

coastal line 8118 Km
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) 2.20 mill sq km
ICMR Recommendation for Fish 12 kg per annum
Per Capita availability 12 kg per annum
Per capita availability (FAO) globally 20.5 kg per annum
Contribution of Fisheries to GDP (%) 1.24
Contribution to Agricultural GDP(%) 7.28
Fish production (2019-20) 14.16 million metric tons

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Fish Production



Capture Fisheries Culture Fisheries

Pattern of Assistance under Blue Revolution Scheme

Category Govt. Assistance Beneficiary Share

I. Beneficiary-oriented Schemes

General Class 40% (24% Central + 16% 60%


Weaker Sections 60% (36% Central + 24% 40%


II. State-oriented Schemes

General States 50% Central + 50% State

Hilly/NE States 80% Central + 20% State

UTs 100% Central

Agri Coaching Chandigarh


Indian crap culture:

• Catla catla (Catla)

Indian Carps • Labeo rohita (Rohu)
• Cirrhina mrigala (Mrigal)

• Cyprinus carpio (Common carp)

Exotic (Chinese)
• Labeo bata (Bata)
Minor Carps

• Wallago attu (freshwater shark)

Catfishes • Mystus aor (Cat fish)
• Clarias batrachus

• Channa striatus (Striped snake head)

Murrels or snake • Tilapia
heads • Oreochromis mossambicus

• Salmo gairdneri (Rainbow trout)

Sport fishes
(Cold water fish)

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Important Points:
➢ World Fish Centre headquarter located at- Penang, Malaysia
➢ All fishes are cold blooded fishes only moonfish is warm blooded fish.
➢ Central Government Launched “Blue revolution scheme” to increase production
and productivity of fisheries in- 2015.

Classification of Fishery Resources

Fishery Resources

Fin Fishery Non-Fin Fishery

Capture Fishery Culture Fishery

Marine Inland Fresh Brackish Cage Ornamental

water water aquaculture Fishery

❖ Fin Fisheries is the fisheries of true fishes

❖ Non-Fin fisheries is the fisheries of organisms other than true fish like prawn, crab,
lobster, mussel, oyster, sea cucumbers, frog, sea weeds, etc.
❖ Capture fisheries:
➢ It is intended for catching fishes, prawns, lobsters, crabs, molluscs etc.
➢ Capture fisheries is exploitation of aquatic organisms without stocking the seed.
➢ This is carried out in the sea, rivers, reservoirs, etc.
➢ Capture Fishery can be classified into Marine Fishery and Inland Fishery.
❖ Culture fisheries
➢ Culture fisheries is the cultivation of selected fishes in confined areas with utmost
care to get maximum yield.
➢ The seed is stocked, nursed, and reared in confined waters, then the crop is
➢ Culture takes place in ponds, which are fertilized, and supplementary feeds are
provided to fish to get maximum yield.

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❖ Marine fisheries: It refers to the fishing in the marine waters. It can be again classified
into 3 types.
❖ Pelagic: Pelagic fish live in the pelagic zone of ocean or lake waters - being neither
close to the bottom nor near the shore. Southern bluefin tuna and oceanic sharks
❖ Demersal: demersal fish, which do live on or near the bottom. Demersal fish are
bottom feeders
❖ Deep sea: Deep-sea fish are fish that live in the darkness below the sunlit surface
waters, that is below the epipelagic or photic zone of the ocean.

From total marine fisheries:

Demersal fisheries
comprise about

Pelagic fisheries
comprise 55%

❖ Basic morphological features of a fish:

➢ Fishes are cold blooded vertebrates, and their body is suitable for aquatic mode
of life.
➢ They are streamlined body with few exceptions.
➢ They have a combination of medium and paired fins.
➢ They have medium dorsal, anal and caudal fins.
➢ There is a pair of pectoral fin and a pair of pelvic fin located posteriorly.
➢ The body is covered by dermal scales, denticles or bony plates.
➢ Gills are the chief respiratory organs.

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➢ Gill slits may be covered by operculum as in Teleosts. The maximum numbers

of gill are pairs.
➢ The adult kidney is mesonepheric.
➢ Paired nostrils are present, which normally do not open into the pharynx except
in lung and lobefin fishes.

➢ World Tuna Day was celebrated for first time on 2 May, 2017.
➢ On an average fish has 15-20% protein but Tuna fish has 25% (Highest) protein


Highest protein
content is
Rohu Catla
found in which
fish species?


