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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga
Additional Tags: Alpha Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Omega Min Yoongi | Suga,
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Pirates, Rope Bondage, Unhealthy
Relationships, enemies who are obsessed with eachother in a
homoerotic way, hoseok is twisted, they’re pirates so they aren’t good
people, Blood and Injury, Biting, aren’t you tired of being normal??????,
don’t you just wanna go batshit?????
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-29 Words: 1521

by halfhopefulhobi


“i hate you.” yoongi’s voice is thin with shame.

“mn, i am sure.” hoseok drawls, and yoongi tries to ignore the goosebumps like raise on his
arms. “you’re as stubborn as an ass, min yoongi. you’re lucky that you’re as pretty as you
are, or i would have had your head mounted to a spike years ago.”


hello fans of halfhopefulhobi! if you’re new here… hello FUTURE fans of


life’s been crazy admittedly. those who are on army twitter know why.

but enough about my life- onto the fanfiction! i wrote this for the omega yoongi fic fest, but
i didn’t finish it in time. but as it’s finished NOW, i figured i’d still post it! enjoy!! mwah <3

See the end of the work for more notes

yoongi doesn’t need to be able to see in order to know exactly where he is. lavender clogs his nose
with every breath he breathes, and that’s all the affirmation he needs.
yoongi bites into his cheek, roughly. it’s the only way he can smother the string of curses that are
lodged at the back of his throat. his teeth are blunt, but they still manage to hurt.

the cloth tied around his head- the one that is covering his eyes - is made of an opaque, dark fabric
that doesn’t allow any sort of light through. he doesn’t even have to move his wrists or ankles to
know they’re tied. he knows from instinct alone that he is lying on a bed.

yoongi pulls at his wrist restraints, hard enough for the wooden headboard to bang against the
wooden panels that stretch up to the ceiling. he feels somewhat like a petulant child. he thrashes on
the sheets, moving his head erratically in an attempt to knock the blindfold loose. his hair is left an
unruly mess.

somehow, he knows that he’s being watched, but that doesn’t stop him.

“ah, sweetheart, there’s no need for that.” a sweet voice coos at him from across the room. “you
just have to ask me to let you go, like good boys do. there’s no need to throw a little tantrum.”

“fuck me.” yoongi groans, petulantly, “i hate-“

the alpha cuts him off.

“i would- fuck you, that is.” hoseok replies, all teeth. yoongi can hear it in the way he smiles. “but i
have morals, however loose they may be. i would much prefer for you to mean it when you ask.”

“you’re awful. i hate you.” yoongi informs the alpha for what has to be the billionth time.

the way the alpha laughs makes yoongi’s stomach swoop, and he fights the urge to knock his knees
closer together. of course the ropes tied securely around his ankles forbid him from doing much at
all, really. he can wriggle about if he wants to, be he’s not going anywhere- at least not yet.

“perhaps i should have gagged you as well.”

“next time you can.” yoongi bites back. it’s real, the shame that washes over him. he feels like
someone dumped a bucket of saltwater over his head, and he involuntarily shivers. he’s left feeling
vulnerable in a way only hoseok can make him feel- small. helpless. “now fucking untie me, you
fucking knothead.”

“ knothead? why, yoongi-yah, after all we’ve been through… you think you would address me by
name.” the alpha feigns a sigh. “i’ll think about it- untying you, that is. i’m not entirely sure if i
want to just yet.”

hoseok likes to pretend that he’s dumb, sometimes, because he knows it infuriates yoongi. “you
actually look quite pretty when your hands are tied. kitty can’t scratch me when he’s like this,

the humiliation makes yoongi want to sink into the bed. “you’re awful.”

“oh, that i am aware of.” hoseok grins around his words, “but you’re no peach, either, my love.”

“i’m not yours,” yoongi protests, weakly, but the ropes tied around his wrists seem to burn hot
against his skin the moment he says it. “i’m not.”

‘liar,’ his restraints hiss.

yoongi hears the steady tap of a heel on the worn wooden floors- a steady twap twap twap . hoseok
continues, “you do realize that if you let me have you, i wouldn’t have to sink whatever ship
you’ve stolen and tie you up every other month, right, yoongi-yah?”

“fuck you. you’re an asshole. i wouldn’t let you have me even if you were the last alpha on earth.”
yoongi feels his face flush pink, pink, pink. “and fuck you for sinking my ships- all thirteen of


“it was thirteen.” yoongi protests.

“may i remind you of our lovely meeting in greece?” the alpha sneers at him, still tapping his heel
on the floorboards in a steady rhythm. twap twap twap twap twap. “i downed two of your ships in
one night- all whilst drunk, might i add. though they were barely ships. playthings, maybe, but
nothing like my huimang - you don’t have a taste for vessels the way i do. you never have. you’re a
dirty boy- you settle for scraps, no matter how shitty they are.”

