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Essential MacWorks Skills By Simon Ross

How to read Grid reference:

1. Always remember to read from the bottom left corner.

2. If the question ask for the four-figure grid reference or grid square of a particular
building, e.g. the Hindu temple shown in Fig 1. Read the number for the easting first
(from the X axis) and then the northings (from the Y axis). E.g example in Fig.1 is
located in 2672
3. If the question ask for the six-figure grid reference or grid square of a particular building,
e.g. the Hindu temple shown in Fig 2. Start by finding the grid square with the feature,
then divide the grid square into 10 equal parts along both the northings and eastings.
Place a ruler onto the bottom left corner of the feature, e.g. the Hindu temple is located at
266727. Read the number for the easting first (from the X axis) and then the northings
(from the Y axis).

Essential MacWorks Skills By Simon Ross

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