Excercise Grade 8 Unit 3 Variations, Heredity and Cell Division Questions Answere

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Short Questions
i). Why is meiosis important in organisms that reproduce sexually?
Ans: Meiosis is important in organisms that reproduce sexually
because it generates genetic diversity through the shuffling and
recombination of genetic material, resulting in unique combinations
of genes in offspring.
ii). State the importance of mitosis in human life.
Ans: Mitosis is important in human life because it allows for
growth, development, tissue repair, and the production of
genetically identical cells for the maintenance of normal
bodily functions.
iii). What is the significance of spindle fibers in cell division?
Ans: The spindle fibers play a crucial role in cell division by ensuring the
proper segregation of chromosomes into daughter cells during both mitosis
and meiosis.
iv) You never see frogs, snakes and lizards during extreme winter as they
hibernate. What type of adaptation is it? Explain.
Ans: The hibernation of frogs, snakes, and lizards during extreme winter is an
example of physiological adaptation, allowing them to enter a dormant state
to conserve energy and survive harsh environmental conditions.
C. Long questions
1. What are variations? Give different causes of variations.
Ans: Variations are differences or diversities observed within a
population or species. They can arise from genetic, environmental, or a
combination of both factors. Genetic variations result from mutations,
genetic recombination during sexual reproduction, and gene flow
between populations. Environmental variations are caused by factors
such as diet, climate, and exposure to different physical or chemical
conditions during an organism's development.
2. Describe the process of mitosis in details.
Ans: Mitosis is a process of cell division that consists of four stages: prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis. In prophase, the nuclear
membrane dissolves, chromosomes condense, and spindle fibers form. During
metaphase, chromosomes align at the center of the cell. Anaphase follows,
where sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles of the cell.
Lastly, telophase involves the formation of two new nuclei around the
separated chromosomes, followed by cytokinesis, resulting in two identical
daughter cells.

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