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T�n��ni� Ro�ds to Inclusion �nd Socio�conomic

Opportuniti�s (RISE) Proj�ct


O v� r v i � w


P164920 Tanzania Roads to Inclusion and Socioeconomic

Opportunities (RISE) Project

Tanzania OP00243807

Request for Expression of Interest Published

TZ-TANROADS-371537-CS-QCBS Quality And Cost-Based Selection

English Sep 11, 2023 10:00

Aug 24, 2023


Feedback Survey

    
Tanzania National Roads Agency Francis Mwasota

P.O. Box 11364, 1st - 3rd Floor, Building adjacent

to JNICC, Dar es Salaam





Feedback Survey

This request for expression of interest follows the General Procurement Notice for the
    
Tanzania Roads to Inclusion and Socioeconomic Opportunities (RISE) that appeared in
the UN Development Business Online No. WB-P890351-12/21 of 14th December, 2021.

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has received �nancing from the
World Bank toward the cost of the Tanzania Roads to Inclusion and Socioeconomic
Opportunities (RISE) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for 

The Nyikonga – Kashelo road Section (10.48km) is part of the Ushirombo – Katoro
Regional Road (R172) which is 59km long whose detailed engineering design exists. The
Kashelo - Ilolangulu Section (15km) is also the Regional Road (R175) linking Ushirombo –
Katoro Regional Road at Kashelo Junction, which is common to both Nyikongo Bridge-
Kashelo Junction section and Kashelo Junction– Ilolangulu section, hence, forming the
Project Road namely Nyikonga – Kashelo - Ilolangulu Section (25.48km) to be one of the
road packages for implementation in Geita Region. The Ushirombo (kilimahewa) –
Nanda Section (15.57km) is another Regional Road in Geita Region to be implemented
under the RISE by project. The road section starts from Ushirombo (kilimahewa)
through Ishigamva to Nanda village.

The Consulting Services (“the Services”) include Review of the Design, Supervision of
Construction Works and Defects Noti�cation Period. The Contract duration is 62
months including 26 months for Construction Supervision and 36 months for
supervision of defects during Defects Noti�cation Period. Time inputs of key sta� is
estimated to be 200 person-months.

The detailed Terms of reference (TOR) for the assignment are available on the following

Within this context, the Consultant shall be entrusted with the following responsibilities
as described in the Terms of References (TOR) for the Assignment:

Carry out the review of the detailed engineering design done by the Contractor for the
purpose of ensuring the correctness, completeness and compliance of the road design
with internationally acceptable standards and latest available National Manuals and
Guidelines. Feedback Survey
Supervision and Management of the Works Contract during construction stage to
ensure that the works comply with the approved design, drawings, speci�cations,
    
provisions of contract and sound engineering practice; and project environmental,
social, and health and safety (ESHS) requirements.
Supervision of repair activities as well as the implementation of activities included in
the snag list during the Defects Noti�cation Period.
Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS), an Executive Agency of the Ministry of
Works and Transport now invites eligible Consulting Firms (“Consultants”) to indicate
their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide
information demonstrating that they have the required quali�cations and relevant
experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria are:

Core business of the �rm and years in business.

Experience in similar assignments in the last ten (10) years.  Information to be provided
should include name of assignment, name and full contact address of the client,
contract values (in equivalent US dollars) and period (dates) of execution of
Experience in undertaking similar assignments in Africa or developing countries, and
The Technical and Managerial capability of the �rm (provide only the structure of the
organization, general quali�cations, and number of key sta�). Do not provide CVs of
sta�. Key experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16,
and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” Fourth
Edition, November 2020 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s
policy on con�ict of interest. 

Consultants may associate with other �rms to enhance their quali�cations, but should
indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-
consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be
jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected. Therefore, each member
of JV shall independently meet the requirements of the evaluation criteria. The
experience, technical & managerial capability of the Sub-Consultant shall not be
evaluated to enhance the quali�cation of the Lead Firm or JV.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection
(QCBS) method set out in the Procurement Regulations.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during o�ce hours 08:00 to
16:30 hours local time, Mondays to Fridays inclusive except on Public Holidays. 

Feedback Survey
Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose
information on the successful Consultant’s bene�cial ownership, as part of the Contract
Notice, using the 
Bene�cial Ownership
 Disclosure Formas included in the
Request for Proposals.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in
person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) on or before  on 
, clearly marked

. The �rms that

will submit their EOIs via e-mail must get con�rmation of the receipt of their
documents. In case the �rm does not receive acknowledgement within two days of
after sending the documents via email they should for follow-

: +255-22-2926001-6; Fax: +255-22-2926011;



Feedback Survey

    

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