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Submitted by: Angelica D. Abogadie BSBA – MM 402

Submitted to: Mrs. Monna Liza Bosque September 7, 2023

Activity 5. Do the following activities

Keirsey Bates Temperament

1. Complete the personality assessment on-line at

2. Read your profile (page 4) and write key words and phrases below that describe your specific

After taking the personality assessment, the result shows keywords that fits directly as to
what I am or my specific type such as cautious and dependable. To justify further, cautious as to
the reason that I have observed that I am more of a guarded person. For instance, aside from
overseeing things out in order to ready myself up for what are the possible things that might
occur, I also keep my guard on to all of the occurring things. Dependable, as they say, a person
that are reliable and approachable. Needless to say, it describes what I am.
3. Read your temperament type. Do you agree with the result? Justify your answer.

The outcome displayed a lot of characteristics that strongly touches the depth of my
identity. It turns out that the result is true and that reflected to my innate characteristic as a

For instance, it is said that as a guardian, I take my responsibilities seriously and

cautiously, for which it is true. Simply because when such situation like group works, I always
make sure to contribute something to the group and of course, to the task itself. If by any chance,
I get an assigned task or role to do, which for instance being a leader, I, for sure will do the duties
accordingly. Moreover, it was mentioned that I am more of a community minded, although it
seemed to me that this characteristic is somewhat paradox, and this is because I want the things
that are good for the people or the humanity, or do things that are more on social such as helping
and more compassionate towards others, but at the same time I agree to what the result has
provided for the reason that I also always want to isolate myself away from people to protect my
inner peace.

To sum it all up, the characteristics being shown in the result are all relatable and that
defines truly to what I am. Most importantly, the assessment made me discovered a lot of things
about myself that were hidden and as well as understands more about my own identity.

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