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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118515

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On 2D asymmetric heat conduction in functionally graded cylindrical

segments: A general exact solution
A. Amiri Delouei a,⇑, A. Emamian b, S. Karimnejad b, H. Sajjadi a, A. Tarokh c
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bojnord, Bojnord 945 3155111, Iran
Mechanical Engineering Department, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood 361 9995161, Iran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lakehead University, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The paper has dealt with an exact analytical solution of steady-state heat conduction for the special case
Received 16 March 2019 of a functionally graded (FG) cylindrical sector. In this regard, Fourier theory is utilized to develop the
Received in revised form 14 June 2019 steady-state temperature field. The material properties according to the power-law function are consid-
Accepted 1 August 2019
ered to vary in radial and circumferential directions and in both directions, the most general thermal
Available online 8 August 2019
boundary conditions are applied. Adequate verification of the solution is demonstrated. The correctness
of the exact analytical solution in terms of industrial examples is examined by solving a heat conduction
problem for a cylindrical segment subjected to a combination of boundary conditions. Furthermore, the
Functionally graded material
Analytical solution
effects of various parameters such as material constant, geometry, and thermal conductivity ratio on the
Heat conduction temperature distribution are explored. The findings are advantageous to comprehend the flexibility of the
General linear boundary conditions two-dimensional FG materials for designing process and optimizing configurations under multi-
Cylindrical segment functional requirements such as intelligent control applications.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction with the classical problems of heat conduction in spherical, cylin-

drical or Cartesian coordinates. It is worth mentioning that the
Functionally graded material (FGM) is a new class of position- FGMs are well-simulated using numerical and analytical methods
dependent engineering material that its structure and formation [6–9].
vary continuously over the volume to satisfy the design require- Ma and Chang [10] analytically examined the heat conduction
ments [1,2]. Generally, FGM is a combination of two different problem in an anisotropic multi-layered media. Wang et al. [11]
materials whose volume fraction steadily differs. FGM with its root aimed at analytically solving one-dimensional convective-
in composite material has been embedded in diverse fields of radiative heat transfer in a functionally graded sandwich slab. In
industrial and technological demands such as electronics, biomate- particular, they investigated the influence of Biot number on the
rials, and power engineering as a substitute to conventional mate- distribution of temperature. The heat conduction problem was
rials [3–7]. This matter principally stems from its splendid features studied by Ma and Chen [12] for a FGM sandwich layer. They found
which are resulted from inconsistency in the properties. In the case that the temperature and heat flux have the continues nature at
of certain uses consisting heat transport which is its primary mis- the layers’ interface which is the results of the identical heat con-
sion, long durability, high toughness, stability, and especially tai- duction behavior along the FGMs’ interfaces. As known, thermal
lorable thermal conductivity are of great importance. FGM can be studies are commonly encountered in a various problems
utilized in different forms such as thin coating or bulk material [8,9,13,14]. Jiang and Dai [15] applied the Poisson method and
depend on the purpose of the application. In order to provide a layer wise scheme (LWS) to solve the three-dimensional heat con-
sophisticated understanding over the fundamentals and selecting duction problem for a double-layer plate. They also applied separa-
the optimum material, the heat conductivity of the structure must tion of variables and LWS to solve the problem in transient
be studied in details. However, since the inception of FGM, there is condition. Moreover, in Ref. [16] the two-dimensional heat con-
limited number of researches dealing with heat conduction inves- duction problem in a quarter-infinity region is solved analytically.
tigations in these kinds of structures. Most of which concerned The studies related to FGM plates and implemented methods for
analyzing them were reviewed comprehensively by Thai and Kim
⇑ Corresponding author. [17]. Some of the other heat conduction investigations related to
E-mail address: (A. Amiri Delouei). the Cartesian coordinate can be found in [18–21].
0017-9310/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 A. Amiri Delouei et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118515