➢ Fish is an excellent source of protein and accounts for about 17 percent of the
global population’s intake of animal protein and it accounts for 6.5% of total
protein intake.
➢ A portion of 150g of fish can provide about 50-60 percent of an adult’s daily
protein requirement (FAO, 2014).
➢ Fish is rich source of vitamins, particularly vitamin A and D from fatty fish, as
well as thiamin, riboflavin and niacin.
➢ Size of “Fry” is 1-2 cm while fingerling is 10-15 cm.

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➢ The process of releasing the eggs and sperm, and the act of both sexes is called
➢ Highly migratory tuna species account for 20% of the value of all marine capture
fisheries, and over 8% of all internationally traded seafood.
➢ Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) was set up by an act
of Parliament during 1972.
➢ National fish farmers day observed on 10th July and related to Dr. Hiralal
Choudhary because of his success in achieving induced breeding freshwater fisheries.
So, on 10th July 2001 GOI declared 10th July as National fish farmers day.
➢ Indian Fisheries occupy the second position in global fish production and second
in aquaculture in the world
➢ About 35% of the Indian population is fish eaters and the per capita assumption
is 9.8 kg per year, whereas recommend intake is 13 kg per year.
➢ Indian aquaculture sector comprises of large scale culture of Indian Major carps
(IMCs) such as rohu, catla, mrigal with a combination of exotic carps, viz., grass carp,
silver carp and common carp in fresh water sector.
➢ Apart from fisheries catfish and prawn culture is also an important component.
➢ Aquaculture is a feed-based industry with over 60% of operational cost from feed
source alone
➢ The optimum protein requirement for larvae and fry of carp worked out by using
purified diet varied from 35–45%.
➢ Protein is the primary sources of metabolic energy in fishes followed by lipid and
➢ The energy level in carp diets are normally maintained at 3.5-4 kcal/g.
➢ Under favorable conditions, the optimum temperature range for many ‘cold
water’ and ‘warm water’ fishes is 14-18 degree C and 28-32 degree C,
➢ Metabolic activity is nearly doubled for every 100C rise in temperature and hence fish
growth is greatly dependent on water temperature.

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➢ Turbidity is measured by Secchi disk visibility. Optimum Secchi disk visibility of

fishponds is 40-60 cm.
➢ pH 7.5-8.5 is desirable for optimum production of fish.
➢ The decrease of water pH due to application of heavy dose of organic manure and
feeding can be corrected by:
✓ The application of lime
✓ @ 50-200 kg/ha/week in presence of fish till desired pH obtained.
✓ Limestone (calcite), CaCO3, dolomite ,basic slags are commonly used as lime
✓ The best and easiest time to lime a pond is before it is filled with water and should
be distributed as evenly as possible over the entire surface.
✓ The best time to lime a pond is before water filling for drainable ponds. But for non-
drainable ponds phase-wise application is beneficial.
➢ Total amount of lime application in a month should not exceed 600 kg/ha.
➢ Total alkalinity is a measure of carbonate, bicarbonate and hydroxyl concentration in
water and expressed as CaCO3 mg/l equivalent. Most suitable range for fish
farming is 80- 200 mg/l.
➢ Hardness measures the amount of soluble bicarbonate, chloride and sulphate of
calcium and magnesium. Most suitable range for fish prawn farming is 50-150
➢ Dissolved oxygen is ranged from 2.0-12.0 mg/l throughout the day and night but
for fish culture pond water the lower value should not fall below 3.5 mg/l.
➢ A concentration of 0.2-0.5 mg/L of dissolved nitrogen is considered optimal for
productive ponds while below 0.1 mg/L indicative of poor productivity
➢ Dissolved phosphorus below 0.05 mg/L may be considered insufficient while 0.05-
0.20 mg/L and above 0.20 mg/L may be indicative of medium to high and highly
productive fishponds
➢ Fish are very sensitive to unionized ammonia (NH3) and the optimum range is
0.02- 0.05 mg/l in the pond water.

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➢ Fishponds are usually fertilized with animal manure at least ten to 15 days before
stocking with fish.
➢ There should be at least a 7-10day interval between liming and manuring.

Area of Nursery pond

is 0.02–0.06 ha water
area and 1–1.5 m in

Area of rearing pond

is 0.06 to 0.10 ha and
1.5 to 2.0 m in depth

➢ Seasonal Fishing Ban/ Closed Season (60 days):

East Coast of
India 15 April to
14 June

West Coast of
India 01 June to
31 July

➢ Exocoetus volitans is known as flying fish.

