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Hemostasis - Stopping of the flow of blood

If bleeding don't stop then it result in anemia.

Hemostasis --> 1. Vascular spasm (vasoconstriction)
2. Platelet plug formation
3. Coagulation

Vascular spasm

In respons to the damage of the blood vessel, the smooth muscle layers would
contract. It contacts because of the chemicals released from pain receptors in the
local area and from inner layer of the blood vessel wall, to restrict the flow of

Platelet plug formation

When the blood vessel is exposes to the underlying connective tissue and collagen
fibers ( that are normally in the wall of those blood vessels ), the platelets get
activated and change their shape. They also release granules and they become spiked
and sticky. Then they clump together around the damaged tissue to form a platelet
plug which is helped by a glycoprotein ( found in the blood ) called Von willebrand
Factor. It helps to stabilize the platelet plug.
And platelets release Adenosine diphosphate to attract more platelets to the site
of injury. And also releases other substances to help the process more.

Coagulation ( clotting )

In cascades there are two pathways- intrinsic pathway

Etrinsic pathway

Intrinsic pathway gets activated by the damage of the wall of the blood vessel.
( inside the blood vessles )
Extrinsic patheway gets activated by damage to the extravascular cells. ( outside
the blood vessels )

Both pathways would lead to common path way. In common path way there is an
inactive enzyme called prothrombin will get converted to active enzyme Thrombin.
Active enzyme Thrombin will convert souble and inactie Fibrinogen into insoluble
and active enzyme Fibrin. The Fibrin strands will form the fibrin mesh that holds
the platelets and everything in place so healing can happen.

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