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GRANDMOTHER (SIGHING) : Awghh.. I feel like this family isn’t close to me as they were before…

The boy was approaching his grandmother at the living room while reading his textbook.

BOY (Happily): “"In my family I have a papa, a mama, a brother, and a sister!”

The grandmother turned towards his grandson with betrayal in her eyes.

Grandmother : “What?! "So this house is now all yours and I have no longer a share in It?! How could
you do this to your grandmother?! Am I not part of this family anymore?!

Without thinking, the grandmother furiously threw a brick at their iron pot. The father suddenly barged
in and exclaimed;

“Don’t be angry anymore! I have decided to pull this boy out of this school, even if it will cost me to
spend my whole life in jail. I would do anything to end this misunderstanding and consistent problems in
this family.

The next day

The teacher asked for attendance and looked at the empty seat of the boy. “ is the boy not here?”

He marked him as absent.

Meanwhile, the boy was busy doing work at the farm.

THE BOY (exhausted): This work is very tedious, but at least it will help me and my family in the future. I
wished I would have learned more in school.”

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