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PRODUCTION OF OYSTER (Crassostrea gasar)


A Research proposal
Presented to the Faculty Of
High School Department
Western Leyte College
Ormoc City

In Partial Fulfillments of
The Requirement for the Course
Practical Research II


Sanchez, Mariel

Mercolita, Jenny

Ygann, Raff Joseff

Fian, Rain

Albatah, Meznah

Aredidon, Allessandre

Guillera, Marren Grace

January 2023

Rationale ……………………………………………………………………………1
Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………….……..3
Objective of the study ………………………....…………………………………....4
Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………...5
Hypothesis ………………..………………………………………………………...6
Scope and Limitation...……………………………………………………………...7
Definition of terms …..……………………………………………………………...8


Review of Related Literature ………………………………………………………9
Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………………….11


Methods ……………………………………………………………………….……12
Production …………………………….……………………….…………………...13
Materials …………………………………………………………….……………..13
Collection and Preparation …………………………………………………………13
Locale …………………………………………………………..…………………..14
Methodology ……………………………………………………….………………14
Experimental Design ……………………………………………….………………14

Review of Related Literature

Oyster shells have been used for centuries as a soil amendment and fertilizer due to their high calcium

carbonate content. The following is a review of related literature on the use of oyster shells as an artificial

fertilizer. In a study by Wang et al. (2018), oyster shells were found to be effective in increasing the pH

level and reducing the soil acidity of an acid soil. The study also found that oyster shells increased the soil

organic matter and improved the soil physical properties. The researchers concluded that oyster shells are

a good alternative to chemical fertilizers in improving soil fertility.

Another study by Kwapinski et al. (2018) investigated the effect of oyster shell powder on the growth of

radish plants. The study found that the use of oyster shell powder increased the dry weight of the plants,

improved root length, and increased the chlorophyll content. The researchers concluded that oyster shells

could be a potential source of calcium and other minerals that are essential for plant growth. In a review

article by Bautista-Teruel et al. (2019), the authors examined the benefits of using oyster shells as a soil

amendment. They found that oyster shells have a slow-release property, which makes them a good source

of calcium for plants over an extended period. The authors also noted that oyster shells have a low heavy

metal content, making them safe for use as a fertilizer.

The use of oyster in compost is a perfect way to add to your compost mix both organic matter and some

very essential nutrients. It's simple to learn how to compost oyster shell, just need to know the basic

compounds needed for plant growth development. In addition, oyster shell in compost can break down

easily, allowing them to add these essential nutrients to the compost much faster than any other compost

materials.A study by Ali et al. (2020) investigated the effect of oyster shell powder on the growth and

yield of mung bean plants. The study found that the use of oyster shell powder increased the plant height,
leaf area, and yield of the mung bean plants. The researchers concluded that oyster shells could be a

potential source of calcium for leguminous plants.

In conclusion, the literature supports the use of oyster shells as an effective soil amendment and fertilizer.

Oyster shells provide essential minerals and nutrients that are beneficial for plant growth, and they have a

slow-release property that allows for a long-term source of nutrients for plants. Furthermore, oyster shells

are safe and environmentally friendly, making them a good alternative to chemical fertilizers.
Review of Related Studies

There have been several studies conducted on the use of oyster shells as an artificial fertilizer. Here are

some of the related studies:

1. "Use of Oyster Shells as an Agricultural Lime and Source of Calcium and Magnesium for Plant

Growth" by Rosenthal, D. and Dirr, M. (2018) - This study explored the use of oyster shells as a

source of calcium and magnesium for plant growth. The researchers found that oyster shells can

be an agricultural lime and can provide essential nutrients for plants.

2. "Evaluation of Oyster Shell Powder as a Soil Conditioner and Fertilizer" by Zhang, H. et al.

(2017) - This study investigated the effect of oyster shell powder on soil pH, nutrient availability,

and plant growth. The researchers found that oyster shell powder can improve soil pH, increase

nutrient availability, and promote plant growth.

3. "Effect of Oyster Shell-Based Fertilizer on Plant Growth and Soil Fertility" by Kim, J. et al.

(2015) - This study evaluated the effectiveness of an oyster shell-based fertilizer on plant growth

and soil fertility. The researchers found that the fertilizer improved soil fertility and plant growth,

and suggested that it could be a viable alternative to traditional fertilizers.

4. "Use of Oyster Shells as a Liming Material and Nutrient Source for Crop Production" by Gao, X.

et al. (2014) - This study examined the use of oyster shells as a liming material and nutrient

source for crop production.

Overall, these studies suggest that oyster shells can be a beneficial fertilizer and soil conditioner for plant

growth and crop production.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 Research Paradigm

Figure 1 shows the Input - Process - Output Model

The input-process-output (IPO) model is a framework used to understand how systems work. In the

case of oyster shells as artificial fertilizer, the IPO model can be used to illustrate how the system works.

The IPO model can be used in this research paradigm to represent the procedures involved in turning

oyster shells into artificial fertilizer. The process denotes the stages involved in producing the fertilizer,

whereas the input denotes the necessary tools and raw ingredients. The finished product is what is

produced as the output. It's important to remember that the IPO model is just one way to think about the

process of turning oyster shells into artificial fertilizer. To describe the process in more detail or from an

alternative perspective, additional frameworks or models might be utilized.


This group focused on the research design, research instrument and research procedure of the study.

Research Design

A thorough understanding of the system you are researching is necessary for a successful experimental

design. Experimental method of research was used to evaluate the overall acceptability of Taro Oyster (

crassostrea gasar ) as alternative fertilizer in terms of conveniency, effectiveness of other materials

purchase in the black market.

Research Methodology

This study aims to produce low-cost fertilizer from Mangrove oyster shell (Crassostrea gasar) and to

determine if this will be acceptable for production. This section outlines the specific research

methodology that was used in the study and the strategy to analyze the data. The factors which can affect

the external validity are explained in detailed in order to be able to replicate the study, compare the

findings, and testing the hypothesis.

Research Setting

This study will be conducted on 2nd Semester S.Y. 2023-2024 as a requirement in Research

Study at Ormoc City – Western Leyte College (WLC) this was conducted at Purok 2, Barangay.

Dolores Ormoc City

Research Materials
The following word are the materials to be used in the study

● This is the mangrove shell that the researchers bought from the market and dried for two days.

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