Shells owing to their structures (curvature) also have been of

excessive interest among scientists. They are vastly used at differ-
ent practical designs such as fluid conveyer, tank, sports equip-
ment, pressure vessel, and also enhancing crashworthiness factor
[21]. Cylindrical and spherical shells are two of most common
types of FGM and composite structures in commercial and indus-
trial applications [21]. Torabi and Zhang [22] presented a complete
analytical solution for temperature distribution within a composite
hollow cylinder under convective and constant temperature
boundary conditions. Li and Lai [23] proposed a set of analytical
solutions for heat conduction problem in a finite composite cylin-
drical vessel under general boundary conditions. Amiri Delouei
et al. [24] studied the transient heat conduction problem in cylin-
drical geometry made of composite laminates where fibers are
winded around the shell. The heat conduction equations are con-
sidered to be in two radial and longitudinal directions of the com-
posite cylinder. Also, Yang and Liu [25] Babaei and Chen [26],
Malekzadeh et al. [27], Lu et al. [28], Kayhani and Amiri Delouei
[29], and Kayhani et al. [30] studied the heat transfer problem in
FGM and composite hollow cylinders.
In spherical coordinate, Jain et al. [31] reported a transient ana-
lytical series solution of a multi-layer shell. Nourozi et al. [32]
obtained a steady-state exact analytical solution which is an
attempt to study multilayer spherical composite laminates. Amiri
Delouei and Norouzi [33] also present an unsteady solution for
the above-mentioned problem. The analytical solution is also an
attractive field of study whose results are most reliable [34–36].
Aziz et al. [37] proposed an analytical solution for steady-state heat
conduction problem of a plate wall, a cylinder, and a sphere. In a
hollow sphere where the boundaries are experiencing asymmetry
convective cooling and heat generation, an exact analytical solu-
tion is proposed in [38]. Eslami et al. [39] adopted the general lin-
ear boundary conditions and examined one-dimensional Fig. 2. Comparison of (a) the present analytical results for two values of k with
temperature distribution in a FGM thick hollow sphere. It is sup- Arpaci [46], (b) the numerical and analytical results for radial distribution of
temperature for b = 1, qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 , and various values of a.
posed that according to the power-law function, the material prop-
erties are graded along the radius. Additionally, [21,40–43] have
referred to the problem of heat conduction in spheres. coating. These sorts of structures usually do not fit in the classical
The FGM structures are utilized in different areas of engineering cases of geometry. To the best of the author’s knowledge, in spite of
due to their specific characteristics. Such examples of that are den- their numerous potentials, satisfactory studies regarding the heat
tal and orthopedic implant, sport commodity, and FGM composite conduction phenomenon is very limited in the literature. The

Fig. 1. Representation of the functionally graded cylindrical segment, the zoomed circular portion represents the gradual change in both directions.
A. Amiri Delouei et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118515 3

above-cited studies indicate that previous investigates mostly where kr ðrÞ and ku ðrÞare the conduction heat transfer coefficient in
dealt with heat conduction in slab, cylinder, and sphere. Accord- r and u-directions, respectively, T ðr; uÞ is temperature distribution.
ingly, the main purpose of this study is to develop an exact analyt- The general linear boundary conditions on both directions are as
ical solution of steady-state heat conduction for a distinctive case follows [44]:
of FGM sector (Fig. 1). The general linear boundary conditions are
1 @T ðr; 0Þ
applied to derive the solution while the material properties differ a1 T ðr; 0Þ þ b1 ¼ p1 ðr Þ ð2aÞ
r @u
in two directions, r and u. The effects of various parameters, such
as Material constant, boundary conditions, and the coefficient of
1 @T ðr; u0 Þ
thermal conductivity on the temperature distribution are argued. a2 T ðr; u0 Þ þ b2 ¼ p2 ðr Þ ð2bÞ
This paper gives the opportunity of exploring thermal conduction
r @u
at different values of u which is beneficial to understand thermal and
behavior of two-dimensional FGMs (2D-FGMs). According to the
@T ða; uÞ
outcomes of the present study, in comparison with the conven- c1 T ða; uÞ þ d1 ¼ q1 ðuÞ ð2cÞ
tional materials (monolithic and composite materials), 2D-FGMs @r
have a better design flexibility. Furthermore, the manufacturing
@T ðb; uÞ
process can benefit from the results of the current study. c2 T ðb; uÞ þ d2 ¼ q2 ðuÞ ð2dÞ

