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Feature Article /

Magazine Article
Learning Intention:
Write an article using the correct format
and structure.
Success Criteria: The students can:
+ Use the correct format.
+ Include relevant information and expressions.
+ Write coherently correct sentences.
Cyber Bullying / Mosquito Borne Diseases
6th February 2022

The by-line may be written at the beginning of the article or at the end of it.
Article writing??
➢ An article is a written work, published in printed/electronic
form for the purpose of propagating news, analysis of result or
➢ It presents an opinion or balanced argument; compares and
contrasts; provides information; and offers suggestions or
➢ It can be formal or informal, depending on the target readers.
➢ It is written in a less formal style than a report.
Keep the following points in mind while
writing an article:
➢ Concentrate on the given topic and also read intensively
the given verbal input.
➢ There should be an eye-catching title to attract the
readers' attention and suggest the theme of the article.
➢ The first sentence should be striking. It should be the
essence of the whole article.
➢ The introduction should define the topic to be covered
and keep the readers' interest intact.
➢ The article must be precise, to the point and lucid. Every
sentence and idea should be linked to the previous one and
lead to the next.
➢ Arrange your ideas into a set pattern in order to give a
concrete shape to your paragraph.
➢ The conclusion should summarize the topic, giving a final
opinion, recommendation or comment.
➢ The last sentence should leave a permanent impression on
the mind of the reader.
Model Article
Outline: India is a single unit — extremes in
every sphere — physical features — climatic
conditions — the haves — the have-nots.

(on the next page…)

India is a Country of Extremes
6th February 2023 By (Full Name)
India, though a well-marked distinct unit geographically, is defined as a country of extremes or paradoxes. These extremes can be seen
juxtaposed everywhere, be it in physical features, climate, clothes, or ways of living. All these paradoxes have made India a vibrant
nation full of diversities yet having a fundamental unity.
India is a vast country with great diversity of physical features ranging from the lofty Himalayas in the north, the Great Indian Desert in
the west to sunny beaches in the south. Due to these physical features, certain parts of India are very fertile, while others are so
unproductive and barren that hardly anything can be grown there. The fertile plains of northern India belong to the first category, while
certain areas of Thar desert in Rajasthan fall under the latter category.
Extreme contrasts in climatic conditions are seen in different regions of the country. For example, Barmer in Rajasthan may record a
temperature of 48 oC or 50 oC on a June day, while it hardly reaches 22 oC at Pahalgam or Gulmarg in Kashmir on the same day.
However, in Dras near Kargil, the temperature may go down to —40 oC during winter.
Similarly, extremes are visible not only in the types of precipitation but also in its amount and seasonal distribution. While places like
Cherapunji and Mawsynram in Meghalaya get about 1100 c.m. rainfall in the year, Jaisalmer in Rajasthan hardly receives 9 c.m. of
rainfall in a year. Besides these, there are some other baffling extremes. India has some of the richest people, who enjoy all the luxuries
of life, while there are people, who cannot make both ends meet. India has some of the brightest minds yet is not able to provide basic
education to a large section of poor children. Despite having a huge illiterate population, India is the world's largest progressive
democracy. It is one of the world's oldest civilizations, where modern and old ways of living coexist. India is a mosaic of extremes,
which exist side-by-side and makes it a unique country.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

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