“i hate you.” yoongi’s voice is thin with shame.

“ mn , i am sure.” hoseok drawls, and yoongi tries to ignore the goosebumps like raise on his arms.
“you’re as stubborn as an ass, min yoongi. you’re lucky that you’re as pretty as you are, or i would
have had your head mounted to a spike years ago.”

yoongi doesn’t respond to that. he knows that hoseok is not bluffing- yoongi’s life lies in the
alpha’s palm. he’s like a baby bird, unable to fly. hoseok could kill him with ease, and yoongi is
starting to think that his life would be easier if the alpha just committed to it- to killing him.
instead, he watches him struggle. he cages him, he ties him to a bedframe and blindfolds him,
hoseok just takes takes takes.

it’s all a game to him.

hoseok doesn’t want him dead. he just wants him.

“let’s get that blindfold off of you. i want to see your pretty little eyes again.” the alpha suggests,
brightly. “don’t try anything stupid, yoongi.”

the omega’s head throbs.

“i’ll bite you.” yoongi warns.

“be careful of the way you treat your alpha, min yoongi.”

“you are not my alpha.”

“technicalities, darling.” hoseok’s heeled shoes click on the floor as he comes closer. he pulls the
strip of fabric from yoongi’s eyes abruptly, and the omega squints, blinking as he tries to adjust to
the light in the cabin.
hoseok wears his velvet frock, as always. it’s been patched up and mended time and time again at
the cuffs of his sleeves and his elbows, the fabric worn and felted in some places. he’s worn this
coat for as long as yoongi’s ever known him.

his hair is longer than it was the last time yoongi had the displeasure of meeting him- the shorter
strands curls and frame his face beautifully, but the length of it is plaited and thrown over his left
shoulder. seashells- seashells of all different colors are beaded through the waves artfully. it’s odd-
hoseok’s odd, in his wine colored coat and the pretty pretty shells woven into his hair.

hoseok is so handsome- he is so pretty , but he is an alpha, and the things he does are horrible.
yoongi can’t help but stare. he’s so interesting- captivating. he’s completely ruined yoongi’s life
time and time again, and he should hate him- he does, to some extent. but not fully- never fully.

hoseok’s a constant in yoongi’s uncertain life, and yoongi clings to it.

the alpha’s eyes are little soft when the omega finally meets them. hoseok’s got pretty doe eyes-
he’s all dewy eyelashes and dark, dark stares. his eyes make him look younger than he is.

yoongi blinks slowly at him.

smoothing back yoongi’s hair, hoseok laughs a bit meanly. “i may not be your alpha right now, but
i will be… all in good time, my love.”

yoongi knows he’s right, and it makes him irrationally angry.

while hoseok is handsome and attractive and so very alpha, yoongi feels like that choice to fall for
him naturally had been torn from him entirely. hoseok just expects him to accept it- to accept that
he’s nothing but hoseok’s plaything.

hoseok moves to caress his cheek or something, and yoongi’s eyes follow the movement.

he leans in like he’s about to nuzzle into the alpha’s palm- but instead, he lunges forward to latch
onto hoseok’s hand, teeth bared.
it’s easy to catch him- hoseok hadn’t anticipated it. the shock paints the alpha’s face white. yoongi
barely registers the taste of copper on his tongue- he barely feels the way hoseok recoils from the
pain. he is a live wire of adrenaline. he clamps down harder, teeth sinking deeper into the soft skin
between hoseok’s forefinger and thumb. it’s gross- so, so gross.

the alpha grabs him by the hair painfully, pulling his head back all rough rough rough . hoseok
tries to shake him off, but yoongi only bites down harder.

“you’re a feral little thing!”

hoseok pulls his hand from yoongi’s mouth- more like tears it away. yoongi feels the blood drip
down his chin- the taste of metal coats his tongue and the inside of his mouth. yoongi tries his
hardest not to spit it up.

“i said i bite.” yoongi can’t even wipe his face off- he feels like an animal.

hoseok cradles his hand to his chest, eyes wide. the blood doesn’t show against the deep reddish
velvet- it’s undetectable. he’ll have to wrap it soon- splash it with alcohol and staunch the flow of
blood somehow. he’ll surely scar.

“you bite? well,” the alpha’s eyes narrow, his lips pulled into a tight grin, and yoongi feels the
shiver run cold cold cold down his back. “ i do too.”

End Notes

if you enjoyed this, please leave a kudos!!! and if you’re feeling brave comments are
always welcome!! ^^ <3

you can find me here on twitter!

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