2. Formulation of the problem It is important noting that p1 ðrÞ, p2 ðrÞ, q1 ðuÞ and q2 ðuÞ are the arbi-
trary functions. In Eqs. (2a)–(2d), a1 ; a2 ; c1 and c2 are constants and
2.1. Governing equations and general linear boundary conditions represent the coefficient of convection heat transfer. Also, b1 ; b2 ; d1
and d2 are constant and have the dimension of the conduction coef-
A thick cylindrical vessel made of functionally graded material ficient. It is also worth mentioning that this general boundary con-
is considered. The inner and outer radii are a and b; respectively. dition is able to change into different special case boundary
A curvilinear coordinate system, (r; u; and z), is implemented to conditions. For instance, with considering p to be constant, the Neu-
describe its geometry and deformation (Fig. 1). The FGM layer is mann condition will be achieved. As known, the coefficient related
assumed to be graded along the r-direction. Therefore, the material to the equation must be defined based on the nature of the problem.
properties are dissimilar functions of radius. For the steady state It is assumed that the thermal conductivity kr ðrÞ and ku ðrÞ
conduction heat transfer in an axisymmetric cylindrical coordinate are related to r via the power law function as shown in Eqs. (3)
system (rand u), the three-dimensional heat transfer takes the and (4):
form [44]: kr ðr Þ ¼ kr r a ð3Þ
1 @ @T ðr; uÞ 1 @ @T ðr; uÞ
rkr ðr Þ þ 2 ku ðr Þ ¼0 ð1Þ ku ðr Þ ¼ ku r a ð4Þ
r @r @r r @u @u

Fig. 3. Considered example and applied boundary conditions.

4 A. Amiri Delouei et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118515

2.2. Exact analytical solution

By defining b ¼ kr =ku , and substituting Eqs. (3) and (4) into Eq.
(1), the following equation is achieved:
@ 2 T ðr; uÞ @T ðr; uÞ @ 2 T ðr; uÞ
b r 2
þ r ð a þ 1 Þ þ ¼ 0: ð5Þ
@r2 @r @ u2

In the case of general boundary conditions, it is appropriate to

use the Sturm-Liouville theory to find a suitable Fourier transfor-
mation for the arbitrary function pðuÞ [44,46]. By consideringwðuÞ
as the weighting function, PðpÞ will be defined as:
R u0
wðuÞpðuÞUn ðuÞdu
PðpÞ ¼ R u0 ð6Þ
wðuÞU2n ðuÞdu
Fig. 4. Radial distribution of temperature for b = 1, qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m , and various
2 0
values of a.
where Un ðuÞ is the eigenfunction obtained from the solution of the
homogeneous equation with respect to the homogeneous boundary
conditions in the u-direction. The inverse Fourier transformation is
where kr , ku and a are assumed to be constant coefficients, and a then achieved as [44]:
indicate the material inhomogeneity level. As known, FGM is cate- X

gorized into a group of materials whose properties can smoothly pðuÞ ¼ PðpÞUn ðuÞ ð7Þ
vary in specific directions according to the desired application. In
general, the conductivity in all directions can change with variation The exact solution is achieved by implementing the method of sep-
of density and volume fraction of comprising materials as can be aration of variables as T ðr; uÞ ¼ F ðr ÞGðuÞ [44]. By solving Eq. (5)
seen in some production method like centrifuge casting. It must and applying homogeneous boundary conditions, the following
be noted that there are recent researches which work on the FGM equations in the u direction are obtained:
with variable conductivity in u direction [36]. Based on the related
@ 2 GðuÞ
literature review done by authors, it is concluded that generally þ l2 GðuÞ ¼ 0 ð8Þ
conductivity coefficient is treated either as a power-law function @ u2
or an exponential one. In this study, the former one due to its com-
mon use is hired. 1 @Gð0Þ
a1 Gð0Þ þ b1 ¼0 ð9aÞ
The analytical solution of Eq. (1) is obtained using the Fourier r @u
transformation and the balance of energy equation at the bound-
aries of the medium are considered. 1 @Gðu0 Þ
a2 Gðu0 Þ þ b2 ¼0 ð9bÞ
r @u

Fig. 5. Temperature distribution contours in both r and u directions at a ¼ 1; qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 ; b ¼ 1 and (a) u ¼ p4 , (b) u ¼ p2 , (c) u ¼ 34p, (d)u ¼ p.
A. Amiri Delouei et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118515 5

