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Histology PHL 101

Assessment 2 (Epithelial Tissue)

Question I. Choose the correct answer that best completes the statement
or answers the question from the alternatives a, b, c, or d.

[1] Simple squamous epithelium is the lining of ………..

a) Stomach.
b) Uterus.
c) Trachea.
d) Lung alveoli.
[2] Pseudo-stratified columnar ciliated epithelium is the lining of ………..
a) Urinary bladder
b) Uterus
c) Main bronchi.
d) Esophagus
[3] Transitional epithelium is characterized by ………….
a) It is formed of a single layer of crowded cells.
b) It may contain goblet cells.
c) It lines the large intestine.
d) It is a type of stratified epithelium.
[4] All are characters of epithelial tissue Except …………
a) It is formed of cells, fibers & matrix.
b) It forms cellular sheets.
c) It is highly regenerative.
d) It is avuscular tissue.
[5] The baset cell is an example for …………
a) Glandular epithelium.
b) Neuro-epithelium.
c) Myo-epithelium.
d) Surface epithelium.

Question II. Read the following statements. If the statement is true write (√).
If the statement is false write (X).

1- Cells of epithelial tissue are widely separated by matrix.

2- Pseudo-stratified columnar ciliated epithelium is present in the epidermis of skin.
3- Blood vessels are lined with simple squamous epithelium.
4- In merocrine glands, the whole secretory cell is destroyed.
5- Epithelial cells are highly regenerative.
6- Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium is present in epidermis of skin.
7- An example for uni-cellular mucous gland is taste bud.
8- Epithelial cells modified to receive sensation are called neuro-epithelial cells.
9- Transitional epithelium is present in the lining of urinary bladder.
10- The lining epithelium of kidney tubules is pseudo-stratified columnar.

Question III. These are different types of epithelium; write the name of each

Question III. From the applied L/M picture, answer the following questions.

A- Identify the labels (1), (2) & (3)

B- The previous type of epithelium is present in the lining of the ……………

(a) Esophagus
(b) Stomach
(c) Urinary bladder
(d) Trachea

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