➢ The Mahseers and the exotic trouts are species available for cold water fish culture.
➢ Brakish water aquaculture in India through a traditional practice “Bheries” (manmade
impoundments in coastal wetlands) of west Bengal.
➢ “Pokkali” (Salt resistant deep water paddy) field along the Kerala cost, the scientific
farming in the country has been initiated only in early 1990s.
➢ Present day traditional systems are:

Gheries in Odisha

Kharlands of

Ghazani fields of

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➢ Mariculture is the culture of marine organisms in marine environment.

Parameter Range
Temperature 28-32 degree C
pH 6.8-8.0 (Upto 8.5)
Dissolved Oxygen Above 5 ppm
Total alkalinity 80-120 ppm
Salinity 29-32 ppt
➢ Brackish water aquaculture, also known as coastal aquaculture.
➢ Estuaries, Coat Line, Backwater, mangroves, Lagoons are the brackish water resources in
✓ Asian Seabass: Lates calcarifer
✓ Milk Fish: Chanos Chanos
✓ Grey Mullet: Mugil cephalus
✓ Pearl Spot: Etroplus suratensis
✓ Cobia/Black king fish: Rachycentron Canadum
➢ The culturable species of air breathing fishes are:
✓ Channa straitus - Big or Striped Murrel or Snake Head Fish
✓ Channa punctatus - Spotted Murrel
✓ Channa marulius - Giant Murrel
✓ Clarias batrachus - Magur
✓ Heteropneustes fossilis - Singhi
✓ Anabas testudineus - Koi or Climbing Perch.

❖ Depending on the nature of water in which fish is reared, fisheries are divided
into three categories:

Fresh Water
Water Fisheries
Fisheries Fisheries

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1. Marine Fisheries: These deal with fishing operations along seacoasts. The Indian
subcontinent approximately has a 5600 kms long coastline. About 80% of India’s marine
fish are supplied by the west coast and the remaining 20% by the east coast. The premier
varieties are mackerels, sardines, sharks, and catfish.
2. Fresh Water Fisheries or inland Fisheries : They include fish found in rivers,
irrigation canals, reservoirs, lakes, tanks and ponds. Rohu, Catla, Mystus,Gourami, and
Gambusia are some of the best varieties of fresh water fish.
3. Estuarine or Brackish Water Fisheries: They operate in estuaries (where river water
and sea water get mixed), delta channels, backwaters, lagoons and coastal lakes.
Estuarine fish are more common in Bengal and Kerala. The tidal water collects the fish in
the enclosures. The main varieties are Pearl spot, Milkfish and Mullet.
❖ Based on salinity following are divided as:
➢ Freshwater: This refers to farming of aquatic animals in zero saline water
➢ Brackish water: Brackish water is a mixture of seawater and freshwater with a salinity
less than 30 ppt (Parts Per Thousand). E.g. Estuaries, backwaters, creeks and mangrove
➢ Marine: This refers to farming of aquatic animals and plants in sea water.

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Different branches of fishes:



Aquaculture Mariculture

1. Pisciculture (Fish Farming) is concerned with the production of fish in lakes, rivers,
large ponds, canals and is called fresh water or inland fisheries. In Pisciculture young
fishes are reared in nursery ponds, transferred to lakes or rivers and finally harvested as
fish for table food.
2. Aquaculture: It is the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, shellfish and even
plants thus it involves the production of all types of aquatic organisms in water bodies. It
refers to the cultivation of both marine and freshwater species and can range from land-
based to open-ocean production.

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❖ Types of Aquacultures:



➢ Extensive aquaculture – managed aquaculture dependent on the local natural setting,

such as a pond or coastal sea area.
➢ Intensive aquaculture – managed aquaculture controlled through human engineered
means, such as managing water quality and sources of food.
➢ Marine aquaculture-This refers to culturing species that live in the ocean. Species
include oysters, clams, mussels, shrimp, and salmon.
➢ Freshwater aquaculture-This refers to culturing species that are native to rivers,
lakes, and streams. Species include trout (Golden mahseer, Silver mahseer, Silver grey
mahseer and Black mahseer), catfish, tilapia, and bass.

3. Mariculture- Raising plants and animals that do well in marine (salt water) and brackish
water environments. Examples are clams, oysters, tuna, mussels, and shrimp.

The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your
life running up and down the field and never score.

कोई लक्ष्य ना होने कक किक्कत यह है कक आप अपनी क़िन्दगी मैिान में

इधर – उधर िौड़ते हुए किता िें गे पर एक भी गोल नही ीं कर पाएीं गे .

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