Solving Eq. (8) for the boundary conditions given in Eq. (9), the   4ln u0   b1 ln  
P p ¼ pðuÞ a1 sin ln u  cos ln u du ð11aÞ
eigenfunction of this problem is achieved: d r
  b 1 ln
Un ðuÞ ¼ a1 sin ln u  cosðln uÞ ð10aÞ where
Regarding the eigenvalues the following trigonometric expression is d¼ b1 ln  ða1 rÞ2 sin 2ln u0 þ 2a1 b1 ln r
found as:     2 
 cos 2ln u0 þ 2ln ða1 rÞ2 þ b1 ln u0  2a1 b1 ln r ð11bÞ
ða1 b2  a2 b1 Þln r cos ln u0 þ ðr a2 a1 þ b1 b2 l
n Þ sin
ln u0 ¼ 0
Regarding the Fourier transformation, the second derivative with
ð10bÞ respect to u is given by
The weighting function is constant based on Sturm-Liouville theory  0 0  4l2n a1
and homogeneous boundary conditions in the u-direction. A Four- P p ¼    p
 2 ðr Þ þ p 1 ðr Þ  l2n PðpÞ
d a2 cos ln u0  b2 ln sin ln u
ier transformation of this problem is acquired (P) by replacing these
relations into the Sturm-Liouville Eq. (6): ð12Þ

Fig. 6. Temperature distribution contours in both r and u directions at a ¼ 2; qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 ; b ¼ 1 and (a) u ¼ p4 , (b) u ¼ p2 , (c) u ¼ 34p, (d)u ¼ p.

Fig. 7. Temperature distribution contours in both r and u directions at a ¼ 3; qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 ; b ¼ 1 and (a) u ¼ p4 , (b) u ¼ p2 , (c) u ¼ 34p, (d)u ¼ p.
6 A. Amiri Delouei et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118515

1 @ 2 U 1 @U be noted that this solution is the most general form, and in the spe-
b þ ða þ 1Þ  l2n U cial cases the easier and straight method of undetermined coeffi-
r 2 @r 2 r @r
! cients [45] could be used.
4l2n a1 Considering the inner and outer boundary conditions in the r
¼     p2 ðr Þ  p1 ðr Þ ð13Þ
d a2 cos ln u0  b2rln sin ln u direction, the unknown coefficient will be achieved. Introducing
the temperature distribution of Eq. (16a) into Eq. (14), the follow-
Following equations are achieved via applying the Fourier transfor- ing equations are acquired
mation to Eq. (5) and the boundary conditions in r-direction (Eqs.
An unm þ Bn znm ¼ M1;nm ð17aÞ
(2c) and (2d))
@U ða; nÞ An xnm þ Bn ynm ¼ M2;nm ð17bÞ
c1 U ða; nÞ þ d1 ¼ Q1 ðnÞ ð14aÞ
Note that
@U ðb; nÞ m
c2 U ðb; nÞ þ d2 ¼ Q2 ðnÞ ð14bÞ unm ¼ c1 am þ d1 am ð18aÞ
@r a
Also, it must be noted that m
znm ¼ c1 am  d1 am ð18bÞ
U ðr; nÞ ¼ P ðT ðr; uÞÞ ð15aÞ a
  m m m
Q1 ðnÞ ¼ P q1 ðuÞ ð15bÞ xnm ¼ c2 b þ d2 b ð18cÞ
Q1 ðnÞ ¼ P q2 ðuÞ ð15cÞ

Considering the right-hand side of Eq. (13) to be equal to hðr; nÞ,

then the general solution of this equation is
U ðr; nÞ ¼ An r m þ Bn rm þ sðr; nÞ ð16aÞ
 2 ffi
ab þ ðabÞ2 þ 2ln b
m¼ ð16bÞ
and sðr; nÞ is the non-homogeneous solution of Eq. (13). Its general
form is given by
rm b
r m b
sðr; nÞ ¼  r  rm  hðr; nÞdr   r  rm  hðr; nÞdr
2m 2m
a a

In Eq. (16c) the variation of parameters method [45] is utilized to Fig. 9. Temperature distribution over the span of radius at a = 1, b = 1, and for
different values of qu0 .
present the general solution of non-homogeneous Eq. (13). It should

Fig. 8. Temperature distribution contours in both r and u directions at a ¼ 4; qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 ; b ¼ 1 and (a) u ¼ p4 , (b) u ¼ p2 , (c) u ¼ 34p, (d)u ¼ p.
A. Amiri Delouei et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118515 7

m m m M1;nm xnm  M2;nm unm

ynm ¼ c2 b þ d2 b ð18dÞ Cn ¼ ; n ¼ 1; 2;    ð19bÞ
b xnm znm  ynm unm

@sða; nÞ Applying the inverse Fourier transformation (Eq. (7)) to Eq. (16a),
M1;nm ¼ Q1 ðnÞ  c1 sða; nÞ  d1 ð18eÞ the temperature distribution expression (T ðr; uÞÞ in each layer takes
the form
@sðb; nÞ X
M2;nm ¼ Q2 ðnÞ  c2 sðb; nÞ  d2 ð18fÞ
@r T ðr; uÞ ¼ U ðr; nÞ  Un ðuÞ
With these considerations, the unknown coefficients Bn and C n can
be presented as: ¼ ðAn r m þ Bn rm þ sðr; nÞÞ
M1;nm ynm  M2;nm znm n¼1
Bn ¼  ; n ¼ 1; 2;    ð19aÞ   b1 ln  
xnm znm  ynm unm  a1 sin ln u  cos ln u ð20Þ

Fig. 10. Temperature distribution contours in both r and u directions at a ¼ 1; qu0 ¼ 1000 W=m2 ; b ¼ 1 and (a) u ¼ p4, (b) u ¼ p2, (c) u ¼ 34p, (d) u ¼ p.

Fig. 11. Temperature distribution counters in both r and u directions at a ¼ 1; qu0 ¼ 1100 W=m2 ; b ¼ 1 and (a) u ¼ p4 , (b) u ¼ p2 , (c) u ¼ 34p, (d)u ¼ p.
8 A. Amiri Delouei et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118515

3. Results and discussions Therefore, in the current calculus, the first 35 terms of series are
considered. It is worth noting that as for numerical computation,
Here, we refer to the acquired analytical solution to show its FEM is utilized to draw comparison among numerical and analyt-
robustness and better comprehend the heat conduction problem ical solutions. Also, MATLAB and Maple are hired to deal with the
in FGMs. Understanding the energy flow and temperature distribu- mathematical manipulations.
tion is of great importance in terms of heat conduction phe-
nomenon. Thus, it is beneficial to take a proper and adequate 3.1. Verification test
example under consideration and study the temperature distribu-
tion behavior at different situations. Temperature is considered to First and foremost, the solution’s accuracy and correctness is
be in K, unless otherwise noted. For the current solution, the vari- discovered with a simpler example referred by Arpaci [46]. In
ation of temperature with the increase of ‘‘n” is calculated and it [46] there is no designated values to the required parameters,
turned out that for n > 35, the variation would be less than 1%. and just the general equations are reported. Thus, in order to com-

Fig. 12. Temperature distribution contours in both r and u directions at a ¼ 1; qu0 ¼ 1200 W=m2 ; b ¼ 1 and (a) u ¼ p4, (b) u ¼ p2, (c) u ¼ 34p, (d)u ¼ p.

Fig. 13. Temperature distribution contours in both r and u directions at a ¼ 1; qu0 ¼ 1300 W=m2 ; b ¼ 1 and (a) u ¼ p4, (b) u ¼ p2, (c) u ¼ 34p, (d)u ¼ p.
A. Amiri Delouei et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118515 9

pare and display the trend of the temperature distribution, follow- played, the obtained results match very well which shows the
ing parameters are used. The example consists of an infinitely long credibility of the solution.
cylindrical angular section u0 made of monolithic metal with inner
and outer radii equal to a = 0.1 m and b = 0.5 m, respectively. The
3.2. Parametric study
both ends of the section (u ¼ 0; u ¼ u0 ) are considered insulated.
The temperature of the section’s inner part is preserved fixed at
The physical significance of the different parameters such as
zero, and the outer section is subjected to constant radiant heat
material constants, boundary conditions, and thermal conductivity
flux, 1357 W=m2 [47]. The values of thermal conductivity coeffi-
ratio (b ¼ kr =ku ) are envisioned using the obtained solution for
cient (k) in both radial and circumferential directions are equal
solving a genuine example. The geometry (a = 0.1 m and
as in [46]. Comparison between the results is plotted in Fig. 2a.
b = 0.5 m) and boundary conditions of the problem are shown in
As it can be interpreted from the figure, the curves for different val-
Fig. 3. A combination of boundary conditions is applied to the
ues of k (3, 5 W/m K) are seen to be in excellent agreement with
adopted FGM cylindrical segment in this problem. At u ¼ 0, the
the results were acquired by Arpaci [46]. Another point which 00
end of section receives heat flux, q ðr Þ ¼ qu0 ðr=0:6Þ2 , while the
could be extracted from Fig. 2a is that the analytical solution can
adequately satisfy the boundary conditions. Additionally, numeri- inner section’s temperature is maintained fixed at 300 K. Also,
cal method is used to compare the results of current solution for the outer surface is experiencing the mixing thermal condition
a FGM sector (a = 0.1 m, b = 0.5 m, qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 , and b = 1) consist of convection and solar heat flux, which can be expressed

for different values of material constants (a) in Fig. 2b. As it is dis- with q ðuÞ ¼ 1357sinu (Fig. 3).

3.2.1. Studying the effect of material constants

The physical importance of a on the temperature distribution in
radial (r) direction and circumferential (u) direction are explored,
and temperature distribution on the cross sectional area are calcu-
lated and results are presented on Figs. 4–8. The data is collected
for four different values of a at qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 , and b = 1.
Fig. 4 is responsible for showing the radial temperature distribu-
tion. Overall, it is apparent that an increase in a from 1 to 4 leads
to a significant decline in the value of temperature. Among the
curves, the highest value is achieved at a = 1. Moreover, an inter-
esting point in the figure which is obvious is the orientation of
the peaks. The peaks of curves tend to move toward inner section
as a increases. This behavior stems from the applied boundary con-
ditions. The temperature distribution contours for a = 1, 2, 3, and 4
in both r and u directions are demonstrated in Figs. 5–8, respec-
tively. The seen trend of temperature distribution in both radial
and circumferential directions can be regarded as a vital point.
Fig. 14. Radial temperature distribution for a = 1, qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 and various
Since higher values of a show relatively uniform behavior so the
values of b. FGM cylindrical sector can be tailored to show uniform tempera-
ture distribution. This thorny issue can shed light on superior

Fig. 15. Contours of temperature distribution in r and u directions at a ¼ 1; qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 ; b ¼ 0:8 and (a) u ¼ p4 , (b) u ¼ p2 , (c) u ¼ 34p, (d) u ¼ p.
10 A. Amiri Delouei et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118515

understanding of production and optimum design of a FGM 3.2.3. Studying the effect of heat conductivity ratio
structure. Due to the direct relationship between q and k, it would be
advantageous to investigate the influence of heat conductivity
3.2.2. Studying the effect of heat flux ratio, b ¼ kr =ku , on temperature distribution in the cross section
This part concerns with the influence of qu0 on the temperature of the cylinder (Figs. 14–18). Fig. 14 illustrates radial temperature
distribution. Figs. 9–13 depict the distribution of temperature over variations along the radius for different values of b. Similar pat-
the span of radius. The graph (Fig. 9) shows an overall increase in terns to Fig. 4 are observed. It is seen that even for small differ-
temperature as qu0 growths. The peak values of temperature with ences inb, a considerable temperature differs take place. The
an increase in heat flux moves toward the middle of the surface. temperature curves from the inner radius suddenly growth until
Among the contours for a steady-state temperature field, distinct they reach their peak and then gradually drop over the span. The
differences are seen (Figs. 10–13). As expected, uniform radial effect of b may be better understood via contours of temperature
and circumferential temperature distributions are seen in lower distributions in r and u directions. At different sections, p=4,
values of qu0 . Additionally, the boundary conditions are acceptably p=2, 3p=4, and p, temperature variation for four values of b are
satisfied. graphically represented in Figs. 15–18. By comparing the contours

Fig. 16. Contours of temperature distribution in r and u directions at a ¼ 1; qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 ; b ¼ 0:9 and (a) u ¼ p4 , (b) u ¼ p2 , (c) u ¼ 34p, (d) u ¼ p.

Fig. 17. Contours of temperature distribution in r and u directions at a ¼ 1; qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 ; b ¼ 1 and (a) u ¼ p4 , (b) u ¼ p2 , (c) u ¼ 34p, (d) u ¼ p.
A. Amiri Delouei et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 143 (2019) 118515 11

Fig. 18. Contours of temperature distribution in r and u directions at a ¼ 1; qu0 ¼ 1010 W=m2 ; b ¼ 1:1 and (a) u ¼ p4, (b) u ¼ p2, (c) u ¼ 34p, (d) u ¼ p.

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